do_rsync_on_master() {
local remote_host="$1"; shift
- local args="--server --sender -vlHtrze.iLsf --safe-links ."
+ local allowed_rsyncs
+ allowed_rsyncs=()
+ allowed_rsyncs+=("--server --sender -vlHtrze.iLsf --safe-links .") # wheezy
+ allowed_rsyncs+=("--server --sender -vlHtrze.iLsfx --safe-links .") # jessie
- for component in $(awk -v this_host="$(hostname -f)" '!/^ *(#|$)/ && $1 == this_host {print $2}' $COMPONENTLIST); do
- if [ "$*" = "$args $component/-new-/" ] || [ "$*" = "$args ./$component/-new-/" ] ; then
- local path="$BASEDIR/master/$component-current-push"
- info "serving $remote_host with $path"
- exec rsync $args "$path/."
- croak "Exec failed"
- elif [ "$*" = "$args $component/-live-/" ] || [ "$*" = "$args ./$component/-live-/" ] ; then
- local path="$BASEDIR/master/$component-current-live"
- info "host $remote_host wants $path, acquiring lock"
- exec 200< "$path"
- if ! flock -s -w 0 200; then
- echo >&2 "Cannot acquire shared lock on $path - this should mean an update is already underway anyway."
- exit 1
+ for cmd_idx in ${!allowed_rsyncs[*]}; do
+ args="${allowed_rsyncs[$cmd_idx]}"
+ for component in $(awk -v this_host="$(hostname -f)" '!/^ *(#|$)/ && $1 == this_host {print $2}' $COMPONENTLIST); do
+ if [ "$*" = "$args $component/-new-/" ] || [ "$*" = "$args ./$component/-new-/" ] ; then
+ local path="$BASEDIR/master/$component-current-push"
+ info "serving $remote_host with $path"
+ exec rsync $args "$path/."
+ croak "Exec failed"
+ elif [ "$*" = "$args $component/-live-/" ] || [ "$*" = "$args ./$component/-live-/" ] ; then
+ local path="$BASEDIR/master/$component-current-live"
+ info "host $remote_host wants $path, acquiring lock"
+ exec 200< "$path"
+ if ! flock -s -w 0 200; then
+ echo >&2 "Cannot acquire shared lock on $path - this should mean an update is already underway anyway."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ exec rsync $args "$path/."
+ croak "Exec failed"
- exec rsync $args "$path/."
- croak "Exec failed"
- fi
+ done