-class roles::ports_mirror {
- include roles::archvsync_base
+class roles::ports_mirror(
+ Boolean $onion_service = false,
+) {
+ include roles::archvsync_base
- $mirror_basedir_prefix = hiera('role_config__mirrors.mirror_basedir_prefix')
- $archive_root = "${mirror_basedir_prefix}debian-ports"
+ include apache2
- $vhost_listen = $::hostname ? {
- klecker => ' [2001:67c:2564:a119::148:14]:80',
- mirror-isc => ' [2001:4f8:1:c::15]:80',
- default => '*:80',
- }
- $onion_v4_addr = $::hostname ? {
- klecker => '',
- mirror-isc => '',
- default => undef,
- }
+ $mirror_basedir_prefix = hiera('role_config__mirrors.mirror_basedir_prefix')
+ $archive_root = "${mirror_basedir_prefix}debian-ports"
- apache2::site { '010-ftp.ports.debian.org':
- site => 'ftp.ports.debian.org',
- content => template('roles/apache-ftp.ports.debian.org.erb'),
- }
+ $vhost_listen = $::hostname ? {
+ klecker => ' [2001:67c:2564:a119::148:14]:80',
+ mirror-isc => ' [2001:4f8:1:c::15]:80',
+ default => '*:80',
+ }
- if has_role('static_mirror_onion') {
- if ! $onion_v4_addr {
- fail("Do not have an onion_v4_addr set for $::hostname.")
- }
+ apache2::site { '010-ftp.ports.debian.org':
+ site => 'ftp.ports.debian.org',
+ content => template('roles/apache-ftp.ports.debian.org.erb'),
+ }
- onion::service { 'ftp.ports.debian.org':
- port => 80,
- target_port => 80,
- target_address => $onion_v4_addr,
- }
- }
+ if $onion_service {
+ $onion_v4_addr = $::hostname ? {
+ klecker => '',
+ mirror-isc => '',
+ default => undef,
+ }
+ if ! $onion_v4_addr {
+ fail("Do not have an onion_v4_addr set for $::hostname.")
+ }
+ onion::service { 'ftp.ports.debian.org':
+ port => 80,
+ target_port => 80,
+ target_address => $onion_v4_addr,
+ }
+ }