mod 'nanliu/staging', '1.0.3'
mod 'stackforge/openstacklib', '5.1.0'
-mod 'aimonb/aviator', '0.5.1'
+++ /dev/null
-<br/>A lightweight library for communicating with the OpenStack API.
-[![Build Status](](
-[![Coverage Status](](
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-[![Dependency Status](](
-<a href="">Usage and Installation</a>
+++ /dev/null
-# A sample Gemfile
-source ""
-gem 'ci_reporter'
-gem 'simplecov'
-gem 'simplecov-rcov'
-gem "rspec", '~> 2.0'
-gem "mocha"
-gem 'puppet', '= 3.5.1'
-gem 'puppet-lint'
-gem 'facter', '>= 1.6.10'
-gem 'rspec-puppet', :git => '', :branch => 'master'
-gem 'rake', '>= 0.9.2'
-gem 'puppetlabs_spec_helper', '0.3.0'
-gem 'test-unit'
-gem 'rspec_junit_formatter'
-gem 'rspec-puppet-utils'
+++ /dev/null
- remote:
- revision: 389f99ef666521fec1b4530fe69dc1ab84a060a8
- branch: master
- specs:
- rspec-puppet (1.0.1)
- rspec
- remote:
- specs:
- CFPropertyList (2.2.8)
- builder (3.2.2)
- ci_reporter (2.0.0)
- builder (>= 2.1.2)
- diff-lcs (1.2.5)
- docile (1.1.5)
- facter (2.2.0)
- CFPropertyList (~> 2.2.6)
- hiera (1.3.4)
- json_pure
- json_pure (1.8.1)
- metaclass (0.0.4)
- mocha (1.1.0)
- metaclass (~> 0.0.1)
- multi_json (1.10.1)
- power_assert (0.1.3)
- puppet (3.5.1)
- facter (> 1.6, < 3)
- hiera (~> 1.0)
- json_pure
- rgen (~> 0.6.5)
- puppet-lint (1.0.1)
- puppetlabs_spec_helper (0.3.0)
- mocha (>= 0.10.5)
- rake
- rspec (>= 2.9.0)
- rspec-puppet (>= 0.1.1)
- rake (10.3.2)
- rgen (0.6.6)
- rspec (2.99.0)
- rspec-core (~> 2.99.0)
- rspec-expectations (~> 2.99.0)
- rspec-mocks (~> 2.99.0)
- rspec-core (2.99.2)
- rspec-expectations (2.99.2)
- diff-lcs (>= 1.1.3, < 2.0)
- rspec-mocks (2.99.2)
- rspec-puppet-utils (2.0.4)
- rspec_junit_formatter (0.2.0)
- builder (< 4)
- rspec (>= 2, < 4)
- rspec-core (!= 2.12.0)
- simplecov (0.9.0)
- docile (~> 1.1.0)
- multi_json
- simplecov-html (~> 0.8.0)
- simplecov-html (0.8.0)
- simplecov-rcov (0.2.3)
- simplecov (>= 0.4.1)
- test-unit (3.0.1)
- power_assert
- ruby
- ci_reporter
- facter (>= 1.6.10)
- mocha
- puppet (= 3.5.1)
- puppet-lint
- puppetlabs_spec_helper (= 0.3.0)
- rake (>= 0.9.2)
- rspec (~> 2.0)
- rspec-puppet!
- rspec-puppet-utils
- rspec_junit_formatter
- simplecov
- simplecov-rcov
- test-unit
+++ /dev/null
-Copyright (c) 2014 Mark Maglana
-MIT License
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+++ /dev/null
-name 'aimonb-aviator'
-version '0.5.1'
-source ''
-author 'aimonb'
-license 'MIT License'
-summary 'Puppet feature wrapper for the Aviator OpenStack API library for Ruby'
-description 'UNKNOWN'
-project_page ''
-## Add dependencies, if any:
-# dependency 'username/name', '>= 1.2.0'
+++ /dev/null
-Puppet Aviator
-A feature module for the Aviator project.
-Aviator is a lightweight library for communicating with the OpenStack
-See for more information on Aviator.
-MIT License
-Aimon Bustardo <me at aimon dot net>
-Example Usage:
- $LOAD_PATH.push(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..',
- require 'puppet/feature/aviator'
- configuration = {
- :provider => 'openstack',
- :auth_service => {
- :name => 'identity',
- :host_uri => 'http://devstack:5000/v2.0',
- :request => 'create_token',
- :validator => 'list_tenants'
- },
- :auth_credentials => {
- :username => 'myusername',
- :password => 'mypassword',
- :tenant_name => 'myproject'
- }
- }
- openstack = => configuration)
- openstack.authenticate
- response = openstack.request :identity_service, :list_tenants, :endpoint_type => 'admin'
- puts response[:body]
+++ /dev/null
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- "Gemfile.lock": "5f2229c686025c1c5fcf0386bf08ebc1",
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- "Modulefile": "887af1b027892ea3a1e45350d9734643",
- "README": "29e71fa36fbf6b393b3922ee892a9cc3",
- "feature/aviator/compatibility.rb": "d103a261221e127c48ae8db01623cbb7",
- "feature/aviator/core/cli/describer.rb": "a94adec4d61b706461597d23df66f76f",
- "feature/aviator/core/cli.rb": "4fe815c3d85859dd6a9893a5aa38c7f8",
- "feature/aviator/core/logger.rb": "99aa5ef113f491a563fdf8ecf6a44db2",
- "feature/aviator/core/request.rb": "2477263dfc7b32751906c39448600838",
- "feature/aviator/core/request_builder.rb": "2e3996fcfe619898c2b4638c96cc1616",
- "feature/aviator/core/response.rb": "71629a33c4778a79b9f27fb4b8d469c0",
- "feature/aviator/core/service.rb": "8f3c0b07e8a0c2d4ef6af7c7e0113d85",
- "feature/aviator/core/session.rb": "3dabc2f13471632e809eb6ace4b6fbbe",
- "feature/aviator/core.rb": "3d116a1ade58c869219ad2c2e3a01e59",
- "feature/aviator/hashish.rb": "b9cf59c89b22cb6b39ec6916db1c5fb6",
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- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/admin/list_hosts.rb": "25448fc1b14189d0d6aa6562c25d2172",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/admin/list_hypervisors.rb": "d531290063e073bc72a0f508e5946989",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/admin/lock_server.rb": "ff124f629375a069d0a39674a835669d",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/admin/migrate_server.rb": "9b27fe512de6592e28e8ae534ef4e227",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/admin/reset_server.rb": "83ceb5bde8297f40637901107c0779ce",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/admin/resize_server.rb": "38d073f289de8cbcd54326dfcceb1203",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/admin/revert_server_resize.rb": "ec60b35f97bb6de54d06ae53ab0a48f3",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/admin/unlock_server.rb": "844f5380140805475c7a44d964960558",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/add_floating_ip.rb": "5ce446270f6216b19922f62a63e983bc",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/allocate_floating_ip.rb": "be0c5b2e87a7bf8d29b5997240aca6e5",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/change_admin_password.rb": "e5ed804402e4c969de89f669bbdbed52",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/create_image.rb": "605c7f1dccc0e25f75a22b8133e0ac1c",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/create_keypair.rb": "626715aa5a067328afa056229ee6bc96",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/create_server.rb": "b58dc498308a031f23c8ba2d6cf49293",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/delete_image.rb": "fb0f14aa4d3cd80e0b32ebcd0d32b62b",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/delete_image_metadata_item.rb": "8f24549420f5b2ec73d245d84364f6a1",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/delete_server.rb": "89fca14a34d08483992b03e0b3256e24",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/delete_server_metadata_item.rb": "1caa8f632ee0e7964d0774f8fcdde5f8",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/get_flavor_details.rb": "335012feb1abc4a0c0bfd57e09dd906f",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/get_image_details.rb": "779845403f9314ddbda05121b54cd428",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/get_image_metadata_item.rb": "cdc2caa68f52f33f5944770cb0594623",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/get_network_details.rb": "43f08bb5513fd78f5685f065111a89e7",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/get_server.rb": "9b764bb9b93cf368b7bec8ed70654490",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/get_server_metadata_item.rb": "7e6a0feca6e6e2afc89e8b8cf00e6493",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/list_addresses.rb": "ff343fead191c3d13677448daee3822c",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/list_flavors.rb": "7050181d84ada85de9a3cfe476040432",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/list_floating_ips.rb": "c967d5705e55c1840f1ff18d8b198936",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/list_image_metadata.rb": "36cc324f2f8ec4e12a7f47846099aaa1",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/list_images.rb": "9dcace5a72ef644072ede3bdcdf031ed",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/list_keypairs.rb": "7f2fc592742874b8a9cd05bd67eb8fad",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/list_networks.rb": "5639d0a86c7b37a0ba957f9cdb5a83ab",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/list_server_metadata.rb": "5815bd0f48e81dea65c13bb0bb4c944e",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/list_servers.rb": "deaf400faab4a9c0dd632be988fa002b",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/pause_server.rb": "e2ac1913b925f61707516103d5c204cf",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/reboot_server.rb": "73a34c9cf36b087e167e4d5a0a0b9762",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/rebuild_server.rb": "907eee7ab63f3c8c3c93c9cc522aa208",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/resume_server.rb": "f24ef2b6d7e4be1664d89a5d1bd76c2f",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/root.rb": "cee3dd2aff0710d0f5fccc23508a7f58",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/set_image_metadata.rb": "e49c35f9b95a268803578549ffce5cc0",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/set_server_metadata.rb": "ece9d9a873ef6a3e468ae7285cd335f1",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/suspend_server.rb": "a9fe5dc5c43dbb9da293de1eecd440a4",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/unpause_server.rb": "9075ce7b123abce8917371fc545bbf92",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/update_image_metadata.rb": "453dc71ce53a784322460afe8f8a0ffd",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/update_server.rb": "19bab4a3b3b5fc8af215c53f3582f0cc",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/compute/requests/v2/public/update_server_metadata.rb": "72107bf121c284fb859e1d0d544c9f8c",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/add_role_to_user_on_tenant.rb": "d5962f765a8e2091aa0d7feab0f860b6",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/create_tenant.rb": "eb5b538285459bbc70da43ecb10a2ae1",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/create_user.rb": "817e3936db1e0a000014b0464a64a8ea",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/delete_role_from_user_on_tenant.rb": "82e5b5520e9e10e8dba716b2e852cad9",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/delete_tenant.rb": "ad0bd04e86d4025a462ef6094313db63",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/delete_user.rb": "1a727d8adc5d4a1753acd7224f77e505",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/get_tenant_by_id.rb": "0c93905f14e07e67f709739dd763d6e1",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/get_user.rb": "3fb7869597c8f68adb91fefe5d0c0791",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/list_tenants.rb": "e75b66b966e49f045b7c61789ffd5b5e",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/list_users.rb": "058de058e0a98e2a7549a52e384b5807",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/update_tenant.rb": "ff218d457b3ddce85168a85e98014c51",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/admin/update_user.rb": "47e295d5f138acda2bcb8b6a5ee1f87d",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/public/create_token.rb": "2e44dafa7758d4610a5c06d54fc53ffa",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/public/list_tenants.rb": "826d93b39fba2b8e85c4c9979f363afd",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v2/public/root.rb": "49c81b24643287440458224c9eabc350",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/identity/requests/v3/public/create_token.rb": "c092532638e57c55c38eaae925e41b71",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/image/requests/v1/public/list_public_images.rb": "746ac90e4d5099a64ad08f4cc3829d97",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/image/requests/v1/public/root.rb": "b3b0897ea44361584961832fedf8f2ce",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/metering/requests/v1/admin/list_projects.rb": "22fc778d98d8424efcd14fa64e023c91",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/provider.rb": "e9ba93565ad683778c5901f30ab9fead",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/volume/requests/v1/public/create_volume.rb": "b0118b8f421376da64eb4a93afc483ec",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/volume/requests/v1/public/delete_volume.rb": "ebbcd8a8e470259cabed51fe41a03249",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/volume/requests/v1/public/get_volume.rb": "9a977461b76e1846e256d41bc5636c92",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/volume/requests/v1/public/list_volume_types.rb": "4338eb77f2e6df58a57fcd6cf22491cd",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/volume/requests/v1/public/list_volumes.rb": "2930615edc76b89b9e5888ca58d4ddd7",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/volume/requests/v1/public/root.rb": "fd7f423b9080b158b341530ff37b868e",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/openstack/volume/requests/v1/public/update_volume.rb": "67b9d740d4477d2d1cb22fa931f91458",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator/version.rb": "7dacc5a489888d3bbb3e29d0d3fd0857",
- "lib/puppet/feature/aviator.rb": "2bfe991671863c6b9f66fefb45edd586",
- "lib/puppet/feature/composite_io.rb": "7578e6fc78d81b363658d0c047ef7355",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/em_http.rb": "2b62006966ab41b68ba4b22f7499c6e7",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/em_http_ssl_patch.rb": "353bac212b9c67a415cad9c2d0a33a1f",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/em_synchrony/parallel_manager.rb": "ed23bb89721bfcc7be531d8a7fa1d75a",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/em_synchrony.rb": "4d9eb3f1ca759f7008c4cd51ad055ddc",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/excon.rb": "4d1bcdeeeb3623c5f5847350420102cb",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/httpclient.rb": "cffdad2f5f9f109fb62ace392fabbcf1",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/net_http.rb": "98ca2bafc840b0049e12448c12f7d9f6",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/net_http_persistent.rb": "1d8cbd07de4b3464ed42774728d866d8",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/patron.rb": "771a78d359202538a062b6e1de186b62",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/rack.rb": "70078f81411a4294bd20302f9a857120",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/test.rb": "e3177c396bb40d922e8aee81c745b173",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter/typhoeus.rb": "2bb446cc26a8fce211a92670838e977c",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/adapter.rb": "c8e0aacec14e78a9d1b73bc674c147d7",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/autoload.rb": "c3825f673dcd897eccbbf0204b290342",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/connection.rb": "0ffff1f6f1996dbb7643c87e5acc482d",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/error.rb": "a5900e607b1573bb6b6549e6573e2e90",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/middleware.rb": "da7f0af70a005cabe297f64f613e04f5",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/options.rb": "d92eea6cceda8cd61a984893ba5cc25c",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/parameters.rb": "162fbb7a45756695909c49e099d6b412",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/rack_builder.rb": "e1a93cd64e1d555530b6aa31b5b7812c",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/request/authorization.rb": "a2aa3b3b22fa39e4f1fc6c87008a5e50",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/request/basic_authentication.rb": "3da9b3b931d19e9669c3b32841ececfd",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/request/instrumentation.rb": "c48435dbd1ba855f71c4f538baa7b665",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/request/multipart.rb": "dcc172d9443f53d28d06cba93de2cd7b",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/request/retry.rb": "57892cf880e6db7486daf8e015e9418a",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/request/token_authentication.rb": "aedd602972c21fccb6b672d8caaa77ac",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/request/url_encoded.rb": "7d8715e5cea35a1d3416a174e1fb492e",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/request.rb": "0d5064fe1ae944b7aa21a111ccfbaf4d",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/response/logger.rb": "0d4a6a3809bb3612715faf2b862ed147",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/response/raise_error.rb": "8544053fd9007b42885793222f917b26",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/response.rb": "6423348722701307e11f261b4ca09af8",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/upload_io.rb": "7b0b80bc2cbbfca411a867d621f7b497",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday/utils.rb": "4df493a45499dbca0770f613da3d7bf6",
- "lib/puppet/feature/faraday.rb": "61f81f20888a0a1c992c0b108c96019d",
- "lib/puppet/feature/multipart_post.rb": "3433edf755f20e56edf3c167492a8a0f",
- "lib/puppet/feature/multipartable.rb": "5465ba7b40057b35eccf93bd1e50180d",
- "lib/puppet/feature/net/http/post/multipart.rb": "469d05036cd0b981b201d0fe50360f5b",
- "lib/puppet/feature/parts.rb": "c6a86930e784e4ab7d8d022b6f64e636"
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-# Add the parent dir to the load path. This is for when
-# Aviator is not installed as a gem
-lib_path = File.dirname(__FILE__)
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_path) unless $LOAD_PATH.include? lib_path
-require 'aviator/core'
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- module Compatibility
- RUBY_1_8_MODE = (not (RUBY_VERSION =~ /1\.8\.\d*/).nil?)
- end
-if Aviator::Compatibility::RUBY_1_8_MODE
- class Module
- alias_method :old_const_defined?, :const_defined?
- def const_defined?(sym, ignore=nil)
- old_const_defined?(sym)
- end
- alias_method :old_const_get, :const_get
- def const_get(sym, ignore=nil)
- old_const_get(sym)
- end
- alias_method :old_instance_methods, :instance_methods
- def instance_methods(include_super=true)
- old_instance_methods(include_super).map(&:to_sym)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require 'yaml'
-require 'json'
-require 'faraday'
-require "aviator/string"
-require "aviator/version"
-require "aviator/compatibility"
-require "aviator/hashish"
-require "aviator/core/request"
-require "aviator/core/request_builder"
-require "aviator/core/response"
-require "aviator/core/service"
-require "aviator/core/session"
-require "aviator/core/logger"
+++ /dev/null
-require "terminal-table"
-require "aviator/core/cli/describer"
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class Describer
- def self.describe_aviator
- str = "Available providers:\n"
- provider_names.each do |provider_name|
- str << " #{ provider_name }\n"
- end
- str
- end
- def self.describe_provider(provider_name)
- str = "Available services for #{ provider_name }:\n"
- service_names(provider_name).each do |service_name|
- str << " #{ service_name }\n"
- end
- str
- end
- def self.describe_request(provider_name, service_name, api_version, endpoint_type, request_name)
- service = :provider => provider_name, :service => service_name
- request_class = "Aviator::#{ provider_name.camelize }::#{ service_name.camelize }::"\
- "#{ api_version.camelize }::#{ endpoint_type.camelize }::#{ request_name.camelize }".constantize
- display = ":Request => #{ request_name }\n"
- # Build the parameters
- params ={|p| [p, false]} +
-{|p| [p, true]}
- aliases = request_class.param_aliases
- if params.length > 0
- display << "\n"
- headings = ['NAME', 'REQUIRED?']
- headings << 'ALIAS' if aliases.length > 0
- rows = []
- params.sort{|a,b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s }.each do |param|
- row = [ param[0], param[1] ? 'Y' : 'N' ]
- if aliases.length > 0
- row << (aliases.find{|a,p| p == param[0] } || [''])[0]
- end
- rows << row
- end
- widths = [
-{|row| row[0].to_s.length }.max,
-{|row| row[1].to_s.length }.max
- ]
- widths <<{|row| row[2].to_s.length }.max if aliases.length > 0
- table = => headings, :rows => rows)
- table.align_column(1, :center)
- display << "Parameters:\n"
- display << " " + table.to_s.split("\n").join("\n ")
- display << "\n"
- end
- # Build the sample code
- display << "\nSample Code:\n"
- display << " session.#{ service_name }_service.request(:#{ request_name })"
- if params && params.length > 0
- display << " do |params|\n"
- params.each do |pair|
- display << " params.#{ (aliases.find{|a,p| p == pair[0] } || pair)[0] } = value\n"
- end
- display << " end"
- end
- display << "\n"
- # Build the links
- if request_class.links && request_class.links.length > 0
- display << "\nLinks:\n"
- request_class.links.each do |link|
- display << " #{ link[:rel] }:\n"
- display << " #{ link[:href] }\n"
- end
- end
- display
- end
- def self.describe_service(provider_name, service_name)
- str = "Available requests for #{ provider_name } #{ service_name }_service:\n"
- request_classes(provider_name, service_name).each do |klass|
- str << " #{ klass.api_version } #{ klass.endpoint_type } #{'::').last.underscore }\n"
- end
- str
- end
- class <<self
- private
- def provider_names
- \
- .join('..', '..', '..') \
- .children \
- .select{|c| && c.basename.to_s != 'core' } \
- .map{|c| c.basename.to_s }
- end
- def request_classes(provider_name, service_name)
- service = => provider_name, :service => service_name)
- service.request_classes
- end
- def service_names(provider_name)
- \
- .join('..', '..', '..', provider_name) \
- .children \
- .select{|c| } \
- .map{|c| c.basename.to_s }
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class Logger < Faraday::Response::Middleware
- extend Forwardable
- def initialize(app, logger=nil)
- super(app)
- @logger = logger || begin
- require 'logger'
- end
- end
- def_delegators :@logger, :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal
- def call(env)
- info(env[:method].to_s.upcase) { env[:url].to_s }
- debug('REQ_HEAD') { dump_headers env[:request_headers] }
- debug('REQ_BODY') { dump_body env[:body] }
- super
- end
- def on_complete(env)
- info('STATUS') { env[:status].to_s }
- debug('RES_HEAD') { dump_headers env[:response_headers] }
- debug('RES_BODY') { dump_body env[:body] }
- end
- def self.configure(log_file_path)
- # Return a subclass with its logfile path set. This
- # must be done so that different sessions can log to
- # different paths.
- { const_set('LOG_FILE_PATH', log_file_path) }
- end
- private
- def dump_body(body)
- return if body.nil?
- # :TODO => Make this configurable
- body.gsub(/["']password["']:["']\w*["']/, '"password":[FILTERED_VALUE]')
- end
- def dump_headers(headers)
- { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v.inspect}" }.join("; ")
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class Request
- class ApiVersionNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super "api_version is not defined."
- end
- end
- class EndpointTypeNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super "endpoint_type is not defined."
- end
- end
- class PathNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super "path is not defined."
- end
- end
- def initialize(session_data=nil)
- @session_data = session_data
- params = if self.class.params_class
- if params
- yield(params) if block_given?
- validate_params(params)
- end
- @params = params
- end
- def anonymous?
- self.class.anonymous?
- end
- def body?
- self.class.body?
- end
- def headers?
- self.class.headers?
- end
- def links
- self.class.links
- end
- def optional_params
- self.class.optional_params
- end
- def params
- @params.dup
- end
- def required_params
- self.class.required_params
- end
- def session_data
- @session_data
- end
- def session_data?
- !session_data.nil?
- end
- def querystring?
- self.class.querystring?
- end
- def url?
- self.class.url?
- end
- private
- def validate_params(params)
- required_params = self.class.required_params
- required_params.each do |name|
- raise"Missing parameter #{ name }.") if params.send(name).nil?
- end
- end
- # NOTE that, because we are defining the following as class methods, when they
- # are called, all 'instance' variables are actually defined in the descendant class,
- # not in the instance/object. This is by design since we want to keep these attributes
- # within the class and because they don't change between instances anyway.
- class << self
- def anonymous?
- respond_to?(:anonymous) && anonymous == true
- end
- def body?
- instance_methods.include? :body
- end
- def headers?
- instance_methods.include? :headers
- end
- def links
- @links ||= []
- end
- def param_aliases
- @param_aliases ||= {}
- end
- def params_class
- all_params = required_params + optional_params
- if all_params.length > 0 && @params_class.nil?
- @params_class = build_params_class(all_params, self.param_aliases)
- end
- @params_class
- end
- def optional_params
- @optional_params ||= []
- end
- def querystring?
- instance_methods.include? :querystring
- end
- def required_params
- @required_params ||= []
- end
- def url?
- instance_methods.include? :url
- end
- private
- def build_params_class(all_params, param_aliases)
-*all_params) do
- alias :param_getter :[]
- alias :param_setter :[]=
- define_method :[] do |key|
- key = param_aliases[key.to_sym] if param_aliases.keys.include? key.to_sym
- param_getter(key)
- end
- define_method :[]= do |key, value|
- key = param_aliases[key.to_sym] if param_aliases.keys.include? key.to_sym
- param_setter(key, value)
- end
- param_aliases.each do |param_alias, param_name|
- define_method param_alias do
- param_getter(param_name)
- end
- define_method "#{ param_alias }=" do |value|
- param_setter(param_name, value)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def link(rel, href)
- links << { :rel => rel, :href => href }
- end
- def meta(attr_name, attr_value)
- eigenclass = class << self; self; end
- eigenclass.send(:define_method, attr_name) do
- attr_value
- end
- define_method(attr_name) do
- self.class.send(attr_name)
- end
- end
- def param(param_name, opts={})
- opts =
- list = (opts[:required] == false ? optional_params : required_params)
- list << param_name unless optional_params.include?(param_name)
- if opts[:alias]
- self.param_aliases[opts[:alias]] = param_name
- end
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class BaseRequestNotFoundError < StandardError
- attr_reader :base_request_hierarchy
- def initialize(base_hierarchy)
- @base_request_hierarchy = base_hierarchy
- super("#{ base_request_hierarchy } could not be found!")
- end
- end
- class RequestAlreadyDefinedError < StandardError
- attr_reader :namespace,
- :request_name
- def initialize(namespace, request_name)
- @namespace = namespace
- @request_name = request_name
- super("#{ namespace }::#{ request_name } is already defined")
- end
- end
- class RequestBuilder
- class << self
- def define_request(root_namespace, request_name, options, &block)
- base_klass = get_request_class(root_namespace, options[:inherit])
- klass =, &block)
- namespace_arr = [
- klass.provider,
- klass.service,
- klass.api_version,
- klass.endpoint_type
- ]
- namespace = namespace_arr.inject(root_namespace) do |namespace, sym|
- const_name = sym.to_s.camelize
- namespace.const_set(const_name, unless namespace.const_defined?(const_name, false)
- namespace.const_get(const_name, false)
- end
- klassname = request_name.to_s.camelize
- if namespace.const_defined?(klassname, false)
- raise, klassname)
- end
- namespace.const_set(klassname, klass)
- end
- def get_request_class(root_namespace, request_class_arr)
- request_class_arr.inject(root_namespace) do |namespace, sym|
- namespace.const_get(sym.to_s.camelize, false)
- end
- rescue NameError => e
- arr = ['..', '..'] + request_class_arr
- arr[-1,1] = arr.last.to_s + '.rb'
- path =*{|i| i.to_s }).expand_path
- if path.exist?
- require path
- request_class_arr.inject(root_namespace) do |namespace, sym|
- namespace.const_get(sym.to_s.camelize, false)
- end
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class << self
- def define_request(request_name, options={ :inherit => [:request] }, &block)
- RequestBuilder.define_request self, request_name, options, &block
- end
- end # class << self
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class Response
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :@response, :headers, :status
- attr_reader :request
- def initialize(response, request)
- @response = response
- @request = request
- end
- def body
- if raw_body.length > 0
- if Aviator::Compatibility::RUBY_1_8_MODE
- clean_body = raw_body.gsub(/\\ /, ' ')
- else
- clean_body = raw_body
- end
- else
- end
- end
- private
- def raw_body
- @response.body
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class Service
- class AccessDetailsNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super ":access_details is not defined."
- end
- end
- class ProviderNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super ":provider is not defined."
- end
- end
- class ServiceNameNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super ":service is not defined."
- end
- end
- class SessionDataNotProvidedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super "default_session_data is not initialized and no session data was "\
- "provided in the method call."
- end
- end
- class UnknownRequestError < StandardError
- def initialize(request_name)
- super "Unknown request #{ request_name }."
- end
- end
- class MissingServiceEndpointError < StandardError
- def initialize(service_name, request_name)
- request_name = request_name.to_s.split('::').last.underscore
- super "The session's service catalog does not have an entry for the #{ service_name } "\
- "service. Therefore, I don't know to which base URL the request should be sent. "\
- "This may be because you are using a default or unscoped token. If this is not your "\
- "intention, please authenticate with a scoped token. If using a default token is your "\
- "intention, make sure to provide a base url when you call the request. For :example => \n\n"\
- "session.#{ service_name }_service.request :#{ request_name }, :base_url => '' do |params|\n"\
- " params[:example1] = 'example1'\n"\
- " params[:example2] = 'example2'\n"\
- "end\n\n"
- end
- end
- attr_accessor :default_session_data
- attr_reader :service,
- :provider
- def initialize(opts={})
- @provider = opts[:provider] || (raise
- @service = opts[:service] || (raise
- @log_file = opts[:log_file]
- @default_session_data = opts[:default_session_data]
- load_requests
- end
- def request(request_name, options={}, ¶ms)
- session_data = options[:session_data] || default_session_data
- raise unless session_data
- [:base_url].each do |k|
- session_data[k] = options[k] if options[k]
- end
- request_class = find_request(request_name, session_data, options[:endpoint_type])
- raise unless request_class
- request =, ¶ms)
- response = http_connection.send(request.http_method) do |r|
- r.url request.url
- r.headers.merge!(request.headers) if request.headers?
- r.query = request.querystring if request.querystring?
- r.body = JSON.generate(request.body) if request.body?
- end
- Aviator::Response.send(:new, response, request)
- end
- def request_classes
- @request_classes
- end
- private
- def http_connection
- @http_connection ||= do |conn|
- conn.use Logger.configure(log_file) if log_file
- conn.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
- conn.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
- end
- end
- # Candidate for extraction to aviator/openstack
- def find_request(name, session_data, endpoint_type=nil)
- endpoint_types = if endpoint_type
- [endpoint_type.to_s.camelize]
- else
- ['Public', 'Admin']
- end
- namespace = Aviator.const_get(provider.camelize) \
- .const_get(service.camelize)
- version = infer_version(session_data, name).to_s.camelize
- return nil unless version && namespace.const_defined?(version)
- namespace = namespace.const_get(version, name)
- endpoint_types.each do |endpoint_type|
- name = name.to_s.camelize
- next unless namespace.const_defined?(endpoint_type)
- next unless namespace.const_get(endpoint_type).const_defined?(name)
- return namespace.const_get(endpoint_type).const_get(name)
- end
- nil
- end
- # Candidate for extraction to aviator/openstack
- def infer_version(session_data, request_name='sample_request')
- if session_data.has_key?(:auth_service) && session_data[:auth_service][:api_version]
- session_data[:auth_service][:api_version].to_sym
- elsif session_data.has_key?(:auth_service) && session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri]
- m = session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri].match(/(v\d+)\.?\d*/)
- return m[1].to_sym unless m.nil?
- elsif session_data.has_key? :base_url
- m = session_data[:base_url].match(/(v\d+)\.?\d*/)
- return m[1].to_sym unless m.nil?
- elsif session_data.has_key? :access
- service_spec = session_data[:access][:serviceCatalog].find{|s| s[:type] == service }
- raise, request_name) unless service_spec
- version = service_spec[:endpoints][0][:publicURL].match(/(v\d+)\.?\d*/)
- version ? version[1].to_sym : :v1
- end
- end
- def load_requests
- # :TODO => This should be determined by a provider-specific module.
- # e.g. Aviator::OpenStack::requests_base_dir
- request_file_paths = Dir.glob(
- '..',
- '..',
- provider.to_s,
- service.to_s,
- '**',
- '*.rb'
- ).expand_path
- )
- request_file_paths.each{ |path| require path }
- constant_parts = request_file_paths \
- .map{|rf| rf.to_s.match(/#{provider}\/#{service}\/([\w\/]+)\.rb$/) } \
- .map{|rf| rf[1].split('/').map{|c| c.camelize }.join('::') }
- @request_classes = do |cp|
- "Aviator::#{provider.camelize}::#{service.camelize}::#{cp}".constantize
- end
- end
- def log_file
- @log_file
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class Session
- class AuthenticationError < StandardError
- def initialize(last_auth_body)
- super("Authentication failed. The server returned #{ last_auth_body }")
- end
- end
- class EnvironmentNotDefinedError < ArgumentError
- def initialize(path, env)
- super("The environment '#{ env }' is not defined in #{ path }.")
- end
- end
- class InitializationError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super("The session could not find :session_dump, :config_file, and " \
- ":config in the constructor arguments provided")
- end
- end
- class InvalidConfigFilePathError < ArgumentError
- def initialize(path)
- super("The config file at #{ path } does not exist!")
- end
- end
- class NotAuthenticatedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super("Session is not authenticated. Please authenticate before proceeding.")
- end
- end
- class ValidatorNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super("The validator request name is not defined for this session object.")
- end
- end
- def initialize(opts={})
- if opts.has_key? :session_dump
- initialize_with_dump(opts[:session_dump])
- elsif opts.has_key? :config_file
- initialize_with_config(opts[:config_file], opts[:environment])
- elsif opts.has_key? :config
- initialize_with_hash(opts[:config])
- else
- raise
- end
- @log_file = opts[:log_file]
- end
- def authenticate(&block)
- block ||= lambda do |params|
- environment[:auth_credentials].each do |key, value|
- params[key] = value
- end
- end
- response = auth_service.request environment[:auth_service][:request].to_sym, &block
- if response.status == 200
- @auth_info = response.body
- update_services_session_data
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- def authenticated?
- !auth_info.nil?
- end
- def dump
- JSON.generate({
- :environment => environment,
- :auth_info => auth_info
- })
- end
- def load(session_dump)
- initialize_with_dump(session_dump)
- update_services_session_data
- self
- end
- def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
- service_name_parts = name.to_s.match(/^(\w+)_service$/)
- if service_name_parts
- get_service_obj(service_name_parts[1])
- else
- super name, *args, &block
- end
- end
- def self.load(session_dump, opts={})
- opts[:session_dump] = session_dump
- new(opts)
- end
- def validate
- raise unless authenticated?
- raise unless environment[:auth_service][:validator]
- auth_with_bootstrap = auth_info.merge({ :auth_service => environment[:auth_service] })
- response = auth_service.request environment[:auth_service][:validator].to_sym, :session_data => auth_with_bootstrap
- response.status == 200 || response.status == 203
- end
- private
- def auth_info
- @auth_info
- end
- def auth_service
- @auth_service ||=
- :provider => environment[:provider],
- :service => environment[:auth_service][:name],
- :default_session_data => { :auth_service => environment[:auth_service] },
- :log_file => log_file
- )
- end
- def environment
- @environment
- end
- def get_service_obj(service_name)
- raise unless self.authenticated?
