+# This is a wrapper script for ssh access on Debian's static mirroring infrastructure.
+# It limits the commands the master can run on static-mirroring mirrors (i.e.
+# the things running apache) on one hand, and also on static-mirroring sources,
+# that is the things that create the data.
# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2012 Peter Palfrader
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
set -u
MYLOGNAME="`basename "$0"`[$$]"
usage() {
echo "local Usage: $0 <basedir> <host>"
do_rsync() {
- local remote_host="$1"
- shift
+ local remote_host="$1"
+ shift
local allowed_rsyncs
- #case "`hostname`" in
- # vescum)
- # allowed_rsyncs=(
- # '^--server --sender -tre\.iLsf \. /srv/www-master\.torproject\.org/htdocs/\.$'
- # )
- # ;;
- # *)
- #esac
+ if [ -e "$COMPONENTLIST" ]; then
+ for path in $(awk -v host="$(hostname -f)" '$2 == host {print $3}' $COMPONENTLIST); do
+ allowed_rsyncs+=("--server --sender -tre.iLsf . $path")
+ done
+ fi
for cmd_idx in ${!allowed_rsyncs[*]}; do
- if [[ "$*" =~ $allowed ]]; then # do !not! quote regex
+ if [ "$*" = "$allowed" ]; then
info "Running for host $remote_host: rsync $*"
exec rsync "$@"
echo >&2 "Exec failed"