2014-01-27 Peter Palfraderbackup access to franck and sibelius
2014-01-27 Peter Palfraderbackup access to danzi
2014-01-27 Peter Palfraderbackup access to bmdb1
2014-01-27 Peter Palfraderget rid of wrong comment
2014-01-27 Peter Palfradersyntax fix
2014-01-27 Peter PalfraderAllow backuphost to access chopin
2014-01-26 Peter PalfraderFix sudo entry for static push ports
2014-01-24 Martin Zobel... ignore samhain and voip stuff
2014-01-24 Martin Zobel... more local packages for draghi
2014-01-19 Stephen Granbe specific
2014-01-19 Stephen Gransudo for nrpe/rabbit check
2014-01-19 Stephen Grangather some debug output
2014-01-18 Stephen Granchgrp the file
2014-01-18 Stephen Gransyntax
2014-01-18 Stephen Granadd kombu dep
2014-01-18 Stephen Granoops, typo
2014-01-18 Stephen Granadd ud-replicated to inittab
2014-01-17 Luca Filipozziensure that rtc.debian.org cert is deployed to static...
2014-01-17 Luca Filipozzideploy ssl certificate for rtc.debian.org
2014-01-17 Luca Filipozziallow debvoip group to update rtc.debian.org website
2014-01-17 Stephen Granprepare for a time when we have two things in inittab
2014-01-17 Luca Filipozziupdate apache config for rtc.debian.org
2014-01-17 Luca Filipozziadded rtc.debian.org to static-components
2014-01-17 Luca Filipozzisip -> rtc rename + monit
2014-01-15 Stephen Granwow, how did that make it
2014-01-15 Stephen Granit's a template, not a static file
2014-01-15 Stephen Gransigh, include the params class
2014-01-15 Stephen Granmake pubsub.conf a concat fragment
2014-01-15 Stephen Granadd these for correctness
2014-01-14 Stephen Grannew section for ud-replicate
2014-01-14 Peter Palfraderremove grieg (RT#4393)
2014-01-14 Luca Filipozziswitch from init scripts to /usr/sbin/service
2014-01-14 Luca Filipozzigive group debvoip permission to restart servers
2014-01-14 Stephen Granand fix errors
2014-01-14 Stephen Granalso send lastlog times
2014-01-14 Peter Palfraderrename ftp-master.metadata to metadata.ftp-master
2014-01-13 Luca Filipozzimove concat cert files to /etc/repro
2014-01-13 Luca Filipozzirefresh hashes
2014-01-13 Luca Filipozziadd sip-ws.debian.org certificate
2014-01-13 Stephen Grango with platform.node()
2014-01-13 Stephen Gransend data over MQ
2014-01-13 Peter PalfraderUpdate (c) comment
2014-01-13 Peter Palfraderfix bugs sert chain
2014-01-12 Stephen Granmark as from extra repo
2014-01-12 Stephen Granactually add script ...
2014-01-12 Stephen Granexcept with correct path, take 2
2014-01-12 Stephen Granexcept with correct path
2014-01-12 Stephen Grantry to run apt-get update on repo change
2014-01-12 Stephen Granduplicate
2014-01-12 Stephen Granpush out pubsub library
2014-01-12 Stephen Granuse the correct parameter
2014-01-12 Stephen Granprotect the password
2014-01-12 Stephen Granpubsub client config
2014-01-12 Peter PalfraderStart cleaning out homedirs automatically, as announced
2014-01-12 Peter PalfraderCleanup
2014-01-12 Luca FilipozziMerge branch 'master' of ssh://handel.debian.org/~...
2014-01-12 Luca Filipozziuse require instead
2014-01-12 Stephen Granautomatic permissions as well
2014-01-12 Stephen Graner, this should be a variable
2014-01-12 Stephen Grancreate users for debian.org hosts
2014-01-12 Stephen Granuse same secret file
2014-01-12 Stephen Granupdate gitignore
2014-01-12 Luca Filipozzitry notify
2014-01-12 Stephen Granwe manage plugins with puppet
2014-01-12 Stephen GranRevert "add ssl auth support"
2014-01-12 Luca FilipozziMerge branch 'master' of ssh://handel.debian.org/~...
2014-01-12 Luca Filipozzitry concatenation
2014-01-12 Peter Palfraderanother samhain ignore
2014-01-12 Luca Filipozzior not
2014-01-12 Luca Filipozzicreate a concatenated ssl cert (end-entity cert + inter...
2014-01-12 Luca Filipozzipush debian.org certificate to sip server
2014-01-12 Luca Filipozzienable ipv6 rules for sip
2014-01-11 Luca Filipozziremove mod state
2014-01-11 Luca Filipozziadd another rule
2014-01-11 Luca Filipozziuse standardized names for rules
2014-01-11 Luca Filipozzimust ACCEPT the connections, silly
2014-01-11 Luca Filipozziadd ferm rules for sip
2014-01-11 Luca Filipozziinitial set up of role:sip
2014-01-11 Peter Palfradernew debian.org DSset
2014-01-11 Peter PalfraderAdd vogler
2014-01-11 Stephen Granadd ssl auth support
2014-01-10 Martin Zobel... another MAG2 IP range
2014-01-10 Stephen Granwe never want to remove ~debian
2014-01-10 Martin Zobel... add MAG2 range as per whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp
2014-01-10 Luca Filipozzirenew security-master certificate
2014-01-09 Peter Palfradermake it 2 years
2014-01-09 Peter PalfraderAllow queries from
2014-01-09 Peter Palfraderown recursors at man-da
2014-01-09 Peter PalfraderForward 29.172.in-addr.arpa to ns[1234] even if we...
2014-01-09 Peter Palfradernew key for 29.172.in-addr.arpa
2014-01-09 Martin Zobel... add more of mag2.com to blacklist
2014-01-08 Martin Zobel... push the cert to bugs
2014-01-08 Martin Zobel... add bugs.d.o
2014-01-08 Stephen Granadmin should be able to see pet as well
2014-01-08 Stephen Granduplicate name
2014-01-08 Stephen Granchange to rules by ip
2014-01-08 Stephen Granchange username
2014-01-08 Luca Filipozzifix sed command
2014-01-08 Stephen Granadd pet vhost
2014-01-08 Stephen GranThey don't need to be admins