- @services ||= {}
- @services[service_name] ||=
- :provider => environment[:provider],
- :service => service_name,
- :default_session_data => auth_info,
- :log_file => log_file
- )
- @services[service_name]
- end
- def initialize_with_config(config_path, environment)
- raise unless
- config =
- raise, environment) unless config[environment]
- @environment = config[environment]
- end
- def initialize_with_dump(session_dump)
- session_info =
- @environment = session_info[:environment]
- @auth_info = session_info[:auth_info]
- end
- def initialize_with_hash(hash_obj)
- @environment =
- end
- def log_file
- @log_file
- end
- def update_services_session_data
- return unless @services
- @services.each do |name, obj|
- obj.default_session_data = auth_info
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# Hash-ish!
-# This class is implemented using composition rather than inheritance so
-# that we have control over what operations it exposes to peers.
-class Hashish
- include Enumerable
- def initialize(hash={})
- @hash = hash
- hashishify_values
- end
- def ==(other_obj)
- other_obj.class == self.class &&
- other_obj.hash == self.hash
- end
- def [](key)
- @hash[normalize(key)]
- end
- def []=(key, value)
- @hash[normalize(key)] = value
- end
- def each(&block)
- @hash.each(&block)
- end
- def empty?
- @hash.empty?
- end
- def has_key?(name)
- @hash.has_key? normalize(name)
- end
- def hash
- @hash
- end
- def keys
- @hash.keys
- end
- def length
- @hash.length
- end
- def merge(other_hash)
- end
- def merge!(other_hash)
- @hash.merge! other_hash
- self
- end
- def to_json(obj)
- @hash.to_json(obj)
- end
- def to_s
- str = "{"
- @hash.each do |key, value|
- if value.kind_of? String
- value = "'#{value}'"
- elsif value.nil?
- value = "nil"
- elsif value.kind_of? Array
- value = "[#{value.join(", ")}]"
- end
- str += " #{key}: #{value},"
- end
- str = str[0...-1] + " }"
- str
- end
- private
- # Hashishify all the things!
- def hashishify_values
- @hash.each do |key, value|
- if @hash[key].kind_of? Hash
- @hash[key] =
- elsif @hash[key].kind_of? Array
- @hash[key].each_index do |index|
- element = @hash[key][index]
- if element.kind_of? Hash
- @hash[key][index] =
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def normalize(key)
- if @hash.has_key? key
- key
- elsif key.is_a? String
- key.to_sym
- elsif key.is_a? Symbol
- key.to_s
- else
- key
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :base, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :base do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :common
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :public
- def headers
- {}.tap do |h|
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:access][:token][:id] unless self.anonymous?
- end
- end
- private
- def base_url
- if session_data[:base_url]
- session_data[:base_url]
- elsif service_spec = session_data[:access][:serviceCatalog].find { |s| s[:type] == service.to_s }
- service_spec[:endpoints][0]["#{ endpoint_type }URL".to_sym]
- elsif session_data[:auth_service] && session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri] && session_data[:auth_service][:api_version]
- "#{ session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri] }/v2.0"
- elsif session_data[:auth_service] && session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri]
- session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri]
- else
- raise, self.class)
- end
- end
- def params_to_querystring(param_names)
- filters = []
- param_names.each do |param_name|
- filters << "#{ param_name }=#{ params[param_name] }" if params[param_name]
- end
- filters.empty? ? "" : "?#{ filters.join('&') }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :confirm_server_resize, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :confirmResize => nil
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_network, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :label, :required => true
- param :bridge, :required => false
- param :bridge_interface, :required => false
- param :cidr, :required => false
- param :cidr_v6, :required => false
- param :dns1, :required => false
- param :dns2, :required => false
- param :gateway, :required => false
- param :gateway_v6, :required => false
- param :multi_host, :required => false
- param :project_id, :required => false
- param :vlan, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :network => {
- :label => params[:label]
- }
- }
- optional_params.each do |key|
- p[:network][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/os-networks"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_host_details, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :host_name, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/os-hosts/#{ params[:host_name] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_hosts, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- param :service, :required => false
- param :zone, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- url = "#{ base_url }/os-hosts"
- filters = []
- optional_params.each do |param_name|
- filters << "#{ param_name }=#{ params[param_name] }" if params[param_name]
- end
- url += "?#{ filters.join('&') }" unless filters.empty?
- url
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :lock_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :lock => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :migrate_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :migrate => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :reset_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :state, :required => true
- def body
- {
- 'os-resetState' => {
- 'state' => params[:state]
- }
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :resize_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :name, :required => true
- param :flavorRef, :required => true, :alias => :flavor_ref
- def body
- {
- :resize => {
- :name => params[:name],
- :flavorRef => params[:flavorRef]
- }
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :revert_server_resize do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :compute
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :revertResize => nil
- }
- end
- def headers
- h = {}
- unless self.anonymous?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:access][:token][:id]
- end
- h
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- service_spec = session_data[:access][:serviceCatalog].find{|s| s[:type] == service.to_s }
- "#{ service_spec[:endpoints][0][:adminURL] }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :unlock_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :unlock => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :change_admin_password, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'additional spec',
- ''
- param :adminPass, :required => true, :alias => :admin_pass
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- p = {
- :changePassword => {
- :adminPass => params[:adminPass]
- }
- }
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_image, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :metadata, :required => false
- param :name, :required => true
- def body
- p = {
- :createImage => {
- :name => params[:name]
- }
- }
- [:metadata].each do |key|
- p[:createImage][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :accessIPv4, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv4
- param :accessIPv6, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv6
- param :adminPass, :required => false, :alias => :admin_pass
- param :imageRef, :required => true, :alias => :image_ref
- param :flavorRef, :required => true, :alias => :flavor_ref
- param :metadata, :required => false
- param :name, :required => true
- param :networks, :required => false
- param :personality, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :server => {
- :flavorRef => params[:flavorRef],
- :imageRef => params[:imageRef],
- :name => params[:name]
- }
- }
- [:adminPass, :metadata, :personality, :networks, :accessIPv4, :accessIPv6].each do |key|
- p[:server][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_image, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id]}"
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_image_metadata_item, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :key, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id] }/metadata/#{ params[:key] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_server_metadata_item, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :key, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/metadata/#{ params[:key] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_flavor_details, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/flavors/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_image_details, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id]}"
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_image_metadata_item, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :key, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id] }/metadata/#{ params[:key] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_network_details, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/os-networks/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_server_metadata_item, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :key, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/metadata/#{ params[:key] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_addresses, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :networkID, :required => false, :alias => :network_id
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- url = "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/ips"
- url += "/#{ params[:networkID] }" if params[:networkID]
- url
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_flavors, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :details, :required => false
- param :minDisk, :required => false, :alias => :min_disk
- param :minRam, :required => false, :alias => :min_ram
- param :marker, :required => false
- param :limit, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/flavors"
- str += "/detail" if params[:details]
- str += params_to_querystring(optional_params + required_params - [:details])
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_image_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_images, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :details, :required => false
- param :server, :required => false
- param :name, :required => false
- param :status, :required => false
- param 'changes-since', :required => false, :alias => :changes_since
- param :marker, :required => false
- param :limit, :required => false
- param :type, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/images"
- str += "/detail" if params[:details]
- str += params_to_querystring(optional_params + required_params - [:details])
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_networks, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/os-networks"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_server_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_servers, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'github :issue => getting all servers',
- ''
- link 'related mailing list discussion',
- ''
- param :all_tenants, :required => false
- param :details, :required => false
- param :flavor, :required => false
- param :image, :required => false
- param :limit, :required => false
- param :marker, :required => false
- param :server, :required => false
- param :status, :required => false
- param 'changes-since', :required => false, :alias => :changes_since
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/servers"
- str += "/detail" if params[:details]
- filters = []
- (optional_params + required_params - [:details]).each do |param_name|
- value = param_name == :all_tenants && params[param_name] ? 1 : params[param_name]
- filters << "#{ param_name }=#{ value }" if value
- end
- str += "?#{ filters.join('&') }" unless filters.empty?
- str
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :pause_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :pause => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :reboot_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :type, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :reboot => {
- :type => params[:type] || 'SOFT'
- }
- }
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :rebuild_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :accessIPv4, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv4
- param :accessIPv6, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv6
- param :adminPass, :required => true, :alias => :admin_pass
- param :id, :required => true
- param :imageRef, :required => true, :alias => :image_ref
- param :metadata, :required => false
- param :name, :required => true
- param :personality, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :rebuild => {
- :adminPass => params[:adminPass],
- :imageRef => params[:imageRef],
- :name => params[:name]
- }
- }
- [:accessIPv4, :accessIPv6, :metadata, :personality].each do |key|
- p[:rebuild][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :resume_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :resume => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :root, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v2/"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :set_image_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :metadata, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :metadata => params[:metadata]
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :set_server_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :metadata, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :metadata => params[:metadata]
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :suspend_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :suspend => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :unpause_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :unpause => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_image_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :metadata, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :metadata => params[:metadata]
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :accessIPv4, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv4
- param :accessIPv6, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv6
- param :id, :required => true
- param :name, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :server => { }
- }
- [:name, :accessIPv4, :accessIPv6].each do |key|
- p[:server][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_server_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :metadata, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :metadata => params[:metadata]
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :add_role_to_user_on_tenant, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :tenant_id, :required => true
- param :user_id, :required => true
- param :role_id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- p = params
- "#{ base_url }/tenants/#{ p[:tenant_id] }/users/#{ p[:user_id] }/roles/OS-KSADM/#{ p[:role_id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_tenant, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :name, :required => true
- param :description, :required => true
- param :enabled, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :tenant => {
- :name => params[:name],
- :description => params[:description],
- :enabled => params[:enabled]
- }
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/tenants"
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_user do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :identity
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- param :name, :required => true
- param :password, :required => true
- param :email, :required => false
- param :enabled, :required => false
- param :tenantId, :required => false, :alias => :tenant_id
- def body
- p = {
- :user => {}
- }
- (required_params + optional_params).each do |key|
- p[:user][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- h = {}
- unless self.anonymous?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:access][:token][:id]
- end
- h
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- service_spec = session_data[:access][:serviceCatalog].find{|s| s[:type] == 'identity' }
- "#{ service_spec[:endpoints][0][:adminURL] }/users"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_role_from_user_on_tenant, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :tenant_id, :required => true
- param :user_id, :required => true
- param :role_id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- p = params
- "#{ base_url }/tenants/#{ p[:tenant_id] }/users/#{ p[:user_id] }/roles/OS-KSADM/#{ p[:role_id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_tenant, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/tenants/#{ params[:id]}"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_user do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :identity
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- h = {}
- unless self.anonymous?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:access][:token][:id]
- end
- h
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- service_spec = session_data[:access][:serviceCatalog].find{|s| s[:type] == service.to_s }
- "#{ service_spec[:endpoints][0][:adminURL] }/users/#{ params[:id]}"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_tenant_by_id, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/tenants/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_tenants, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- param :marker, :required => false
- param :limit, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/tenants"
- str += params_to_querystring(optional_params + required_params)
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_users do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :identity
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- def headers
- h = {}
- unless self.anonymous?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:access][:token][:id]
- end
- h
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- service_spec = session_data[:access][:serviceCatalog].find{|s| s[:type] == 'identity' }
- "#{ service_spec[:endpoints][0][:adminURL] }/users"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_tenant, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :name, :required => false
- param :enabled, :required => false
- param :description, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :tenant => {}
- }
- [:name, :enabled, :description].each do |key|
- p[:tenant][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/tenants/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_user do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :identity
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'bug',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :name, :required => false
- param :password, :required => false
- param :email, :required => false
- param :enabled, :required => false
- param :tenantId, :required => false, :alias => :tenant_id
- def body
- p = {
- :user => {}
- }
- optional_params.each do |key|
- p[:user][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- h = {}
- unless self.anonymous?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:access][:token][:id]
- end
- h
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- service_spec = session_data[:access][:serviceCatalog].find { |s| s[:type] == service.to_s }
- "#{ service_spec[:endpoints][0][:adminURL] }/users/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_token, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :anonymous, true
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- param :username, :required => false
- param :password, :required => false
- param :tokenId, :required => false, :alias => :token_id
- param :tenantName, :required => false, :alias => :tenant_name
- param :tenantId, :required => false, :alias => :tenant_id
- def body
- p = if params[:tokenId]
- {
- :auth => {
- :token => {
- :id => params[:tokenId]
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- :auth => {
- :passwordCredentials => {
- :username => params[:username],
- :password => params[:password]
- }
- }
- }
- end
- p[:auth][:tenantName] = params[:tenantName] if params[:tenantName]
- p[:auth][:tenantId] = params[:tenantId] if params[:tenantId]
- p
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- url = session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri]
- url += '/v2.0' if (URI(url).path =~ /^\/?\w+/).nil?
- url += "/tokens"
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_tenants, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- param :marker, :required => false
- param :limit, :required => false
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/tenants"
- str += params_to_querystring(optional_params + required_params)
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :root, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v2.0/"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_public_images, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :image
- meta :api_version, :v1
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :name, :required => false
- param :container_format, :required => false
- param :disk_format, :required => false
- param :status, :required => false
- param :size_min, :required => false
- param :size_max, :required => false
- param :sort_key, :required => false
- param :sort_dir, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- url = "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v1/images"
- filters = []
- optional_params.each do |param_name|
- filters << "#{ param_name }=#{ params[param_name] }" if params[param_name]
- end
- url += "?#{ filters.join('&') }" unless filters.empty?
- url
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :root, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :image
- meta :api_version, :v1
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v1/"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_projects, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :metering
- meta :api_version, :v1
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v1/projects"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_volume, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :display_name, :required => true
- param :display_description, :required => true
- param :size, :required => true
- param :volume_type, :required => false
- param :availability_zone, :required => false
- param :snapshot_id, :required => false
- param :metadata, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :volume => {
- :display_name => params[:display_name],
- :display_description => params[:display_description],
- :size => params[:size]
- }
- }
- optional_params.each do |key|
- p[:volume][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/volumes"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_volume, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/volumes/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_volume, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- meta :endpoint_type, :public
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/volumes/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_volume_types, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- meta :endpoint_type, :public
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :extra_specs, :required => false
- param :name, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/types"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_volumes, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :all_tenants, :required => false
- param :details, :required => false
- param :status, :required => false
- param :availability_zone, :required => false
- param :bootable, :required => false
- param :display_name, :required => false
- param :display_description, :required => false
- param :volume_type, :required => false
- param :snapshot_id, :required => false
- param :size, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/volumes"
- str += "/detail" if params[:details]
- filters = []
- (optional_params + required_params - [:details]).each do |param_name|
- value = param_name == :all_tenants && params[param_name] ? 1 : params[param_name]
- filters << "#{ param_name }=#{ value }" if value
- end
- str += "?#{ filters.join('&') }" unless filters.empty?
- str
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :root, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v1/"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_volume, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :display_name, :required => false
- param :display_description, :required => false
- def body
- p = { :volume => {} }
- [:display_name, :display_description].each do |key|
- p[:volume][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/volumes/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-class String
- def camelize
- word = self.slice(0,1).capitalize + self.slice(1..-1)
- word.gsub(/_([a-zA-Z\d])/) { "#{$1.capitalize}" }
- end
- def constantize
- self.split("::").inject(Object) do |namespace, sym|
- namespace.const_get(sym.to_s.camelize, false)
- end
- end
- def underscore
- self.gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2').downcase
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- VERSION = "0.0.7"
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Nick Sieger.
-# See the file README.txt included with the distribution for
-# software license details.
-# Concatenate together multiple IO objects into a single, composite IO object
-# for purposes of reading as a single stream.
-# Usage:
-# crio ='one'),'two'),'three'))
-# puts # => "onetwothree"
-class CompositeReadIO
- # Create a new composite-read IO from the arguments, all of which should
- # respond to #read in a manner consistent with IO.
- def initialize(*ios)
- @ios = ios.flatten
- @index = 0
- end
- # Read from IOs in order until `length` bytes have been received.
- def read(length = nil, outbuf = nil)
- got_result = false
- outbuf = outbuf ? outbuf.replace("") : ""
- while io = current_io
- if result =
- got_result ||= !result.nil?
- result.force_encoding("BINARY") if result.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
- outbuf << result
- length -= result.length if length
- break if length == 0
- end
- advance_io
- end
- (!got_result && length) ? nil : outbuf
- end
- def rewind
- @ios.each { |io| io.rewind }
- @index = 0
- end
- private
- def current_io
- @ios[@index]
- end
- def advance_io
- @index += 1
- end
-# Convenience methods for dealing with files and IO that are to be uploaded.
-class UploadIO
- # Create an upload IO suitable for including in the params hash of a
- # Net::HTTP::Post::Multipart.
- #
- # Can take two forms. The first accepts a filename and content type, and
- # opens the file for reading (to be closed by finalizer).
- #
- # The second accepts an already-open IO, but also requires a third argument,
- # the filename from which it was opened (particularly useful/recommended if
- # uploading directly from a form in a framework, which often save the file to
- # an arbitrarily named RackMultipart file in /tmp).
- #
- # Usage:
- #
- #"file.txt", "text/plain")
- #, "text/plain", "file.txt")
- #
- attr_reader :content_type, :original_filename, :local_path, :io, :opts
- def initialize(filename_or_io, content_type, filename = nil, opts = {})
- io = filename_or_io
- local_path = ""
- if io.respond_to? :read
- # in Ruby 1.9.2, StringIOs no longer respond to path
- # (since they respond to :length, so we don't need their local path, see parts.rb:41)
- local_path = filename_or_io.respond_to?(:path) ? filename_or_io.path : "local.path"
- else
- io =
- local_path = filename_or_io
- end
- filename ||= local_path
- @content_type = content_type
- @original_filename = File.basename(filename)
- @local_path = local_path
- @io = io
- @opts = opts
- end
- def self.convert!(io, content_type, original_filename, local_path)
- raise ArgumentError, "convert! has been removed. You must now wrap IOs using:\, content_type, filename=nil)\nPlease update your code."
- end
- def method_missing(*args)
- @io.send(*args)
- end
- def respond_to?(meth, include_all = false)
- @io.respond_to?(meth, include_all) || super(meth, include_all)
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require 'thread'
-require 'cgi'
-require 'set'
-require 'forwardable'
-# Public: This is the main namespace for Faraday. You can either use it to
-# create Faraday::Connection objects, or access it directly.
-# Examples
-# Faraday.get ""
-# conn = ""
-# conn.get '/'
-module Faraday
- VERSION = "0.9.0"
- class << self
- # Public: Gets or sets the root path that Faraday is being loaded from.
- # This is the root from where the libraries are auto-loaded from.
- attr_accessor :root_path
- # Public: Gets or sets the path that the Faraday libs are loaded from.
- attr_accessor :lib_path
- # Public: Gets or sets the Symbol key identifying a default Adapter to use
- # for the default Faraday::Connection.
- attr_reader :default_adapter
- # Public: Sets the default Faraday::Connection for simple scripts that
- # access the Faraday constant directly.
- #
- # Faraday.get ""
- attr_writer :default_connection
- # Public: Sets the default options used when calling Faraday#new.
- attr_writer :default_connection_options
- # Public: Initializes a new Faraday::Connection.
- #
- # url - The optional String base URL to use as a prefix for all
- # requests. Can also be the options Hash.
- # options - The optional Hash used to configure this Faraday::Connection.
- # Any of these values will be set on every request made, unless
- # overridden for a specific request.
- # :url - String base URL.
- # :params - Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
- # :headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- # :request - Hash of request options.
- # :ssl - Hash of SSL options.
- # :proxy - Hash of Proxy options.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # ''
- #
- # #
- # '', :params => {:page => 1}
- #
- # # same
- #
- # :url => '',
- # :params => {:page => 1}
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::Connection.
- def new(url = nil, options = nil)
- block = block_given? ? : nil
- options = options ? default_connection_options.merge(options) : default_connection_options.dup
-, options, &block)
- end
- # Internal: Requires internal Faraday libraries.
- #
- # *libs - One or more relative String names to Faraday classes.
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def require_libs(*libs)
- libs.each do |lib|
- require "#{lib_path}/#{lib}"
- end
- end
- # Public: Updates default adapter while resetting
- # #default_connection.
- #
- # Returns the new default_adapter.
- def default_adapter=(adapter)
- @default_connection = nil
- @default_adapter = adapter
- end
- alias require_lib require_libs
- private
- # Internal: Proxies method calls on the Faraday constant to
- # #default_connection.
- def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
- default_connection.send(name, *args, &block)
- end
- end
- self.root_path = File.expand_path "..", __FILE__
- self.lib_path = File.expand_path "../faraday", __FILE__
- self.default_adapter = :net_http
- # Gets the default connection used for simple scripts.
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::Connection, configured with the #default_adapter.
- def self.default_connection
- @default_connection ||=
- end
- # Gets the default connection options used when calling Faraday#new.
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::ConnectionOptions.
- def self.default_connection_options
- @default_connection_options ||=
- end
- if (!defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) || "ruby" == RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
- begin
- require 'system_timer'
- Timer = SystemTimer
- rescue LoadError
- warn "Faraday: you may want to install system_timer for reliable timeouts"
- end
- end
- unless const_defined? :Timer
- require 'timeout'
- Timer = Timeout
- end
- # Public: Adds the ability for other modules to register and lookup
- # middleware classes.
- module MiddlewareRegistry
- # Public: Register middleware class(es) on the current module.
- #
- # mapping - A Hash mapping Symbol keys to classes. Classes can be expressed
- # as fully qualified constant, or a Proc that will be lazily
- # called to return the former.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # module Faraday
- # class Whatever
- # # Middleware looked up by :foo returns Faraday::Whatever::Foo.
- # register_middleware :foo => Foo
- #
- # # Middleware looked up by :bar returns Faraday::Whatever.const_get(:Bar)
- # register_middleware :bar => :Bar
- #
- # # Middleware looked up by :baz requires 'baz' and returns Faraday::Whatever.const_get(:Baz)
- # register_middleware :baz => [:Baz, 'baz']
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def register_middleware(autoload_path = nil, mapping = nil)
- if mapping.nil?
- mapping = autoload_path
- autoload_path = nil
- end
- middleware_mutex do
- @middleware_autoload_path = autoload_path if autoload_path
- (@registered_middleware ||= {}).update(mapping)
- end
- end
- # Public: Lookup middleware class with a registered Symbol shortcut.
- #
- # key - The Symbol key for the registered middleware.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # module Faraday
- # class Whatever
- # register_middleware :foo => Foo
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Faraday::Whatever.lookup_middleware(:foo)
- # # => Faraday::Whatever::Foo
- #
- # Returns a middleware Class.
- def lookup_middleware(key)
- load_middleware(key) ||
- raise("#{key.inspect} is not registered on #{self}"))
- end
- def middleware_mutex(&block)
- @middleware_mutex ||= begin
- require 'monitor'
- end
- @middleware_mutex.synchronize(&block)
- end
- def fetch_middleware(key)
- defined?(@registered_middleware) && @registered_middleware[key]
- end
- def load_middleware(key)
- value = fetch_middleware(key)
- case value
- when Module
- value
- when Symbol, String
- middleware_mutex do
- @registered_middleware[key] = const_get(value)
- end
- when Proc
- middleware_mutex do
- @registered_middleware[key] =
- end
- when Array
- middleware_mutex do
- const, path = value
- if root = @middleware_autoload_path
- path = "#{root}/#{path}"
- end
- require(path)
- @registered_middleware[key] = const
- end
- load_middleware(key)
- end
- end
- end
- def self.const_missing(name)
- if name.to_sym == :Builder
- warn "Faraday::Builder is now Faraday::RackBuilder."
- const_set name, RackBuilder
- else
- super
- end
- end
- require_libs "utils", "options", "connection", "rack_builder", "parameters",
- "middleware", "adapter", "request", "response", "upload_io", "error"
- require_lib 'autoload'
- end
-# not pulling in active-support JUST for this method. And I love this method.
-class Object
- # The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain,
- # in order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # (1..10).tap { |x| puts "original: #{x.inspect}" }.to_a.
- # tap { |x| puts "array: #{x.inspect}" }.
- # select { |x| x%2 == 0 }.
- # tap { |x| puts "evens: #{x.inspect}" }.
- # map { |x| x*x }.
- # tap { |x| puts "squares: #{x.inspect}" }
- #
- # Yields self.
- # Returns self.
- def tap
- yield(self)
- self
- end unless Object.respond_to?(:tap)
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Public: This is a base class for all Faraday adapters. Adapters are
- # responsible for fulfilling a Faraday request.
- class Adapter < Middleware
- CONTENT_LENGTH = 'Content-Length'.freeze
- register_middleware File.expand_path('../adapter', __FILE__),
- :test => [:Test, 'test'],
- :net_http => [:NetHttp, 'net_http'],
- :net_http_persistent => [:NetHttpPersistent, 'net_http_persistent'],
- :typhoeus => [:Typhoeus, 'typhoeus'],
- :patron => [:Patron, 'patron'],
- :em_synchrony => [:EMSynchrony, 'em_synchrony'],
- :em_http => [:EMHttp, 'em_http'],
- :excon => [:Excon, 'excon'],
- :rack => [:Rack, 'rack'],
- :httpclient => [:HTTPClient, 'httpclient']
- # Public: This module marks an Adapter as supporting parallel requests.
- module Parallelism
- attr_writer :supports_parallel
- def supports_parallel?() @supports_parallel end
- def inherited(subclass)
- super
- subclass.supports_parallel = self.supports_parallel?
- end
- end
- extend Parallelism
- self.supports_parallel = false
- def call(env)
- env.clear_body if env.needs_body?
- end
- def save_response(env, status, body, headers = nil)
- env.status = status
- env.body = body
- env.response_headers = do |response_headers|
- response_headers.update headers unless headers.nil?
- yield(response_headers) if block_given?
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- # EventMachine adapter is useful for either asynchronous requests
- # when in EM reactor loop or for making parallel requests in
- # synchronous code.
- class EMHttp < Faraday::Adapter
- module Options
- def connection_config(env)
- options = {}
- configure_proxy(options, env)
- configure_timeout(options, env)
- configure_socket(options, env)
- configure_ssl(options, env)
- options
- end
- def request_config(env)
- options = {
- :body => read_body(env),
- :head => env[:request_headers],
- # :keepalive => true,
- # :file => 'path/to/file', # stream data off disk
- }
- configure_compression(options, env)
- options
- end
- def read_body(env)
- body = env[:body]
- body.respond_to?(:read) ? : body
- end
- def configure_proxy(options, env)
- if proxy = request_options(env)[:proxy]
- options[:proxy] = {
- :host => proxy[:uri].host,
- :port => proxy[:uri].port,
- :authorization => [proxy[:user], proxy[:password]]
- }
- end
- end
- def configure_socket(options, env)
- if bind = request_options(env)[:bind]
- options[:bind] = {
- :host => bind[:host],
- :port => bind[:port]
- }
- end
- end
- def configure_ssl(options, env)
- if env[:url].scheme == 'https' && env[:ssl]
- options[:ssl] = {
- :cert_chain_file => env[:ssl][:ca_file],
- :verify_peer => env[:ssl].fetch(:verify, true)
- }
- end
- end
- def configure_timeout(options, env)
- timeout, open_timeout = request_options(env).values_at(:timeout, :open_timeout)
- options[:connect_timeout] = options[:inactivity_timeout] = timeout
- options[:connect_timeout] = open_timeout if open_timeout
- end
- def configure_compression(options, env)
- if env[:method] == :get and not options[:head].key? 'accept-encoding'
- options[:head]['accept-encoding'] = 'gzip, compressed'
- end
- end
- def request_options(env)
- env[:request]
- end
- end
- include Options
- dependency 'em-http'
- self.supports_parallel = true
- def self.setup_parallel_manager(options = nil)
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- perform_request env
- env
- end
- def perform_request(env)
- if parallel?(env)
- manager = env[:parallel_manager]
- manager.add {
- perform_single_request(env).
- callback { env[:response].finish(env) }
- }
- else
- unless EventMachine.reactor_running?
- error = nil
- # start EM, block until request is completed
- do
- perform_single_request(env).
- callback { EventMachine.stop }.
- errback { |client|
- error = error_message(client)
- EventMachine.stop
- }
- end
- raise_error(error) if error
- else
- # EM is running: instruct upstream that this is an async request
- env[:parallel_manager] = true
- perform_single_request(env).
- callback { env[:response].finish(env) }.
- errback {
- # TODO: no way to communicate the error in async mode
- raise NotImplementedError
- }
- end
- end
- rescue EventMachine::Connectify::CONNECTError => err
- if err.message.include?("Proxy Authentication Required")
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, %{407 "Proxy Authentication Required "}
- else
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- end
- rescue => err
- if defined?(OpenSSL) && OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError === err
- raise Faraday::SSLError, err
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- # TODO: reuse the connection to support pipelining
- def perform_single_request(env)
- req =[:url], connection_config(env))
- req.setup_request(env[:method], request_config(env)).callback { |client|
- save_response(env, client.response_header.status, client.response) do |resp_headers|
- client.response_header.each do |name, value|
- resp_headers[name.to_sym] = value
- end
- end
- }
- end
- def error_message(client)
- client.error or "request failed"
- end
- def raise_error(msg)
- errklass = Faraday::Error::ClientError
- if msg == Errno::ETIMEDOUT
- errklass = Faraday::Error::TimeoutError
- msg = "request timed out"
- elsif msg == Errno::ECONNREFUSED
- errklass = Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed
- msg = "connection refused"
- elsif msg == "connection closed by server"
- errklass = Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed
- end
- raise errklass, msg
- end
- def parallel?(env)
- !!env[:parallel_manager]
- end
- # The parallel manager is designed to start an EventMachine loop
- # and block until all registered requests have been completed.
- class Manager
- def initialize
- reset
- end
- def reset
- @registered_procs = []
- @num_registered = 0
- @num_succeeded = 0
- @errors = []
- @running = false
- end
- def running?() @running end
- def add
- if running?
- perform_request { yield }
- else
- @registered_procs <<
- end
- @num_registered += 1
- end
- def run
- if @num_registered > 0
- @running = true
- do
- @registered_procs.each do |proc|
- perform_request(&proc)
- end
- end
- if @errors.size > 0
- raise Faraday::Error::ClientError, @errors.first || "connection failed"
- end
- end
- ensure
- reset
- end
- def perform_request
- client = yield
- client.callback { @num_succeeded += 1; check_finished }
- client.errback { @errors << client.error; check_finished }
- end
- def check_finished
- if @num_succeeded + @errors.size == @num_registered
- EventMachine.stop
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- require 'openssl'
-rescue LoadError
- warn "Warning: no such file to load -- openssl. Make sure it is installed if you want HTTPS support"
- require 'faraday/adapter/em_http_ssl_patch'
-end if Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp.loaded?
+++ /dev/null
-require 'openssl'
-require 'em-http'
-module EmHttpSslPatch
- def ssl_verify_peer(cert_string)
- cert = nil
- begin
- cert =
- rescue OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError
- return false
- end
- @last_seen_cert = cert
- if certificate_store.verify(@last_seen_cert)
- begin
- certificate_store.add_cert(@last_seen_cert)
- rescue OpenSSL::X509::StoreError => e
- raise e unless e.message == 'cert already in hash table'
- end
- true
- else
- raise to verify the server certificate for "#{host}"))
- end
- end
- def ssl_handshake_completed
- return true unless verify_peer?
- unless OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(@last_seen_cert, host)
- raise "#{host}" does not match the server certificate))
- else
- true
- end
- end
- def verify_peer?
- parent.connopts.tls[:verify_peer]
- end
- def host
- end
- def certificate_store
- @certificate_store ||= begin
- store =
- store.set_default_paths
- ca_file = parent.connopts.tls[:cert_chain_file]
- store.add_file(ca_file) if ca_file
- store
- end
- end
-EventMachine::HttpStubConnection.send(:include, EmHttpSslPatch)
+++ /dev/null
-require 'uri'
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class EMSynchrony < Faraday::Adapter
- include EMHttp::Options
- dependency do
- require 'em-synchrony/em-http'
- require 'em-synchrony/em-multi'
- require 'fiber'
- end
- self.supports_parallel = true
- def self.setup_parallel_manager(options = {})
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- request =[:url].to_s), connection_config(env))
- http_method = env[:method].to_s.downcase.to_sym
- # Queue requests for parallel execution.
- if env[:parallel_manager]
- env[:parallel_manager].add(request, http_method, request_config(env)) do |resp|
- save_response(env, resp.response_header.status, resp.response) do |resp_headers|
- resp.response_header.each do |name, value|
- resp_headers[name.to_sym] = value
- end
- end
- # Finalize the response object with values from `env`.
- env[:response].finish(env)
- end
- # Execute single request.
- else
- client = nil
- block = lambda { request.send(http_method, request_config(env)) }
- if !EM.reactor_running?
- do
- {
- client =
- EM.stop
- }.resume
- end
- else
- client =
- end
- raise client.error if client.error
- save_response(env, client.response_header.status, client.response) do |resp_headers|
- client.response_header.each do |name, value|
- resp_headers[name.to_sym] = value
- end
- end
- end
- env
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, $!
- rescue EventMachine::Connectify::CONNECTError => err
- if err.message.include?("Proxy Authentication Required")
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, %{407 "Proxy Authentication Required "}
- else
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- end
- rescue => err
- if defined?(OpenSSL) && OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError === err
- raise Faraday::SSLError, err
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- end
- end
-require 'faraday/adapter/em_synchrony/parallel_manager'
- require 'openssl'
-rescue LoadError
- warn "Warning: no such file to load -- openssl. Make sure it is installed if you want HTTPS support"
- require 'faraday/adapter/em_http_ssl_patch'
-end if Faraday::Adapter::EMSynchrony.loaded?
