1 #use wml::db.d.o title="debian.org Developers LDAP Login"
4 <form method=post action="https://db.debian.org/login.cgi">
5 <table class="debform" border=5 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width="70%" bgcolor=#DDDDDD>
6 <tr><th colspan=2 bgcolor="#44CCCC" align=center><font size="+2">Authentication Required</font></th></tr>
7 <tr><td colspan=2 class="center"><br><br>If you are not a developer, please <a href="search.cgi">return to the main search page</a>, otherwise, enter your Debian user ID and password below</td></tr>
8 <tr><td class="right"><b>login:</b></td><td><input size=10 name=username>@debian.org</td></tr>
9 <tr><td class="right"><b>Password:</b></td><td><input size=20 name=password type=password></td></tr>
10 <tr><td colspan=2 class="center">
11 <input type=submit name=search value="Full Search">
12 <input type=submit name=update value="Update my info">
18 <p><a href="machines.cgi">Debian development machines</a>
19 <br><a href="password.html">Lost or forgotten password instructions</a>