# our CRL expires after a while (2 or 4 weeks?), so we have
# to restart stunnel so it loads the new CRL.
file { '/etc/cron.weekly/stunnel-ekey-restart':
- content => "#!/bin/sh\n# This file is under puppet control\n# weekly restart of stunnel on ${::hostname}\nenv -i /etc/init.d/stunnel4 restart puppet-ekeyd > /dev/null\n",
+ content => "#!/bin/sh\n# This file is under puppet control\n# weekly restart of stunnel on ${::hostname}\nenv -i /etc/init.d/stunnel4 restart puppet-ekeyd | grep -vF 'Restarting SSL tunnels: [stopped: /etc/stunnel/puppet-ekeyd.conf] [Started: /etc/stunnel/puppet-ekeyd.conf] stunnel.'\n",
mode => '0555',