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class EMSynchrony < Faraday::Adapter
- class ParallelManager
- # Add requests to queue. The `request` argument should be a
- # `EM::HttpRequest` object.
- def add(request, method, *args, &block)
- queue << {
- :request => request,
- :method => method,
- :args => args,
- :block => block
- }
- end
- # Run all requests on queue with `EM::Synchrony::Multi`, wrapping
- # it in a reactor and fiber if needed.
- def run
- result = nil
- if !EM.reactor_running?
- {
- do
- result = perform
- EM.stop
- end.resume
- }
- else
- result = perform
- end
- result
- end
- private
- # The request queue.
- def queue
- @queue ||= []
- end
- # Main `EM::Synchrony::Multi` performer.
- def perform
- multi =
- queue.each do |item|
- method = "a#{item[:method]}".to_sym
- req = item[:request].send(method, *item[:args])
- req.callback(&item[:block])
- req_name = "req_#{multi.requests.size}".to_sym
- multi.add(req_name, req)
- end
- # Clear the queue, so parallel manager objects can be reused.
- @queue = []
- # Block fiber until all requests have returned.
- multi.perform
- end
- end # ParallelManager
- end # EMSynchrony
- end # Adapter
-end # Faraday
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class Excon < Faraday::Adapter
- dependency 'excon'
- def initialize(app, connection_options = {})
- @connection_options = connection_options
- super(app)
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- opts = {}
- if env[:url].scheme == 'https' && ssl = env[:ssl]
- opts[:ssl_verify_peer] = !!ssl.fetch(:verify, true)
- opts[:ssl_ca_path] = ssl[:ca_path] if ssl[:ca_path]
- opts[:ssl_ca_file] = ssl[:ca_file] if ssl[:ca_file]
- opts[:client_cert] = ssl[:client_cert] if ssl[:client_cert]
- opts[:client_key] = ssl[:client_key] if ssl[:client_key]
- opts[:certificate] = ssl[:certificate] if ssl[:certificate]
- opts[:private_key] = ssl[:private_key] if ssl[:private_key]
- #
- #
- opts[:nonblock] = false
- end
- if ( req = env[:request] )
- if req[:timeout]
- opts[:read_timeout] = req[:timeout]
- opts[:connect_timeout] = req[:timeout]
- opts[:write_timeout] = req[:timeout]
- end
- if req[:open_timeout]
- opts[:connect_timeout] = req[:open_timeout]
- opts[:write_timeout] = req[:open_timeout]
- end
- if req[:proxy]
- opts[:proxy] = {
- :host => req[:proxy][:uri].host,
- :port => req[:proxy][:uri].port,
- :scheme => req[:proxy][:uri].scheme,
- :user => req[:proxy][:user],
- :password => req[:proxy][:password]
- }
- end
- end
- conn =[:url].to_s, opts.merge(@connection_options))
- resp = conn.request \
- :method => env[:method].to_s.upcase,
- :headers => env[:request_headers],
- :body => read_body(env)
- save_response(env, resp.status.to_i, resp.body, resp.headers)
- env
- rescue ::Excon::Errors::SocketError => err
- if err.message =~ /\btimeout\b/
- raise Error::TimeoutError, err
- elsif err.message =~ /\bcertificate\b/
- raise Faraday::SSLError, err
- else
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- end
- rescue ::Excon::Errors::Timeout => err
- raise Error::TimeoutError, err
- end
- # TODO: support streaming requests
- def read_body(env)
- env[:body].respond_to?(:read) ? env[:body].read : env[:body]
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class HTTPClient < Faraday::Adapter
- dependency 'httpclient'
- def client
- @client ||=
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- if req = env[:request]
- if proxy = req[:proxy]
- configure_proxy proxy
- end
- if bind = req[:bind]
- configure_socket bind
- end
- configure_timeouts req
- end
- if env[:url].scheme == 'https' && ssl = env[:ssl]
- configure_ssl ssl
- end
- # TODO Don't stream yet.
- #
- env[:body] = env[:body].read if env[:body].respond_to? :read
- resp = client.request env[:method], env[:url],
- :body => env[:body],
- :header => env[:request_headers]
- save_response env, resp.status, resp.body, resp.headers
- env
- rescue ::HTTPClient::TimeoutError
- raise Faraday::Error::TimeoutError, $!
- rescue ::HTTPClient::BadResponseError => err
- if err.message.include?('status 407')
- raise Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, %{407 "Proxy Authentication Required "}
- else
- raise Faraday::Error::ClientError, $!
- end
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, EOFError
- raise Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, $!
- rescue => err
- if defined?(OpenSSL) && OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError === err
- raise Faraday::SSLError, err
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- def configure_socket(bind)
- = bind[:host]
- client.socket_local.port = bind[:port]
- end
- def configure_proxy(proxy)
- client.proxy = proxy[:uri]
- if proxy[:user] && proxy[:password]
- client.set_proxy_auth proxy[:user], proxy[:password]
- end
- end
- def configure_ssl(ssl)
- ssl_config = client.ssl_config
- ssl_config.add_trust_ca ssl[:ca_file] if ssl[:ca_file]
- ssl_config.add_trust_ca ssl[:ca_path] if ssl[:ca_path]
- ssl_config.cert_store = ssl[:cert_store] if ssl[:cert_store]
- ssl_config.client_cert = ssl[:client_cert] if ssl[:client_cert]
- ssl_config.client_key = ssl[:client_key] if ssl[:client_key]
- ssl_config.verify_depth = ssl[:verify_depth] if ssl[:verify_depth]
- ssl_config.verify_mode = ssl_verify_mode(ssl)
- end
- def configure_timeouts(req)
- if req[:timeout]
- client.connect_timeout = req[:timeout]
- client.receive_timeout = req[:timeout]
- client.send_timeout = req[:timeout]
- end
- if req[:open_timeout]
- client.connect_timeout = req[:open_timeout]
- client.send_timeout = req[:open_timeout]
- end
- end
- def ssl_verify_mode(ssl)
- ssl[:verify_mode] || begin
- if ssl.fetch(:verify, true)
- else
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
- require 'net/https'
-rescue LoadError
- warn "Warning: no such file to load -- net/https. Make sure openssl is installed if you want ssl support"
- require 'net/http'
-require 'zlib'
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class NetHttp < Faraday::Adapter
- EOFError,
- Errno::EINVAL,
- Net::HTTPBadResponse,
- Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError,
- Net::ProtocolError,
- SocketError,
- Zlib::GzipFile::Error,
- ]
- NET_HTTP_EXCEPTIONS << OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError if defined?(OpenSSL)
- def call(env)
- super
- http = net_http_connection(env)
- configure_ssl(http, env[:ssl]) if env[:url].scheme == 'https' and env[:ssl]
- req = env[:request]
- http.read_timeout = http.open_timeout = req[:timeout] if req[:timeout]
- http.open_timeout = req[:open_timeout] if req[:open_timeout]
- begin
- http_response = perform_request(http, env)
- rescue *NET_HTTP_EXCEPTIONS => err
- if defined?(OpenSSL) && OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError === err
- raise Faraday::SSLError, err
- else
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- end
- end
- save_response(env, http_response.code.to_i, http_response.body || '') do |response_headers|
- http_response.each_header do |key, value|
- response_headers[key] = value
- end
- end
- env
- rescue Timeout::Error => err
- raise Faraday::Error::TimeoutError, err
- end
- def create_request(env)
- request = \
- env[:method].to_s.upcase, # request method
- !!env[:body], # is there request body
- :head != env[:method], # is there response body
- env[:url].request_uri, # request uri path
- env[:request_headers] # request headers
- if env[:body].respond_to?(:read)
- request.body_stream = env[:body]
- else
- request.body = env[:body]
- end
- request
- end
- def perform_request(http, env)
- if :get == env[:method] and !env[:body]
- # prefer `get` to `request` because the former handles gzip (ruby 1.9)
- http.get env[:url].request_uri, env[:request_headers]
- else
- http.request create_request(env)
- end
- end
- def net_http_connection(env)
- if proxy = env[:request][:proxy]
- Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy[:uri].host, proxy[:uri].port, proxy[:user], proxy[:password])
- else
- Net::HTTP
-[:url].host, env[:url].port)
- end
- def configure_ssl(http, ssl)
- http.use_ssl = true
- http.verify_mode = ssl_verify_mode(ssl)
- http.cert_store = ssl_cert_store(ssl)
- http.cert = ssl[:client_cert] if ssl[:client_cert]
- http.key = ssl[:client_key] if ssl[:client_key]
- http.ca_file = ssl[:ca_file] if ssl[:ca_file]
- http.ca_path = ssl[:ca_path] if ssl[:ca_path]
- http.verify_depth = ssl[:verify_depth] if ssl[:verify_depth]
- http.ssl_version = ssl[:version] if ssl[:version]
- end
- def ssl_cert_store(ssl)
- return ssl[:cert_store] if ssl[:cert_store]
- # Use the default cert store by default, i.e. system ca certs
- cert_store =
- cert_store.set_default_paths
- cert_store
- end
- def ssl_verify_mode(ssl)
- ssl[:verify_mode] || begin
- if ssl.fetch(:verify, true)
- else
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# Rely on autoloading instead of explicit require; helps avoid the "already
-# initialized constant" warning on Ruby 1.8.7 when NetHttp is refereced below.
-# require 'faraday/adapter/net_http'
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- # Experimental adapter for net-http-persistent
- class NetHttpPersistent < NetHttp
- dependency 'net/http/persistent'
- def net_http_connection(env)
- if proxy = env[:request][:proxy]
- proxy_uri = ::URI::HTTP === proxy[:uri] ? proxy[:uri].dup : ::URI.parse(proxy[:uri].to_s)
- proxy_uri.user = proxy_uri.password = nil
- # awful patch for net-http-persistent 2.8 not unescaping user/password
- (class << proxy_uri; self; end).class_eval do
- define_method(:user) { proxy[:user] }
- define_method(:password) { proxy[:password] }
- end if proxy[:user]
- end
- 'Faraday', proxy_uri
- end
- def perform_request(http, env)
- http.request env[:url], create_request(env)
- rescue Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error => error
- if error.message.include? 'Timeout'
- raise Faraday::Error::TimeoutError, error
- elsif error.message.include? 'connection refused'
- raise Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, error
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- def configure_ssl(http, ssl)
- http.verify_mode = ssl_verify_mode(ssl)
- http.cert_store = ssl_cert_store(ssl)
- http.certificate = ssl[:client_cert] if ssl[:client_cert]
- http.private_key = ssl[:client_key] if ssl[:client_key]
- http.ca_file = ssl[:ca_file] if ssl[:ca_file]
- http.ssl_version = ssl[:version] if ssl[:version]
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class Patron < Faraday::Adapter
- dependency 'patron'
- def initialize(app, &block)
- super(app)
- @block = block
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- # TODO: support streaming requests
- env[:body] = env[:body].read if env[:body].respond_to? :read
- session = @session ||= create_session
- if req = env[:request]
- session.timeout = session.connect_timeout = req[:timeout] if req[:timeout]
- session.connect_timeout = req[:open_timeout] if req[:open_timeout]
- if proxy = req[:proxy]
- proxy_uri = proxy[:uri].dup
- proxy_uri.user = proxy[:user] && Utils.escape(proxy[:user]).gsub('+', '%20')
- proxy_uri.password = proxy[:password] && Utils.escape(proxy[:password]).gsub('+', '%20')
- session.proxy = proxy_uri.to_s
- end
- end
- response = begin
- data = env[:body] ? env[:body].to_s : nil
- session.request(env[:method], env[:url].to_s, env[:request_headers], :data => data)
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, ::Patron::ConnectionFailed
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, $!
- end
- save_response(env, response.status, response.body, response.headers)
- env
- rescue ::Patron::TimeoutError => err
- if err.message == "Connection time-out"
- raise Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- else
- raise Faraday::Error::TimeoutError, err
- end
- rescue ::Patron::Error => err
- if err.message.include?("code 407")
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, %{407 "Proxy Authentication Required "}
- else
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- end
- end
- if loaded? && defined?(::Patron::Request::VALID_ACTIONS)
- # HAX: helps but doesn't work completely
- #
- ::Patron::Request::VALID_ACTIONS.tap do |actions|
- actions << :patch unless actions.include? :patch
- actions << :options unless actions.include? :options
- end
- end
- def create_session
- session =
- session.insecure = true
- if @block
- session
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- # Sends requests to a Rack app.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # class MyRackApp
- # def call(env)
- # [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ["hello world"]]
- # end
- # end
- #
- # do |conn|
- # conn.adapter :rack,
- # end
- class Rack < Faraday::Adapter
- dependency 'rack/test'
- # not prefixed with "HTTP_"
- def initialize(faraday_app, rack_app)
- super(faraday_app)
- mock_session =
- @session =
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- rack_env = {
- :method => env[:method],
- :input => env[:body].respond_to?(:read) ? env[:body].read : env[:body],
- 'rack.url_scheme' => env[:url].scheme
- }
- env[:request_headers].each do |name, value|
- name ='-', '_')
- name = "HTTP_#{name}" unless SPECIAL_HEADERS.include? name
- rack_env[name] = value
- end if env[:request_headers]
- timeout = env[:request][:timeout] || env[:request][:open_timeout]
- response = if timeout
- Timer.timeout(timeout, Faraday::Error::TimeoutError) { execute_request(env, rack_env) }
- else
- execute_request(env, rack_env)
- end
- save_response(env, response.status, response.body, response.headers)
- env
- end
- def execute_request(env, rack_env)
- @session.request(env[:url].to_s, rack_env)
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- # test = do
- # use Faraday::Adapter::Test do |stub|
- # stub.get '/nigiri/sake.json' do
- # [200, {}, 'hi world']
- # end
- # end
- # end
- #
- # resp = test.get '/nigiri/sake.json'
- # resp.body # => 'hi world'
- #
- class Test < Faraday::Adapter
- attr_accessor :stubs
- class Stubs
- class NotFound < StandardError
- end
- def initialize
- # {:get => [Stub, Stub]}
- @stack, @consumed = {}, {}
- yield(self) if block_given?
- end
- def empty?
- @stack.empty?
- end
- def match(request_method, path, headers, body)
- return false if !@stack.key?(request_method)
- stack = @stack[request_method]
- consumed = (@consumed[request_method] ||= [])
- if stub = matches?(stack, path, headers, body)
- consumed << stack.delete(stub)
- stub
- else
- matches?(consumed, path, headers, body)
- end
- end
- def get(path, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:get, path, headers, &block)
- end
- def head(path, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:head, path, headers, &block)
- end
- def post(path, body=nil, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:post, path, headers, body, &block)
- end
- def put(path, body=nil, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:put, path, headers, body, &block)
- end
- def patch(path, body=nil, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:patch, path, headers, body, &block)
- end
- def delete(path, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:delete, path, headers, &block)
- end
- def options(path, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:options, path, headers, &block)
- end
- # Raises an error if any of the stubbed calls have not been made.
- def verify_stubbed_calls
- failed_stubs = []
- @stack.each do |method, stubs|
- unless stubs.size == 0
- failed_stubs.concat( {|stub|
- "Expected #{method} #{stub}."
- })
- end
- end
- raise failed_stubs.join(" ") unless failed_stubs.size == 0
- end
- protected
- def new_stub(request_method, path, headers = {}, body=nil, &block)
- normalized_path = Faraday::Utils.normalize_path(path)
- (@stack[request_method] ||= []) <<, headers, body, block)
- end
- def matches?(stack, path, headers, body)
- stack.detect { |stub| stub.matches?(path, headers, body) }
- end
- end
- class Stub <, :params, :headers, :body, :block)
- def initialize(full, headers, body, block)
- path, query = full.split('?')
- params = query ?
- Faraday::Utils.parse_nested_query(query) :
- {}
- super(path, params, headers, body, block)
- end
- def matches?(request_uri, request_headers, request_body)
- request_path, request_query = request_uri.split('?')
- request_params = request_query ?
- Faraday::Utils.parse_nested_query(request_query) :
- {}
- request_path == path &&
- params_match?(request_params) &&
- ( || request_body == body) &&
- headers_match?(request_headers)
- end
- def params_match?(request_params)
- params.keys.all? do |key|
- request_params[key] == params[key]
- end
- end
- def headers_match?(request_headers)
- headers.keys.all? do |key|
- request_headers[key] == headers[key]
- end
- end
- def to_s
- "#{path} #{body}"
- end
- end
- def initialize(app, stubs=nil, &block)
- super(app)
- @stubs = stubs ||
- configure(&block) if block
- end
- def configure
- yield(stubs)
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- normalized_path = Faraday::Utils.normalize_path(env[:url])
- params_encoder = env.request.params_encoder || Faraday::Utils.default_params_encoder
- if stub = stubs.match(env[:method], normalized_path, env.request_headers, env[:body])
- env[:params] = (query = env[:url].query) ?
- params_encoder.decode(query) :
- {}
- status, headers, body =
- save_response(env, status, body, headers)
- else
- raise Stubs::NotFound, "no stubbed request for #{env[:method]} #{normalized_path} #{env[:body]}"
- end
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class Typhoeus < Faraday::Adapter
- self.supports_parallel = true
- def self.setup_parallel_manager(options = {})
- options.empty? ? ::Typhoeus::Hydra.hydra :
- end
- dependency 'typhoeus'
- def call(env)
- super
- perform_request env
- env
- end
- def perform_request(env)
- read_body env
- hydra = env[:parallel_manager] || self.class.setup_parallel_manager
- hydra.queue request(env)
- unless parallel?(env)
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, $!
- end
- # TODO: support streaming requests
- def read_body(env)
- env[:body] = env[:body].read if env[:body].respond_to? :read
- end
- def request(env)
- method = env[:method]
- # For some reason, prevents Typhoeus from using "100-continue".
- # We want this because Webrick 1.3.1 can't seem to handle it w/ PUT.
- method = method.to_s.upcase if method == :put
- req = env[:url].to_s,
- :method => method,
- :body => env[:body],
- :headers => env[:request_headers],
- :disable_ssl_peer_verification => (env[:ssl] && env[:ssl].disable?)
- configure_ssl req, env
- configure_proxy req, env
- configure_timeout req, env
- configure_socket req, env
- req.on_complete do |resp|
- if resp.timed_out?
- if parallel?(env)
- # TODO: error callback in async mode
- else
- raise Faraday::Error::TimeoutError, "request timed out"
- end
- end
- case resp.curl_return_code
- when 0
- # everything OK
- when 7
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, resp.curl_error_message
- when 60
- raise Faraday::SSLError, resp.curl_error_message
- else
- raise Error::ClientError, resp.curl_error_message
- end
- save_response(env, resp.code, resp.body) do |response_headers|
- response_headers.parse resp.headers
- end
- # in async mode, :response is initialized at this point
- env[:response].finish(env) if parallel?(env)
- end
- req
- end
- def configure_ssl(req, env)
- ssl = env[:ssl]
- req.ssl_version = ssl[:version] if ssl[:version]
- req.ssl_cert = ssl[:client_cert] if ssl[:client_cert]
- req.ssl_key = ssl[:client_key] if ssl[:client_key]
- req.ssl_cacert = ssl[:ca_file] if ssl[:ca_file]
- req.ssl_capath = ssl[:ca_path] if ssl[:ca_path]
- end
- def configure_proxy(req, env)
- proxy = request_options(env)[:proxy]
- return unless proxy
- req.proxy = "#{proxy[:uri].host}:#{proxy[:uri].port}"
- if proxy[:user] && proxy[:password]
- req.proxy_username = proxy[:user]
- req.proxy_password = proxy[:password]
- end
- end
- def configure_timeout(req, env)
- env_req = request_options(env)
- req.timeout = req.connect_timeout = (env_req[:timeout] * 1000) if env_req[:timeout]
- req.connect_timeout = (env_req[:open_timeout] * 1000) if env_req[:open_timeout]
- end
- def configure_socket(req, env)
- if bind = request_options(env)[:bind]
- req.interface = bind[:host]
- end
- end
- def request_options(env)
- env[:request]
- end
- def parallel?(env)
- !!env[:parallel_manager]
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Internal: Adds the ability for other modules to manage autoloadable
- # constants.
- module AutoloadHelper
- # Internal: Registers the constants to be auto loaded.
- #
- # prefix - The String require prefix. If the path is inside Faraday, then
- # it will be prefixed with the root path of this loaded Faraday
- # version.
- # options - Hash of Symbol => String library names.
- #
- # Examples.
- #
- # Faraday.autoload_all 'faraday/foo',
- # :Bar => 'bar'
- #
- # # requires faraday/foo/bar to load Faraday::Bar.
- # Faraday::Bar
- #
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def autoload_all(prefix, options)
- if prefix =~ /^faraday(\/|$)/i
- prefix = File.join(Faraday.root_path, prefix)
- end
- options.each do |const_name, path|
- autoload const_name, File.join(prefix, path)
- end
- end
- # Internal: Loads each autoloaded constant. If thread safety is a concern,
- # wrap this in a Mutex.
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def load_autoloaded_constants
- constants.each do |const|
- const_get(const) if autoload?(const)
- end
- end
- # Internal: Filters the module's contents with those that have been already
- # autoloaded.
- #
- # Returns an Array of Class/Module objects.
- def all_loaded_constants
- { |c| const_get(c) }.
- select { |a| a.respond_to?(:loaded?) && a.loaded? }
- end
- end
- class Adapter
- extend AutoloadHelper
- autoload_all 'faraday/adapter',
- :NetHttp => 'net_http',
- :NetHttpPersistent => 'net_http_persistent',
- :Typhoeus => 'typhoeus',
- :EMSynchrony => 'em_synchrony',
- :EMHttp => 'em_http',
- :Patron => 'patron',
- :Excon => 'excon',
- :Test => 'test',
- :Rack => 'rack',
- :HTTPClient => 'httpclient'
- end
- class Request
- extend AutoloadHelper
- autoload_all 'faraday/request',
- :UrlEncoded => 'url_encoded',
- :Multipart => 'multipart',
- :Retry => 'retry',
- :Timeout => 'timeout',
- :Authorization => 'authorization',
- :BasicAuthentication => 'basic_authentication',
- :TokenAuthentication => 'token_authentication',
- :Instrumentation => 'instrumentation'
- end
- class Response
- extend AutoloadHelper
- autoload_all 'faraday/response',
- :RaiseError => 'raise_error',
- :Logger => 'logger'
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Public: Connection objects manage the default properties and the middleware
- # stack for fulfilling an HTTP request.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn = ''
- #
- # # GET
- # conn.get 'nigiri'
- # # => #<Faraday::Response>
- #
- class Connection
- # A Set of allowed HTTP verbs.
- METHODS = [:get, :post, :put, :delete, :head, :patch, :options]
- # Public: Returns a Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
- attr_reader :params
- # Public: Returns a Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- attr_reader :headers
- # Public: Returns a URI with the prefix used for all requests from this
- # Connection. This includes a default host name, scheme, port, and path.
- attr_reader :url_prefix
- # Public: Returns the Faraday::Builder for this Connection.
- attr_reader :builder
- # Public: Returns a Hash of the request options.
- attr_reader :options
- # Public: Returns a Hash of the SSL options.
- attr_reader :ssl
- # Public: Returns the parallel manager for this Connection.
- attr_reader :parallel_manager
- # Public: Sets the default parallel manager for this connection.
- attr_writer :default_parallel_manager
- # Public: Initializes a new Faraday::Connection.
- #
- # url - URI or String base URL to use as a prefix for all
- # requests (optional).
- # options - Hash or Faraday::ConnectionOptions.
- # :url - URI or String base URL (default: "http:/").
- # :params - Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
- # :headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- # :request - Hash of request options.
- # :ssl - Hash of SSL options.
- # :proxy - URI, String or Hash of HTTP proxy options
- # (default: "http_proxy" environment variable).
- # :uri - URI or String
- # :user - String (optional)
- # :password - String (optional)
- def initialize(url = nil, options = nil)
- if url.is_a?(Hash)
- options = ConnectionOptions.from(url)
- url = options.url
- else
- options = ConnectionOptions.from(options)
- end
- @parallel_manager = nil
- @headers =
- @params =
- @options = options.request
- @ssl = options.ssl
- @default_parallel_manager = options.parallel_manager
- @builder = options.builder || begin
- # pass an empty block to Builder so it doesn't assume default middleware
- options.new_builder(block_given? ? { |b| } : nil)
- end
- self.url_prefix = url || 'http:/'
- @params.update(options.params) if options.params
- @headers.update(options.headers) if options.headers
- @proxy = nil
- proxy(options.fetch(:proxy) {
- uri = ENV['http_proxy']
- if uri && !uri.empty?
- uri = 'http://' + uri if uri !~ /^http/i
- uri
- end
- })
- yield(self) if block_given?
- @headers[:user_agent] ||= "Faraday v#{VERSION}"
- end
- # Public: Sets the Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
- def params=(hash)
- @params.replace hash
- end
- # Public: Sets the Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- def headers=(hash)
- @headers.replace hash
- end
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :builder, :build, :use, :request, :response, :adapter, :app
- # Public: Makes an HTTP request without a body.
- #
- # url - The optional String base URL to use as a prefix for all
- # requests. Can also be the options Hash.
- # params - Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
- # headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn.get '/items', {:page => 1}, :accept => 'application/json'
- # conn.head '/items/1'
- #
- # # ElasticSearch example sending a body with GET.
- # conn.get '/twitter/tweet/_search' do |req|
- # req.headers[:content_type] = 'application/json'
- # req.params[:routing] = 'kimchy'
- # req.body = JSON.generate(:query => {...})
- # end
- #
- # Yields a Faraday::Response for further request customizations.
- # Returns a Faraday::Response.
- #
- # Signature
- #
- # <verb>(url = nil, params = nil, headers = nil)
- #
- # verb - An HTTP verb: get, head, or delete.
- %w[get head delete].each do |method|
- class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
- def #{method}(url = nil, params = nil, headers = nil)
- run_request(:#{method}, url, nil, headers) { |request|
- request.params.update(params) if params
- yield(request) if block_given?
- }
- end
- end
- # Public: Makes an HTTP request with a body.
- #
- # url - The optional String base URL to use as a prefix for all
- # requests. Can also be the options Hash.
- # body - The String body for the request.
- # headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # '/items', data, :content_type => 'application/json'
- #
- # # Simple ElasticSearch indexing sample.
- # '/twitter/tweet' do |req|
- # req.headers[:content_type] = 'application/json'
- # req.params[:routing] = 'kimchy'
- # req.body = JSON.generate(:user => 'kimchy', ...)
- # end
- #
- # Yields a Faraday::Response for further request customizations.
- # Returns a Faraday::Response.
- #
- # Signature
- #
- # <verb>(url = nil, body = nil, headers = nil)
- #
- # verb - An HTTP verb: post, put, or patch.
- %w[post put patch].each do |method|
- class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
- def #{method}(url = nil, body = nil, headers = nil, &block)
- run_request(:#{method}, url, body, headers, &block)
- end
- end
- # Public: Sets up the Authorization header with these credentials, encoded
- # with base64.
- #
- # login - The authentication login.
- # pass - The authentication password.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn.basic_auth 'Aladdin', 'open sesame'
- # conn.headers['Authorization']
- # # => "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def basic_auth(login, pass)
- set_authorization_header(:basic_auth, login, pass)
- end
- # Public: Sets up the Authorization header with the given token.
- #
- # token - The String token.
- # options - Optional Hash of extra token options.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn.token_auth 'abcdef', :foo => 'bar'
- # conn.headers['Authorization']
- # # => "Token token=\"abcdef\",
- # foo=\"bar\""
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def token_auth(token, options = nil)
- set_authorization_header(:token_auth, token, options)
- end
- # Public: Sets up a custom Authorization header.
- #
- # type - The String authorization type.
- # token - The String or Hash token. A String value is taken literally, and
- # a Hash is encoded into comma separated key/value pairs.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn.authorization :Bearer, 'mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM'
- # conn.headers['Authorization']
- # # => "Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM"
- #
- # conn.authorization :Token, :token => 'abcdef', :foo => 'bar'
- # conn.headers['Authorization']
- # # => "Token token=\"abcdef\",
- # foo=\"bar\""
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def authorization(type, token)
- set_authorization_header(:authorization, type, token)
- end
- # Internal: Traverse the middleware stack in search of a
- # parallel-capable adapter.
- #
- # Yields in case of not found.
- #
- # Returns a parallel manager or nil if not found.
- def default_parallel_manager
- @default_parallel_manager ||= begin
- handler = @builder.handlers.detect do |h|
- h.klass.respond_to?(:supports_parallel?) and h.klass.supports_parallel?
- end
- if handler
- handler.klass.setup_parallel_manager
- elsif block_given?
- yield
- end
- end
- end
- # Public: Determine if this Faraday::Connection can make parallel requests.
- #
- # Returns true or false.
- def in_parallel?
- !!@parallel_manager
- end
- # Public: Sets up the parallel manager to make a set of requests.
- #
- # manager - The parallel manager that this Connection's Adapter uses.
- #
- # Yields a block to execute multiple requests.
- # Returns nothing.
- def in_parallel(manager = nil)
- @parallel_manager = manager || default_parallel_manager {
- warn "Warning: `in_parallel` called but no parallel-capable adapter on Faraday stack"
- warn caller[2,10].join("\n")
- nil
- }
- yield
- @parallel_manager &&
- ensure
- @parallel_manager = nil
- end
- # Public: Gets or Sets the Hash proxy options.
- def proxy(arg = nil)
- return @proxy if arg.nil?
- @proxy = ProxyOptions.from(arg)
- end
- def_delegators :url_prefix, :scheme, :scheme=, :host, :host=, :port, :port=
- def_delegator :url_prefix, :path, :path_prefix
- # Public: Parses the giving url with URI and stores the individual
- # components in this connection. These components serve as defaults for
- # requests made by this connection.
- #
- # url - A String or URI.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn = { ... }
- # conn.url_prefix = ""
- # conn.scheme # => https
- # conn.path_prefix # => "/api"
- #
- # conn.get("nigiri?page=2") # accesses
- #
- # Returns the parsed URI from teh given input..
- def url_prefix=(url, encoder = nil)
- uri = @url_prefix = Utils.URI(url)
- self.path_prefix = uri.path
- params.merge_query(uri.query, encoder)
- uri.query = nil
- with_uri_credentials(uri) do |user, password|
- basic_auth user, password
- uri.user = uri.password = nil
- end
- uri
- end
- # Public: Sets the path prefix and ensures that it always has a leading
- # slash.
- #
- # value - A String.
- #
- # Returns the new String path prefix.
- def path_prefix=(value)
- url_prefix.path = if value
- value = '/' + value unless value[0,1] == '/'
- value
- end
- end
- # Public: Takes a relative url for a request and combines it with the defaults
- # set on the connection instance.
- #
- # conn = { ... }
- # conn.url_prefix = ""
- # conn.scheme # => https
- # conn.path_prefix # => "/api"
- #
- # conn.build_url("nigiri?page=2") # =>
- # conn.build_url("nigiri", :page => 2) # =>
- #
- def build_url(url = nil, extra_params = nil)
- uri = build_exclusive_url(url)
- query_values = params.dup.merge_query(uri.query, options.params_encoder)
- query_values.update extra_params if extra_params
- uri.query = query_values.empty? ? nil : query_values.to_query(options.params_encoder)
- uri
- end
- # Builds and runs the Faraday::Request.
- #
- # method - The Symbol HTTP method.
- # url - The String or URI to access.
- # body - The String body
- # headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::Response.
- def run_request(method, url, body, headers)
- if !METHODS.include?(method)
- raise ArgumentError, "unknown http method: #{method}"
- end
- request = build_request(method) do |req|
- req.url(url) if url
- req.headers.update(headers) if headers
- req.body = body if body
- yield(req) if block_given?
- end
- builder.build_response(self, request)
- end
- # Creates and configures the request object.
- #
- # Returns the new Request.
- def build_request(method)
- Request.create(method) do |req|
- req.params = self.params.dup
- req.headers = self.headers.dup
- req.options = self.options.merge(:proxy => self.proxy)
- yield(req) if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Internal: Build an absolute URL based on url_prefix.
- #
- # url - A String or URI-like object
- # params - A Faraday::Utils::ParamsHash to replace the query values
- # of the resulting url (default: nil).
- #
- # Returns the resulting URI instance.
- def build_exclusive_url(url = nil, params = nil)
- url = nil if url.respond_to?(:empty?) and url.empty?
- base = url_prefix
- if url and base.path and base.path !~ /\/$/
- base = base.dup
- base.path = base.path + '/' # ensure trailing slash
- end
- uri = url ? base + url : base
- uri.query = params.to_query(options.params_encoder) if params
- uri.query = nil if uri.query and uri.query.empty?
- uri
- end
- # Internal: Creates a duplicate of this Faraday::Connection.
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::Connection.
- def dup
-, :headers => headers.dup, :params => params.dup, :builder => builder.dup, :ssl => ssl.dup)
- end
- # Internal: Yields username and password extracted from a URI if they both exist.
- def with_uri_credentials(uri)
- if uri.user and uri.password
- yield(Utils.unescape(uri.user), Utils.unescape(uri.password))
- end
- end
- def set_authorization_header(header_type, *args)
- header = Faraday::Request.lookup_middleware(header_type).
