More info:
^pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci$
^lspci: Cannot find any working access method\.$
^can't open /proc/dma at /usr/bin/lsdev line 32\.$
+^/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require\.rb:36:in `require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead\.$
+^/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/provider/service/freebsd\.rb:[8910]*: warning: class variable access from toplevel$
+^/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/provider/service/bsd\.rb:12: warning: class variable access from toplevel$
+^/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/type/tidy\.rb:1[0-9][0-9]: warning: class variable access from toplevel$
@hourly root [ ! -d /var/cache/dsa ] || touch /var/cache/dsa/cron.alive
<% if @lsbmajdistrelease <= '7' -%>
+<% if scope.lookupvar('::hostname') == 'ball' -%>
+34 */4 * * * root if [ -x /usr/sbin/puppetd ]; then sleep $(( $RANDOM \% 7200 )); if [ -x /usr/bin/timeout ]; then TO="timeout --kill-after=900 3600"; else TO=""; fi; tmp="$(tempfile)"; egrep -v '^(#|$)' /etc/dsa/cron.ignore.dsa-puppet-stuff > "$tmp" && $TO /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 /usr/sbin/puppetd -o --no-daemonize 2>&1 | egrep --text -v -f "$tmp"; rm -f "$tmp"; fi
+<% else -%>
34 */4 * * * root if [ -x /usr/sbin/puppetd ]; then sleep $(( $RANDOM \% 7200 )); if [ -x /usr/bin/timeout ]; then TO="timeout --kill-after=900 3600"; else TO=""; fi; tmp="$(tempfile)"; egrep -v '^(#|$)' /etc/dsa/cron.ignore.dsa-puppet-stuff > "$tmp" && $TO /usr/sbin/puppetd -o --no-daemonize 2>&1 | egrep --text -v -f "$tmp"; rm -f "$tmp"; fi
+<% end -%>
<% else -%>
34 */4 * * * root if [ -x /usr/bin/puppet ]; then sleep $(( $RANDOM \% 7200 )); if [ -x /usr/bin/timeout ]; then TO="timeout --kill-after=900 3600"; else TO=""; fi; tmp="$(tempfile)"; egrep -v '^(#|$)' /etc/dsa/cron.ignore.dsa-puppet-stuff > "$tmp" && $TO /usr/bin/puppet agent --onetime --no-daemonize 2>&1 | egrep --text -v -f "$tmp"; rm -f "$tmp"; fi
<% end -%>