Only look for .upload files, and use their contents to determine which
files to delete. This avoid triggering reuploads when the package has
been built before midnight, but uploaded after midnight.
Signed-off-by: Aurelien Jarno <>
@reboot buildd2 [ -f ~buildd2/NO-DAEMON-PLEASE ] && grep 'delete-on-boot' ~buildd2/NO-DAEMON-PLEASE > /dev/null && rm -f ~buildd2/NO-DAEMON-PLEASE && if [ -x ~buildd2/.bootscript ]; then ~buildd2/.bootscript; else buildd-watcher; fi
# Clean old files in the upload queues after 60 days
-@daily buildd [ -d ~buildd/upload ] && find ~buildd/upload -type f -mtime +60 -delete
-@daily buildd [ -d ~buildd/upload-security ] && find ~buildd/upload-security -type f -mtime +60 -delete
+@daily buildd find ~buildd/upload/ ~buildd/upload-security/ -type f -mtime +60 -name '*.upload' | xargs -r awk 'BEGINFILE { DIRNAME=FILENAME ; sub("/[^/]*$", "", DIRNAME) } /^u/ { print DIRNAME"/"$2 } ENDFILE { print FILENAME }' | xargs -r rm -f