- header(*args)
- headers[Faraday::Request::Authorization::KEY] = header
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Error < StandardError; end
- class MissingDependency < Error; end
- class ClientError < Error
- attr_reader :response
- def initialize(ex, response = nil)
- @wrapped_exception = nil
- @response = response
- if ex.respond_to?(:backtrace)
- super(ex.message)
- @wrapped_exception = ex
- elsif ex.respond_to?(:each_key)
- super("the server responded with status #{ex[:status]}")
- @response = ex
- else
- super(ex.to_s)
- end
- end
- def backtrace
- if @wrapped_exception
- @wrapped_exception.backtrace
- else
- super
- end
- end
- def inspect
- %(#<#{self.class}>)
- end
- end
- class ConnectionFailed < ClientError; end
- class ResourceNotFound < ClientError; end
- class ParsingError < ClientError; end
- class TimeoutError < ClientError
- def initialize(ex = nil)
- super(ex || "timeout")
- end
- end
- class SSLError < ClientError
- end
- [:MissingDependency, :ClientError, :ConnectionFailed, :ResourceNotFound,
- :ParsingError, :TimeoutError, :SSLError].each do |const|
- Error.const_set(const, Faraday.const_get(const))
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Middleware
- extend MiddlewareRegistry
- class << self
- attr_accessor :load_error
- private :load_error=
- end
- self.load_error = nil
- # Executes a block which should try to require and reference dependent libraries
- def self.dependency(lib = nil)
- lib ? require(lib) : yield
- rescue LoadError, NameError => error
- self.load_error = error
- end
- def*)
- raise "missing dependency for #{self}: #{load_error.message}" unless loaded?
- super
- end
- def self.loaded?
- load_error.nil?
- end
- def self.inherited(subclass)
- super
- subclass.send(:load_error=, self.load_error)
- end
- def initialize(app = nil)
- @app = app
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Subclasses Struct with some special helpers for converting from a Hash to
- # a Struct.
- class Options < Struct
- # Public
- def self.from(value)
- value ? new.update(value) : new
- end
- # Public
- def each
- return to_enum(:each) unless block_given?
- members.each do |key|
- yield(key.to_sym, send(key))
- end
- end
- # Public
- def update(obj)
- obj.each do |key, value|
- if sub_options = self.class.options_for(key)
- value = sub_options.from(value) if value
- elsif Hash === value
- hash = {}
- value.each do |hash_key, hash_value|
- hash[hash_key] = hash_value
- end
- value = hash
- end
- self.send("#{key}=", value) unless value.nil?
- end
- self
- end
- alias merge! update
- # Public
- def delete(key)
- value = send(key)
- send("#{key}=", nil)
- value
- end
- # Public
- def clear
- members.each { |member| delete(member) }
- end
- # Public
- def merge(value)
- dup.update(value)
- end
- # Public
- def fetch(key, *args)
- unless symbolized_key_set.include?(key.to_sym)
- key_setter = "#{key}="
- if args.size > 0
- send(key_setter, args.first)
- elsif block_given?
- send(key_setter,
- else
- raise self.class.fetch_error_class, "key not found: #{key.inspect}"
- end
- end
- send(key)
- end
- # Public
- def values_at(*keys)
- { |key| send(key) }
- end
- # Public
- def keys
- members.reject { |member| send(member).nil? }
- end
- # Public
- def empty?
- keys.empty?
- end
- # Public
- def each_key
- return to_enum(:each_key) unless block_given?
- keys.each do |key|
- yield(key)
- end
- end
- # Public
- def key?(key)
- keys.include?(key)
- end
- alias has_key? key?
- # Public
- def each_value
- return to_enum(:each_value) unless block_given?
- values.each do |value|
- yield(value)
- end
- end
- # Public
- def value?(value)
- values.include?(value)
- end
- alias has_value? value?
- # Public
- def to_hash
- hash = {}
- members.each do |key|
- value = send(key)
- hash[key.to_sym] = value unless value.nil?
- end
- hash
- end
- # Internal
- def inspect
- values = []
- members.each do |member|
- value = send(member)
- values << "#{member}=#{value.inspect}" if value
- end
- values = values.empty? ? ' (empty)' : (' ' << values.join(", "))
- %(#<#{self.class}#{values}>)
- end
- # Internal
- def self.options(mapping)
- attribute_options.update(mapping)
- end
- # Internal
- def self.options_for(key)
- attribute_options[key]
- end
- # Internal
- def self.attribute_options
- @attribute_options ||= {}
- end
- def self.memoized(key)
- memoized_attributes[key.to_sym] =
- class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
- def #{key}() self[:#{key}]; end
- end
- def self.memoized_attributes
- @memoized_attributes ||= {}
- end
- def [](key)
- key = key.to_sym
- if method = self.class.memoized_attributes[key]
- super(key) || (self[key] = instance_eval(&method))
- else
- super
- end
- end
- def symbolized_key_set
- @symbolized_key_set ||= { |k| k.to_sym })
- end
- def self.inherited(subclass)
- super
- subclass.attribute_options.update(attribute_options)
- subclass.memoized_attributes.update(memoized_attributes)
- end
- def self.fetch_error_class
- @fetch_error_class ||= if Object.const_defined?(:KeyError)
- ::KeyError
- else
- ::IndexError
- end
- end
- end
- class RequestOptions <, :proxy, :bind,
- :timeout, :open_timeout, :boundary,
- :oauth)
- def []=(key, value)
- if key && key.to_sym == :proxy
- super(key, value ? ProxyOptions.from(value) : nil)
- else
- super(key, value)
- end
- end
- end
- class SSLOptions <, :ca_file, :ca_path, :verify_mode,
- :cert_store, :client_cert, :client_key, :certificate, :private_key, :verify_depth, :version)
- def verify?
- verify != false
- end
- def disable?
- !verify?
- end
- end
- class ProxyOptions <, :user, :password)
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :uri, :scheme, :scheme=, :host, :host=, :port, :port=, :path, :path=
- def self.from(value)
- case value
- when String
- value = {:uri => Utils.URI(value)}
- when URI
- value = {:uri => value}
- when Hash, Options
- if uri = value.delete(:uri)
- value[:uri] = Utils.URI(uri)
- end
- end
- super(value)
- end
- memoized(:user) { uri.user && Utils.unescape(uri.user) }
- memoized(:password) { uri.password && Utils.unescape(uri.password) }
- end
- class ConnectionOptions <, :proxy, :ssl, :builder, :url,
- :parallel_manager, :params, :headers, :builder_class)
- options :request => RequestOptions, :ssl => SSLOptions
- memoized(:request) { self.class.options_for(:request).new }
- memoized(:ssl) { self.class.options_for(:ssl).new }
- memoized(:builder_class) { RackBuilder }
- def new_builder(block)
- end
- end
- class Env <, :body, :url, :request, :request_headers,
- :ssl, :parallel_manager, :params, :response, :response_headers, :status)
- ContentLength = 'Content-Length'.freeze
- StatusesWithoutBody = [204, 304]
- SuccessfulStatuses = 200..299
- # A Set of HTTP verbs that typically send a body. If no body is set for
- # these requests, the Content-Length header is set to 0.
- MethodsWithBodies = [:post, :put, :patch, :options]
- options :request => RequestOptions,
- :request_headers => Utils::Headers, :response_headers => Utils::Headers
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :request, :params_encoder
- # Public
- def [](key)
- if in_member_set?(key)
- super(key)
- else
- custom_members[key]
- end
- end
- # Public
- def []=(key, value)
- if in_member_set?(key)
- super(key, value)
- else
- custom_members[key] = value
- end
- end
- # Public
- def success?
- SuccessfulStatuses.include?(status)
- end
- # Public
- def needs_body?
- !body && MethodsWithBodies.include?(method)
- end
- # Public
- def clear_body
- request_headers[ContentLength] = '0'
- self.body = ''
- end
- # Public
- def parse_body?
- !StatusesWithoutBody.include?(status)
- end
- # Public
- def parallel?
- !!parallel_manager
- end
- def inspect
- attrs = [nil]
- members.each do |mem|
- if value = send(mem)
- attrs << "@#{mem}=#{value.inspect}"
- end
- end
- if !custom_members.empty?
- attrs << "@custom=#{custom_members.inspect}"
- end
- %(#<#{self.class}#{attrs.join(" ")}>)
- end
- # Internal
- def custom_members
- @custom_members ||= {}
- end
- # Internal
- if members.first.is_a?(Symbol)
- def in_member_set?(key)
- self.class.member_set.include?(key.to_sym)
- end
- else
- def in_member_set?(key)
- self.class.member_set.include?(key.to_s)
- end
- end
- # Internal
- def self.member_set
- @member_set ||=
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- module NestedParamsEncoder
- ESCAPE_RE = /[^a-zA-Z0-9 .~_-]/
- def self.escape(s)
- return s.to_s.gsub(ESCAPE_RE) {
- '%' + $&.unpack('H2' * $&.bytesize).join('%').upcase
- }.tr(' ', '+')
- end
- def self.unescape(s)
- CGI.unescape(s.to_s)
- end
- def self.encode(params)
- return nil if params == nil
- if !params.is_a?(Array)
- if !params.respond_to?(:to_hash)
- raise TypeError,
- "Can't convert #{params.class} into Hash."
- end
- params = params.to_hash
- params = do |key, value|
- key = key.to_s if key.kind_of?(Symbol)
- [key, value]
- end
- # Useful default for OAuth and caching.
- # Only to be used for non-Array inputs. Arrays should preserve order.
- params.sort!
- end
- # Helper lambda
- to_query = lambda do |parent, value|
- if value.is_a?(Hash)
- value = do |key, val|
- key = escape(key)
- [key, val]
- end
- value.sort!
- buffer = ""
- value.each do |key, val|
- new_parent = "#{parent}%5B#{key}%5D"
- buffer << "#{, val)}&"
- end
- return buffer.chop
- elsif value.is_a?(Array)
- buffer = ""
- value.each_with_index do |val, i|
- new_parent = "#{parent}%5B%5D"
- buffer << "#{, val)}&"
- end
- return buffer.chop
- else
- encoded_value = escape(value)
- return "#{parent}=#{encoded_value}"
- end
- end
- # The params have form [['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2']].
- buffer = ''
- params.each do |parent, value|
- encoded_parent = escape(parent)
- buffer << "#{, value)}&"
- end
- return buffer.chop
- end
- def self.decode(query)
- return nil if query == nil
- # Recursive helper lambda
- dehash = lambda do |hash|
- hash.each do |(key, value)|
- if value.kind_of?(Hash)
- hash[key] =
- end
- end
- # Numeric keys implies an array
- if hash != {} && hash.keys.all? { |key| key =~ /^\d+$/ }
- hash.sort.inject([]) do |accu, (_, value)|
- accu << value; accu
- end
- else
- hash
- end
- end
- empty_accumulator = {}
- return ((query.split('&').map do |pair|
- pair.split('=', 2) if pair && !pair.empty?
- end).compact.inject(empty_accumulator.dup) do |accu, (key, value)|
- key = unescape(key)
- if value.kind_of?(String)
- value = unescape(value.gsub(/\+/, ' '))
- end
- array_notation = !!(key =~ /\[\]$/)
- subkeys = key.split(/[\[\]]+/)
- current_hash = accu
- for i in 0...(subkeys.size - 1)
- subkey = subkeys[i]
- current_hash[subkey] = {} unless current_hash[subkey]
- current_hash = current_hash[subkey]
- end
- if array_notation
- current_hash[subkeys.last] = [] unless current_hash[subkeys.last]
- current_hash[subkeys.last] << value
- else
- current_hash[subkeys.last] = value
- end
- accu
- end).inject(empty_accumulator.dup) do |accu, (key, value)|
- accu[key] = value.kind_of?(Hash) ? : value
- accu
- end
- end
- end
- module FlatParamsEncoder
- ESCAPE_RE = /[^a-zA-Z0-9 .~_-]/
- def self.escape(s)
- return s.to_s.gsub(ESCAPE_RE) {
- '%' + $&.unpack('H2' * $&.bytesize).join('%').upcase
- }.tr(' ', '+')
- end
- def self.unescape(s)
- CGI.unescape(s.to_s)
- end
- def self.encode(params)
- return nil if params == nil
- if !params.is_a?(Array)
- if !params.respond_to?(:to_hash)
- raise TypeError,
- "Can't convert #{params.class} into Hash."
- end
- params = params.to_hash
- params = do |key, value|
- key = key.to_s if key.kind_of?(Symbol)
- [key, value]
- end
- # Useful default for OAuth and caching.
- # Only to be used for non-Array inputs. Arrays should preserve order.
- params.sort!
- end
- # The params have form [['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2']].
- buffer = ''
- params.each do |key, value|
- encoded_key = escape(key)
- value = value.to_s if value == true || value == false
- if value == nil
- buffer << "#{encoded_key}&"
- elsif value.kind_of?(Array)
- value.each do |sub_value|
- encoded_value = escape(sub_value)
- buffer << "#{encoded_key}=#{encoded_value}&"
- end
- else
- encoded_value = escape(value)
- buffer << "#{encoded_key}=#{encoded_value}&"
- end
- end
- return buffer.chop
- end
- def self.decode(query)
- empty_accumulator = {}
- return nil if query == nil
- split_query = (query.split('&').map do |pair|
- pair.split('=', 2) if pair && !pair.empty?
- end).compact
- return split_query.inject(empty_accumulator.dup) do |accu, pair|
- pair[0] = unescape(pair[0])
- pair[1] = true if pair[1].nil?
- if pair[1].respond_to?(:to_str)
- pair[1] = unescape(pair[1].to_str.gsub(/\+/, " "))
- end
- if accu[pair[0]].kind_of?(Array)
- accu[pair[0]] << pair[1]
- elsif accu[pair[0]]
- accu[pair[0]] = [accu[pair[0]], pair[1]]
- else
- accu[pair[0]] = pair[1]
- end
- accu
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # A Builder that processes requests into responses by passing through an inner
- # middleware stack (heavily inspired by Rack).
- #
- # => '') do |builder|
- # builder.request :url_encoded # Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
- # builder.adapter :net_http # Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
- # end
- class RackBuilder
- attr_accessor :handlers
- # Error raised when trying to modify the stack after calling `lock!`
- class StackLocked < RuntimeError; end
- # borrowed from ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Reference &
- # ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack::Middleware
- class Handler
- @@constants_mutex =
- @@constants = { |h, k|
- value = k.respond_to?(:constantize) ? k.constantize : Object.const_get(k)
- @@constants_mutex.synchronize { h[k] = value }
- }
- attr_reader :name
- def initialize(klass, *args, &block)
- @name = klass.to_s
- if klass.respond_to?(:name)
- @@constants_mutex.synchronize { @@constants[@name] = klass }
- end
- @args, @block = args, block
- end
- def klass() @@constants[@name] end
- def inspect() @name end
- def ==(other)
- if other.is_a? Handler
- ==
- elsif other.respond_to? :name
- klass == other
- else
- @name == other.to_s
- end
- end
- def build(app)
-, *@args, &@block)
- end
- end
- def initialize(handlers = [])
- @handlers = handlers
- if block_given?
- build(&
- elsif @handlers.empty?
- # default stack, if nothing else is configured
- self.request :url_encoded
- self.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
- end
- end
- def build(options = {})
- raise_if_locked
- @handlers.clear unless options[:keep]
- yield(self) if block_given?
- end
- def [](idx)
- @handlers[idx]
- end
- # Locks the middleware stack to ensure no further modifications are possible.
- def lock!
- @handlers.freeze
- end
- def locked?
- @handlers.frozen?
- end
- def use(klass, *args, &block)
- if klass.is_a? Symbol
- use_symbol(Faraday::Middleware, klass, *args, &block)
- else
- raise_if_locked
- @handlers <<, *args, &block)
- end
- end
- def request(key, *args, &block)
- use_symbol(Faraday::Request, key, *args, &block)
- end
- def response(key, *args, &block)
- use_symbol(Faraday::Response, key, *args, &block)
- end
- def adapter(key, *args, &block)
- use_symbol(Faraday::Adapter, key, *args, &block)
- end
- ## methods to push onto the various positions in the stack:
- def insert(index, *args, &block)
- raise_if_locked
- index = assert_index(index)
- handler =*args, &block)
- @handlers.insert(index, handler)
- end
- alias_method :insert_before, :insert
- def insert_after(index, *args, &block)
- index = assert_index(index)
- insert(index + 1, *args, &block)
- end
- def swap(index, *args, &block)
- raise_if_locked
- index = assert_index(index)
- @handlers.delete_at(index)
- insert(index, *args, &block)
- end
- def delete(handler)
- raise_if_locked
- @handlers.delete(handler)
- end
- # Processes a Request into a Response by passing it through this Builder's
- # middleware stack.
- #
- # connection - Faraday::Connection
- # request - Faraday::Request
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::Response.
- def build_response(connection, request)
-, request))
- end
- # The "rack app" wrapped in middleware. All requests are sent here.
- #
- # The builder is responsible for creating the app object. After this,
- # the builder gets locked to ensure no further modifications are made
- # to the middleware stack.
- #
- # Returns an object that responds to `call` and returns a Response.
- def app
- @app ||= begin
- lock!
- to_app(lambda { |env|
- response =
- response.finish(env) unless env.parallel?
- env.response = response
- })
- end
- end
- def to_app(inner_app)
- # last added handler is the deepest and thus closest to the inner app
- @handlers.reverse.inject(inner_app) { |app, handler| }
- end
- def ==(other)
- other.is_a?(self.class) && @handlers == other.handlers
- end
- def dup
- end
- # ENV Keys
- # :method - a symbolized request method (:get, :post)
- # :body - the request body that will eventually be converted to a string.
- # :url - URI instance for the current request.
- # :status - HTTP response status code
- # :request_headers - hash of HTTP Headers to be sent to the server
- # :response_headers - Hash of HTTP headers from the server
- # :parallel_manager - sent if the connection is in parallel mode
- # :request - Hash of options for configuring the request.
- # :timeout - open/read timeout Integer in seconds
- # :open_timeout - read timeout Integer in seconds
- # :proxy - Hash of proxy options
- # :uri - Proxy Server URI
- # :user - Proxy server username
- # :password - Proxy server password
- # :ssl - Hash of options for configuring SSL requests.
- def build_env(connection, request)
-, request.body,
- connection.build_exclusive_url(request.path, request.params),
- request.options, request.headers, connection.ssl,
- connection.parallel_manager)
- end
- private
- def raise_if_locked
- raise StackLocked, "can't modify middleware stack after making a request" if locked?
- end
- def use_symbol(mod, key, *args, &block)
- use(mod.lookup_middleware(key), *args, &block)
- end
- def assert_index(index)
- idx = index.is_a?(Integer) ? index : @handlers.index(index)
- raise "No such handler: #{index.inspect}" unless idx
- idx
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Used to setup urls, params, headers, and the request body in a sane manner.
- #
- # do |req|
- # req.url 'http://localhost', 'a' => '1' # 'http://localhost?a=1'
- # req.headers['b'] = '2' # Header
- # req.params['c'] = '3' # GET Param
- # req['b'] = '2' # also Header
- # req.body = 'abc'
- # end
- #
- class Request <, :path, :params, :headers, :body, :options)
- extend MiddlewareRegistry
- register_middleware File.expand_path('../request', __FILE__),
- :url_encoded => [:UrlEncoded, 'url_encoded'],
- :multipart => [:Multipart, 'multipart'],
- :retry => [:Retry, 'retry'],
- :authorization => [:Authorization, 'authorization'],
- :basic_auth => [:BasicAuthentication, 'basic_authentication'],
- :token_auth => [:TokenAuthentication, 'token_authentication'],
- :instrumentation => [:Instrumentation, 'instrumentation']
- def self.create(request_method)
- new(request_method).tap do |request|
- yield(request) if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Public: Replace params, preserving the existing hash type
- def params=(hash)
- if params
- params.replace hash
- else
- super
- end
- end
- # Public: Replace request headers, preserving the existing hash type
- def headers=(hash)
- if headers
- headers.replace hash
- else
- super
- end
- end
- def url(path, params = nil)
- if path.respond_to? :query
- if query = path.query
- path = path.dup
- path.query = nil
- end
- else
- path, query = path.split('?', 2)
- end
- self.path = path
- self.params.merge_query query, options.params_encoder
- self.params.update(params) if params
- end
- def [](key)
- headers[key]
- end
- def []=(key, value)
- headers[key] = value
- end
- # ENV Keys
- # :method - a symbolized request method (:get, :post)
- # :body - the request body that will eventually be converted to a string.
- # :url - URI instance for the current request.
- # :status - HTTP response status code
- # :request_headers - hash of HTTP Headers to be sent to the server
- # :response_headers - Hash of HTTP headers from the server
- # :parallel_manager - sent if the connection is in parallel mode
- # :request - Hash of options for configuring the request.
- # :timeout - open/read timeout Integer in seconds
- # :open_timeout - read timeout Integer in seconds
- # :proxy - Hash of proxy options
- # :uri - Proxy Server URI
- # :user - Proxy server username
- # :password - Proxy server password
- # :ssl - Hash of options for configuring SSL requests.
- def to_env(connection)
-, body, connection.build_exclusive_url(path, params),
- options, headers, connection.ssl, connection.parallel_manager)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Request::Authorization < Faraday::Middleware
- KEY = "Authorization".freeze unless defined? KEY
- # Public
- def self.header(type, token)
- case token
- when String, Symbol
- "#{type} #{token}"
- when Hash
- build_hash(type.to_s, token)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Can't build an Authorization #{type} header from #{token.inspect}"
- end
- end
- # Internal
- def self.build_hash(type, hash)
- offset = KEY.size + type.size + 3
- comma = ",\n#{' ' * offset}"
- values = []
- hash.each do |key, value|
- values << "#{key}=#{value.to_s.inspect}"
- end
- "#{type} #{values * comma}"
- end
- def initialize(app, type, token)
- @header_value = self.class.header(type, token)
- super(app)
- end
- # Public
- def call(env)
- unless env.request_headers[KEY]
- env.request_headers[KEY] = @header_value
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require 'base64'
-module Faraday
- class Request::BasicAuthentication < Request.load_middleware(:authorization)
- # Public
- def self.header(login, pass)
- value = Base64.encode64([login, pass].join(':'))
- value.gsub!("\n", '')
- super(:Basic, value)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Request::Instrumentation < Faraday::Middleware
- class Options <, :instrumenter)
- def name
- self[:name] ||= 'request.faraday'
- end
- def instrumenter
- self[:instrumenter] ||= ActiveSupport::Notifications
- end
- end
- # Public: Instruments requests using Active Support.
- #
- # Measures time spent only for synchronous requests.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('request.faraday') do |name, starts, ends, _, env|
- # url = env[:url]
- # http_method = env[:method].to_s.upcase
- # duration = ends - starts
- # $stderr.puts '[%s] %s %s (%.3f s)' % [, http_method, url.request_uri, duration]
- # end
- def initialize(app, options = nil)
- super(app)
- @name, @instrumenter = Options.from(options).values_at(:name, :instrumenter)
- end
- def call(env)
- @instrumenter.instrument(@name, env) do
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require File.expand_path("../url_encoded", __FILE__)
-module Faraday
- class Request::Multipart < Request::UrlEncoded
- self.mime_type = 'multipart/form-data'.freeze
- DEFAULT_BOUNDARY = "-----------RubyMultipartPost".freeze unless defined? DEFAULT_BOUNDARY
- def call(env)
- match_content_type(env) do |params|
- env.request.boundary ||= DEFAULT_BOUNDARY
- env.request_headers[CONTENT_TYPE] += "; boundary=#{env.request.boundary}"
- env.body = create_multipart(env, params)
- end
- env
- end
- def process_request?(env)
- type = request_type(env)
- env.body.respond_to?(:each_key) and !env.body.empty? and (
- (type.empty? and has_multipart?(env.body)) or
- type == self.class.mime_type
- )
- end
- def has_multipart?(obj)
- # string is an enum in 1.8, returning list of itself
- if obj.respond_to?(:each) && !obj.is_a?(String)
- (obj.respond_to?(:values) ? obj.values : obj).each do |val|
- return true if (val.respond_to?(:content_type) || has_multipart?(val))
- end
- end
- false
- end
- def create_multipart(env, params)
- boundary = env.request.boundary
- parts = process_params(params) do |key, value|
-, key, value)
- end
- parts <<
- body =
- env.request_headers[Faraday::Env::ContentLength] = body.length.to_s
- return body
- end
- def process_params(params, prefix = nil, pieces = nil, &block)
- params.inject(pieces || []) do |all, (key, value)|
- key = "#{prefix}[#{key}]" if prefix
- case value
- when Array
- values = value.inject([]) { |a,v| a << [nil, v] }
- process_params(values, key, all, &block)
- when Hash
- process_params(value, key, all, &block)
- else
- all <<, value)
- end
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Catches exceptions and retries each request a limited number of times.
- #
- # By default, it retries 2 times and handles only timeout exceptions. It can
- # be configured with an arbitrary number of retries, a list of exceptions to
- # handle, a retry interval, a percentage of randomness to add to the retry
- # interval, and a backoff factor.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # do |conn|
- # conn.request :retry, max: 2, interval: 0.05,
- # interval_randomness: 0.5, backoff_factor: 2
- # exceptions: [CustomException, 'Timeout::Error']
- # conn.adapter ...
- # end
- #
- # This example will result in a first interval that is random between 0.05 and 0.075 and a second
- # interval that is random between 0.1 and 0.15
- #
- class Request::Retry < Faraday::Middleware
- IDEMPOTENT_METHODS = [:delete, :get, :head, :options, :put]
- class Options <, :interval, :interval_randomness, :backoff_factor, :exceptions, :retry_if)
- DEFAULT_CHECK = lambda { |env,exception| false }
- def self.from(value)
- if Fixnum === value
- new(value)
- else
- super(value)
- end
- end
- def max
- (self[:max] ||= 2).to_i
- end
- def interval
- (self[:interval] ||= 0).to_f
- end
- def interval_randomness
- (self[:interval_randomness] ||= 0).to_i
- end
- def backoff_factor
- (self[:backoff_factor] ||= 1).to_f
- end
- def exceptions
- Array(self[:exceptions] ||= [Errno::ETIMEDOUT, 'Timeout::Error',
- Error::TimeoutError])
- end
- def retry_if
- self[:retry_if] ||= DEFAULT_CHECK
- end
- end
- # Public: Initialize middleware
- #
- # Options:
- # max - Maximum number of retries (default: 2)
- # interval - Pause in seconds between retries (default: 0)
- # interval_randomness - The maximum random interval amount expressed
- # as a float between 0 and 1 to use in addition to the
- # interval. (default: 0)
- # backoff_factor - The amount to multiple each successive retry's
- # interval amount by in order to provide backoff
- # (default: 1)
- # exceptions - The list of exceptions to handle. Exceptions can be
- # given as Class, Module, or String. (default:
- # [Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Timeout::Error,
- # Error::TimeoutError])
- # retry_if - block that will receive the env object and the exception raised
- # and should decide if the code should retry still the action or
- # not independent of the retry count. This would be useful
- # if the exception produced is non-recoverable or if the
- # the HTTP method called is not idempotent.
- # (defaults to return false)
- def initialize(app, options = nil)
- super(app)
- @options = Options.from(options)
- @errmatch = build_exception_matcher(@options.exceptions)
- end
- def sleep_amount(retries)
- retry_index = @options.max - retries
- current_interval = @options.interval * (@options.backoff_factor ** retry_index)
- random_interval = rand * @options.interval_randomness.to_f * @options.interval
- current_interval + random_interval
- end
- def call(env)
- retries = @options.max
- request_body = env[:body]
- begin
- env[:body] = request_body # after failure env[:body] is set to the response body
- rescue @errmatch => exception
- if retries > 0 && retry_request?(env, exception)
- retries -= 1
- sleep sleep_amount(retries + 1)
- retry
- end
- raise
- end
- end
- # Private: construct an exception matcher object.
- #
- # An exception matcher for the rescue clause can usually be any object that
- # responds to `===`, but for Ruby 1.8 it has to be a Class or Module.
- def build_exception_matcher(exceptions)
- matcher =
- (class << matcher; self; end).class_eval do
- define_method(:===) do |error|
- exceptions.any? do |ex|
- if ex.is_a? Module
- error.is_a? ex
- else
- error.class.to_s == ex.to_s
- end
- end
- end
- end
- matcher
- end
- private
- def retry_request?(env, exception)
- IDEMPOTENT_METHODS.include?(env[:method]) ||, exception)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Request::TokenAuthentication < Request.load_middleware(:authorization)
- # Public
- def self.header(token, options = nil)
- options ||= {}
- options[:token] = token
- super(:Token, options)
- end
- def initialize(app, token, options = nil)
- super(app, token, options)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Request::UrlEncoded < Faraday::Middleware
- CONTENT_TYPE = 'Content-Type'.freeze unless defined? CONTENT_TYPE
- class << self
- attr_accessor :mime_type
- end
- self.mime_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.freeze
- def call(env)
- match_content_type(env) do |data|
- params = Faraday::Utils::ParamsHash[data]
- env.body = params.to_query(env.params_encoder)
- end
- env
- end
- def match_content_type(env)
- if process_request?(env)
- env.request_headers[CONTENT_TYPE] ||= self.class.mime_type
- yield(env.body) unless env.body.respond_to?(:to_str)
- end
- end
- def process_request?(env)
- type = request_type(env)
- env.body and (type.empty? or type == self.class.mime_type)
- end
- def request_type(env)
- type = env.request_headers[CONTENT_TYPE].to_s
- type = type.split(';', 2).first if type.index(';')
- type
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require 'forwardable'
-module Faraday
- class Response
- # Used for simple response middleware.
- class Middleware < Faraday::Middleware
- def call(env)
- do |environment|
- on_complete(environment)
- end
- end
- # Override this to modify the environment after the response has finished.
- # Calls the `parse` method if defined
- def on_complete(env)
- env.body = parse(env.body) if respond_to?(:parse) && env.parse_body?
- end
- end
- extend Forwardable
- extend MiddlewareRegistry
- register_middleware File.expand_path('../response', __FILE__),
- :raise_error => [:RaiseError, 'raise_error'],
- :logger => [:Logger, 'logger']
- def initialize(env = nil)
- @env = Env.from(env) if env
- @on_complete_callbacks = []
- end
- attr_reader :env
- def_delegators :env, :to_hash
- def status
- finished? ? env.status : nil
- end
- def headers
- finished? ? env.response_headers : {}
- end
- def_delegator :headers, :[]
- def body
- finished? ? env.body : nil
- end
- def finished?
- !!env
- end
- def on_complete
- if not finished?
- @on_complete_callbacks <<
- else
- yield(env)
- end
- return self
- end
- def finish(env)
- raise "response already finished" if finished?
- @on_complete_callbacks.each { |callback| }
- @env = Env.from(env)
- return self
- end
- def success?
- finished? && env.success?
- end
- # because @on_complete_callbacks cannot be marshalled
- def marshal_dump
- !finished? ? nil : {
- :status => @env.status, :body => @env.body,
- :response_headers => @env.response_headers
- }
- end
- def marshal_load(env)
- @env = Env.from(env)
- end
- # Expand the env with more properties, without overriding existing ones.
- # Useful for applying request params after restoring a marshalled Response.
- def apply_request(request_env)
- raise "response didn't finish yet" unless finished?
- @env = Env.from(request_env).update(@env)
- return self
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require 'forwardable'
-module Faraday
- class Response::Logger < Response::Middleware
- extend Forwardable
- def initialize(app, logger = nil)
- super(app)
- @logger = logger || begin
- require 'logger'
- end
- end
- def_delegators :@logger, :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal
- def call(env)
- info "#{env.method} #{env.url.to_s}"
- debug('request') { dump_headers env.request_headers }
- super
- end
- def on_complete(env)
- info('Status') { env.status.to_s }
- debug('response') { dump_headers env.response_headers }
- end
- private
- def dump_headers(headers)
- { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v.inspect}" }.join("\n")
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Response::RaiseError < Response::Middleware
- ClientErrorStatuses = 400...600
- def on_complete(env)
- case env[:status]
- when 404
- raise Faraday::Error::ResourceNotFound, response_values(env)
- when 407
- # mimic the behavior that we get with proxy requests with HTTPS
- raise Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, %{407 "Proxy Authentication Required "}
- when ClientErrorStatuses
- raise Faraday::Error::ClientError, response_values(env)
- end
- end
- def response_values(env)
- {:status => env.status, :headers => env.response_headers, :body => env.body}
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
- require 'composite_io'
- require 'parts'
- require 'stringio'
-rescue LoadError
- $stderr.puts "Install the multipart-post gem."
- raise
-module Faraday
- # Similar but not compatible with ::CompositeReadIO provided by multipart-post.
- class CompositeReadIO
- def initialize(*parts)
- @parts = parts.flatten
- @ios = { |part| part.to_io }
- @index = 0
- end
- def length
- @parts.inject(0) { |sum, part| sum + part.length }
- end
- def rewind
- @ios.each { |io| io.rewind }
- @index = 0
- end
- # Read from IOs in order until `length` bytes have been received.
- def read(length = nil, outbuf = nil)
- got_result = false
- outbuf = outbuf ? outbuf.replace("") : ""
- while io = current_io
- if result =
- got_result ||= !result.nil?
