ensure => installed
- package { 'ganeti-instance-debootstrap':
- ensure => installed
- }
if $drbd {
package { 'drbd8-utils':
ensure => installed
site::linux_module { 'tun': }
- file {
- '/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/variants.list':
- content => template('ganeti2/instance-debootstrap/variants.list.erb'),
- require => Package['ganeti-instance-debootstrap'],
- ;
- '/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/variants/dsa.conf':
- content => template('ganeti2/instance-debootstrap/variants/dsa.conf.erb'),
- require => Package['ganeti-instance-debootstrap'],
- ;
- '/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/variants/dsa-wheezy.conf':
- content => template('ganeti2/instance-debootstrap/variants/dsa-wheezy.conf.erb'),
- require => Package['ganeti-instance-debootstrap'],
- ;
- '/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks/00-dsa-configure-networking':
- content => template('ganeti2/instance-debootstrap/hooks/00-dsa-configure-networking.erb'),
- require => Package['ganeti-instance-debootstrap'],
- mode => '0555',
- ;
- '/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks/10-dsa-install-extra-packages':
- content => template('ganeti2/instance-debootstrap/hooks/10-dsa-install-extra-packages.erb'),
- require => Package['ganeti-instance-debootstrap'],
- mode => '0555',
- ;
- '/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks/20-dsa-install-bootloader':
- content => template('ganeti2/instance-debootstrap/hooks/20-dsa-install-bootloader.erb'),
- require => Package['ganeti-instance-debootstrap'],
- mode => '0555',
- ;
- '/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks/30-dsa-install-ssh-keys':
- content => template('ganeti2/instance-debootstrap/hooks/30-dsa-install-ssh-keys.erb'),
- require => Package['ganeti-instance-debootstrap'],
- mode => '0555',
- ;
- '/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks/40-dsa-setup-swapfile':
- content => template('ganeti2/instance-debootstrap/hooks/40-dsa-setup-swapfile.erb'),
- require => Package['ganeti-instance-debootstrap'],
- mode => '0555',
- ;
- '/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks/clear-root-password':
- require => Package['ganeti-instance-debootstrap'],
- mode => '0444',
- ;
- '/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks/xen-hvc0':
- require => Package['ganeti-instance-debootstrap'],
- mode => '0444',
- ;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-if [ -z "$TARGET" -o ! -d "$TARGET" ]; then
- echo "Missing target directory"
- exit 1
-if [ ! -d "$TARGET/etc/network" ]; then
- echo "Missing target network directory"
- exit 1
-if [ -z "$NIC_COUNT" ]; then
- echo "Missing NIC COUNT"
- exit 1
-rm -f $TARGET/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
-touch $TARGET/etc/udev/rules.d/75-cd-aliases-generator.rules
-touch $TARGET/etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules
-fqdn=$(cat $TARGET/etc/hostname)
-echo ${fqdn%%.*} > $TARGET/etc/hostname
-if [ "$NIC_COUNT" -ge 1 ]; then
- cat > $TARGET/etc/network/interfaces << EOF
-# /etc/network/interfaces
-auto lo
-iface lo inet loopback
-<% if scope.lookupvar('::cluster').to_s == 'ganeti2.debian.org' -%>
-if [ "$NIC_COUNT" -ge 1 ]; then
- cat >> $TARGET/etc/network/interfaces << EOF
-auto eth0
-iface eth0 inet static
- address ${NIC_0_IP}
- netmask
- gateway
- pre-up /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.\$IFACE.accept_ra=0 || true
- up ip addr add 2607:f8f0:610:4000:6564:0a62:\$IF_ADDRESS/64 dev \$IFACE
- up ip r add default via 2607:f8f0:610:4000::1 src 2607:f8f0:610:4000:6564:0a62:\$IF_ADDRESS dev \$IFACE
- down ip r del default via 2607:f8f0:610:4000::1 src 2607:f8f0:610:4000:6564:0a62:\$IF_ADDRESS dev \$IFACE
- down ip addr del 2607:f8f0:610:4000:6564:0a62:\$IF_ADDRESS/64 dev \$IFACE
-cat > $TARGET/etc/resolv.conf <<EOF
-# /etc/resolv.conf
-search debprivate-ubc.debian.org debian.org
-<% elsif scope.lookupvar('::cluster').to_s == 'ganeti-osuosl.debian.org' -%>
-if [ "$NIC_COUNT" -ge 1 ]; then
- cat >> $TARGET/etc/network/interfaces << EOF
-auto eth0
-iface eth0 inet static
- address ${NIC_0_IP}
