+++ /dev/null
-# == Define: site::limit
-# Apply a ulimit for a particular user on this system. Most commonly used for
-# increasing the number of open files that are allowed on the system.
-# === Parameters
-# [*limit_user*]
-# The user account to apply the limit to. Can also be a group, see
-# http://linux.die.net/man/5/limits.conf or the manual page for limits.conf
-# for details.
-# [*limit_value*]
-# The number that this limit should be increased to.
-# [*limit_type*]
-# Whether the limit is hard, soft, or '-'.
-# [*limit_item*]
-# The item to apply the limit to. See http://linux.die.net/man/5/limits.conf
-# or the manual page for limits.conf for something accurate for a specific
-# OS. This defaults to nofile as this is the most commonly changed limit.
-# === Examples
-# site::limit { 'a_jetty_app':
-# limit_user => jetty,
-# #limit_type => nofile # this is the default so commented out
-# limit_type => hard
-# limit_value => 8192
-# }
-define site::limit (
- $limit_user,
- $limit_value,
- $limit_type = '-',
- $limit_item = 'nofile',
- $ensure = 'present'
-) {
- case $limit_item {
- 'as': {}
- 'chroot': {}
- 'core': {}
- 'cpu': {}
- 'data': {}
- 'fsize': {}
- 'locks': {}
- 'maxlogins': {}
- 'maxsyslogins': {}
- 'memlock': {}
- 'msgqueue': {}
- 'nice': {}
- 'nofile': {}
- 'nproc': {}
- 'priority': {}
- 'rss': {}
- 'rtprio': {}
- 'sigpending': {}
- 'stack': {}
- default: {
- fail("${limit_item} is not a valid ulimit item")
- }
- }
- case $limit_type {
- '-': {}
- 'soft': {}
- 'hard': {}
- default: {
- fail("${limit_item} is not a valid ulimit type")
- }
- }
- file { "/etc/security/limits.d/${name}.conf":
- ensure => $ensure,
- content => template('site/limits.conf.erb'),
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => '0444'
- }