- result.force_encoding("BINARY") if result.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
- outbuf << result
- length -= result.length if length
- break if length == 0
- end
- advance_io
- end
- (!got_result && length) ? nil : outbuf
- end
- def close
- @ios.each { |io| io.close }
- end
- def ensure_open_and_readable
- # Rubinius compatibility
- end
- private
- def current_io
- @ios[@index]
- end
- def advance_io
- @index += 1
- end
- end
- UploadIO = ::UploadIO
- Parts = ::Parts
+++ /dev/null
-require 'thread'
-Faraday.require_libs 'parameters'
-module Faraday
- module Utils
- extend self
- # Adapted from Rack::Utils::HeaderHash
- class Headers < ::Hash
- def self.from(value)
- new(value)
- end
- def initialize(hash = nil)
- super()
- @names = {}
- self.update(hash || {})
- end
- # need to synchronize concurrent writes to the shared KeyMap
- keymap_mutex =
- # symbol -> string mapper + cache
- KeyMap = do |map, key|
- value = if key.respond_to?(:to_str)
- key
- else
- key.to_s.split('_'). # :user_agent => %w(user agent)
- each { |w| w.capitalize! }. # => %w(User Agent)
- join('-') # => "User-Agent"
- end
- keymap_mutex.synchronize { map[key] = value }
- end
- KeyMap[:etag] = "ETag"
- def [](k)
- k = KeyMap[k]
- super(k) || super(@names[k.downcase])
- end
- def []=(k, v)
- k = KeyMap[k]
- k = (@names[k.downcase] ||= k)
- # join multiple values with a comma
- v = v.to_ary.join(', ') if v.respond_to? :to_ary
- super(k, v)
- end
- def fetch(k, *args, &block)
- k = KeyMap[k]
- key = @names.fetch(k.downcase, k)
- super(key, *args, &block)
- end
- def delete(k)
- k = KeyMap[k]
- if k = @names[k.downcase]
- @names.delete k.downcase
- super(k)
- end
- end
- def include?(k)
- @names.include? k.downcase
- end
- alias_method :has_key?, :include?
- alias_method :member?, :include?
- alias_method :key?, :include?
- def merge!(other)
- other.each { |k, v| self[k] = v }
- self
- end
- alias_method :update, :merge!
- def merge(other)
- hash = dup
- hash.merge! other
- end
- def replace(other)
- clear
- self.update other
- self
- end
- def to_hash() end
- def parse(header_string)
- return unless header_string && !header_string.empty?
- header_string.split(/\r\n/).
- tap { |a| a.shift if a.first.index('HTTP/') == 0 }. # drop the HTTP status line
- map { |h| h.split(/:\s+/, 2) }.reject { |p| p[0].nil? }. # split key and value, ignore blank lines
- each { |key, value|
- # join multiple values with a comma
- if self[key]
- self[key] << ', ' << value
- else
- self[key] = value
- end
- }
- end
- end
- # hash with stringified keys
- class ParamsHash < Hash
- def [](key)
- super(convert_key(key))
- end
- def []=(key, value)
- super(convert_key(key), value)
- end
- def delete(key)
- super(convert_key(key))
- end
- def include?(key)
- super(convert_key(key))
- end
- alias_method :has_key?, :include?
- alias_method :member?, :include?
- alias_method :key?, :include?
- def update(params)
- params.each do |key, value|
- self[key] = value
- end
- self
- end
- alias_method :merge!, :update
- def merge(params)
- dup.update(params)
- end
- def replace(other)
- clear
- update(other)
- end
- def merge_query(query, encoder = nil)
- if query && !query.empty?
- update((encoder || Utils.default_params_encoder).decode(query))
- end
- self
- end
- def to_query(encoder = nil)
- (encoder || Utils.default_params_encoder).encode(self)
- end
- private
- def convert_key(key)
- key.to_s
- end
- end
- def build_query(params)
- FlatParamsEncoder.encode(params)
- end
- def build_nested_query(params)
- NestedParamsEncoder.encode(params)
- end
- ESCAPE_RE = /[^a-zA-Z0-9 .~_-]/
- def escape(s)
- s.to_s.gsub(ESCAPE_RE) {|match|
- '%' + match.unpack('H2' * match.bytesize).join('%').upcase
- }.tr(' ', '+')
- end
- def unescape(s) CGI.unescape s.to_s end
- DEFAULT_SEP = /[&;] */n
- # Adapted from Rack
- def parse_query(query)
- FlatParamsEncoder.decode(query)
- end
- def parse_nested_query(query)
- NestedParamsEncoder.decode(query)
- end
- def default_params_encoder
- @default_params_encoder ||= NestedParamsEncoder
- end
- class << self
- attr_writer :default_params_encoder
- end
- # Stolen from Rack
- def normalize_params(params, name, v = nil)
- name =~ %r(\A[\[\]]*([^\[\]]+)\]*)
- k = $1 || ''
- after = $' || ''
- return if k.empty?
- if after == ""
- if params[k]
- params[k] = Array[params[k]] unless params[k].kind_of?(Array)
- params[k] << v
- else
- params[k] = v
- end
- elsif after == "[]"
- params[k] ||= []
- raise TypeError, "expected Array (got #{params[k]}) for param `#{k}'" unless params[k].is_a?(Array)
- params[k] << v
- elsif after =~ %r(^\[\]\[([^\[\]]+)\]$) || after =~ %r(^\[\](.+)$)
- child_key = $1
- params[k] ||= []
- raise TypeError, "expected Array (got #{params[k]}) for param `#{k}'" unless params[k].is_a?(Array)
- if params[k].last.is_a?(Hash) && !params[k].last.key?(child_key)
- normalize_params(params[k].last, child_key, v)
- else
- params[k] << normalize_params({}, child_key, v)
- end
- else
- params[k] ||= {}
- raise TypeError, "expected Hash (got #{params[k]}) for param `#{k}'" unless params[k].is_a?(Hash)
- params[k] = normalize_params(params[k], after, v)
- end
- return params
- end
- # Normalize URI() behavior across Ruby versions
- #
- # url - A String or URI.
- #
- # Returns a parsed URI.
- def URI(url)
- if url.respond_to?(:host)
- url
- elsif url.respond_to?(:to_str)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "bad argument (expected URI object or URI string)"
- end
- end
- def default_uri_parser
- @default_uri_parser ||= begin
- require 'uri'
- Kernel.method(:URI)
- end
- end
- def default_uri_parser=(parser)
- @default_uri_parser = if parser.respond_to?(:call) || parser.nil?
- parser
- else
- parser.method(:parse)
- end
- end
- # Receives a String or URI and returns just the path with the query string sorted.
- def normalize_path(url)
- url = URI(url)
- (url.path.start_with?('/') ? url.path : '/' + url.path) +
- (url.query ? "?#{sort_query_params(url.query)}" : "")
- end
- # Recursive hash update
- def deep_merge!(target, hash)
- hash.each do |key, value|
- if Hash === value and Hash === target[key]
- target[key] = deep_merge(target[key], value)
- else
- target[key] = value
- end
- end
- target
- end
- # Recursive hash merge
- def deep_merge(source, hash)
- deep_merge!(source.dup, hash)
- end
- protected
- def sort_query_params(query)
- query.split('&').sort.join('&')
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Nick Sieger.
-# See the file README.txt included with the distribution for
-# software license details.
-module MultipartPost
- VERSION = "2.0.0"
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Nick Sieger.
-# See the file README.txt included with the distribution for
-# software license details.
-require 'parts'
- module Multipartable
- DEFAULT_BOUNDARY = "-----------RubyMultipartPost"
- def initialize(path, params, headers={}, boundary = DEFAULT_BOUNDARY)
- headers = headers.clone # don't want to modify the original variable
- parts_headers = headers.delete(:parts) || {}
- super(path, headers)
- parts = do |k,v|
- case v
- when Array
- {|item|, k, item, parts_headers[k]) }
- else
-, k, v, parts_headers[k])
- end
- end.flatten
- parts <<
- ios = {|p| p.to_io }
- self.set_content_type(headers["Content-Type"] || "multipart/form-data",
- { "boundary" => boundary })
- self.content_length = parts.inject(0) {|sum,i| sum + i.length }
- self.body_stream =*ios)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Nick Sieger.
-# See the file README.txt included with the distribution for
-# software license details.
-require 'net/http'
-require 'stringio'
-require 'cgi'
-require 'composite_io'
-require 'multipartable'
-require 'parts'
-module Net #:nodoc:
- class HTTP #:nodoc:
- class Put
- class Multipart < Put
- include Multipartable
- end
- end
- class Post #:nodoc:
- class Multipart < Post
- include Multipartable
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Nick Sieger.
-# See the file README.txt included with the distribution for
-# software license details.
-module Parts
- module Part #:nodoc:
- def, name, value, headers = {})
- headers ||= {} # avoid nil values
- if file?(value)
-, name, value, headers)
- else
-, name, value, headers)
- end
- end
- def self.file?(value)
- value.respond_to?(:content_type) && value.respond_to?(:original_filename)
- end
- def length
- @part.length
- end
- def to_io
- @io
- end
- end
- class ParamPart
- include Part
- def initialize(boundary, name, value, headers = {})
- @part = build_part(boundary, name, value, headers)
- @io =
- end
- def length
- @part.bytesize
- end
- def build_part(boundary, name, value, headers = {})
- part = ''
- part << "--#{boundary}\r\n"
- part << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{name.to_s}\"\r\n"
- part << "Content-Type: #{headers["Content-Type"]}\r\n" if headers["Content-Type"]
- part << "\r\n"
- part << "#{value}\r\n"
- end
- end
- # Represents a part to be filled from file IO.
- class FilePart
- include Part
- attr_reader :length
- def initialize(boundary, name, io, headers = {})
- file_length = io.respond_to?(:length) ? io.length : File.size(io.local_path)
- @head = build_head(boundary, name, io.original_filename, io.content_type, file_length,
- io.respond_to?(:opts) ? io.opts.merge(headers) : headers)
- @foot = "\r\n"
- @length = @head.bytesize + file_length + @foot.length
- @io =, io,
- end
- def build_head(boundary, name, filename, type, content_len, opts = {}, headers = {})
- trans_encoding = opts["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] || "binary"
- content_disposition = opts["Content-Disposition"] || "form-data"
- part = ''
- part << "--#{boundary}\r\n"
- part << "Content-Disposition: #{content_disposition}; name=\"#{name.to_s}\"; filename=\"#{filename}\"\r\n"
- part << "Content-Length: #{content_len}\r\n"
- if content_id = opts["Content-ID"]
- part << "Content-ID: #{content_id}\r\n"
- end
- if headers["Content-Type"] != nil
- part << "Content-Type: " + headers["Content-Type"] + "\r\n"
- else
- part << "Content-Type: #{type}\r\n"
- end
- part << "Content-Transfer-Encoding: #{trans_encoding}\r\n"
- part << "\r\n"
- end
- end
- # Represents the epilogue or closing boundary.
- class EpiloguePart
- include Part
- def initialize(boundary)
- @part = "--#{boundary}--\r\n\r\n"
- @io =
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# Add the parent dir to the load path. This is for when
-# Aviator is not installed as a gem
-lib_path = File.dirname(__FILE__)
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_path) unless $LOAD_PATH.include? lib_path
-require 'aviator/core'
-require "aviator/openstack/provider"
+++ /dev/null
-require 'yaml'
-require 'json'
-require 'faraday'
-require 'pathname'
-require "aviator/version"
-require "aviator/core/utils/string"
-require "aviator/core/utils/compatibility"
-require "aviator/core/utils/hashish"
-require "aviator/core/request"
-require "aviator/core/request_builder"
-require "aviator/core/response"
-require "aviator/core/service"
-require "aviator/core/session"
-require "aviator/core/logger"
+++ /dev/null
-require "terminal-table"
-require "aviator/core/cli/describer"
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class Describer
- class InvalidProviderNameError < StandardError
- def initialize(name)
- super "Provider '#{ name }' does not exist."
- end
- end
- def self.describe_aviator
- str = "Available providers:\n"
- provider_names.each do |provider_name|
- str << " #{ provider_name }\n"
- end
- str
- end
- def self.describe_provider(provider_name)
- str = "Available services for #{ provider_name }:\n"
- service_names(provider_name).each do |service_name|
- str << " #{ service_name }\n"
- end
- str
- end
- def self.describe_request(provider_name, service_name, api_version, endpoint_type, request_name)
- service = :provider => provider_name, :service => service_name
- request_class = "Aviator::#{ provider_name.camelize }::#{ service_name.camelize }::Requests::"\
- "#{ api_version.camelize }::#{ endpoint_type.camelize }::#{ request_name.camelize }".constantize
- display = "Request: #{ request_name }\n"
- # Build the parameters
- params ={|p| [p, false]} +
-{|p| [p, true]}
- aliases = request_class.param_aliases
- if params.length > 0
- display << "\n"
- headings = ['NAME', 'REQUIRED?']
- headings << 'ALIAS' if aliases.length > 0
- rows = []
- params.sort{|a,b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s }.each do |param|
- row = [ param[0], param[1] ? 'Y' : 'N' ]
- if aliases.length > 0
- row << (aliases.find{|a,p| p == param[0] } || [''])[0]
- end
- rows << row
- end
- widths = [
-{|row| row[0].to_s.length }.max,
-{|row| row[1].to_s.length }.max
- ]
- widths <<{|row| row[2].to_s.length }.max if aliases.length > 0
- table = => headings, :rows => rows)
- table.align_column(1, :center)
- display << "Parameters:\n"
- display << " " + table.to_s.split("\n").join("\n ")
- display << "\n"
- end
- # Build the sample code
- display << "\nSample Code:\n"
- display << " session.request(:#{ service_name }_service, :#{ request_name })"
- if params && params.length > 0
- display << " do |params|\n"
- params.each do |pair|
- display << " params.#{ (aliases.find{|a,p| p == pair[0] } || pair)[0] } = value\n"
- end
- display << " end"
- end
- display << "\n"
- # Build the links
- if request_class.links && request_class.links.length > 0
- display << "\nLinks:\n"
- request_class.links.each do |link|
- display << " #{ link[:rel] }:\n"
- display << " #{ link[:href] }\n"
- end
- end
- display
- end
- def self.describe_service(provider_name, service_name)
- requests = request_classes(provider_name, service_name)
- if requests.empty?
- str = "No requests found for #{ provider_name } #{ service_name }_service."
- else
- str = "Available requests for #{ provider_name } #{ service_name }_service:\n"
- requests.each do |klass|
- str << " #{ klass.api_version } #{ klass.endpoint_type } #{'::').last.underscore }\n"
- end
- str
- end
- end
- class <<self
- private
- def provider_names
- \
- .join('..', '..', '..') \
- .children \
- .select{|c| && c.basename.to_s != 'core' } \
- .map{|c| c.basename.to_s }
- end
- def request_classes(provider_name, service_name)
- service = => provider_name, :service => service_name)
- service.request_classes
- end
- def service_names(name)
- provider ='..', '..', '..', name)
- raise unless provider.exist?
- provider.children \
- .select{|c| } \
- .map{|c| c.basename.to_s }
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class Logger < Faraday::Response::Middleware
- extend Forwardable
- def initialize(app, logger=nil)
- super(app)
- @logger = logger || begin
- require 'logger'
- end
- end
- def_delegators :@logger, :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal
- def call(env)
- info(env[:method].to_s.upcase) { env[:url].to_s }
- debug('REQ_HEAD') { dump_headers env[:request_headers] }
- debug('REQ_BODY') { dump_body env[:body] }
- super
- end
- def on_complete(env)
- info('STATUS') { env[:status].to_s }
- debug('RES_HEAD') { dump_headers env[:response_headers] }
- debug('RES_BODY') { dump_body env[:body] }
- end
- def self.configure(log_file_path)
- # Return a subclass with its logfile path set. This
- # must be done so that different sessions can log to
- # different paths.
- { const_set('LOG_FILE_PATH', log_file_path) }
- end
- private
- def dump_body(body)
- return if body.nil?
- # :TODO => Make this configurable
- body.gsub(/["']password["']:["']\w*["']/, '"password":[FILTERED_VALUE]')
- end
- def dump_headers(headers)
- { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v.inspect}" }.join("; ")
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class Request
- class ApiVersionNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super "api_version is not defined."
- end
- end
- class EndpointTypeNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super "endpoint_type is not defined."
- end
- end
- class PathNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super "path is not defined."
- end
- end
- def initialize(session_data=nil)
- @session_data = session_data
- params = if self.class.params_class
- if params
- yield(params) if block_given?
- validate_params(params)
- end
- @params = params
- end
- def anonymous?
- self.class.anonymous?
- end
- def body?
- self.class.body?
- end
- def headers?
- self.class.headers?
- end
- def links
- self.class.links
- end
- def optional_params
- self.class.optional_params
- end
- def params
- @params.dup
- end
- def required_params
- self.class.required_params
- end
- def session_data
- @session_data
- end
- def session_data?
- !session_data.nil?
- end
- def querystring?
- self.class.querystring?
- end
- def url?
- self.class.url?
- end
- private
- def validate_params(params)
- required_params = self.class.required_params
- required_params.each do |name|
- raise"Missing parameter #{ name }.") if params.send(name).nil?
- end
- end
- # NOTE that, because we are defining the following as class methods, when they
- # are called, all 'instance' variables are actually defined in the descendant class,
- # not in the instance/object. This is by design since we want to keep these attributes
- # within the class and because they don't change between instances anyway.
- class << self
- def anonymous?
- respond_to?(:anonymous) && anonymous == true
- end
- def body?
- instance_methods.include? :body
- end
- def headers?
- instance_methods.include? :headers
- end
- def links
- @links ||= []
- end
- def param_aliases
- @param_aliases ||= {}
- end
- def params_class
- all_params = required_params + optional_params
- if all_params.length > 0 && @params_class.nil?
- @params_class = build_params_class(all_params, self.param_aliases)
- end
- @params_class
- end
- def optional_params
- @optional_params ||= []
- end
- def querystring?
- instance_methods.include? :querystring
- end
- def required_params
- @required_params ||= []
- end
- def url?
- instance_methods.include? :url
- end
- private
- def build_params_class(all_params, param_aliases)
-*all_params) do
- alias :param_getter :[]
- alias :param_setter :[]=
- define_method :[] do |key|
- key = param_aliases[key.to_sym] if param_aliases.keys.include? key.to_sym
- param_getter(key)
- end
- define_method :[]= do |key, value|
- key = param_aliases[key.to_sym] if param_aliases.keys.include? key.to_sym
- param_setter(key, value)
- end
- param_aliases.each do |param_alias, param_name|
- define_method param_alias do
- param_getter(param_name)
- end
- define_method "#{ param_alias }=" do |value|
- param_setter(param_name, value)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def link(rel, href)
- links << { :rel => rel, :href => href }
- end
- def meta(attr_name, attr_value)
- eigenclass = class << self; self; end
- eigenclass.send(:define_method, attr_name) do
- attr_value
- end
- define_method(attr_name) do
- self.class.send(attr_name)
- end
- end
- def param(param_name, opts={})
- opts =
- list = (opts[:required] == false ? optional_params : required_params)
- list << param_name unless optional_params.include?(param_name)
- if opts[:alias]
- self.param_aliases[opts[:alias]] = param_name
- end
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class BaseRequestNotFoundError < StandardError
- attr_reader :base_request_hierarchy
- def initialize(base_hierarchy)
- @base_request_hierarchy = base_hierarchy
- super("#{ base_request_hierarchy } could not be found!")
- end
- end
- class RequestAlreadyDefinedError < StandardError
- attr_reader :namespace,
- :request_name
- def initialize(namespace, request_name)
- @namespace = namespace
- @request_name = request_name
- super("#{ namespace }::#{ request_name } is already defined")
- end
- end
- class RequestBuilder
- class << self
- def define_request(root_namespace, request_name, options, &block)
- base_klass = get_request_class(root_namespace, options[:inherit])
- klass =, &block)
- namespace_arr = [
- klass.provider,
- klass.service,
- 'Requests',
- klass.api_version,
- klass.endpoint_type
- ]
- namespace = namespace_arr.inject(root_namespace) do |namespace, sym|
- const_name = sym.to_s.camelize
- namespace.const_set(const_name, unless namespace.const_defined?(const_name, false)
- namespace.const_get(const_name, false)
- end
- klassname = request_name.to_s.camelize
- if namespace.const_defined?(klassname, false)
- raise, klassname)
- end
- namespace.const_set(klassname, klass)
- end
- def get_request_class(root_namespace, request_class_arr)
- provider_specific = request_class_arr != [:request]
- if provider_specific
- full_request_class_arr = request_class_arr.dup
- full_request_class_arr.insert(2, :requests) if provider_specific
- else
- full_request_class_arr = request_class_arr
- end
- full_request_class_arr.inject(root_namespace) do |namespace, sym|
- namespace.const_get(sym.to_s.camelize, false)
- end
- rescue NameError => e
- if Aviator.const_defined?(full_request_class_arr[0].to_s.camelize)
- provider = "Aviator::#{ full_request_class_arr[0] }::Provider".constantize
- arr = ['..'] + full_request_class_arr
- arr[-1,1] = arr.last.to_s + '.rb'
- path =*{|i| i.to_s }).expand_path
- end
- if provider && path.exist?
- require path
- full_request_class_arr.inject(root_namespace) do |namespace, sym|
- namespace.const_get(sym.to_s.camelize, false)
- end
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class << self
- def define_request(request_name, options={ :inherit => [:request] }, &block)
- RequestBuilder.define_request self, request_name, options, &block
- end
- end # class << self
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- class Response
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :@response, :status
- attr_reader :request
- def initialize(response, request)
- @response = response
- @request = request
- end
- def body
- @body ||= if raw_body.length > 0
- if Aviator::Compatibility::RUBY_1_8_MODE
- clean_body = raw_body.gsub(/\\ /, ' ')
- else
- clean_body = raw_body
- end
- else
- end
- end
- def headers
- @headers ||=
- end
- def to_hash
- :status => status,
- :headers => headers,
- :body => body
- })
- end
- private
- def raw_body
- @raw_body ||= @response.body
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- #
- # Manages a service
- #
- class Service
- class AccessDetailsNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super ":access_details is not defined."
- end
- end
- class ProviderNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super ":provider is not defined."
- end
- end
- class ServiceNameNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super ":service is not defined."
- end
- end
- class SessionDataNotProvidedError < StandardError
- def initialize(service_name, request_name)
- super "\n\nERROR: default_session_data is not initialized and no session data was provided in\n"\
- "the method call. You have two ways to fix this:\n\n"\
- " 1) Call Session#authenticate before calling Session##{service_name}_service, or\n\n"\
- " 2) If you're really sure you don't want to authenticate beforehand,\n"\
- " construct the method call this way:\n\n"\
- " service = session.#{service_name}_service\n"\
- " service.request :#{request_name}, :api_version => :v2, :session_data => sessiondatavar\n\n"\
- " Replace :v2 with whatever available version you want to use and make sure sessiondatavar\n"\
- " is a hash that contains, at least, the :base_url key. Other keys, such as :service_token may\n"\
- " be needed depending on what the request class you are calling requires.\n\n"
- end
- end
- class UnknownRequestError < StandardError
- def initialize(request_name, options)
- super "Unknown request #{ request_name } #{ options }."
- end
- end
- class MissingServiceEndpointError < StandardError
- def initialize(service_name, request_name)
- request_name = request_name.to_s.split('::').last.underscore
- super "The session's service catalog does not have an entry for the #{ service_name } "\
- "service. Therefore, I don't know to which base URL the request should be sent. "\
- "This may be because you are using a default or unscoped token. If this is not your "\
- "intention, please authenticate with a scoped token. If using a default token is your "\
- "intention, make sure to provide a base url when you call the request. For :example => \n\n"\
- "session.#{ service_name }_service.request :#{ request_name }, :base_url => '' do |params|\n"\
- " params[:example1] = 'example1'\n"\
- " params[:example2] = 'example2'\n"\
- "end\n\n"
- end
- end
- attr_accessor :default_session_data
- attr_reader :service,
- :provider
- def initialize(opts={})
- @provider = opts[:provider] || (raise
- @service = opts[:service] || (raise
- @log_file = opts[:log_file]
- @default_options = opts[:default_options] || {}
- @default_session_data = opts[:default_session_data]
- load_requests
- end
- #
- # No longer recommended for public use. Use Aviator::Session#request instead
- #
- def request(request_name, options={}, ¶ms)
- if options[:api_version].nil? && @default_options[:api_version]
- options[:api_version] = @default_options[:api_version]
- end
- session_data = options[:session_data] || default_session_data
- raise, request_name) unless session_data
- [:base_url].each do |k|
- session_data[k] = options[k] if options[k]
- end
- request_class = provider_module.find_request(service, request_name, session_data, options)
- raise, options) unless request_class
- # Always use :params over ¶ms if provided
- if options[:params]
- params = lambda do |params|
- options[:params].each do |key, value|
- begin
- params[key] = value
- rescue NameError => e
- raise"Unknown param name '#{key}'")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- request =, ¶ms)
- response = http_connection.send(request.http_method) do |r|
- r.url request.url
- r.headers.merge!(request.headers) if request.headers?
- r.query = request.querystring if request.querystring?
- r.body = JSON.generate(request.body) if request.body?
- end
- Aviator::Response.send(:new, response, request)
- end
- def request_classes
- @request_classes
- end
- private
- def http_connection
- @http_connection ||= do |conn|
- conn.use Logger.configure(log_file) if log_file
- conn.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
- conn.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
- end
- end
- def load_requests
- request_file_paths = provider_module.request_file_paths(service)
- request_file_paths.each{ |path| require path }
- constant_parts = request_file_paths \
- .map{|rf| rf.to_s.match(/#{provider}\/#{service}\/([\w\/]+)\.rb$/) } \
- .map{|rf| rf[1].split('/').map{|c| c.camelize }.join('::') }
- @request_classes = do |cp|
- "Aviator::#{provider.camelize}::#{service.camelize}::#{cp}".constantize
- end
- end
- def log_file
- @log_file
- end
- def provider_module
- @provider_module ||= "Aviator::#{provider.camelize}::Provider".constantize
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# Author:: Mark Maglana (
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Mark Maglana
-# License:: Distributed under the MIT license
-# Homepage::
-module Aviator
- #
- # Manages a provider (e.g. OpenStack) session and serves as the entry point
- # for a consumer class/object. See Session::new for notes on usage.
- #
- class Session
- class AuthenticationError < StandardError
- def initialize(last_auth_body)
- super("Authentication failed. The server returned #{ last_auth_body }")
- end
- end
- class EnvironmentNotDefinedError < ArgumentError
- def initialize(path, env)
- super("The environment '#{ env }' is not defined in #{ path }.")
- end
- end
- class InitializationError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super("The session could not find :session_dump, :config_file, and " \
- ":config in the constructor arguments provided")
- end
- end
- class InvalidConfigFilePathError < ArgumentError
- def initialize(path)
- super("The config file at #{ path } does not exist!")
- end
- end
- class NotAuthenticatedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super("Session is not authenticated. Please authenticate before proceeding.")
- end
- end
- class ValidatorNotDefinedError < StandardError
- def initialize
- super("The validator request name is not defined for this session object.")
- end
- end
- #
- # Create a new Session instance.
- #
- # <b>Initialize with a config file</b>
- #
- # => 'path/to/aviator.yml', :environment => :production)
- #
- # In the above example, the config file must have the following form:
- #
- # production:
- # provider: openstack
- # auth_service:
- # name: identity
- # host_uri: ''
- # request: create_token
- # validator: list_tenants
- # api_version: v2
- # auth_credentials:
- # username: myusername
- # password: mypassword
- # tenant_name: myproject
- #
- # <b>SIDENOTE:</b> For more information about the <tt>validator</tt> member, see Session#validate.
- #
- # Once the session has been instantiated, you may authenticate against the
- # provider as follows:
- #
- # session.authenticate
- #
- # The members you put under <tt>auth_credentials</tt> will depend on the request
- # class you declare under <tt>auth_service:request</tt> and what parameters it
- # accepts. To know more about a request class and its parameters, you can use
- # the CLI tool <tt>aviator describe</tt> or view the request definition file directly.
- #
- # If writing the <tt>auth_credentials</tt> in the config file is not acceptable,
- # you may omit it and just supply the credentials at runtime. For example:
- #
- # session.authenticate do |params|
- # params.username = ARGV[0]
- # params.password = ARGV[1]
- # params.tenant_name = ARGV[2]
- # end
- #
- # See Session#authenticate for more info.
- #
- # Note that while the example config file above only has one environment (production),
- # you can declare an arbitrary number of environments in your config file. Shifting
- # between environments is as simple as changing the <tt>:environment</tt> to refer to that.
- #
- #
- # <b>Initialize with an in-memory hash</b>
- #
- # You can create an in-memory hash with a structure similar to the config file but without
- # the environment name. For example:
- #
- # configuration = {
- # :provider => 'openstack',
- # :auth_service => {
- # :name => 'identity',
- # :host_uri => 'http://devstack:5000/v2.0',
- # :request => 'create_token',
- # :validator => 'list_tenants'
- # }
- # }
- #
- # Supply this to the initializer using the <tt>:config</tt> option. For example:
- #
- # => configuration)
- #
- #
- # <b>Initialize with a session dump</b>
- #
- # You can create a new Session instance using a dump from another instance. For example:
- #
- # session_dump = session1.dump
- # session2 = => session_dump)
- #
- # However, Session.load is cleaner and recommended over this method.
- #
- #
- # <b>Optionally supply a log file</b>
- #
- # In all forms above, you may optionally add a <tt>:log_file</tt> option to make
- # Aviator write all HTTP calls to the given path. For example:
- #
- # => 'path/to/aviator.yml', :environment => :production, :log_file => 'path/to/log')
- #
- def initialize(opts={})
- if opts.has_key? :session_dump
- initialize_with_dump(opts[:session_dump])
- elsif opts.has_key? :config_file
- initialize_with_config(opts[:config_file], opts[:environment])
- elsif opts.has_key? :config
- initialize_with_hash(opts[:config])
- else
- raise
- end
- @log_file = opts[:log_file]
- end
- #
- # Authenticates against the backend provider using the auth_service request class
- # declared in the session's configuration. Please see for more information
- # on declaring the request class to use for authentication.
- #
- # <b>Request params block</b>
- #
- # If the auth_service request class accepts parameters, you may supply that
- # as a block and it will be directly passed to the request. For example:
- #
- # session = => config)
- # session.authenticate do |params|
- # params.username = username
- # params.password = password
- # params.tenant_name = project
- # end
- #
- # If your configuration happens to have an <tt>auth_credentials</tt> in it, those
- # will be overridden by this block.
- #
- # <b>Treat parameters as a hash</b>
- #
- # You can also treat the params struct like a hash with the attribute
- # names as the keys. For example, we can rewrite the above as:
- #
- # session = => config)
- # session.authenticate do |params|
- # params[:username] = username
- # params[:password] = password
- # params[:tenant_name] = project
- # end
- #
- # Keys can be symbols or strings.
- #
- # <b>Use a hash argument instead of a block</b>
- #
- # You may also provide request params as an argument instead of a block. This is
- # especially useful if you want to mock Aviator as it's easier to specify ordinary
- # argument expectations over blocks. Further rewriting the example above,
- # we end up with:
- #
- # session = => config)
- # session.authenticate :params => {
- # :username => username,
- # :password => password,
- # :tenant_name => project
- # }
- #
- # If both <tt>:params</tt> and a block are provided, the <tt>:params</tt>
- # values will be used and the block ignored.
- #
- # <b>Success requirements</b>
- #
- # Expects an HTTP status 200 or 201 response from the backend. Any other
- # status is treated as a failure.
- #
- def authenticate(opts={}, &block)
- block ||= lambda do |params|
- config[:auth_credentials].each do |key, value|
- begin
- params[key] = value
- rescue NameError => e
- raise"Unknown param name '#{key}'")
- end
- end
- end
- response = auth_service.request(config[:auth_service][:request].to_sym, opts, &block)
- if [200, 201].include? response.status
- @auth_response ={
- :headers => response.headers,
- :body => response.body
- })
- update_services_session_data
- else
- raise
- end
- self
- end
- #
- # Returns true if the session has been authenticated. Note that this relies on
- # cached response from a previous run of Session#authenticate if one was made.
- # If you want to check against the backend provider if the session is still valid,
- # use Session#validate instead.
- #
- def authenticated?
- !auth_response.nil?
- end
- #
- # Returns its configuration.
- #
- def config
- @config
- end
- #
- # Returns a JSON string of its configuration and auth_data. This string can be streamed
- # or stored and later re-loaded in another Session instance. For example:
- #
- # session = => configuration)
- # str = session.dump
- #
- # # time passes...
- #
- # session = Aviator::Session.load(str)
- #
- def dump
- JSON.generate({
- :config => config,
- :auth_response => auth_response
- })
- end
- #
- # Same as Session::load but re-uses the Session instance this method is
- # called on instead of creating a new one.
- #
- def load(session_dump)
- initialize_with_dump(session_dump)
- update_services_session_data
- self
- end
- def method_missing(name, *args, &block) # :nodoc:
- service_name_parts = name.to_s.match(/^(\w+)_service$/)
- if service_name_parts
- get_service_obj(service_name_parts[1])
- else
- super name, *args, &block
- end
- end
- #
- # Creates a new Session object from a previous session's dump. See Session#dump for
- # more information.
- #
- # If you want the newly deserialized session to log its output, add a <tt>:log_file</tt>
- # option.
- #
- # Aviator::Session.load(session_dump_str, :log_file => 'path/to/aviator.log')
- #
- def self.load(session_dump, opts={})
- opts[:session_dump] = session_dump
- new(opts)
- end
- #
- # Returns the log file path. May be nil if none was provided during initialization.
- #
- def log_file
- @log_file
- end
- #
- # Calls the given request of the given service. An example call might look like:
- #
- # session.request :compute_service, :create_server do |p|
- # = "My Server"
- # p.image_ref = "7cae8c8e-fb01-4a88-bba3-ae0fcb1dbe29"
- # p.flavor_ref = "fa283da1-59a5-4245-8569-b6eadf69f10b"
- # end
- #
- # Note that you can also treat the block's argument like a hash with the attribute
- # names as the keys. For example, we can rewrite the above as:
- #
- # session.request :compute_service, :create_server do |p|
- # p[:name] = "My Server"
- # p[:image_ref] = "7cae8c8e-fb01-4a88-bba3-ae0fcb1dbe29"
- # p[:flavor_ref] = "fa283da1-59a5-4245-8569-b6eadf69f10b"
- # end
- #
- # Keys can be symbols or strings.
- #
- # You may also provide parameters as an argument instead of a block. This is
- # especially useful when mocking Aviator as it's easier to specify ordinary
- # argument expectations over blocks. Further rewriting the example above,
- # we end up with:
- #
- # session.request :compute_service, :create_server, :params => {
- # :name => "My Server",
- # :image_ref => "7cae8c8e-fb01-4a88-bba3-ae0fcb1dbe29",
- # :flavor_ref => "fa283da1-59a5-4245-8569-b6eadf69f10b"
- # }
- #
- # If both <tt>:params</tt> and a block are provided, the values in <tt>:params</tt>
- # will be used and the block ignored.
- #
- # <b>Return Value</b>
- #
- # The return value will be an instance of Hashish, a lightweight replacement for
- # activesupport's HashWithIndifferentAccess, with the following structure:
- #
- # {
- # :status => 200,
- # :headers => {
- # 'X-Auth-Token' => 'd9186f45ce5446eaa0adc9def1c46f5f',
- # 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
- # },
- # :body => {
- # :some_key => :some_value
- # }
- # }
- #
- # Note that the members in <tt>:headers</tt> and <tt>:body</tt> will vary depending
- # on the provider and the request that was made.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # <b>Request Options</b>
- #
- # You can further customize how the method behaves by providing one or more
- # options to the call. For example, assuming you are using the <tt>openstack</tt>
- # provider, the following will call the <tt>:create_server</tt> request of the
- # v1 API of <tt>:compute_service</tt>.
- #
- # session.request :compute_service, :create_server, :api_version => v1, :params => params
- #
- # The available options vary depending on the provider. See the documentation
- # on the provider's Provider class for more information (e.g. Aviator::Openstack::Provider)
- #
- def request(service_name, request_name, opts={}, &block)
- service = send("#{service_name.to_s}_service")
- response = service.request(request_name, opts, &block)
- response.to_hash
- end
- #
- # Returns true if the session is still valid in the underlying provider. This method calls
- # the <tt>validator</tt> request class declared under <tt>auth_service</tt> in the
- # configuration. The validator can be any request class as long as:
- #
- # * The request class exists!
- # * Is not an anonymous request. Otherwise it will always return true.
- # * Does not require any parameters
- # * It returns an HTTP status 200 or 203 to indicate auth info validity.
- # * It returns any other HTTP status to indicate that the auth info is invalid.
- #
- # See Session::new for an example on how to specify the request class to use for session validation.
- #
- # Note that this method requires the session to be previously authenticated otherwise a
- # NotAuthenticatedError will be raised. If you just want to check if the session was previously
- # authenticated, use Session#authenticated? instead.
- #
- def validate
- raise unless authenticated?
- raise unless config[:auth_service][:validator]
- auth_with_bootstrap = auth_response.merge({ :auth_service => config[:auth_service] })
- response = auth_service.request config[:auth_service][:validator].to_sym, :session_data => auth_with_bootstrap
- response.status == 200 || response.status == 203
- end
- private
- def auth_response
- @auth_response
- end
- def auth_service
- @auth_service ||=
- :provider => config[:provider],
- :service => config[:auth_service][:name],
- :default_session_data => { :auth_service => config[:auth_service] },
- :log_file => log_file
- )
- end
- def get_service_obj(service_name)
- @services ||= {}
- if @services[service_name].nil?
- default_options = config["#{ service_name }_service"]
- @services[service_name] =
- :provider => config[:provider],
- :service => service_name,
- :default_session_data => auth_response,
- :default_options => default_options,
- :log_file => log_file
- )
- end
- @services[service_name]
- end
- def initialize_with_config(config_path, environment)
- raise unless
- all_config =
- raise, environment) unless all_config[environment]
- @config = all_config[environment]
- end
- def initialize_with_dump(session_dump)
- session_info =
- @config = session_info[:config]
- @auth_response = session_info[:auth_response]
- end
- def initialize_with_hash(hash_obj)
- @config =
- end
- def update_services_session_data
- return unless @services
- @services.each do |name, obj|
- obj.default_session_data = auth_response
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- module Compatibility
- RUBY_1_8_MODE = (not (RUBY_VERSION =~ /1\.8\.\d*/).nil?)
- end
-if Aviator::Compatibility::RUBY_1_8_MODE
- class Module
- alias_method :old_const_defined?, :const_defined?
- def const_defined?(sym, ignore=nil)
- old_const_defined?(sym)
- end
- alias_method :old_const_get, :const_get
- def const_get(sym, ignore=nil)
- old_const_get(sym)
- end
- alias_method :old_instance_methods, :instance_methods
- def instance_methods(include_super=true)
- old_instance_methods(include_super).map(&:to_sym)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require 'json'
-# Hash-ish!
-# This class is implemented using composition rather than inheritance so
-# that we have control over what operations it exposes to peers.
-class Hashish
- include Enumerable
- def initialize(hash={})
- @hash = hash.dup
- stringify_keys
- hashishify_values
- end
- def ==(other_obj)
- other_obj.class == self.class &&
- other_obj.hash == self.hash
- end
- def [](key)
- @hash[normalize(key)]
- end
- def []=(key, value)
- @hash[normalize(key)] = value
- end
- def dup
- end
- def each(&block)
- @hash.each(&block)
- end
- def empty?
- @hash.empty?
- end
- def has_key?(name)
- @hash.has_key? normalize(name)
- end
- def hash
- @hash
- end
- def keys
- @hash.keys
- end
- def length
- @hash.length
- end
- def merge(other_hash)
- end
- def merge!(other_hash)
- @hash.merge! other_hash
- self
- end
- def to_json(obj)
- @hash.to_json(obj)
- end
- def to_s
- str = "{"
- @hash.each do |key, value|
- if value.kind_of? String
- value = "'#{value}'"
- elsif value.nil?
- value = "nil"
- elsif value.kind_of? Array
- value = "[#{value.join(", ")}]"
- end
- str += " #{key}: #{value},"
- end
- str = str[0...-1] + " }"
- str
- end
- private
- # Hashishify all the things!
- def hashishify_values
- @hash.each do |key, value|
- if @hash[key].kind_of? Hash
- @hash[key] =
- elsif @hash[key].kind_of? Array
- @hash[key].each_index do |index|
- element = @hash[key][index]
- if element.kind_of? Hash
- @hash[key][index] =
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def normalize(key)
- if @hash.has_key? key
- key
- elsif key.is_a? Symbol
- key.to_s
- else
- key
- end
- end
- def stringify_keys
- keys = @hash.keys
- keys.each do |key|
- if key.is_a? Symbol
- @hash[key.to_s] = @hash.delete(key)
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-class String
- unless instance_methods.include? 'camelize'
- define_method :camelize do
- word = self.slice(0,1).capitalize + self.slice(1..-1)
- word.gsub(/_([a-zA-Z\d])/) { "#{$1.capitalize}" }
- end
- end
- unless instance_methods.include? 'constantize'
- define_method :constantize do
- self.split("::").inject(Object) do |namespace, sym|
- namespace.const_get(sym.to_s.camelize, false)
- end
- end
- end
- unless instance_methods.include? 'underscore'
- define_method :underscore do
- self.gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2').downcase
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :base do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :common
- meta :api_version, :v0
- meta :endpoint_type, :public
- def headers
- {}.tap do |h|
- if self.anonymous?
- # do nothing
- elsif session_data.has_key? :service_token
- # service_token is the token that one would bootstrap OpenStack
- # with during the installation process. This token can be used
- # directly and does not require authentication beforehand.
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:service_token]
- elsif keystone_v2_style_session_data?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:body][:access][:token][:id]
- elsif keystone_v3_style_session_data?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:headers]['x-subject-token']
- else
- raise "Unknown session data format!"
- end
- end
- end
- private
- def base_url
- if session_data[:base_url]
- session_data[:base_url]
- elsif keystone_v2_style_session_data? && keystone_v2_style_service_info?
- extract_base_url_from_keystone_v2_session_data
- elsif keystone_v3_style_session_data? && keystone_v3_style_service_info?
- extract_base_url_from_keystone_v3_session_data
- elsif session_data[:auth_service] && session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri] && session_data[:auth_service][:api_version]
- version = session_data[:auth_service][:api_version].to_s == "v2" ? "v2.0" : session_data[:auth_service][:api_version]
- "#{ session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri] }/#{ version }"
- elsif session_data[:auth_service] && session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri]
- session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri]
- else
- raise, self.class)
- end
- end
- def build_service_type_string
- api_versions_without_a_suffix = [
- [:compute, :v2],
- [:ec2, :v1],
- [:identity, :v2],
- [:image, :v1],
- [:metering, :v1],
- [:s3, :v1],
- [:volume, :v1]
- ]
- if api_versions_without_a_suffix.include? [service, api_version]
- service.to_s
- else
- "#{ service }#{ api_version }"
- end
- end
- def extract_base_url_from_keystone_v2_session_data
- service_info = session_data[:body][:access][:serviceCatalog].find{ |s| s[:type] == build_service_type_string }
- service_info[:endpoints][0]["#{ endpoint_type }URL".to_sym]
- end
- def extract_base_url_from_keystone_v3_session_data
- service_info = session_data[:body][:token][:catalog].select{ |s| s[:type] == build_service_type_string }
- endpoints = service_info.find{ |s| s.keys.include? "endpoints" }['endpoints']
- endpoints.find{ |s| s['interface'] == endpoint_type.to_s }['url']
- end
- def keystone_v2_style_service_info?
- not session_data[:body][:access][:serviceCatalog].find{ |s| s[:type] == build_service_type_string }.nil?
- end
- def keystone_v2_style_session_data?
- session_data.has_key?(:body) && session_data[:body].has_key?(:access)
- end
- def keystone_v3_style_service_info?
- not session_data[:body][:token][:catalog].find{ |s| s[:type] == build_service_type_string }.nil?
- end
- def keystone_v3_style_session_data?
- session_data.has_key?(:headers) && session_data[:headers].has_key?("x-subject-token")
- end
- def params_to_querystring(param_names)
- filters = []
- param_names.each do |param_name|
- filters << "#{ param_name }=#{ params[param_name] }" if params[param_name]
- end
- filters.empty? ? "" : "?#{ filters.join('&') }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :base, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :base, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v0, :public, :base] do
- meta :api_version, :v2
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :base, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v0, :public, :base] do
- meta :api_version, :v3
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :confirm_server_resize, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :confirmResize => nil
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_network, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :label, :required => true
- param :bridge, :required => false
- param :bridge_interface, :required => false
- param :cidr, :required => false
- param :cidr_v6, :required => false
- param :dns1, :required => false
- param :dns2, :required => false
- param :gateway, :required => false
- param :gateway_v6, :required => false
- param :multi_host, :required => false
- param :project_id, :required => false
- param :vlan, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :network => {
- :label => params[:label]
- }
- }
- optional_params.each do |key|
- p[:network][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/os-networks"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_host_details, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :host_name, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/os-hosts/#{ params[:host_name] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_hosts, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- param :service, :required => false
- param :zone, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- url = "#{ base_url }/os-hosts"
- filters = []
- optional_params.each do |param_name|
- filters << "#{ param_name }=#{ params[param_name] }" if params[param_name]
- end
- url += "?#{ filters.join('&') }" unless filters.empty?
- url
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_hypervisors, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/os-hypervisors"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :lock_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :lock => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :migrate_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :migrate => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :reset_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :state, :required => true
- def body
- {
- 'os-resetState' => {
- 'state' => params[:state]
- }
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :resize_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :name, :required => true
- param :flavorRef, :required => true, :alias => :flavor_ref
- def body
- {
- :resize => {
- :name => params[:name],
- :flavorRef => params[:flavorRef]
- }
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :revert_server_resize do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :compute
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :revertResize => nil
- }
- end
- def headers
- h = {}
- unless self.anonymous?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:body][:access][:token][:id]
- end
- h
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- service_spec = session_data[:body][:access][:serviceCatalog].find{|s| s[:type] == service.to_s }
- "#{ service_spec[:endpoints][0][:adminURL] }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :unlock_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :unlock => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :add_floating_ip, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :server_id, :required => true
- param :address, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :addFloatingIp => {
- :address => params[:address]
- }
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:server_id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :allocate_floating_ip, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :pool, :required => false
- def body
- {
- :pool => params[:pool]
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/os-floating-ips"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :change_admin_password, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'additional spec',
- ''
- param :adminPass, :required => true, :alias => :admin_pass
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- p = {
- :changePassword => {
- :adminPass => params[:adminPass]
- }
- }
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_image, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :metadata, :required => false
- param :name, :required => true
- def body
- p = {
- :createImage => {
- :name => params[:name]
- }
- }
- [:metadata].each do |key|
- p[:createImage][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_keypair, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :name, :required => true
- param :public_key, :required => false
- def body
- {
- :keypair => {
- :name => params[:name],
- :public_key => params[:public_key],
- }
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/os-keypairs"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :accessIPv4, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv4
- param :accessIPv6, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv6
- param :adminPass, :required => false, :alias => :admin_pass
- param :imageRef, :required => true, :alias => :image_ref
- param :flavorRef, :required => true, :alias => :flavor_ref
- param :key_name, :required => false
- param :metadata, :required => false
- param :name, :required => true
- param :networks, :required => false
- param :personality, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :server => {
- :flavorRef => params[:flavorRef],
- :imageRef => params[:imageRef],
- :name => params[:name]
- }
- }
- [:adminPass, :metadata, :personality, :networks, :accessIPv4, :accessIPv6, :key_name].each do |key|
- p[:server][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_image, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id]}"
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_image_metadata_item, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :key, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id] }/metadata/#{ params[:key] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_server_metadata_item, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :key, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/metadata/#{ params[:key] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_flavor_details, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/flavors/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_image_details, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id]}"
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_image_metadata_item, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :key, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id] }/metadata/#{ params[:key] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_network_details, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/os-networks/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_server_metadata_item, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :key, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/metadata/#{ params[:key] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_addresses, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :networkID, :required => false, :alias => :network_id
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- url = "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/ips"
- url += "/#{ params[:networkID] }" if params[:networkID]
- url
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_flavors, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :details, :required => false
- param :minDisk, :required => false, :alias => :min_disk
- param :minRam, :required => false, :alias => :min_ram
- param :marker, :required => false
- param :limit, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/flavors"
- str += "/detail" if params[:details]
- str += params_to_querystring(optional_params + required_params - [:details])
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_floating_ips, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/os-floating-ips"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_image_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_images, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :details, :required => false
- param :server, :required => false
- param :name, :required => false
- param :status, :required => false
- param 'changes-since', :required => false, :alias => :changes_since
- param :marker, :required => false
- param :limit, :required => false
- param :type, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/images"
- str += "/detail" if params[:details]
- str += params_to_querystring(optional_params + required_params - [:details])
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_keypairs, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/os-keypairs"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_networks, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/os-networks"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_server_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_servers, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'github :issue => getting all servers',
- ''
- link 'related mailing list discussion',
- ''
- param :all_tenants, :required => false
- param :details, :required => false
- param :flavor, :required => false
- param :image, :required => false
- param :limit, :required => false
- param :marker, :required => false
- param :server, :required => false
- param :status, :required => false
- param 'changes-since', :required => false, :alias => :changes_since
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/servers"
- str += "/detail" if params[:details]
- filters = []
- (optional_params + required_params - [:details]).each do |param_name|
- value = param_name == :all_tenants && params[param_name] ? 1 : params[param_name]
- filters << "#{ param_name }=#{ value }" if value
- end
- str += "?#{ filters.join('&') }" unless filters.empty?
- str
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :pause_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :pause => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :reboot_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :type, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :reboot => {
- :type => params[:type] || 'SOFT'
- }
- }
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :rebuild_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :accessIPv4, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv4
- param :accessIPv6, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv6
- param :adminPass, :required => true, :alias => :admin_pass
- param :id, :required => true
- param :imageRef, :required => true, :alias => :image_ref
- param :metadata, :required => false
- param :name, :required => true
- param :personality, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :rebuild => {
- :adminPass => params[:adminPass],
- :imageRef => params[:imageRef],
- :name => params[:name]
- }
- }
- [:accessIPv4, :accessIPv6, :metadata, :personality].each do |key|
- p[:rebuild][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :resume_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :resume => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :root, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v2/"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :set_image_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :metadata, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :metadata => params[:metadata]
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :set_server_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :metadata, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :metadata => params[:metadata]
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :suspend_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :suspend => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :unpause_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def body
- { :unpause => nil }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/action"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_image_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :metadata, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :metadata => params[:metadata]
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/images/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_server, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :accessIPv4, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv4
- param :accessIPv6, :required => false, :alias => :access_ipv6
- param :id, :required => true
- param :name, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :server => { }
- }
- [:name, :accessIPv4, :accessIPv6].each do |key|
- p[:server][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_server_metadata, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :compute
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :metadata, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :metadata => params[:metadata]
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/servers/#{ params[:id] }/metadata"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :add_role_to_user_on_tenant, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :tenant_id, :required => true
- param :user_id, :required => true
- param :role_id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- p = params
- "#{ base_url }/tenants/#{ p[:tenant_id] }/users/#{ p[:user_id] }/roles/OS-KSADM/#{ p[:role_id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_tenant, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :name, :required => true
- param :description, :required => true
- param :enabled, :required => true
- def body
- {
- :tenant => {
- :name => params[:name],
- :description => params[:description],
- :enabled => params[:enabled]
- }
- }
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/tenants"
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_user do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :identity
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- param :name, :required => true
- param :password, :required => true
- param :email, :required => false
- param :enabled, :required => false
- param :tenantId, :required => false, :alias => :tenant_id
- param :extras, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :user => {}
- }
- (required_params + optional_params).each do |key|
- p[:user][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- h = {}
- unless self.anonymous?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:body][:access][:token][:id]
- end
- h
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- service_spec = session_data[:body][:access][:serviceCatalog].find{|s| s[:type] == 'identity' }
- "#{ service_spec[:endpoints][0][:adminURL] }/users"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_role_from_user_on_tenant, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :tenant_id, :required => true
- param :user_id, :required => true
- param :role_id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- p = params
- "#{ base_url }/tenants/#{ p[:tenant_id] }/users/#{ p[:user_id] }/roles/OS-KSADM/#{ p[:role_id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_tenant, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/tenants/#{ params[:id]}"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_user do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :identity
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- h = {}
- unless self.anonymous?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:body][:access][:token][:id]
- end
- h
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- service_spec = session_data[:body][:access][:serviceCatalog].find{|s| s[:type] == service.to_s }
- "#{ service_spec[:endpoints][0][:adminURL] }/users/#{ params[:id]}"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_tenant_by_id, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/tenants/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require 'cgi'
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_user, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :identity
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :name, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/users?name=#{ CGI::escape( }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_tenants, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- param :marker, :required => false
- param :limit, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/tenants"
- str += params_to_querystring(optional_params + required_params)
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_users do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :identity
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- def headers
- h = {}
- unless self.anonymous?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:body][:access][:token][:id]
- end
- h
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- service_spec = session_data[:body][:access][:serviceCatalog].find{|s| s[:type] == 'identity' }
- "#{ service_spec[:endpoints][0][:adminURL] }/users"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_tenant, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :name, :required => false
- param :enabled, :required => false
- param :description, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :tenant => {}
- }
- [:name, :enabled, :description].each do |key|
- p[:tenant][key] = params[key] unless params[key].nil?
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/tenants/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_user do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :identity
- meta :api_version, :v2
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'bug',
- ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :name, :required => false
- param :password, :required => false
- param :email, :required => false
- param :enabled, :required => false
- param :tenantId, :required => false, :alias => :tenant_id
- param :extras, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :user => {}
- }
- optional_params.each do |key|
- p[:user][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- h = {}
- unless self.anonymous?
- h['X-Auth-Token'] = session_data[:body][:access][:token][:id]
- end
- h
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- service_spec = session_data[:body][:access][:serviceCatalog].find { |s| s[:type] == service.to_s }
- "#{ service_spec[:endpoints][0][:adminURL] }/users/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_token, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :anonymous, true
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- param :username, :required => false
- param :password, :required => false
- param :tokenId, :required => false, :alias => :token_id
- param :tenantName, :required => false, :alias => :tenant_name
- param :tenantId, :required => false, :alias => :tenant_id
- def body
- p = if params[:tokenId]
- {
- :auth => {
- :token => {
- :id => params[:tokenId]
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- :auth => {
- :passwordCredentials => {
- :username => params[:username],
- :password => params[:password]
- }
- }
- }
- end
- p[:auth][:tenantName] = params[:tenantName] if params[:tenantName]
- p[:auth][:tenantId] = params[:tenantId] if params[:tenantId]
- p
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- url = session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri]
- url += '/v2.0' if (URI(url).path =~ /^\/?\w+/).nil?
- url += "/tokens"
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_tenants, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- link 'documentation bug',
- ''
- param :marker, :required => false
- param :limit, :required => false
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/tenants"
- str += params_to_querystring(optional_params + required_params)
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :root, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :identity
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v2.0/"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- # Original work by Stephen Paul Suarez
- #
- define_request :create_token, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v3, :public, :base] do
- meta :anonymous, true
- meta :service, :identity
- meta :api_version, :v3
- link 'documentation',
- ''
- param :domainId, :required => false, :alias => :domain_id
- param :domainName, :required => false, :alias => :domain_name
- param :password, :required => false
- param :tenantId, :required => false, :alias => :tenant_id
- param :tenantName, :required => false, :alias => :tenant_name
- param :tokenId, :required => false, :alias => :token_id
- param :userId, :required => false, :alias => :user_id
- param :username, :required => false
- def body
- params[:token_id] ? token_auth_body : password_auth_body
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- url = session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri]
- url += '/v3' if (URI(url).path =~ /^\/?\w+/).nil?
- url += "/auth/tokens"
- end
- private
- # Removes nil elements from hash
- # Adapted from
- def compact_hash(hash, opts = {})
- opts[:recurse] ||= true
- hash.inject({}) do |new_hash, (k,v)|
- if !v.nil?
- new_hash[k] = opts[:recurse] && v.kind_of?(Hash) ? compact_hash(v, opts) : v
- end
- new_hash
- end
- end
- def domain_hash
- compact_hash({
- :id => params[:domain_id],
- :name => params[:domain_name]
- })
- end
- def password_auth_body
- p = {
- :auth => {
- :identity => {
- :methods => ['password'],
- :password => {
- :user => compact_hash({
- :id => params[:user_id],
- :name => params[:username],
- :password => params[:password]
- })
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if params[:domain_name] || params[:domain_id]
- p[:auth][:identity][:password][:user][:domain] = domain_hash
- end
- if params[:tenant_name] || params[:tenant_id] || params[:domain_name] || params[:domain_id]
- p[:auth][:scope] = scope_hash
- end
- p
- end
- def scope_hash
- p = {}
- if params[:tenant_name] || params[:tenant_id]
- p[:project] = compact_hash({
- :id => params[:tenant_id],
- :name => params[:tenant_name]
- })
- p[:project][:domain] = domain_hash if params[:domain_name] || params[:domain_id]
- elsif params[:domain_name] || params[:domain_id]
- p[:domain] = domain_hash
- end
- p
- end
- def token_auth_body
- p = {
- :auth => {
- :identity => {
- :methods => ['token'],
- :token => { :id => params[:token_id] }
- }
- }
- }
- p[:auth][:scope] = scope_hash if params[:tenant_name] || params[:tenant_id]
- p
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_public_images, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :image
- meta :api_version, :v1
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :name, :required => false
- param :container_format, :required => false
- param :disk_format, :required => false
- param :status, :required => false
- param :size_min, :required => false
- param :size_max, :required => false
- param :sort_key, :required => false
- param :sort_dir, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- url = "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v1/images"
- filters = []
- optional_params.each do |param_name|
- filters << "#{ param_name }=#{ params[param_name] }" if params[param_name]
- end
- url += "?#{ filters.join('&') }" unless filters.empty?
- url
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :root, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :image
- meta :api_version, :v1
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v1/"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_projects, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :admin, :base] do
- meta :service, :metering
- meta :api_version, :v1
- meta :endpoint_type, :admin
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v1/projects"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
-module Openstack
- #
- # <b>Request Options</b>
- #
- # The following options may be used in combination with each other when calling
- # an OpenStack request class
- #
- # :api_version => :v2::
- # Forces Aviator to use the request class for the v2 API. For any other
- # version, replace :v2 with the desired one. Note that this may throw an
- # error if no such request class for the given api version exists. If you
- # want to globally specify the API version to use for a specific service,
- # declare it in your config file under the correct environment. For example:
- #
- # production:
- # provider: openstack
- # ...
- # compute_service:
- # api_version: v2
- #
- # Note that the <tt>:api_version</tt> option overrides whatever is declared in the
- # configuration.
- #
- # :endpoint_type => (:public|:admin)::
- # This allows you to be specific about the endpoint type in cases where two
- # request classes under admin and public endpoints of the same service share
- # the same name. This is true, for example, for the :list_tenants request of
- # the identity service's v2 API. Its public endpoint will return only the tenants
- # the user is a member of whereas the admin endpoint will return all tenants
- # in the system.
- #
- # :session_data => Hash::
- # Under normal situations, you wouldn't need to use this as it is automatically populated
- # by the Session object provided it is authenticated. The specific use case when you'd
- # need to set thsi optin is when you want to use Aviator to seed your OpenStack installation.
- # In such a scenario, you would need to use a service token since no usernames and tenants
- # would exist yet in the environment. To use a service token with Aviator, you will need to
- # write something similar to the following example:
- #
- # openstack = => { :provider => 'openstack'})
- #
- # session_data = {:base_url => '',
- # :service_token => 'service-token-created-at-openstack-install-time'}
- #
- # openstack.request :identity, :create_tenant, :api_version => :v2, :session_data => session_data) do |params|
- # = 'Tenant A'
- # params.description = 'First Tenant!'
- # params.enabled = true
- # end
- #
- # Notice how the above code skips authentication. This is because the service token is
- # pre-validated and ready for use with any request. Also note how we're providing a <tt>:base_url</tt>
- # member in our session data. This is necessary since we normally get the service endpoints from
- # Keystone when we authenticate. Now since we are not authenticating against Keystone, we don't have
- # that catalogue to begin with. Thus the need to hardcode it in the request.
- #
- module Provider
- class MultipleServiceApisError < StandardError
- def initialize(service, entries, request_name)
- types ={|e| e[:type] }.join("\n - ")
- msg = <<EOF
-Multiple entries for the #{ service } service were found in the api catalog:
- - #{ types }
-I'm unable to guess which one it is you want to use. To fix this problem, you'll need to
-do one of two things:
- 1) Indicate in the config file the api version you want to use:
- production:
- provider: openstack
- ...
- #{ service }_service:
- api_version: v2
- 2) Indicate the api version when you call the request:
- session.#{ service }_service.request :#{ request_name }, :api_version => :v2 { ... }
-If you combine the two methods, method #2 will override method #1
- super(msg)
- end
- end
- class << self
- #:nodoc:
- def find_request(service, name, session_data, options)
- service = service.to_s
- endpoint_type = options[:endpoint_type]
- endpoint_types = if endpoint_type
- [endpoint_type.to_s.camelize]
- else
- ['Public', 'Admin']
- end
- namespace = Aviator.const_get('Openstack') \
- .const_get(service.camelize) \
- .const_get('Requests')
- if options[:api_version]
- m = options[:api_version].to_s.match(/(v\d+)\.?\d*/)
- version = m[1].to_s.camelize unless m.nil?
- end
- version ||= infer_version(session_data, name, service)
- unless version.nil?
- version = version.to_s.camelize
- end
- return nil unless version && namespace.const_defined?(version)
- namespace = namespace.const_get(version, name)
- endpoint_types.each do |endpoint_type|
- name = name.to_s.camelize
- next unless namespace.const_defined?(endpoint_type)
- next unless namespace.const_get(endpoint_type).const_defined?(name)
- return namespace.const_get(endpoint_type).const_get(name)
- end
- nil
- end
- def root_dir
- end
- def request_file_paths(service)
- Dir.glob(
- '..',
- service.to_s,
- 'requests',
- '**',
- '*.rb'
- ).expand_path
- )
- end
- private
- def infer_version(session_data, request_name, service)
- if session_data.has_key?(:auth_service) && session_data[:auth_service][:api_version]
- session_data[:auth_service][:api_version].to_sym
- elsif session_data.has_key?(:auth_service) && session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri]
- m = session_data[:auth_service][:host_uri].match(/(v\d+)\.?\d*/)
- return m[1].to_sym unless m.nil?
- elsif session_data.has_key? :base_url
- m = session_data[:base_url].match(/(v\d+)\.?\d*/)
- return m[1].to_sym unless m.nil?
- elsif session_data.has_key?(:body) && session_data[:body].has_key?(:access)
- service_specs = session_data[:body][:access][:serviceCatalog].select{|s| s[:type].match("#{ service }(v\d+)?") }
- raise, service_specs, request_name) unless service_specs.length <= 1
- raise, request_name) unless service_specs.length > 0
- version = service_specs[0][:endpoints][0][:publicURL].match(/(v\d+)\.?\d*/)
- version ? version[1].to_sym : :v1
- elsif session_data.has_key?(:headers) && session_data[:headers].has_key?("x-subject-token")
- service_specs = session_data[:body][:token][:catalog].select{|s| s[:type].match("#{ service }(v\d+)?") }
- raise, service_specs, request_name) unless service_specs.length <= 1
- raise, request_name) unless service_specs.length > 0
- version = service_specs[0][:endpoints][0][:url].match(/(v\d+)\.?\d*/)
- version ? version[1].to_sym : :v1
- end
- end
- end # class << self
- end # module Provider
-end # module Openstack
-end # module Aviator
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :create_volume, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :display_name, :required => true
- param :display_description, :required => true
- param :size, :required => true
- param :volume_type, :required => false
- param :availability_zone, :required => false
- param :snapshot_id, :required => false
- param :metadata, :required => false
- def body
- p = {
- :volume => {
- :display_name => params[:display_name],
- :display_description => params[:display_description],
- :size => params[:size]
- }
- }
- optional_params.each do |key|
- p[:volume][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :post
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/volumes"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :delete_volume, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :delete
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/volumes/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :get_volume, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- meta :endpoint_type, :public
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :id, :required => true
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/volumes/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_volume_types, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :provider, :openstack
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- meta :endpoint_type, :public
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :extra_specs, :required => false
- param :name, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/types"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :list_volumes, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :all_tenants, :required => false
- param :details, :required => false
- param :status, :required => false
- param :availability_zone, :required => false
- param :bootable, :required => false
- param :display_name, :required => false
- param :display_description, :required => false
- param :volume_type, :required => false
- param :snapshot_id, :required => false
- param :size, :required => false
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- str = "#{ base_url }/volumes"
- str += "/detail" if params[:details]
- filters = []
- (optional_params + required_params - [:details]).each do |param_name|
- value = param_name == :all_tenants && params[param_name] ? 1 : params[param_name]
- filters << "#{ param_name }=#{ value }" if value
- end
- str += "?#{ filters.join('&') }" unless filters.empty?
- str
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :root, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :get
- end
- def url
- uri = URI(base_url)
- "#{ uri.scheme }://#{ }:#{ uri.port.to_s }/v1/"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- define_request :update_volume, :inherit => [:openstack, :common, :v2, :public, :base] do
- meta :service, :volume
- meta :api_version, :v1
- link 'documentation', ''
- param :id, :required => true
- param :display_name, :required => false
- param :display_description, :required => false
- def body
- p = { :volume => {} }
- [:display_name, :display_description].each do |key|
- p[:volume][key] = params[key] if params[key]
- end
- p
- end
- def headers
- super
- end
- def http_method
- :put
- end
- def url
- "#{ base_url }/volumes/#{ params[:id] }"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Aviator
- VERSION = "0.2.1"
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Nick Sieger.
-# See the file README.txt included with the distribution for
-# software license details.
-# Concatenate together multiple IO objects into a single, composite IO object
-# for purposes of reading as a single stream.
-# Usage:
-# crio ='one'),'two'),'three'))
-# puts # => "onetwothree"
-class CompositeReadIO
- # Create a new composite-read IO from the arguments, all of which should
- # respond to #read in a manner consistent with IO.
- def initialize(*ios)
- @ios = ios.flatten
- @index = 0
- end
- # Read from IOs in order until `length` bytes have been received.
- def read(length = nil, outbuf = nil)
- got_result = false
- outbuf = outbuf ? outbuf.replace("") : ""
- while io = current_io
- if result =
- got_result ||= !result.nil?
- result.force_encoding("BINARY") if result.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
- outbuf << result
- length -= result.length if length
- break if length == 0
- end
- advance_io
- end
- (!got_result && length) ? nil : outbuf
- end
- def rewind
- @ios.each { |io| io.rewind }
- @index = 0
- end
- private
- def current_io
- @ios[@index]
- end
- def advance_io
- @index += 1
- end
-# Convenience methods for dealing with files and IO that are to be uploaded.
-class UploadIO
- # Create an upload IO suitable for including in the params hash of a
- # Net::HTTP::Post::Multipart.
- #
- # Can take two forms. The first accepts a filename and content type, and
- # opens the file for reading (to be closed by finalizer).
- #
- # The second accepts an already-open IO, but also requires a third argument,
- # the filename from which it was opened (particularly useful/recommended if
- # uploading directly from a form in a framework, which often save the file to
- # an arbitrarily named RackMultipart file in /tmp).
- #
- # Usage:
- #
- #"file.txt", "text/plain")
- #, "text/plain", "file.txt")
- #
- attr_reader :content_type, :original_filename, :local_path, :io, :opts
- def initialize(filename_or_io, content_type, filename = nil, opts = {})
- io = filename_or_io
- local_path = ""
- if io.respond_to? :read
- # in Ruby 1.9.2, StringIOs no longer respond to path
- # (since they respond to :length, so we don't need their local path, see parts.rb:41)
- local_path = filename_or_io.respond_to?(:path) ? filename_or_io.path : "local.path"
- else
- io =
- local_path = filename_or_io
- end
- filename ||= local_path
- @content_type = content_type
- @original_filename = File.basename(filename)
- @local_path = local_path
- @io = io
- @opts = opts
- end
- def self.convert!(io, content_type, original_filename, local_path)
- raise ArgumentError, "convert! has been removed. You must now wrap IOs using:\, content_type, filename=nil)\nPlease update your code."
- end
- def method_missing(*args)
- @io.send(*args)
- end
- def respond_to?(meth, include_all = false)
- @io.respond_to?(meth, include_all) || super(meth, include_all)
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require 'thread'
-require 'cgi'
-require 'set'
-require 'forwardable'
-# Public: This is the main namespace for Faraday. You can either use it to
-# create Faraday::Connection objects, or access it directly.
-# Examples
-# Faraday.get ""
-# conn = ""
-# conn.get '/'
-module Faraday
- VERSION = "0.9.0"
- class << self
- # Public: Gets or sets the root path that Faraday is being loaded from.
- # This is the root from where the libraries are auto-loaded from.
- attr_accessor :root_path
- # Public: Gets or sets the path that the Faraday libs are loaded from.
- attr_accessor :lib_path
- # Public: Gets or sets the Symbol key identifying a default Adapter to use
- # for the default Faraday::Connection.
- attr_reader :default_adapter
- # Public: Sets the default Faraday::Connection for simple scripts that
- # access the Faraday constant directly.
- #
- # Faraday.get ""
- attr_writer :default_connection
- # Public: Sets the default options used when calling Faraday#new.
- attr_writer :default_connection_options
- # Public: Initializes a new Faraday::Connection.
- #
- # url - The optional String base URL to use as a prefix for all
- # requests. Can also be the options Hash.
- # options - The optional Hash used to configure this Faraday::Connection.
- # Any of these values will be set on every request made, unless
- # overridden for a specific request.
- # :url - String base URL.
- # :params - Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
- # :headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- # :request - Hash of request options.
- # :ssl - Hash of SSL options.
- # :proxy - Hash of Proxy options.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # ''
- #
- # #
- # '', :params => {:page => 1}
- #
- # # same
- #
- # :url => '',
- # :params => {:page => 1}
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::Connection.
- def new(url = nil, options = nil)
- block = block_given? ? : nil
- options = options ? default_connection_options.merge(options) : default_connection_options.dup
-, options, &block)
- end
- # Internal: Requires internal Faraday libraries.
- #
- # *libs - One or more relative String names to Faraday classes.
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def require_libs(*libs)
- libs.each do |lib|
- require "#{lib_path}/#{lib}"
- end
- end
- # Public: Updates default adapter while resetting
- # #default_connection.
- #
- # Returns the new default_adapter.
- def default_adapter=(adapter)
- @default_connection = nil
- @default_adapter = adapter
- end
- alias require_lib require_libs
- private
- # Internal: Proxies method calls on the Faraday constant to
- # #default_connection.
- def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
- default_connection.send(name, *args, &block)
- end
- end
- self.root_path = File.expand_path "..", __FILE__
- self.lib_path = File.expand_path "../faraday", __FILE__
- self.default_adapter = :net_http
- # Gets the default connection used for simple scripts.
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::Connection, configured with the #default_adapter.
- def self.default_connection
- @default_connection ||=
- end
- # Gets the default connection options used when calling Faraday#new.
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::ConnectionOptions.
- def self.default_connection_options
- @default_connection_options ||=
- end
- if (!defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) || "ruby" == RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
- begin
- require 'system_timer'
- Timer = SystemTimer
- rescue LoadError
- warn "Faraday: you may want to install system_timer for reliable timeouts"
- end
- end
- unless const_defined? :Timer
- require 'timeout'
- Timer = Timeout
- end
- # Public: Adds the ability for other modules to register and lookup
- # middleware classes.
- module MiddlewareRegistry
- # Public: Register middleware class(es) on the current module.
- #
- # mapping - A Hash mapping Symbol keys to classes. Classes can be expressed
- # as fully qualified constant, or a Proc that will be lazily
- # called to return the former.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # module Faraday
- # class Whatever
- # # Middleware looked up by :foo returns Faraday::Whatever::Foo.
- # register_middleware :foo => Foo
- #
- # # Middleware looked up by :bar returns Faraday::Whatever.const_get(:Bar)
- # register_middleware :bar => :Bar
- #
- # # Middleware looked up by :baz requires 'baz' and returns Faraday::Whatever.const_get(:Baz)
- # register_middleware :baz => [:Baz, 'baz']
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def register_middleware(autoload_path = nil, mapping = nil)
- if mapping.nil?
- mapping = autoload_path
- autoload_path = nil
- end
- middleware_mutex do
- @middleware_autoload_path = autoload_path if autoload_path
- (@registered_middleware ||= {}).update(mapping)
- end
- end
- # Public: Lookup middleware class with a registered Symbol shortcut.
- #
- # key - The Symbol key for the registered middleware.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # module Faraday
- # class Whatever
- # register_middleware :foo => Foo
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Faraday::Whatever.lookup_middleware(:foo)
- # # => Faraday::Whatever::Foo
- #
- # Returns a middleware Class.
- def lookup_middleware(key)
- load_middleware(key) ||
- raise("#{key.inspect} is not registered on #{self}"))
- end
- def middleware_mutex(&block)
- @middleware_mutex ||= begin
- require 'monitor'
- end
- @middleware_mutex.synchronize(&block)
- end
- def fetch_middleware(key)
- defined?(@registered_middleware) && @registered_middleware[key]
- end
- def load_middleware(key)
- value = fetch_middleware(key)
- case value
- when Module
- value
- when Symbol, String
- middleware_mutex do
- @registered_middleware[key] = const_get(value)
- end
- when Proc
- middleware_mutex do
- @registered_middleware[key] =
- end
- when Array
- middleware_mutex do
- const, path = value
- if root = @middleware_autoload_path
- path = "#{root}/#{path}"
- end
- require(path)
- @registered_middleware[key] = const
- end
- load_middleware(key)
- end
- end
- end
- def self.const_missing(name)
- if name.to_sym == :Builder
- warn "Faraday::Builder is now Faraday::RackBuilder."
- const_set name, RackBuilder
- else
- super
- end
- end
- require_libs "utils", "options", "connection", "rack_builder", "parameters",
- "middleware", "adapter", "request", "response", "upload_io", "error"
- require_lib 'autoload'
- end
-# not pulling in active-support JUST for this method. And I love this method.
-class Object
- # The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain,
- # in order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # (1..10).tap { |x| puts "original: #{x.inspect}" }.to_a.
- # tap { |x| puts "array: #{x.inspect}" }.
- # select { |x| x%2 == 0 }.
- # tap { |x| puts "evens: #{x.inspect}" }.
- # map { |x| x*x }.
- # tap { |x| puts "squares: #{x.inspect}" }
- #
- # Yields self.
- # Returns self.
- def tap
- yield(self)
- self
- end unless Object.respond_to?(:tap)
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Public: This is a base class for all Faraday adapters. Adapters are
- # responsible for fulfilling a Faraday request.
- class Adapter < Middleware
- CONTENT_LENGTH = 'Content-Length'.freeze
- register_middleware File.expand_path('../adapter', __FILE__),
- :test => [:Test, 'test'],
- :net_http => [:NetHttp, 'net_http'],
- :net_http_persistent => [:NetHttpPersistent, 'net_http_persistent'],
- :typhoeus => [:Typhoeus, 'typhoeus'],
- :patron => [:Patron, 'patron'],
- :em_synchrony => [:EMSynchrony, 'em_synchrony'],
- :em_http => [:EMHttp, 'em_http'],
- :excon => [:Excon, 'excon'],
- :rack => [:Rack, 'rack'],
- :httpclient => [:HTTPClient, 'httpclient']
- # Public: This module marks an Adapter as supporting parallel requests.
- module Parallelism
- attr_writer :supports_parallel
- def supports_parallel?() @supports_parallel end
- def inherited(subclass)
- super
- subclass.supports_parallel = self.supports_parallel?
- end
- end
- extend Parallelism
- self.supports_parallel = false
- def call(env)
- env.clear_body if env.needs_body?
- end
- def save_response(env, status, body, headers = nil)
- env.status = status
- env.body = body
- env.response_headers = do |response_headers|
- response_headers.update headers unless headers.nil?
- yield(response_headers) if block_given?
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- # EventMachine adapter is useful for either asynchronous requests
- # when in EM reactor loop or for making parallel requests in
- # synchronous code.
- class EMHttp < Faraday::Adapter
- module Options
- def connection_config(env)
- options = {}
- configure_proxy(options, env)
- configure_timeout(options, env)
- configure_socket(options, env)
- configure_ssl(options, env)
- options
- end
- def request_config(env)
- options = {
- :body => read_body(env),
- :head => env[:request_headers],
- # :keepalive => true,
- # :file => 'path/to/file', # stream data off disk
- }
- configure_compression(options, env)
- options
- end
- def read_body(env)
- body = env[:body]
- body.respond_to?(:read) ? : body
- end
- def configure_proxy(options, env)
- if proxy = request_options(env)[:proxy]
- options[:proxy] = {
- :host => proxy[:uri].host,
- :port => proxy[:uri].port,
- :authorization => [proxy[:user], proxy[:password]]
- }
- end
- end
- def configure_socket(options, env)
- if bind = request_options(env)[:bind]
- options[:bind] = {
- :host => bind[:host],
- :port => bind[:port]
- }
- end
- end
- def configure_ssl(options, env)
- if env[:url].scheme == 'https' && env[:ssl]
- options[:ssl] = {
- :cert_chain_file => env[:ssl][:ca_file],
- :verify_peer => env[:ssl].fetch(:verify, true)
- }
- end
- end
- def configure_timeout(options, env)
- timeout, open_timeout = request_options(env).values_at(:timeout, :open_timeout)
- options[:connect_timeout] = options[:inactivity_timeout] = timeout
- options[:connect_timeout] = open_timeout if open_timeout
- end
- def configure_compression(options, env)
- if env[:method] == :get and not options[:head].key? 'accept-encoding'
- options[:head]['accept-encoding'] = 'gzip, compressed'
- end
- end
- def request_options(env)
- env[:request]
- end
- end
- include Options
- dependency 'em-http'
- self.supports_parallel = true
- def self.setup_parallel_manager(options = nil)
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- perform_request env
- env
- end
- def perform_request(env)
- if parallel?(env)
- manager = env[:parallel_manager]
- manager.add {
- perform_single_request(env).
- callback { env[:response].finish(env) }
- }
- else
- unless EventMachine.reactor_running?
- error = nil
- # start EM, block until request is completed
- do
- perform_single_request(env).
- callback { EventMachine.stop }.
- errback { |client|
- error = error_message(client)
- EventMachine.stop
- }
- end
- raise_error(error) if error
- else
- # EM is running: instruct upstream that this is an async request
- env[:parallel_manager] = true
- perform_single_request(env).
- callback { env[:response].finish(env) }.
- errback {
- # TODO: no way to communicate the error in async mode
- raise NotImplementedError
- }
- end
- end
- rescue EventMachine::Connectify::CONNECTError => err
- if err.message.include?("Proxy Authentication Required")
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, %{407 "Proxy Authentication Required "}
- else
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- end
- rescue => err
- if defined?(OpenSSL) && OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError === err
- raise Faraday::SSLError, err
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- # TODO: reuse the connection to support pipelining
- def perform_single_request(env)
- req =[:url], connection_config(env))
- req.setup_request(env[:method], request_config(env)).callback { |client|
- save_response(env, client.response_header.status, client.response) do |resp_headers|
- client.response_header.each do |name, value|
- resp_headers[name.to_sym] = value
- end
- end
- }
- end
- def error_message(client)
- client.error or "request failed"
- end
- def raise_error(msg)
- errklass = Faraday::Error::ClientError
- if msg == Errno::ETIMEDOUT
- errklass = Faraday::Error::TimeoutError
- msg = "request timed out"
- elsif msg == Errno::ECONNREFUSED
- errklass = Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed
- msg = "connection refused"
- elsif msg == "connection closed by server"
- errklass = Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed
- end
- raise errklass, msg
- end
- def parallel?(env)
- !!env[:parallel_manager]
- end
- # The parallel manager is designed to start an EventMachine loop
- # and block until all registered requests have been completed.
- class Manager
- def initialize
- reset
- end
- def reset
- @registered_procs = []
- @num_registered = 0
- @num_succeeded = 0
- @errors = []
- @running = false
- end
- def running?() @running end
- def add
- if running?
- perform_request { yield }
- else
- @registered_procs <<
- end
- @num_registered += 1
- end
- def run
- if @num_registered > 0
- @running = true
- do
- @registered_procs.each do |proc|
- perform_request(&proc)
- end
- end
- if @errors.size > 0
- raise Faraday::Error::ClientError, @errors.first || "connection failed"
- end
- end
- ensure
- reset
- end
- def perform_request
- client = yield
- client.callback { @num_succeeded += 1; check_finished }
- client.errback { @errors << client.error; check_finished }
- end
- def check_finished
- if @num_succeeded + @errors.size == @num_registered
- EventMachine.stop
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- require 'openssl'
-rescue LoadError
- warn "Warning: no such file to load -- openssl. Make sure it is installed if you want HTTPS support"
- require 'faraday/adapter/em_http_ssl_patch'
-end if Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp.loaded?
+++ /dev/null
-require 'openssl'
-require 'em-http'
-module EmHttpSslPatch
- def ssl_verify_peer(cert_string)
- cert = nil
- begin
- cert =
- rescue OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError
- return false
- end
- @last_seen_cert = cert
- if certificate_store.verify(@last_seen_cert)
- begin
- certificate_store.add_cert(@last_seen_cert)
- rescue OpenSSL::X509::StoreError => e
- raise e unless e.message == 'cert already in hash table'
- end
- true
- else
- raise to verify the server certificate for "#{host}"))
- end
- end
- def ssl_handshake_completed
- return true unless verify_peer?
- unless OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(@last_seen_cert, host)
- raise "#{host}" does not match the server certificate))
- else
- true
- end
- end
- def verify_peer?
- parent.connopts.tls[:verify_peer]
- end
- def host
- end
- def certificate_store
- @certificate_store ||= begin
- store =
- store.set_default_paths
- ca_file = parent.connopts.tls[:cert_chain_file]
- store.add_file(ca_file) if ca_file
- store
- end
- end
-EventMachine::HttpStubConnection.send(:include, EmHttpSslPatch)
+++ /dev/null
-require 'uri'
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class EMSynchrony < Faraday::Adapter
- include EMHttp::Options
- dependency do
- require 'em-synchrony/em-http'
- require 'em-synchrony/em-multi'
- require 'fiber'
- end
- self.supports_parallel = true
- def self.setup_parallel_manager(options = {})
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- request =[:url].to_s), connection_config(env))
- http_method = env[:method].to_s.downcase.to_sym
- # Queue requests for parallel execution.
- if env[:parallel_manager]
- env[:parallel_manager].add(request, http_method, request_config(env)) do |resp|
- save_response(env, resp.response_header.status, resp.response) do |resp_headers|
- resp.response_header.each do |name, value|
- resp_headers[name.to_sym] = value
- end
- end
- # Finalize the response object with values from `env`.
- env[:response].finish(env)
- end
- # Execute single request.
- else
- client = nil
- block = lambda { request.send(http_method, request_config(env)) }
- if !EM.reactor_running?
- do
- {
- client =
- EM.stop
- }.resume
- end
- else
- client =
- end
- raise client.error if client.error
- save_response(env, client.response_header.status, client.response) do |resp_headers|
- client.response_header.each do |name, value|
- resp_headers[name.to_sym] = value
- end
- end
- end
- env
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, $!
- rescue EventMachine::Connectify::CONNECTError => err
- if err.message.include?("Proxy Authentication Required")
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, %{407 "Proxy Authentication Required "}
- else
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- end
- rescue => err
- if defined?(OpenSSL) && OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError === err
- raise Faraday::SSLError, err
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- end
- end
-require 'faraday/adapter/em_synchrony/parallel_manager'
- require 'openssl'
-rescue LoadError
- warn "Warning: no such file to load -- openssl. Make sure it is installed if you want HTTPS support"
- require 'faraday/adapter/em_http_ssl_patch'
-end if Faraday::Adapter::EMSynchrony.loaded?
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class EMSynchrony < Faraday::Adapter
- class ParallelManager
- # Add requests to queue. The `request` argument should be a
- # `EM::HttpRequest` object.
- def add(request, method, *args, &block)
- queue << {
- :request => request,
- :method => method,
- :args => args,
- :block => block
- }
- end
- # Run all requests on queue with `EM::Synchrony::Multi`, wrapping
- # it in a reactor and fiber if needed.
- def run
- result = nil
- if !EM.reactor_running?
- {
- do
- result = perform
- EM.stop
- end.resume
- }
- else
- result = perform
- end
- result
- end
- private
- # The request queue.
- def queue
- @queue ||= []
- end
- # Main `EM::Synchrony::Multi` performer.
- def perform
- multi =
- queue.each do |item|
- method = "a#{item[:method]}".to_sym
- req = item[:request].send(method, *item[:args])
- req.callback(&item[:block])
- req_name = "req_#{multi.requests.size}".to_sym
- multi.add(req_name, req)
- end
- # Clear the queue, so parallel manager objects can be reused.
- @queue = []
- # Block fiber until all requests have returned.
- multi.perform
- end
- end # ParallelManager
- end # EMSynchrony
- end # Adapter
-end # Faraday
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class Excon < Faraday::Adapter
- dependency 'excon'
- def initialize(app, connection_options = {})
- @connection_options = connection_options
- super(app)
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- opts = {}
- if env[:url].scheme == 'https' && ssl = env[:ssl]
- opts[:ssl_verify_peer] = !!ssl.fetch(:verify, true)
- opts[:ssl_ca_path] = ssl[:ca_path] if ssl[:ca_path]
- opts[:ssl_ca_file] = ssl[:ca_file] if ssl[:ca_file]
- opts[:client_cert] = ssl[:client_cert] if ssl[:client_cert]
- opts[:client_key] = ssl[:client_key] if ssl[:client_key]
- opts[:certificate] = ssl[:certificate] if ssl[:certificate]
- opts[:private_key] = ssl[:private_key] if ssl[:private_key]
- #
- #
- opts[:nonblock] = false
- end
- if ( req = env[:request] )
- if req[:timeout]
- opts[:read_timeout] = req[:timeout]
- opts[:connect_timeout] = req[:timeout]
- opts[:write_timeout] = req[:timeout]
- end
- if req[:open_timeout]
- opts[:connect_timeout] = req[:open_timeout]
- opts[:write_timeout] = req[:open_timeout]
- end
- if req[:proxy]
- opts[:proxy] = {
- :host => req[:proxy][:uri].host,
- :port => req[:proxy][:uri].port,
- :scheme => req[:proxy][:uri].scheme,
- :user => req[:proxy][:user],
- :password => req[:proxy][:password]
- }
- end
- end
- conn =[:url].to_s, opts.merge(@connection_options))
- resp = conn.request \
- :method => env[:method].to_s.upcase,
- :headers => env[:request_headers],
- :body => read_body(env)
- save_response(env, resp.status.to_i, resp.body, resp.headers)
- env
- rescue ::Excon::Errors::SocketError => err
- if err.message =~ /\btimeout\b/
- raise Error::TimeoutError, err
- elsif err.message =~ /\bcertificate\b/
- raise Faraday::SSLError, err
- else
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- end
- rescue ::Excon::Errors::Timeout => err
- raise Error::TimeoutError, err
- end
- # TODO: support streaming requests
- def read_body(env)
- env[:body].respond_to?(:read) ? env[:body].read : env[:body]
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class HTTPClient < Faraday::Adapter
- dependency 'httpclient'
- def client
- @client ||=
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- if req = env[:request]
- if proxy = req[:proxy]
- configure_proxy proxy
- end
- if bind = req[:bind]
- configure_socket bind
- end
- configure_timeouts req
- end
- if env[:url].scheme == 'https' && ssl = env[:ssl]
- configure_ssl ssl
- end
- # TODO Don't stream yet.
- #
- env[:body] = env[:body].read if env[:body].respond_to? :read
- resp = client.request env[:method], env[:url],
- :body => env[:body],
- :header => env[:request_headers]
- save_response env, resp.status, resp.body, resp.headers
- env
- rescue ::HTTPClient::TimeoutError
- raise Faraday::Error::TimeoutError, $!
- rescue ::HTTPClient::BadResponseError => err
- if err.message.include?('status 407')
- raise Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, %{407 "Proxy Authentication Required "}
- else
- raise Faraday::Error::ClientError, $!
- end
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, EOFError
- raise Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, $!
- rescue => err
- if defined?(OpenSSL) && OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError === err
- raise Faraday::SSLError, err
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- def configure_socket(bind)
- = bind[:host]
- client.socket_local.port = bind[:port]
- end
- def configure_proxy(proxy)
- client.proxy = proxy[:uri]
- if proxy[:user] && proxy[:password]
- client.set_proxy_auth proxy[:user], proxy[:password]
- end
- end
- def configure_ssl(ssl)
- ssl_config = client.ssl_config
- ssl_config.add_trust_ca ssl[:ca_file] if ssl[:ca_file]
- ssl_config.add_trust_ca ssl[:ca_path] if ssl[:ca_path]
- ssl_config.cert_store = ssl[:cert_store] if ssl[:cert_store]
- ssl_config.client_cert = ssl[:client_cert] if ssl[:client_cert]
- ssl_config.client_key = ssl[:client_key] if ssl[:client_key]
- ssl_config.verify_depth = ssl[:verify_depth] if ssl[:verify_depth]
- ssl_config.verify_mode = ssl_verify_mode(ssl)
- end
- def configure_timeouts(req)
- if req[:timeout]
- client.connect_timeout = req[:timeout]
- client.receive_timeout = req[:timeout]
- client.send_timeout = req[:timeout]
- end
- if req[:open_timeout]
- client.connect_timeout = req[:open_timeout]
- client.send_timeout = req[:open_timeout]
- end
- end
- def ssl_verify_mode(ssl)
- ssl[:verify_mode] || begin
- if ssl.fetch(:verify, true)
- else
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
- require 'net/https'
-rescue LoadError
- warn "Warning: no such file to load -- net/https. Make sure openssl is installed if you want ssl support"
- require 'net/http'
-require 'zlib'
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class NetHttp < Faraday::Adapter
- EOFError,
- Errno::EINVAL,
- Net::HTTPBadResponse,
- Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError,
- Net::ProtocolError,
- SocketError,
- Zlib::GzipFile::Error,
- ]
- NET_HTTP_EXCEPTIONS << OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError if defined?(OpenSSL)
- def call(env)
- super
- http = net_http_connection(env)
- configure_ssl(http, env[:ssl]) if env[:url].scheme == 'https' and env[:ssl]
- req = env[:request]
- http.read_timeout = http.open_timeout = req[:timeout] if req[:timeout]
- http.open_timeout = req[:open_timeout] if req[:open_timeout]
- begin
- http_response = perform_request(http, env)
- rescue *NET_HTTP_EXCEPTIONS => err
- if defined?(OpenSSL) && OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError === err
- raise Faraday::SSLError, err
- else
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- end
- end
- save_response(env, http_response.code.to_i, http_response.body || '') do |response_headers|
- http_response.each_header do |key, value|
- response_headers[key] = value
- end
- end
- env
- rescue Timeout::Error => err
- raise Faraday::Error::TimeoutError, err
- end
- def create_request(env)
- request = \
- env[:method].to_s.upcase, # request method
- !!env[:body], # is there request body
- :head != env[:method], # is there response body
- env[:url].request_uri, # request uri path
- env[:request_headers] # request headers
- if env[:body].respond_to?(:read)
- request.body_stream = env[:body]
- else
- request.body = env[:body]
- end
- request
- end
- def perform_request(http, env)
- if :get == env[:method] and !env[:body]
- # prefer `get` to `request` because the former handles gzip (ruby 1.9)
- http.get env[:url].request_uri, env[:request_headers]
- else
- http.request create_request(env)
- end
- end
- def net_http_connection(env)
- if proxy = env[:request][:proxy]
- Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy[:uri].host, proxy[:uri].port, proxy[:user], proxy[:password])
- else
- Net::HTTP
-[:url].host, env[:url].port)
- end
- def configure_ssl(http, ssl)
- http.use_ssl = true
- http.verify_mode = ssl_verify_mode(ssl)
- http.cert_store = ssl_cert_store(ssl)
- http.cert = ssl[:client_cert] if ssl[:client_cert]
- http.key = ssl[:client_key] if ssl[:client_key]
- http.ca_file = ssl[:ca_file] if ssl[:ca_file]
- http.ca_path = ssl[:ca_path] if ssl[:ca_path]
- http.verify_depth = ssl[:verify_depth] if ssl[:verify_depth]
- http.ssl_version = ssl[:version] if ssl[:version]
- end
- def ssl_cert_store(ssl)
- return ssl[:cert_store] if ssl[:cert_store]
- # Use the default cert store by default, i.e. system ca certs
- cert_store =
- cert_store.set_default_paths
- cert_store
- end
- def ssl_verify_mode(ssl)
- ssl[:verify_mode] || begin
- if ssl.fetch(:verify, true)
- else
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# Rely on autoloading instead of explicit require; helps avoid the "already
-# initialized constant" warning on Ruby 1.8.7 when NetHttp is refereced below.
-# require 'faraday/adapter/net_http'
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- # Experimental adapter for net-http-persistent
- class NetHttpPersistent < NetHttp
- dependency 'net/http/persistent'
- def net_http_connection(env)
- if proxy = env[:request][:proxy]
- proxy_uri = ::URI::HTTP === proxy[:uri] ? proxy[:uri].dup : ::URI.parse(proxy[:uri].to_s)
- proxy_uri.user = proxy_uri.password = nil
- # awful patch for net-http-persistent 2.8 not unescaping user/password
- (class << proxy_uri; self; end).class_eval do
- define_method(:user) { proxy[:user] }
- define_method(:password) { proxy[:password] }
- end if proxy[:user]
- end
- 'Faraday', proxy_uri
- end
- def perform_request(http, env)
- http.request env[:url], create_request(env)
- rescue Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error => error
- if error.message.include? 'Timeout'
- raise Faraday::Error::TimeoutError, error
- elsif error.message.include? 'connection refused'
- raise Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, error
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- def configure_ssl(http, ssl)
- http.verify_mode = ssl_verify_mode(ssl)
- http.cert_store = ssl_cert_store(ssl)
- http.certificate = ssl[:client_cert] if ssl[:client_cert]
- http.private_key = ssl[:client_key] if ssl[:client_key]
- http.ca_file = ssl[:ca_file] if ssl[:ca_file]
- http.ssl_version = ssl[:version] if ssl[:version]
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class Patron < Faraday::Adapter
- dependency 'patron'
- def initialize(app, &block)
- super(app)
- @block = block
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- # TODO: support streaming requests
- env[:body] = env[:body].read if env[:body].respond_to? :read
- session = @session ||= create_session
- if req = env[:request]
- session.timeout = session.connect_timeout = req[:timeout] if req[:timeout]
- session.connect_timeout = req[:open_timeout] if req[:open_timeout]
- if proxy = req[:proxy]
- proxy_uri = proxy[:uri].dup
- proxy_uri.user = proxy[:user] && Utils.escape(proxy[:user]).gsub('+', '%20')
- proxy_uri.password = proxy[:password] && Utils.escape(proxy[:password]).gsub('+', '%20')
- session.proxy = proxy_uri.to_s
- end
- end
- response = begin
- data = env[:body] ? env[:body].to_s : nil
- session.request(env[:method], env[:url].to_s, env[:request_headers], :data => data)
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, ::Patron::ConnectionFailed
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, $!
- end
- save_response(env, response.status, response.body, response.headers)
- env
- rescue ::Patron::TimeoutError => err
- if err.message == "Connection time-out"
- raise Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- else
- raise Faraday::Error::TimeoutError, err
- end
- rescue ::Patron::Error => err
- if err.message.include?("code 407")
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, %{407 "Proxy Authentication Required "}
- else
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, err
- end
- end
- if loaded? && defined?(::Patron::Request::VALID_ACTIONS)
- # HAX: helps but doesn't work completely
- #
- ::Patron::Request::VALID_ACTIONS.tap do |actions|
- actions << :patch unless actions.include? :patch
- actions << :options unless actions.include? :options
- end
- end
- def create_session
- session =
- session.insecure = true
- if @block
- session
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- # Sends requests to a Rack app.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # class MyRackApp
- # def call(env)
- # [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ["hello world"]]
- # end
- # end
- #
- # do |conn|
- # conn.adapter :rack,
- # end
- class Rack < Faraday::Adapter
- dependency 'rack/test'
- # not prefixed with "HTTP_"
- def initialize(faraday_app, rack_app)
- super(faraday_app)
- mock_session =
- @session =
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- rack_env = {
- :method => env[:method],
- :input => env[:body].respond_to?(:read) ? env[:body].read : env[:body],
- 'rack.url_scheme' => env[:url].scheme
- }
- env[:request_headers].each do |name, value|
- name ='-', '_')
- name = "HTTP_#{name}" unless SPECIAL_HEADERS.include? name
- rack_env[name] = value
- end if env[:request_headers]
- timeout = env[:request][:timeout] || env[:request][:open_timeout]
- response = if timeout
- Timer.timeout(timeout, Faraday::Error::TimeoutError) { execute_request(env, rack_env) }
- else
- execute_request(env, rack_env)
- end
- save_response(env, response.status, response.body, response.headers)
- env
- end
- def execute_request(env, rack_env)
- @session.request(env[:url].to_s, rack_env)
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- # test = do
- # use Faraday::Adapter::Test do |stub|
- # stub.get '/nigiri/sake.json' do
- # [200, {}, 'hi world']
- # end
- # end
- # end
- #
- # resp = test.get '/nigiri/sake.json'
- # resp.body # => 'hi world'
- #
- class Test < Faraday::Adapter
- attr_accessor :stubs
- class Stubs
- class NotFound < StandardError
- end
- def initialize
- # {:get => [Stub, Stub]}
- @stack, @consumed = {}, {}
- yield(self) if block_given?
- end
- def empty?
- @stack.empty?
- end
- def match(request_method, path, headers, body)
- return false if !@stack.key?(request_method)
- stack = @stack[request_method]
- consumed = (@consumed[request_method] ||= [])
- if stub = matches?(stack, path, headers, body)
- consumed << stack.delete(stub)
- stub
- else
- matches?(consumed, path, headers, body)
- end
- end
- def get(path, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:get, path, headers, &block)
- end
- def head(path, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:head, path, headers, &block)
- end
- def post(path, body=nil, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:post, path, headers, body, &block)
- end
- def put(path, body=nil, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:put, path, headers, body, &block)
- end
- def patch(path, body=nil, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:patch, path, headers, body, &block)
- end
- def delete(path, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:delete, path, headers, &block)
- end
- def options(path, headers = {}, &block)
- new_stub(:options, path, headers, &block)
- end
- # Raises an error if any of the stubbed calls have not been made.
- def verify_stubbed_calls
- failed_stubs = []
- @stack.each do |method, stubs|
- unless stubs.size == 0
- failed_stubs.concat( {|stub|
- "Expected #{method} #{stub}."
- })
- end
- end
- raise failed_stubs.join(" ") unless failed_stubs.size == 0
- end
- protected
- def new_stub(request_method, path, headers = {}, body=nil, &block)
- normalized_path = Faraday::Utils.normalize_path(path)
- (@stack[request_method] ||= []) <<, headers, body, block)
- end
- def matches?(stack, path, headers, body)
- stack.detect { |stub| stub.matches?(path, headers, body) }
- end
- end
- class Stub <, :params, :headers, :body, :block)
- def initialize(full, headers, body, block)
- path, query = full.split('?')
- params = query ?
- Faraday::Utils.parse_nested_query(query) :
- {}
- super(path, params, headers, body, block)
- end
- def matches?(request_uri, request_headers, request_body)
- request_path, request_query = request_uri.split('?')
- request_params = request_query ?
- Faraday::Utils.parse_nested_query(request_query) :
- {}
- request_path == path &&
- params_match?(request_params) &&
- ( || request_body == body) &&
- headers_match?(request_headers)
- end
- def params_match?(request_params)
- params.keys.all? do |key|
- request_params[key] == params[key]
- end
- end
- def headers_match?(request_headers)
- headers.keys.all? do |key|
- request_headers[key] == headers[key]
- end
- end
- def to_s
- "#{path} #{body}"
- end
- end
- def initialize(app, stubs=nil, &block)
- super(app)
- @stubs = stubs ||
- configure(&block) if block
- end
- def configure
- yield(stubs)
- end
- def call(env)
- super
- normalized_path = Faraday::Utils.normalize_path(env[:url])
- params_encoder = env.request.params_encoder || Faraday::Utils.default_params_encoder
- if stub = stubs.match(env[:method], normalized_path, env.request_headers, env[:body])
- env[:params] = (query = env[:url].query) ?
- params_encoder.decode(query) :
- {}
- status, headers, body =
- save_response(env, status, body, headers)
- else
- raise Stubs::NotFound, "no stubbed request for #{env[:method]} #{normalized_path} #{env[:body]}"
- end
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Adapter
- class Typhoeus < Faraday::Adapter
- self.supports_parallel = true
- def self.setup_parallel_manager(options = {})
- options.empty? ? ::Typhoeus::Hydra.hydra :
- end
- dependency 'typhoeus'
- def call(env)
- super
- perform_request env
- env
- end
- def perform_request(env)
- read_body env
- hydra = env[:parallel_manager] || self.class.setup_parallel_manager
- hydra.queue request(env)
- unless parallel?(env)
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, $!
