### USE: git clone git+ssh://$USER@puppet.debian.org/srv/puppet.debian.org/git/dsa-puppet.git
-nameservers = []
searchpaths = []
-options = []
-resolvconf = ''
+searchpaths += @sp
+searchpaths << "debian.org" -%>
+search <%= searchpaths.to_a.flatten.join(" ") %>
+nameservers = []
if %w{draghi}.include?(hostname)
nameservers << ""
+nameservers += @ns
-nameservers += scope.lookupvar('ns')
-searchpaths += scope.lookupvar('sp')
-options += scope.lookupvar('opts')
-searchpaths << "debian.org"
-resolvconf += "search " + searchpaths.to_a.flatten.join(" ") + "\n"
-if has_variable?('unbound') and unbound and unbound == "true"
- resolvconf += "nameserver\n"
- if nameservers.empty?
- #raise Puppet::ParseError, "Something has gone wrong writing resolv.conf. No nameservers to use!"
- scope.function_warning(["Something has gone wrong writing resolv.conf. No nameservers to use - using google's!"])
- nameservers << ''
- nameservers << ''
- end
- nameservers.to_a.flatten.each do |ns|
- resolvconf += "nameserver " + ns + "\n"
- end
+if @unbound && @unbound == "true"
+ nameservers = ['']
-options.to_a.flatten.each do |opt|
- resolvconf += "options " + opt + "\n"
+if nameservers.empty?
+ #raise Puppet::ParseError, "Something has gone wrong writing resolv.conf. No nameservers to use!"
+ scope.function_warning(["Something has gone wrong writing resolv.conf. No nameservers to use - using google's!"])
+ nameservers << ''
+ nameservers << ''
+nameservers.to_a.flatten.each do |nms| -%>
+nameserver <%= nms %>
+<% end -%>
+options = []
+options += @opts -%>
+<% options.to_a.flatten.each do |opt| -%>
+options <%= opt %>
+<% end -%>