- netmask
- gateway
- pre-up /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.\$IFACE.accept_ra=0 || true
-cat > $TARGET/etc/resolv.conf <<EOF
-# /etc/resolv.conf
-search debian.org
-<% elsif scope.lookupvar('::cluster').to_s == 'ganeti3.debian.org' -%>
-if [ "$NIC_COUNT" -ge 1 ]; then
- cat >> $TARGET/etc/network/interfaces << EOF
-auto eth0
-iface eth0 inet static
- address ${NIC_0_IP}
- netmask
- gateway
- pre-up /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.\$IFACE.accept_ra=0 || true
-cat > $TARGET/etc/resolv.conf <<EOF
-# /etc/resolv.conf
-search debian.org
-<% else -%>
-# No config for cluster <%= scope.lookupvar('::cluster').to_s %>
-cp /etc/resolv.conf $TARGET/etc/resolv.conf
-<% end -%>
-if [ "$NIC_COUNT" -ge 2 ]; then
- cat >> $TARGET/etc/network/interfaces << EOF
-auto eth1
-iface eth1 inet static
- address ${NIC_1_IP}
- netmask
-# clean up etc/hosts
-cat > $TARGET/etc/hosts << EOF
- localhost
-${NIC_0_IP} ${fqdn} ${fqdn%%.*}
-# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
-::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
-fe00::0 ip6-localnet
-ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
-ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
-ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
-exit 0
-# vim:set syn=sh:
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-if [ -z "$TARGET" -o ! -d "$TARGET" ]; then
- echo "Missing target directory"
- exit 1
-chroot "$TARGET" apt-get -qq update
-chroot "$TARGET" apt-get -qq install vim ssh extlinux
-instance="$(cat $TARGET/etc/hostname)"
-sed -e "s#root@$node#root@$instance#" -i "$TARGET"/etc/ssh/ssh*pub
-if [ "$ARCH" = "amd64" ]; then
- chroot "$TARGET" apt-get -qq install linux-image-amd64
-exit 0
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-. common.sh
-set -x
-trap cleanup EXIT
-if [ -z "$TARGET" -o ! -d "$TARGET" ]; then
- echo "Missing target directory"
- exit 1
-# allow extlinux to find device
-mount --bind /dev $TARGET/dev
-CLEANUP+=("umount $TARGET/dev")
-mount --bind /proc $TARGET/proc
-CLEANUP+=("umount $TARGET/proc")
-# generate configuration
-echo 'EXTLINUX_PARAMETERS="ro console=ttyS0,38400n8"' > $TARGET/etc/default/extlinux
-chroot "$TARGET" extlinux-update
-# install extlinux
-chroot "$TARGET" extlinux -i /boot/extlinux
-# install boot record
-dd if="$TARGET/usr/lib/extlinux/mbr.bin" of=$BLOCKDEV
-trap - EXIT
-exit 0
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-. common.sh
-if [ -z "$TARGET" -o ! -d "$TARGET" ]; then
- echo "Missing target directory"
- exit 1
-mkdir $TARGET/etc/ssh/userkeys
-cat /etc/ssh/userkeys/root > $TARGET/etc/ssh/userkeys/root
-grep '^AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/userkeys' $TARGET/etc/ssh/sshd_config || echo 'AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/userkeys/%u' >> $TARGET/etc/ssh/sshd_config
-exit 0
+++ /dev/null
-. common.sh
-if [ -z "$TARGET" -o ! -d "$TARGET" ]; then
- echo "Missing target directory"
- exit 1
-dd if=/dev/zero of="$TARGET/swapfile" bs=1024k count=512
-chmod 400 "$TARGET/swapfile"
-mkswap "$TARGET/swapfile"
-cat >> "$TARGET/etc/fstab" <<EOF
-/swapfile none swap sw 0 0
-exit 0
-# vim:set syn=sh:
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
-case scope.lookupvar('::cluster')
- when "ganeti2.debian.org" then 'MIRROR="http://mirror-ubc.debian.org/debian"'
- when "ganeti-osuosl.debian.org" then 'MIRROR="http://debian.osuosl.org/debian"'
- when "ganeti3.debian.org" then 'MIRROR="http://mirror.ayous.org/debian"'
- when "ganeti-bytemark.debian.org" then 'MIRROR="http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/debian"'
- else 'MIRROR="http://http.debian.net/debian"'
+++ /dev/null
-case scope.lookupvar('::cluster')
- when "ganeti2.debian.org" then 'MIRROR="http://mirror-ubc.debian.org/debian"'
- when "ganeti-osuosl.debian.org" then 'MIRROR="http://debian.osuosl.org/debian"'
- when "ganeti3.debian.org" then 'MIRROR="http://mirror.ayous.org/debian"'
- when "ganeti-bytemark.debian.org" then 'MIRROR="http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/debian"'
- else 'MIRROR="http://http.debian.net/debian"'