1 # Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@debian.org>
2 # Copyright (c) 2005 Joey Schulze <joey@infodrom.org>
4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 # (at your option) any later version.
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19 # - gpgm with a status FD being fed keymaterial and other interesting
20 # things does nothing.. If it could ID the keys and stuff over the
21 # status-fd I could decide what to do with them. I would also like it
22 # to report which key it selected for encryption (also if there
23 # were multi-matches..) Being able to detect a key-revoke cert would be
25 # - I would like to be able to fetch the comment and version fields from the
26 # packets so I can tell if a signature is made by pgp2 to enable the
27 # pgp2 encrypting mode.
29 import sys, StringIO, os, tempfile, re;
30 import time, fcntl, anydbm
31 import email, email.message
33 from userdir_exceptions import *
37 # "--load-extension","rsa",
41 "--no-default-keyring",
42 "--secret-keyring", "/dev/null",
45 GPGSigOptions = ["--output","-"];
46 GPGSearchOptions = ["--dry-run","--with-colons","--fingerprint"];
47 GPGEncryptOptions = ["--output","-","--quiet","--always-trust",\
48 "--armor","--encrypt"];
49 GPGEncryptPGP2Options = ["--set-filename","","--rfc1991",\
50 "--load-extension","idea",\
51 "--cipher-algo","idea"] + GPGEncryptOptions;
53 # Replay cutoff times in seconds
54 CleanCutOff = 7*24*60*60;
55 AgeCutOff = 4*24*60*60;
56 FutureCutOff = 3*24*60*60;
61 # Set the keyrings, the input is a list of keyrings
62 def SetKeyrings(Rings):
64 GPGKeyRings.append("--keyring");
65 GPGKeyRings.append(x);
67 # GetClearSig takes an un-seekable email message stream (mimetools.Message)
68 # and returns a standard PGP '---BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE---' bounded
70 # If this is fed to gpg/pgp it will verify the signature and spit out the
71 # signed text component. Email headers and PGP mime (RFC 2015) is understood
72 # but no effort is made to cull any information outside the PGP boundaries
73 # Please note that in the event of a mime decode the mime headers will be
74 # present in the signature text! The return result is a tuple, the first
75 # element is the text itself the second is a mime flag indicating if the
76 # result should be mime processed after sig checking.
78 # Paranoid will check the message text to make sure that all the plaintext is
79 # in fact signed (bounded by a PGP packet)
81 # lax_multipart: treat multipart bodies other than multipart/signed
82 # as one big plain text body
83 def GetClearSig(Msg, Paranoid = 0, lax_multipart = False):
84 if not Msg.__class__ == email.message.Message:
85 raise RuntimeError, "GetClearSign() not called with a email.message.Message"
87 if Paranoid and lax_multipart:
88 raise RuntimeError, "Paranoid and lax_multipart don't mix well"
90 # See if this is a MIME encoded multipart signed message
91 if Msg.is_multipart():
92 if not Msg.get_content_type() == "multipart/signed":
94 payloads = Msg.get_payload()
95 msg = "\n".join(map( lambda p: p.get_payload(decode=True), payloads))
97 raise UDFormatError, "Cannot handle multipart messages not of type multipart/signed";
100 if Msg.preamble is not None and Msg.preamble.strip() != "":
101 raise UDFormatError,"Unsigned text in message (at start)";
102 if Msg.epilogue is not None and Msg.epilogue.strip() != "":
103 raise UDFormatError,"Unsigned text in message (at end)";
105 payloads = Msg.get_payload()
106 if len(payloads) != 2:
107 raise UDFormatError, "multipart/signed message with number of payloads != 2";
109 (Signed, Signature) = payloads
111 if Signed.get_content_type() != "text/plain" and not lax_multipart:
112 raise UDFormatError, "Invalid pgp/mime encoding for first part[wrong plaintext type]";
113 if Signature.get_content_type() != "application/pgp-signature":
114 raise UDFormatError, "Invalid pgp/mime encoding for second part [wrong signature type]";
116 # Append the PGP boundary header and the signature text to re-form the
117 # original signed block [needs to convert to \r\n]
118 Output = "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\r\n";
119 # Semi-evil hack to get the proper hash type inserted in the message
120 if Msg.get_param('micalg') != None:
121 Output = Output + "Hash: MD5,SHA1,%s\r\n"%(Msg.get_param('micalg')[4:].upper())
122 Output = Output + "\r\n";
123 Output = Output + Signed.as_string().replace("\n-","\n- -") + "\n" + Signature.get_payload(decode=True)
127 # Just return the message body
128 return (Msg.get_payload(decode=True), 0);
132 for x in Msg.get_payload(decode=True).split('\n'):
138 # Leading up to the signature
140 if x == "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----":
143 raise UDFormatError,"Unsigned text in message (at start)";
146 # In the signature plain text
148 if x == "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----":
154 if x == "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----":
160 raise UDFormatError,"Unsigned text in message (at end)";
162 return ("\n".join(Body), 0);
164 # This opens GPG in 'write filter' mode. It takes Message and sends it
165 # to GPGs standard input, pipes the standard output to a temp file along
166 # with the status FD. The two tempfiles are passed to GPG by fd and are
167 # accessible from the filesystem for only a short period. Message may be
168 # None in which case GPGs stdin is closed directly after forking. This
169 # is best used for sig checking and encryption.
170 # The return result is a tuple (Exit,StatusFD,OutputFD), both fds are
171 # fully rewound and readable.
172 def GPGWriteFilter(Program,Options,Message):
173 # Make sure the tmp files we open are unreadable, there is a short race
174 # between when the temp file is opened and unlinked that some one else
175 # could open it or hard link it. This is not important however as no
176 # Secure data is fed through the temp files.
177 OldMask = os.umask(0777);
179 Output = tempfile.TemporaryFile("w+b");
180 GPGText = tempfile.TemporaryFile("w+b");
182 InPipe = [InPipe[0],InPipe[1]];
187 # Fork off GPG in a horrible way, we redirect most of its FDs
188 # Input comes from a pipe and its two outputs are spooled to unlinked
189 # temp files (ie private)
193 os.dup2(InPipe[0],0);
195 os.dup2(Output.fileno(),1);
196 os.dup2(os.open("/dev/null",os.O_WRONLY),2);
197 os.dup2(GPGText.fileno(),3);
199 Args = [Program,"--status-fd","3"] + GPGBasicOptions + GPGKeyRings + Options
200 os.execvp(Program,Args);
204 # Get rid of the other end of the pipe
211 os.write(InPipe[1],Message);
217 # Wait for GPG to finish
218 Exit = os.waitpid(Child,0);
220 # Create the result including the new readable file descriptors
221 Result = (Exit,os.fdopen(os.dup(GPGText.fileno()),"r"), \
222 os.fdopen(os.dup(Output.fileno()),"r"));
237 # This takes a text passage, a destination and a flag indicating the
238 # compatibility to use and returns an encrypted message to the recipient.
239 # It is best if the recipient is specified using the hex key fingerprint
240 # of the target, ie 0x64BE1319CCF6D393BF87FF9358A6D4EE
241 def GPGEncrypt(Message,To,PGP2):
242 Error = "KeyringError"
243 # Encrypt using the PGP5 block encoding and with the PGP5 option set.
244 # This will handle either RSA or DSA/DH asymetric keys.
245 # In PGP2 compatible mode IDEA and rfc1991 encoding are used so that
246 # PGP2 can read the result. RSA keys do not need PGP2 to be set, as GPG
247 # can read a message encrypted with blowfish and RSA.
248 searchkey = GPGKeySearch(To);
249 if len(searchkey) == 0:
250 raise Error, "No key found matching %s"%(To);
251 elif len(searchkey) > 1:
252 raise Error, "Multiple keys found matching %s"%(To);
253 if searchkey[0][4].find("E") < 0:
254 raise Error, "Key %s has no encryption capability - are all encryption subkeys expired or revoked? Are there any encryption subkeys?"%(To);
259 Res = GPGWriteFilter(GPGPath,["-r",To]+GPGEncryptOptions,Message);
262 Text = Res[2].read();
269 # We have to call gpg with a filename or it will create a packet that
270 # PGP2 cannot understand.
271 TmpName = tempfile.mktemp();
274 MsgFile = open(TmpName,"wc");
275 MsgFile.write(Message);
277 Res = GPGWriteFilter(GPGPath,["-r",To]+GPGEncryptPGP2Options+[TmpName],None);
280 Text = Res[2].read();
291 # Checks the signature of a standard PGP message, like that returned by
292 # GetClearSig. It returns a large tuple of the form:
293 # (Why,(SigId,Date,KeyFinger),(KeyID,KeyFinger,Owner,Length,PGP2),Text);
295 # Why = None if checking was OK otherwise an error string.
296 # SigID+Date represent something suitable for use in a replay cache. The
297 # date is returned as the number of seconds since the UTC epoch.
298 # The keyID is also in this tuple for easy use of the replay
300 # KeyID, KeyFinger and Owner represent the Key used to sign this message
301 # PGP2 indicates if the message was created using PGP 2.x
302 # Text is the full byte-for-byte signed text in a string
303 def GPGCheckSig(Message):
306 Res = GPGWriteFilter(GPGPath,GPGSigOptions,Message);
309 # Parse the GPG answer
320 # Grab and split up line
321 Line = Strm.readline();
324 Split = re.split("[ \n]",Line);
325 if Split[0] != "[GNUPG:]":
328 # We only process the first occurance of any tag.
329 if TagMap.has_key(Split[1]):
331 TagMap[Split[1]] = None;
333 # Good signature response
334 if Split[1] == "GOODSIG":
335 # Just in case GPG returned a bad signal before this (bug?)
339 Owner = ' '.join(Split[3:])
340 # If this message is signed with a subkey which has not yet
341 # expired, GnuPG will say GOODSIG here, even if the primary
342 # key already has expired. This came up in discussion of
343 # bug #489225. GPGKeySearch only returns non-expired keys.
344 Verify = GPGKeySearch(KeyID);
347 Why = "Key has expired (no unexpired key found in keyring matching %s)"%(KeyId);
349 # Bad signature response
350 if Split[1] == "BADSIG":
353 Why = "Verification of signature failed";
355 # Bad signature response
356 if Split[1] == "ERRSIG":
360 Why = "GPG error, ERRSIG status tag is invalid";
361 elif Split[7] == '9':
362 Why = "Unable to verify signature, signing key missing.";
363 elif Split[7] == '4':
364 Why = "Unable to verify signature, unknown packet format/key type";
366 Why = "Unable to verify signature, unknown reason";
368 if Split[1] == "NO_PUBKEY":
370 Why = "Unable to verify signature, signing key missing.";
373 if Split[1] == "EXPSIG":
375 Why = "Signature has expired";
378 if Split[1] == "EXPKEYSIG":
380 Why = "Signing key (%s, %s) has expired"%(Split[2], Split[3]);
383 if Split[1] == "KEYREVOKED" or Split[1] == "REVKEYSIG":
385 Why = "Signing key has been revoked";
388 if Split[1] == "NODATA" or Split[1] == "BADARMOR":
390 Why = "The packet was corrupted or contained no data";
393 if Split[1] == "SIG_ID":
395 Date = long(Split[4]);
397 # ValidSig has the key finger print
398 if Split[1] == "VALIDSIG":
399 # Use the fingerprint of the primary key when available
401 KeyFinger = Split[11];
403 KeyFinger = Split[2];
405 # Reopen the stream as a readable stream
406 Text = Res[2].read();
408 # A gpg failure is an automatic bad signature
409 if Exit[1] != 0 and Why == None:
411 Why = "GPG execution returned non-zero exit status: " + str(Exit[1]);
413 if GoodSig == 0 and (Why == None or len(Why) == 0):
414 Why = "Checking Failed";
416 # Try to decide if this message was sent using PGP2
418 if (re.search("-----[\n\r][\n\r]?Version: 2\\.",Message) != None):
421 return (Why,(SigId,Date,KeyFinger),(KeyID,KeyFinger,Owner,0,PGP2Message),Text);
428 def __init__(self, msg):
429 res = GPGCheckSig(msg)
431 self.sig_info = res[1]
432 self.key_info = res[2]
435 self.ok = self.why is None
437 self.sig_id = self.sig_info[0]
438 self.sig_date = self.sig_info[1]
439 self.sig_fpr = self.sig_info[2]
441 self.key_id = self.key_info[0]
442 self.key_fpr = self.key_info[1]
443 self.key_owner = self.key_info[2]
445 self.is_pgp2 = self.key_info[4]
447 # Search for keys given a search pattern. The pattern is passed directly
448 # to GPG for processing. The result is a list of tuples of the form:
449 # (KeyID,KeyFinger,Owner,Length)
450 # Which is similar to the key identification tuple output by GPGChecksig
452 # Do not return keys where the primary key has expired
453 def GPGKeySearch(SearchCriteria):
454 Args = [GPGPath] + GPGBasicOptions + GPGKeyRings + GPGSearchOptions + \
455 [SearchCriteria," 2> /dev/null"]
464 dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.gnupg")
465 if not os.path.isdir(dir):
469 Strm = os.popen(" ".join(Args),"r")
472 # Grab and split up line
473 Line = Strm.readline();
476 Split = Line.split(":")
478 # Store some of the key fields
479 if Split[0] == 'pub':
482 Length = int(Split[2])
483 Capabilities = Split[11]
484 Expired = Split[1] == 'e'
487 if Split[0] == 'fpr':
488 if Hits.has_key(Split[9]):
490 Hits[Split[9]] = None;
492 Result.append( (KeyID,Split[9],Owner,Length,Capabilities) );
498 # Print the available key information in a format similar to GPG's output
499 # We do not know the values of all the feilds so they are just replaced
501 def GPGPrintKeyInfo(Ident):
502 print "pub %u?/%s ??-??-?? %s" % (Ident[3],Ident[0][-8:],Ident[2]);
503 print " key fingerprint = 0x%s" % (Ident[1]);
505 # Perform a substition of template
506 def TemplateSubst(Map,Template):
508 Template = Template.replace(x, Map[x])
511 # The replay class uses a python DB (BSD db if avail) to implement
512 # protection against replay. Replay is an attacker capturing the
513 # plain text signed message and sending it back to the victim at some
514 # later date. Each signature has a unique signature ID (and signing
515 # Key Fingerprint) as well as a timestamp. The first stage of replay
516 # protection is to ensure that the timestamp is reasonable, in particular
517 # not to far ahead or too far behind the current system time. The next
518 # step is to look up the signature + key fingerprint in the replay database
519 # and determine if it has been recived. The database is cleaned out
520 # periodically and old signatures are discarded. By using a timestamp the
521 # database size is bounded to being within the range of the allowed times
522 # plus a little fuzz. The cache is serialized with a flocked lock file
524 def __init__(self,Database):
525 self.Lock = open(Database + ".lock","w",0600);
526 fcntl.flock(self.Lock.fileno(),fcntl.LOCK_EX);
527 self.DB = anydbm.open(Database,"c",0600);
528 self.CleanCutOff = CleanCutOff;
529 self.AgeCutOff = AgeCutOff;
530 self.FutureCutOff = FutureCutOff;
533 # Close the cache and lock
540 # Clean out any old signatures
542 CutOff = time.time() - self.CleanCutOff;
543 for x in self.DB.keys():
544 if int(self.DB[x]) <= CutOff:
547 # Check a signature. 'sig' is a 3 tuple that has the sigId, date and
550 if Sig[0] == None or Sig[1] == None or Sig[2] == None:
551 return "Invalid signature";
552 if int(Sig[1]) > time.time() + self.FutureCutOff:
553 return "Signature has a time too far in the future";
554 if self.DB.has_key(Sig[0] + '-' + Sig[2]):
555 return "Signature has already been received";
556 if int(Sig[1]) < time.time() - self.AgeCutOff:
557 return "Signature has passed the age cut off ";
558 # + str(int(Sig[1])) + ',' + str(time.time()) + "," + str(Sig);
561 # Add a signature, the sig is the same as is given to Check
563 if Sig[0] == None or Sig[1] == None:
564 raise RuntimeError,"Invalid signature";
565 if Sig[1] < time.time() - self.CleanCutOff:
567 Key = Sig[0] + '-' + Sig[2]
568 if self.DB.has_key(Key):
569 if int(self.DB[Key]) < Sig[1]:
570 self.DB[Key] = str(int(Sig[1]));
572 self.DB[Key] = str(int(Sig[1]));
574 def process(self, sig_info):
575 r = self.Check(sig_info);
577 raise RuntimeError, "The replay cache rejected your message: %s."%(r);
583 # vim:set shiftwidth=3: