add dacs module
authorMartin Zobel-Helas <>
Wed, 15 Feb 2012 16:19:10 +0000 (17:19 +0100)
committerMartin Zobel-Helas <>
Wed, 15 Feb 2012 16:19:10 +0000 (17:19 +0100)
modules/dacs/files/common/acl-noauth.0 [new file with mode: 0644]
modules/dacs/files/common/acl-private.0 [new file with mode: 0644]
modules/dacs/files/common/dacs.conf [new file with mode: 0644]
modules/dacs/files/common/site.conf [new file with mode: 0644]
modules/dacs/manifests/init.pp [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/modules/dacs/files/common/acl-noauth.0 b/modules/dacs/files/common/acl-noauth.0
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4c573a6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<acl_rule status="enabled">
+  <services>
+      <service url_pattern="/public/*"/>
+  </services>
+  <rule order="allow,deny">
+   <allow>
+   </allow>
+  </rule>
diff --git a/modules/dacs/files/common/acl-private.0 b/modules/dacs/files/common/acl-private.0
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9c60c60
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<acl_rule status="enabled">
+  <services>
+      <service url_expr=""/>
+      <service url_pattern="/nagios3/*"/>
+  </services>
+  <rule order="allow,deny" pass_http_cookie="yes">
+   <allow>
+       user("auth")
+   </allow>
+  </rule>
diff --git a/modules/dacs/files/common/dacs.conf b/modules/dacs/files/common/dacs.conf
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d0085d0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<Configuration xmlns="">
+ <Default>
+   LOG_LEVEL "info"
+ </Default>
+ <Jurisdiction uri="*">
+   <Auth id="guest-apache-htpasswd">
+     URL ""
+     STYLE "pass"
+     CONTROL "sufficient"
+     OPTION "AUTH_FILE=/etc/apache2/dsa-guest-web-passwords"
+     OPTION "AUTH_MODULE=mod_auth"
+   </Auth>
+   <Auth id="debian-apache-htpasswd">
+     URL ""
+     STYLE "pass"
+     CONTROL "required"
+     OPTION "AUTH_FILE=/var/lib/misc/thishost/web-passwords"
+     OPTION "AUTH_MODULE=mod_auth"
+   </Auth>
+   <!-- Authenticate using an LDAP bind 
+   <Auth id="ldap">
+     URL ""
+     STYLE "password"
+     CONTROL "required"
+     LDAP_BIND_METHOD "direct"
+     LDAP_USERNAME_URL* '"ldap://" \
+        . encode(url, ${Args::USERNAME}) . ",ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org"'
+     LDAP_USERNAME_EXPR* '"${LDAP::uid}"'
+     LDAP_ROLES_SELECTOR* '"${LDAP::attrname}" eq "supplementaryGid" \
+       ? strtr(ldap(rdn_attrvalue, \
+           ldap(dn_index, "${LDAP::attrvalue}", 1)), " ", "_") \
+       : 0'
+   </Auth>
+       -->
+ </Jurisdiction>
diff --git a/modules/dacs/files/common/site.conf b/modules/dacs/files/common/site.conf
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..306bb62
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+<!-- $Id: site.conf-std 2503 2010-06-23 16:56:53Z brachman $ -->
+<!-- ** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE -->
+<!-- ** This is the standard site.conf file for your release of DACS. -->
+<!-- ** This file may be changed with each new release of DACS. -->
+<!-- ** Put customizations in your dacs.conf file. -->
+<!-- ** See dacs.conf(5) for information about these directives. -->
+# Establish default URL prefixes for the default access control rules.
+# Examine acls/acl-* in the distribution directory to see how these
+# variables are used.
+# Adjust or override these as necessary for your environment.
+EVAL ${Conf::dacs_cgi_bin_prefix} = "/cgi-bin/dacs"
+#EVAL ${Conf::dacs_sbin_prefix} = "${Conf::DACS_HOME}/sbin"
+EVAL ${Conf::dacs_htdocs_prefix} = ""
+# You might consider setting this to ".cgi" or ".exe" so that the default
+# access control rules work for DACS CGI executables.
+#EVAL ${Conf::dacs_cgi_bin_suffix} = ${Conf::CGI_SUFFIX}
+# Used by ustamp(), this must be a pathname, not a vfs object
+#EVAL ${Conf::ustamp_seqno} = "${Conf::DACS_HOME}/federations/seqno"
+# Enable for testing purposes only!
+# See dacs_auth_agent(8)
+#LOG_FILE "${Conf::DACS_HOME}/logs/${Conf::JURISDICTION_NAME}-" . strftime("%d-%b-%y") . ".log"
+LOG_FILE "/var/log/dacs/${Conf::JURISDICTION_NAME}.log"
+#LOG_FORMAT ${Env::REMOTE_ADDR:e} ? "[%t] [%l] [%p,%c,%F] [%sp:\"%sm\",%sf:%sl]" : "%a[%l]:"
+#LOG_LEVEL ${Env::REMOTE_ADDR:e} ? "INFO" : undef()
+LOG_LEVEL "notice"
+# Since it produces a lot of logging when tracing, override the default log
+# level for messages produced by the file crypt.c; for that file only, set
+# the log level to "debug"
+LOG_FILTER 'filename exact debug "crypto.c"'
+# Override this if you must, but this default will avoid potential problems
+# and assorted complications if a request can be associated with multiple
+# identities
+# The backward compatible default is to chuck the arguments and continue
+# if there is a problem with POST arguments
+# Optional: A single DACS username eligible for administrative rights
+# This directive may be repeated to define multiple admins
+# Default access control handlers
+# Note that these error handlers use local web-paths (relative to the
+# DocumentRoot), not full file pathnames.  For the default configuration to
+# work properly, they require an Apache Alias directive to be configured to map
+# "/handlers" to "${Conf::DACS_HOME}/www/handlers".
+ACS_ERROR_HANDLER    "* /handlers/acs_failed.html"
+# Default authentication and signout handlers
+# Since these are relative URLs, the Alias directive must be used as
+# explained above.
+# Note that the syntaxes of these directives are different from that of
+#AUTH_SUCCESS_HANDLER "url /handlers/auth_ok.html"
+AUTH_SUCCESS_HANDLER "url /cgi-bin/dacs/dacs_prenv"
+AUTH_ERROR_HANDLER   "* url /handlers/auth_failed.html"
+SIGNOUT_HANDLER      "url /handlers/signout_ok.html"
+# These handlers can only be URLs (absolute or relative)
+NOTICES_ACCEPT_HANDLER "/handlers/notices_accepted.html"
+NOTICES_DECLINE_HANDLER "/handlers/notices_declined.html"
+SSL_PROG "${Conf::DACS_HOME}/bin/sslclient"
+# Override this if you need it - this example is undoubtedly incorrect
+#SSL_PROG_CA_CRT "${Conf::APACHE_HOME}/conf/"
+SSL_PROG_CA_CRT "/usr/share/ca-certificates/"
+# The default digest algorithm to use for DACS password entries
+# The URLs for schemas and DTDs used by DACS
+# Configure for your environment
+XSD_BASE_URL "/dtd-xsd"
+DTD_BASE_URL "/dtd-xsd"
+# The location of a directory containing the DTDs
+VFS "[dtds]dacs-fs:${Conf::DACS_HOME}/www/dtd-xsd"
+# The location of a file containing federation-wide encryption keys
+VFS "[federation_keys]dacs-fs:${Conf::FEDERATIONS_ROOT}/${Conf::FEDERATION_DOMAIN}/federation_keyfile"
+# The location of a file containing jurisdiction-specific encryption keys
+VFS "[jurisdiction_keys]dacs-fs:${Conf::FEDERATIONS_ROOT}/${Conf::FEDERATION_DOMAIN}/${Conf::JURISDICTION_NAME}/jurisdiction_keyfile"
+# The location of a directory containing the revocation file ("revocations")
+VFS "[revocations]dacs-fs:${Conf::FEDERATIONS_ROOT}/${Conf::FEDERATION_DOMAIN}/${Conf::JURISDICTION_NAME}/acls/revocations"
+# The location of the root directory containing jurisdictional ACLs
+# The location of the root directory containing default ACLs for DACS services
+#VFS "[dacs_acls]dacs-fs:${Conf::DACS_HOME}/acls"
+VFS "[dacs_acls]dacs-fs:/etc/dacs/acls"
+# The location of the root directory for groups
+VFS "[groups]dacs-fs:${Conf::FEDERATIONS_ROOT}/${Conf::FEDERATION_DOMAIN}/${Conf::JURISDICTION_NAME}/groups"
+# The pseudo-type mounted on the DACS password file
+VFS "[passwds]dacs-kwv-fs:${Conf::FEDERATIONS_ROOT}/${Conf::FEDERATION_DOMAIN}/${Conf::JURISDICTION_NAME}/passwd"
+# The pseudo-type mounted on the DACS roles file
+VFS "[roles]dacs-kwv-fs:${Conf::FEDERATIONS_ROOT}/${Conf::FEDERATION_DOMAIN}/${Conf::JURISDICTION_NAME}/roles"
+# For dacstoken/local_token_authenticate
+VFS "[auth_token]dacs-kwv-fs:${Conf::FEDERATIONS_ROOT}/${Conf::FEDERATION_DOMAIN}/${Conf::JURISDICTION_NAME}/auth_tokens"
+VFS "[auth_token_keys]dacs-fs:${Conf::FEDERATIONS_ROOT}/${Conf::FEDERATION_DOMAIN}/${Conf::JURISDICTION_NAME}/auth_token_keys"
+VFS "[auth_token_keys_prev]dacs-fs:${Conf::FEDERATIONS_ROOT}/${Conf::FEDERATION_DOMAIN}/${Conf::JURISDICTION_NAME}/auth_token_keys.prev"
+# This partially determines when a user agent will send a DACS cookie.
+# Set it to the most specific URL path under which all DACS-wrapped
+# services appear.  This is particularly important if some CGI programs
+# at the jurisdiction are not trusted, since they might be used to steal
+# DACS identities.
+HTTP_PROG "${Conf::DACS_HOME}/bin/http"
+# InfoCard-related defaults
+# This assumes there is an Apache 'Alias' directive; e.g.,
+#     Alias /infocards "/usr/local/dacs/www/infocards/"
+INFOCARD_CARD_OUTPUTDIR       "${Conf::DACS_HOME}/www/infocards/output"
+INFOCARD_IP_PRIVACY_URL       "/infocards/managed_privacy_default.txt"
diff --git a/modules/dacs/manifests/init.pp b/modules/dacs/manifests/init.pp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a9e703d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+class dacs {
+    package {
+        "dacs": ensure => installed;
+        "libapache2-mod-dacs": ensure => installed;
+    }
+    file {
+        "/etc/dacs/federations":
+             ensure  => directory,
+             owner   => root,
+             group   => www-data,
+             mode    => 750,
+             purge   => true
+             ;
+        "/etc/dacs/federations/":
+             ensure  => directory,
+             owner   => root,
+             group   => www-data,
+             mode    => 750,
+             purge   => true
+             ;
+        "/etc/dacs/federations/":
+             ensure  => directory,
+             owner   => root,
+             group   => www-data,
+             mode    => 750,
+             purge   => true
+             ;
+        "/etc/dacs/federations/":
+             ensure  => directory,
+             owner   => root,
+             group   => www-data,
+             mode    => 750,
+             purge   => true
+             ;
+        "/etc/dacs/federations/":
+             ensure  => directory,
+             owner   => root,
+             group   => www-data,
+             mode    => 750,
+             purge   => true
+             ;
+        "/etc/dacs/federations/site.conf":
+             source  => [ "puppet:///modules/dacs/per-host/$fqdn/site.conf",
+                          "puppet:///modules/dacs/common/site.conf" ],
+             mode    => 640,
+             owner   => root,
+             group   => www-data
+             ;
+        "/etc/dacs/federations/":
+             source  => [ "puppet:///modules/dacs/per-host/$fqdn/dacs.conf",
+                          "puppet:///modules/dacs/common/dacs.conf" ],
+             mode    => 640,
+             owner   => root,
+             group   => www-data
+             ;
+        "/etc/dacs/federations/":
+             source  => [ "puppet:///modules/dacs/per-host/$fqdn/revocations",
+                          "puppet:///modules/dacs/common/revocations" ],
+             mode    => 640,
+             owner   => root,
+             group   => www-data
+             ;
+        "/etc/dacs/federations/":
+             source  => [ "puppet:///modules/dacs/per-host/$fqdn/acl-noauth.0",
+                          "puppet:///modules/dacs/common/acl-noauth.0" ],
+             mode    => 640,
+             owner   => root,
+             group   => www-data
+             notify  => Exec["dacsacl"]
+             ;
+        "/etc/dacs/federations/":
+             source  => [ "puppet:///modules/dacs/per-host/$fqdn/acl-private.0",
+                          "puppet:///modules/dacs/common/acl-private.0" ],
+             mode    => 640,
+             owner   => root,
+             group   => www-data
+             notify  => Exec["dacsacl"]
+             ;
+    }
+    exec {
+        "dacsacl":
+            command     => "dacsacl -uj DEBIAN",
+            refreshonly => true,
+    }
+# vim:set et:
+# vim:set sts=4 ts=4:
+# vim:set shiftwidth=4: