case $portforwarder_user_exists {
"true": { include portforwarder }
+ case $debarchitecture {
+ "kfreebsd-amd64", "kfreebsd-i386": { include kfreebsd }
+ }
include samhain
--- /dev/null
+# every hour, kill all puppet jobs that are lingering around, i.e. all
+# processes whose parent is init, and who have lived for longer than an hour
+# (if they lived for 10 hours then they get to live an hour longer because
+# the regex is just that gracious.
+12 * * * * root pgrep -P 1 -f '/usr/bin/ruby1.8 /usr/sbin/puppetd --factsync -o --no-daemonize' | xargs ps --no-headers -o pid,etime | grep '[1-9]:..:..$' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty kill -9