$mirror_basedir_prefix = hiera('role_config__mirrors.mirror_basedir_prefix')
$archive_root = "${mirror_basedir_prefix}debian"
- $listen_addresses = Hash(hiera('roles.debian_mirror').map |$h| {
- $h.map |$k, $v| { [$k,$v] }[0]
- }).dig($::fqdn, 'listen-addresses')
- .then |$a| { $a + [ '', '[::1]:80' ] }
- .lest || { ['*:80'] }
+ $listen_addresses = Hash(hiera('roles.debian_mirror').map |$h| {
+ $h.map |$k, $v| { [$k,$v] }[0]
+ }).dig($::fqdn, 'listen-addresses')
+ .then |$a| { $a + [ '', '[::1]:80' ] }
+ .lest || { ['*:80'] }
- $vhost_listen = join([
- *$listen_addresses,
+ $vhost_listen = join([
+ *$listen_addresses,
has_role('bgp') ? {
true => ' [2a02:158:ffff:deb::2]:80',
default => '',
- # roles is a list of hashes, which needs to be unpacked into a regular hash
- $mirrors = hiera('roles.debian_mirror', [])
- # unpack $mirrors and construct a hash
- $m2 = Hash($mirrors.map |$h| { $h.map |$k, $v| { [$k, $v] }[0]})
- $fastly_mirrors = $m2.filter |$h| { $h[1]['fastly-backend'] }
- $hosts_to_check = $fastly_mirrors.map |$h| { $h[1]['service-hostname'] }
+ # roles is a list of hashes, which needs to be unpacked into a regular hash
+ $mirrors = hiera('roles.debian_mirror', [])
+ # unpack $mirrors and construct a hash
+ $m2 = Hash($mirrors.map |$h| { $h.map |$k, $v| { [$k, $v] }[0]})
+ $fastly_mirrors = $m2.filter |$h| { $h[1]['fastly-backend'] }
+ $hosts_to_check = $fastly_mirrors.map |$h| { $h[1]['service-hostname'] }
- roles::mirror_health { 'ftp':
+ roles::mirror_health { 'ftp':
check_hosts => $hosts_to_check,
check_service => 'ftp',
url => 'http://debian.backend.mirrors.debian.org/debian/dists/sid/Release',
health_url => 'http://debian.backend.mirrors.debian.org/_health',
- }
+ }