- end
- # TODO: support streaming requests
- def read_body(env)
- env[:body] = env[:body].read if env[:body].respond_to? :read
- end
- def request(env)
- method = env[:method]
- # For some reason, prevents Typhoeus from using "100-continue".
- # We want this because Webrick 1.3.1 can't seem to handle it w/ PUT.
- method = method.to_s.upcase if method == :put
- req = env[:url].to_s,
- :method => method,
- :body => env[:body],
- :headers => env[:request_headers],
- :disable_ssl_peer_verification => (env[:ssl] && env[:ssl].disable?)
- configure_ssl req, env
- configure_proxy req, env
- configure_timeout req, env
- configure_socket req, env
- req.on_complete do |resp|
- if resp.timed_out?
- if parallel?(env)
- # TODO: error callback in async mode
- else
- raise Faraday::Error::TimeoutError, "request timed out"
- end
- end
- case resp.curl_return_code
- when 0
- # everything OK
- when 7
- raise Error::ConnectionFailed, resp.curl_error_message
- when 60
- raise Faraday::SSLError, resp.curl_error_message
- else
- raise Error::ClientError, resp.curl_error_message
- end
- save_response(env, resp.code, resp.body) do |response_headers|
- response_headers.parse resp.headers
- end
- # in async mode, :response is initialized at this point
- env[:response].finish(env) if parallel?(env)
- end
- req
- end
- def configure_ssl(req, env)
- ssl = env[:ssl]
- req.ssl_version = ssl[:version] if ssl[:version]
- req.ssl_cert = ssl[:client_cert] if ssl[:client_cert]
- req.ssl_key = ssl[:client_key] if ssl[:client_key]
- req.ssl_cacert = ssl[:ca_file] if ssl[:ca_file]
- req.ssl_capath = ssl[:ca_path] if ssl[:ca_path]
- end
- def configure_proxy(req, env)
- proxy = request_options(env)[:proxy]
- return unless proxy
- req.proxy = "#{proxy[:uri].host}:#{proxy[:uri].port}"
- if proxy[:user] && proxy[:password]
- req.proxy_username = proxy[:user]
- req.proxy_password = proxy[:password]
- end
- end
- def configure_timeout(req, env)
- env_req = request_options(env)
- req.timeout = req.connect_timeout = (env_req[:timeout] * 1000) if env_req[:timeout]
- req.connect_timeout = (env_req[:open_timeout] * 1000) if env_req[:open_timeout]
- end
- def configure_socket(req, env)
- if bind = request_options(env)[:bind]
- req.interface = bind[:host]
- end
- end
- def request_options(env)
- env[:request]
- end
- def parallel?(env)
- !!env[:parallel_manager]
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Internal: Adds the ability for other modules to manage autoloadable
- # constants.
- module AutoloadHelper
- # Internal: Registers the constants to be auto loaded.
- #
- # prefix - The String require prefix. If the path is inside Faraday, then
- # it will be prefixed with the root path of this loaded Faraday
- # version.
- # options - Hash of Symbol => String library names.
- #
- # Examples.
- #
- # Faraday.autoload_all 'faraday/foo',
- # :Bar => 'bar'
- #
- # # requires faraday/foo/bar to load Faraday::Bar.
- # Faraday::Bar
- #
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def autoload_all(prefix, options)
- if prefix =~ /^faraday(\/|$)/i
- prefix = File.join(Faraday.root_path, prefix)
- end
- options.each do |const_name, path|
- autoload const_name, File.join(prefix, path)
- end
- end
- # Internal: Loads each autoloaded constant. If thread safety is a concern,
- # wrap this in a Mutex.
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def load_autoloaded_constants
- constants.each do |const|
- const_get(const) if autoload?(const)
- end
- end
- # Internal: Filters the module's contents with those that have been already
- # autoloaded.
- #
- # Returns an Array of Class/Module objects.
- def all_loaded_constants
- { |c| const_get(c) }.
- select { |a| a.respond_to?(:loaded?) && a.loaded? }
- end
- end
- class Adapter
- extend AutoloadHelper
- autoload_all 'faraday/adapter',
- :NetHttp => 'net_http',
- :NetHttpPersistent => 'net_http_persistent',
- :Typhoeus => 'typhoeus',
- :EMSynchrony => 'em_synchrony',
- :EMHttp => 'em_http',
- :Patron => 'patron',
- :Excon => 'excon',
- :Test => 'test',
- :Rack => 'rack',
- :HTTPClient => 'httpclient'
- end
- class Request
- extend AutoloadHelper
- autoload_all 'faraday/request',
- :UrlEncoded => 'url_encoded',
- :Multipart => 'multipart',
- :Retry => 'retry',
- :Timeout => 'timeout',
- :Authorization => 'authorization',
- :BasicAuthentication => 'basic_authentication',
- :TokenAuthentication => 'token_authentication',
- :Instrumentation => 'instrumentation'
- end
- class Response
- extend AutoloadHelper
- autoload_all 'faraday/response',
- :RaiseError => 'raise_error',
- :Logger => 'logger'
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Public: Connection objects manage the default properties and the middleware
- # stack for fulfilling an HTTP request.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn = ''
- #
- # # GET
- # conn.get 'nigiri'
- # # => #<Faraday::Response>
- #
- class Connection
- # A Set of allowed HTTP verbs.
- METHODS = [:get, :post, :put, :delete, :head, :patch, :options]
- # Public: Returns a Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
- attr_reader :params
- # Public: Returns a Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- attr_reader :headers
- # Public: Returns a URI with the prefix used for all requests from this
- # Connection. This includes a default host name, scheme, port, and path.
- attr_reader :url_prefix
- # Public: Returns the Faraday::Builder for this Connection.
- attr_reader :builder
- # Public: Returns a Hash of the request options.
- attr_reader :options
- # Public: Returns a Hash of the SSL options.
- attr_reader :ssl
- # Public: Returns the parallel manager for this Connection.
- attr_reader :parallel_manager
- # Public: Sets the default parallel manager for this connection.
- attr_writer :default_parallel_manager
- # Public: Initializes a new Faraday::Connection.
- #
- # url - URI or String base URL to use as a prefix for all
- # requests (optional).
- # options - Hash or Faraday::ConnectionOptions.
- # :url - URI or String base URL (default: "http:/").
- # :params - Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
- # :headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- # :request - Hash of request options.
- # :ssl - Hash of SSL options.
- # :proxy - URI, String or Hash of HTTP proxy options
- # (default: "http_proxy" environment variable).
- # :uri - URI or String
- # :user - String (optional)
- # :password - String (optional)
- def initialize(url = nil, options = nil)
- if url.is_a?(Hash)
- options = ConnectionOptions.from(url)
- url = options.url
- else
- options = ConnectionOptions.from(options)
- end
- @parallel_manager = nil
- @headers =
- @params =
- @options = options.request
- @ssl = options.ssl
- @default_parallel_manager = options.parallel_manager
- @builder = options.builder || begin
- # pass an empty block to Builder so it doesn't assume default middleware
- options.new_builder(block_given? ? { |b| } : nil)
- end
- self.url_prefix = url || 'http:/'
- @params.update(options.params) if options.params
- @headers.update(options.headers) if options.headers
- @proxy = nil
- proxy(options.fetch(:proxy) {
- uri = ENV['http_proxy']
- if uri && !uri.empty?
- uri = 'http://' + uri if uri !~ /^http/i
- uri
- end
- })
- yield(self) if block_given?
- @headers[:user_agent] ||= "Faraday v#{VERSION}"
- end
- # Public: Sets the Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
- def params=(hash)
- @params.replace hash
- end
- # Public: Sets the Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- def headers=(hash)
- @headers.replace hash
- end
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :builder, :build, :use, :request, :response, :adapter, :app
- # Public: Makes an HTTP request without a body.
- #
- # url - The optional String base URL to use as a prefix for all
- # requests. Can also be the options Hash.
- # params - Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
- # headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn.get '/items', {:page => 1}, :accept => 'application/json'
- # conn.head '/items/1'
- #
- # # ElasticSearch example sending a body with GET.
- # conn.get '/twitter/tweet/_search' do |req|
- # req.headers[:content_type] = 'application/json'
- # req.params[:routing] = 'kimchy'
- # req.body = JSON.generate(:query => {...})
- # end
- #
- # Yields a Faraday::Response for further request customizations.
- # Returns a Faraday::Response.
- #
- # Signature
- #
- # <verb>(url = nil, params = nil, headers = nil)
- #
- # verb - An HTTP verb: get, head, or delete.
- %w[get head delete].each do |method|
- class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
- def #{method}(url = nil, params = nil, headers = nil)
- run_request(:#{method}, url, nil, headers) { |request|
- request.params.update(params) if params
- yield(request) if block_given?
- }
- end
- end
- # Public: Makes an HTTP request with a body.
- #
- # url - The optional String base URL to use as a prefix for all
- # requests. Can also be the options Hash.
- # body - The String body for the request.
- # headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # '/items', data, :content_type => 'application/json'
- #
- # # Simple ElasticSearch indexing sample.
- # '/twitter/tweet' do |req|
- # req.headers[:content_type] = 'application/json'
- # req.params[:routing] = 'kimchy'
- # req.body = JSON.generate(:user => 'kimchy', ...)
- # end
- #
- # Yields a Faraday::Response for further request customizations.
- # Returns a Faraday::Response.
- #
- # Signature
- #
- # <verb>(url = nil, body = nil, headers = nil)
- #
- # verb - An HTTP verb: post, put, or patch.
- %w[post put patch].each do |method|
- class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
- def #{method}(url = nil, body = nil, headers = nil, &block)
- run_request(:#{method}, url, body, headers, &block)
- end
- end
- # Public: Sets up the Authorization header with these credentials, encoded
- # with base64.
- #
- # login - The authentication login.
- # pass - The authentication password.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn.basic_auth 'Aladdin', 'open sesame'
- # conn.headers['Authorization']
- # # => "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def basic_auth(login, pass)
- set_authorization_header(:basic_auth, login, pass)
- end
- # Public: Sets up the Authorization header with the given token.
- #
- # token - The String token.
- # options - Optional Hash of extra token options.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn.token_auth 'abcdef', :foo => 'bar'
- # conn.headers['Authorization']
- # # => "Token token=\"abcdef\",
- # foo=\"bar\""
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def token_auth(token, options = nil)
- set_authorization_header(:token_auth, token, options)
- end
- # Public: Sets up a custom Authorization header.
- #
- # type - The String authorization type.
- # token - The String or Hash token. A String value is taken literally, and
- # a Hash is encoded into comma separated key/value pairs.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn.authorization :Bearer, 'mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM'
- # conn.headers['Authorization']
- # # => "Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM"
- #
- # conn.authorization :Token, :token => 'abcdef', :foo => 'bar'
- # conn.headers['Authorization']
- # # => "Token token=\"abcdef\",
- # foo=\"bar\""
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def authorization(type, token)
- set_authorization_header(:authorization, type, token)
- end
- # Internal: Traverse the middleware stack in search of a
- # parallel-capable adapter.
- #
- # Yields in case of not found.
- #
- # Returns a parallel manager or nil if not found.
- def default_parallel_manager
- @default_parallel_manager ||= begin
- handler = @builder.handlers.detect do |h|
- h.klass.respond_to?(:supports_parallel?) and h.klass.supports_parallel?
- end
- if handler
- handler.klass.setup_parallel_manager
- elsif block_given?
- yield
- end
- end
- end
- # Public: Determine if this Faraday::Connection can make parallel requests.
- #
- # Returns true or false.
- def in_parallel?
- !!@parallel_manager
- end
- # Public: Sets up the parallel manager to make a set of requests.
- #
- # manager - The parallel manager that this Connection's Adapter uses.
- #
- # Yields a block to execute multiple requests.
- # Returns nothing.
- def in_parallel(manager = nil)
- @parallel_manager = manager || default_parallel_manager {
- warn "Warning: `in_parallel` called but no parallel-capable adapter on Faraday stack"
- warn caller[2,10].join("\n")
- nil
- }
- yield
- @parallel_manager &&
- ensure
- @parallel_manager = nil
- end
- # Public: Gets or Sets the Hash proxy options.
- def proxy(arg = nil)
- return @proxy if arg.nil?
- @proxy = ProxyOptions.from(arg)
- end
- def_delegators :url_prefix, :scheme, :scheme=, :host, :host=, :port, :port=
- def_delegator :url_prefix, :path, :path_prefix
- # Public: Parses the giving url with URI and stores the individual
- # components in this connection. These components serve as defaults for
- # requests made by this connection.
- #
- # url - A String or URI.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # conn = { ... }
- # conn.url_prefix = ""
- # conn.scheme # => https
- # conn.path_prefix # => "/api"
- #
- # conn.get("nigiri?page=2") # accesses
- #
- # Returns the parsed URI from teh given input..
- def url_prefix=(url, encoder = nil)
- uri = @url_prefix = Utils.URI(url)
- self.path_prefix = uri.path
- params.merge_query(uri.query, encoder)
- uri.query = nil
- with_uri_credentials(uri) do |user, password|
- basic_auth user, password
- uri.user = uri.password = nil
- end
- uri
- end
- # Public: Sets the path prefix and ensures that it always has a leading
- # slash.
- #
- # value - A String.
- #
- # Returns the new String path prefix.
- def path_prefix=(value)
- url_prefix.path = if value
- value = '/' + value unless value[0,1] == '/'
- value
- end
- end
- # Public: Takes a relative url for a request and combines it with the defaults
- # set on the connection instance.
- #
- # conn = { ... }
- # conn.url_prefix = ""
- # conn.scheme # => https
- # conn.path_prefix # => "/api"
- #
- # conn.build_url("nigiri?page=2") # =>
- # conn.build_url("nigiri", :page => 2) # =>
- #
- def build_url(url = nil, extra_params = nil)
- uri = build_exclusive_url(url)
- query_values = params.dup.merge_query(uri.query, options.params_encoder)
- query_values.update extra_params if extra_params
- uri.query = query_values.empty? ? nil : query_values.to_query(options.params_encoder)
- uri
- end
- # Builds and runs the Faraday::Request.
- #
- # method - The Symbol HTTP method.
- # url - The String or URI to access.
- # body - The String body
- # headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::Response.
- def run_request(method, url, body, headers)
- if !METHODS.include?(method)
- raise ArgumentError, "unknown http method: #{method}"
- end
- request = build_request(method) do |req|
- req.url(url) if url
- req.headers.update(headers) if headers
- req.body = body if body
- yield(req) if block_given?
- end
- builder.build_response(self, request)
- end
- # Creates and configures the request object.
- #
- # Returns the new Request.
- def build_request(method)
- Request.create(method) do |req|
- req.params = self.params.dup
- req.headers = self.headers.dup
- req.options = self.options.merge(:proxy => self.proxy)
- yield(req) if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Internal: Build an absolute URL based on url_prefix.
- #
- # url - A String or URI-like object
- # params - A Faraday::Utils::ParamsHash to replace the query values
- # of the resulting url (default: nil).
- #
- # Returns the resulting URI instance.
- def build_exclusive_url(url = nil, params = nil)
- url = nil if url.respond_to?(:empty?) and url.empty?
- base = url_prefix
- if url and base.path and base.path !~ /\/$/
- base = base.dup
- base.path = base.path + '/' # ensure trailing slash
- end
- uri = url ? base + url : base
- uri.query = params.to_query(options.params_encoder) if params
- uri.query = nil if uri.query and uri.query.empty?
- uri
- end
- # Internal: Creates a duplicate of this Faraday::Connection.
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::Connection.
- def dup
-, :headers => headers.dup, :params => params.dup, :builder => builder.dup, :ssl => ssl.dup)
- end
- # Internal: Yields username and password extracted from a URI if they both exist.
- def with_uri_credentials(uri)
- if uri.user and uri.password
- yield(Utils.unescape(uri.user), Utils.unescape(uri.password))
- end
- end
- def set_authorization_header(header_type, *args)
- header = Faraday::Request.lookup_middleware(header_type).
- header(*args)
- headers[Faraday::Request::Authorization::KEY] = header
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Error < StandardError; end
- class MissingDependency < Error; end
- class ClientError < Error
- attr_reader :response
- def initialize(ex, response = nil)
- @wrapped_exception = nil
- @response = response
- if ex.respond_to?(:backtrace)
- super(ex.message)
- @wrapped_exception = ex
- elsif ex.respond_to?(:each_key)
- super("the server responded with status #{ex[:status]}")
- @response = ex
- else
- super(ex.to_s)
- end
- end
- def backtrace
- if @wrapped_exception
- @wrapped_exception.backtrace
- else
- super
- end
- end
- def inspect
- %(#<#{self.class}>)
- end
- end
- class ConnectionFailed < ClientError; end
- class ResourceNotFound < ClientError; end
- class ParsingError < ClientError; end
- class TimeoutError < ClientError
- def initialize(ex = nil)
- super(ex || "timeout")
- end
- end
- class SSLError < ClientError
- end
- [:MissingDependency, :ClientError, :ConnectionFailed, :ResourceNotFound,
- :ParsingError, :TimeoutError, :SSLError].each do |const|
- Error.const_set(const, Faraday.const_get(const))
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Middleware
- extend MiddlewareRegistry
- class << self
- attr_accessor :load_error
- private :load_error=
- end
- self.load_error = nil
- # Executes a block which should try to require and reference dependent libraries
- def self.dependency(lib = nil)
- lib ? require(lib) : yield
- rescue LoadError, NameError => error
- self.load_error = error
- end
- def*)
- raise "missing dependency for #{self}: #{load_error.message}" unless loaded?
- super
- end
- def self.loaded?
- load_error.nil?
- end
- def self.inherited(subclass)
- super
- subclass.send(:load_error=, self.load_error)
- end
- def initialize(app = nil)
- @app = app
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Subclasses Struct with some special helpers for converting from a Hash to
- # a Struct.
- class Options < Struct
- # Public
- def self.from(value)
- value ? new.update(value) : new
- end
- # Public
- def each
- return to_enum(:each) unless block_given?
- members.each do |key|
- yield(key.to_sym, send(key))
- end
- end
- # Public
- def update(obj)
- obj.each do |key, value|
- if sub_options = self.class.options_for(key)
- value = sub_options.from(value) if value
- elsif Hash === value
- hash = {}
- value.each do |hash_key, hash_value|
- hash[hash_key] = hash_value
- end
- value = hash
- end
- self.send("#{key}=", value) unless value.nil?
- end
- self
- end
- alias merge! update
- # Public
- def delete(key)
- value = send(key)
- send("#{key}=", nil)
- value
- end
- # Public
- def clear
- members.each { |member| delete(member) }
- end
- # Public
- def merge(value)
- dup.update(value)
- end
- # Public
- def fetch(key, *args)
- unless symbolized_key_set.include?(key.to_sym)
- key_setter = "#{key}="
- if args.size > 0
- send(key_setter, args.first)
- elsif block_given?
- send(key_setter,
- else
- raise self.class.fetch_error_class, "key not found: #{key.inspect}"
- end
- end
- send(key)
- end
- # Public
- def values_at(*keys)
- { |key| send(key) }
- end
- # Public
- def keys
- members.reject { |member| send(member).nil? }
- end
- # Public
- def empty?
- keys.empty?
- end
- # Public
- def each_key
- return to_enum(:each_key) unless block_given?
- keys.each do |key|
- yield(key)
- end
- end
- # Public
- def key?(key)
- keys.include?(key)
- end
- alias has_key? key?
- # Public
- def each_value
- return to_enum(:each_value) unless block_given?
- values.each do |value|
- yield(value)
- end
- end
- # Public
- def value?(value)
- values.include?(value)
- end
- alias has_value? value?
- # Public
- def to_hash
- hash = {}
- members.each do |key|
- value = send(key)
- hash[key.to_sym] = value unless value.nil?
- end
- hash
- end
- # Internal
- def inspect
- values = []
- members.each do |member|
- value = send(member)
- values << "#{member}=#{value.inspect}" if value
- end
- values = values.empty? ? ' (empty)' : (' ' << values.join(", "))
- %(#<#{self.class}#{values}>)
- end
- # Internal
- def self.options(mapping)
- attribute_options.update(mapping)
- end
- # Internal
- def self.options_for(key)
- attribute_options[key]
- end
- # Internal
- def self.attribute_options
- @attribute_options ||= {}
- end
- def self.memoized(key)
- memoized_attributes[key.to_sym] =
- class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
- def #{key}() self[:#{key}]; end
- end
- def self.memoized_attributes
- @memoized_attributes ||= {}
- end
- def [](key)
- key = key.to_sym
- if method = self.class.memoized_attributes[key]
- super(key) || (self[key] = instance_eval(&method))
- else
- super
- end
- end
- def symbolized_key_set
- @symbolized_key_set ||= { |k| k.to_sym })
- end
- def self.inherited(subclass)
- super
- subclass.attribute_options.update(attribute_options)
- subclass.memoized_attributes.update(memoized_attributes)
- end
- def self.fetch_error_class
- @fetch_error_class ||= if Object.const_defined?(:KeyError)
- ::KeyError
- else
- ::IndexError
- end
- end
- end
- class RequestOptions <, :proxy, :bind,
- :timeout, :open_timeout, :boundary,
- :oauth)
- def []=(key, value)
- if key && key.to_sym == :proxy
- super(key, value ? ProxyOptions.from(value) : nil)
- else
- super(key, value)
- end
- end
- end
- class SSLOptions <, :ca_file, :ca_path, :verify_mode,
- :cert_store, :client_cert, :client_key, :certificate, :private_key, :verify_depth, :version)
- def verify?
- verify != false
- end
- def disable?
- !verify?
- end
- end
- class ProxyOptions <, :user, :password)
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :uri, :scheme, :scheme=, :host, :host=, :port, :port=, :path, :path=
- def self.from(value)
- case value
- when String
- value = {:uri => Utils.URI(value)}
- when URI
- value = {:uri => value}
- when Hash, Options
- if uri = value.delete(:uri)
- value[:uri] = Utils.URI(uri)
- end
- end
- super(value)
- end
- memoized(:user) { uri.user && Utils.unescape(uri.user) }
- memoized(:password) { uri.password && Utils.unescape(uri.password) }
- end
- class ConnectionOptions <, :proxy, :ssl, :builder, :url,
- :parallel_manager, :params, :headers, :builder_class)
- options :request => RequestOptions, :ssl => SSLOptions
- memoized(:request) { self.class.options_for(:request).new }
- memoized(:ssl) { self.class.options_for(:ssl).new }
- memoized(:builder_class) { RackBuilder }
- def new_builder(block)
- end
- end
- class Env <, :body, :url, :request, :request_headers,
- :ssl, :parallel_manager, :params, :response, :response_headers, :status)
- ContentLength = 'Content-Length'.freeze
- StatusesWithoutBody = [204, 304]
- SuccessfulStatuses = 200..299
- # A Set of HTTP verbs that typically send a body. If no body is set for
- # these requests, the Content-Length header is set to 0.
- MethodsWithBodies = [:post, :put, :patch, :options]
- options :request => RequestOptions,
- :request_headers => Utils::Headers, :response_headers => Utils::Headers
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :request, :params_encoder
- # Public
- def [](key)
- if in_member_set?(key)
- super(key)
- else
- custom_members[key]
- end
- end
- # Public
- def []=(key, value)
- if in_member_set?(key)
- super(key, value)
- else
- custom_members[key] = value
- end
- end
- # Public
- def success?
- SuccessfulStatuses.include?(status)
- end
- # Public
- def needs_body?
- !body && MethodsWithBodies.include?(method)
- end
- # Public
- def clear_body
- request_headers[ContentLength] = '0'
- self.body = ''
- end
- # Public
- def parse_body?
- !StatusesWithoutBody.include?(status)
- end
- # Public
- def parallel?
- !!parallel_manager
- end
- def inspect
- attrs = [nil]
- members.each do |mem|
- if value = send(mem)
- attrs << "@#{mem}=#{value.inspect}"
- end
- end
- if !custom_members.empty?
- attrs << "@custom=#{custom_members.inspect}"
- end
- %(#<#{self.class}#{attrs.join(" ")}>)
- end
- # Internal
- def custom_members
- @custom_members ||= {}
- end
- # Internal
- if members.first.is_a?(Symbol)
- def in_member_set?(key)
- self.class.member_set.include?(key.to_sym)
- end
- else
- def in_member_set?(key)
- self.class.member_set.include?(key.to_s)
- end
- end
- # Internal
- def self.member_set
- @member_set ||=
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- module NestedParamsEncoder
- ESCAPE_RE = /[^a-zA-Z0-9 .~_-]/
- def self.escape(s)
- return s.to_s.gsub(ESCAPE_RE) {
- '%' + $&.unpack('H2' * $&.bytesize).join('%').upcase
- }.tr(' ', '+')
- end
- def self.unescape(s)
- CGI.unescape(s.to_s)
- end
- def self.encode(params)
- return nil if params == nil
- if !params.is_a?(Array)
- if !params.respond_to?(:to_hash)
- raise TypeError,
- "Can't convert #{params.class} into Hash."
- end
- params = params.to_hash
- params = do |key, value|
- key = key.to_s if key.kind_of?(Symbol)
- [key, value]
- end
- # Useful default for OAuth and caching.
- # Only to be used for non-Array inputs. Arrays should preserve order.
- params.sort!
- end
- # Helper lambda
- to_query = lambda do |parent, value|
- if value.is_a?(Hash)
- value = do |key, val|
- key = escape(key)
- [key, val]
- end
- value.sort!
- buffer = ""
- value.each do |key, val|
- new_parent = "#{parent}%5B#{key}%5D"
- buffer << "#{, val)}&"
- end
- return buffer.chop
- elsif value.is_a?(Array)
- buffer = ""
- value.each_with_index do |val, i|
- new_parent = "#{parent}%5B%5D"
- buffer << "#{, val)}&"
- end
- return buffer.chop
- else
- encoded_value = escape(value)
- return "#{parent}=#{encoded_value}"
- end
- end
- # The params have form [['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2']].
- buffer = ''
- params.each do |parent, value|
- encoded_parent = escape(parent)
- buffer << "#{, value)}&"
- end
- return buffer.chop
- end
- def self.decode(query)
- return nil if query == nil
- # Recursive helper lambda
- dehash = lambda do |hash|
- hash.each do |(key, value)|
- if value.kind_of?(Hash)
- hash[key] =
- end
- end
- # Numeric keys implies an array
- if hash != {} && hash.keys.all? { |key| key =~ /^\d+$/ }
- hash.sort.inject([]) do |accu, (_, value)|
- accu << value; accu
- end
- else
- hash
- end
- end
- empty_accumulator = {}
- return ((query.split('&').map do |pair|
- pair.split('=', 2) if pair && !pair.empty?
- end).compact.inject(empty_accumulator.dup) do |accu, (key, value)|
- key = unescape(key)
- if value.kind_of?(String)
- value = unescape(value.gsub(/\+/, ' '))
- end
- array_notation = !!(key =~ /\[\]$/)
- subkeys = key.split(/[\[\]]+/)
- current_hash = accu
- for i in 0...(subkeys.size - 1)
- subkey = subkeys[i]
- current_hash[subkey] = {} unless current_hash[subkey]
- current_hash = current_hash[subkey]
- end
- if array_notation
- current_hash[subkeys.last] = [] unless current_hash[subkeys.last]
- current_hash[subkeys.last] << value
- else
- current_hash[subkeys.last] = value
- end
- accu
- end).inject(empty_accumulator.dup) do |accu, (key, value)|
- accu[key] = value.kind_of?(Hash) ? : value
- accu
- end
- end
- end
- module FlatParamsEncoder
- ESCAPE_RE = /[^a-zA-Z0-9 .~_-]/
- def self.escape(s)
- return s.to_s.gsub(ESCAPE_RE) {
- '%' + $&.unpack('H2' * $&.bytesize).join('%').upcase
- }.tr(' ', '+')
- end
- def self.unescape(s)
- CGI.unescape(s.to_s)
- end
- def self.encode(params)
- return nil if params == nil
- if !params.is_a?(Array)
- if !params.respond_to?(:to_hash)
- raise TypeError,
- "Can't convert #{params.class} into Hash."
- end
- params = params.to_hash
- params = do |key, value|
- key = key.to_s if key.kind_of?(Symbol)
- [key, value]
- end
- # Useful default for OAuth and caching.
- # Only to be used for non-Array inputs. Arrays should preserve order.
- params.sort!
- end
- # The params have form [['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2']].
- buffer = ''
- params.each do |key, value|
- encoded_key = escape(key)
- value = value.to_s if value == true || value == false
- if value == nil
- buffer << "#{encoded_key}&"
- elsif value.kind_of?(Array)
- value.each do |sub_value|
- encoded_value = escape(sub_value)
- buffer << "#{encoded_key}=#{encoded_value}&"
- end
- else
- encoded_value = escape(value)
- buffer << "#{encoded_key}=#{encoded_value}&"
- end
- end
- return buffer.chop
- end
- def self.decode(query)
- empty_accumulator = {}
- return nil if query == nil
- split_query = (query.split('&').map do |pair|
- pair.split('=', 2) if pair && !pair.empty?
- end).compact
- return split_query.inject(empty_accumulator.dup) do |accu, pair|
- pair[0] = unescape(pair[0])
- pair[1] = true if pair[1].nil?
- if pair[1].respond_to?(:to_str)
- pair[1] = unescape(pair[1].to_str.gsub(/\+/, " "))
- end
- if accu[pair[0]].kind_of?(Array)
- accu[pair[0]] << pair[1]
- elsif accu[pair[0]]
- accu[pair[0]] = [accu[pair[0]], pair[1]]
- else
- accu[pair[0]] = pair[1]
- end
- accu
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # A Builder that processes requests into responses by passing through an inner
- # middleware stack (heavily inspired by Rack).
- #
- # => '') do |builder|
- # builder.request :url_encoded # Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
- # builder.adapter :net_http # Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
- # end
- class RackBuilder
- attr_accessor :handlers
- # Error raised when trying to modify the stack after calling `lock!`
- class StackLocked < RuntimeError; end
- # borrowed from ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Reference &
- # ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack::Middleware
- class Handler
- @@constants_mutex =
- @@constants = { |h, k|
- value = k.respond_to?(:constantize) ? k.constantize : Object.const_get(k)
- @@constants_mutex.synchronize { h[k] = value }
- }
- attr_reader :name
- def initialize(klass, *args, &block)
- @name = klass.to_s
- if klass.respond_to?(:name)
- @@constants_mutex.synchronize { @@constants[@name] = klass }
- end
- @args, @block = args, block
- end
- def klass() @@constants[@name] end
- def inspect() @name end
- def ==(other)
- if other.is_a? Handler
- ==
- elsif other.respond_to? :name
- klass == other
- else
- @name == other.to_s
- end
- end
- def build(app)
-, *@args, &@block)
- end
- end
- def initialize(handlers = [])
- @handlers = handlers
- if block_given?
- build(&
- elsif @handlers.empty?
- # default stack, if nothing else is configured
- self.request :url_encoded
- self.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
- end
- end
- def build(options = {})
- raise_if_locked
- @handlers.clear unless options[:keep]
- yield(self) if block_given?
- end
- def [](idx)
- @handlers[idx]
- end
- # Locks the middleware stack to ensure no further modifications are possible.
- def lock!
- @handlers.freeze
- end
- def locked?
- @handlers.frozen?
- end
- def use(klass, *args, &block)
- if klass.is_a? Symbol
- use_symbol(Faraday::Middleware, klass, *args, &block)
- else
- raise_if_locked
- @handlers <<, *args, &block)
- end
- end
- def request(key, *args, &block)
- use_symbol(Faraday::Request, key, *args, &block)
- end
- def response(key, *args, &block)
- use_symbol(Faraday::Response, key, *args, &block)
- end
- def adapter(key, *args, &block)
- use_symbol(Faraday::Adapter, key, *args, &block)
- end
- ## methods to push onto the various positions in the stack:
- def insert(index, *args, &block)
- raise_if_locked
- index = assert_index(index)
- handler =*args, &block)
- @handlers.insert(index, handler)
- end
- alias_method :insert_before, :insert
- def insert_after(index, *args, &block)
- index = assert_index(index)
- insert(index + 1, *args, &block)
- end
- def swap(index, *args, &block)
- raise_if_locked
- index = assert_index(index)
- @handlers.delete_at(index)
- insert(index, *args, &block)
- end
- def delete(handler)
- raise_if_locked
- @handlers.delete(handler)
- end
- # Processes a Request into a Response by passing it through this Builder's
- # middleware stack.
- #
- # connection - Faraday::Connection
- # request - Faraday::Request
- #
- # Returns a Faraday::Response.
- def build_response(connection, request)
-, request))
- end
- # The "rack app" wrapped in middleware. All requests are sent here.
- #
- # The builder is responsible for creating the app object. After this,
- # the builder gets locked to ensure no further modifications are made
- # to the middleware stack.
- #
- # Returns an object that responds to `call` and returns a Response.
- def app
- @app ||= begin
- lock!
- to_app(lambda { |env|
- response =
- response.finish(env) unless env.parallel?
- env.response = response
- })
- end
- end
- def to_app(inner_app)
- # last added handler is the deepest and thus closest to the inner app
- @handlers.reverse.inject(inner_app) { |app, handler| }
- end
- def ==(other)
- other.is_a?(self.class) && @handlers == other.handlers
- end
- def dup
- end
- # ENV Keys
- # :method - a symbolized request method (:get, :post)
- # :body - the request body that will eventually be converted to a string.
- # :url - URI instance for the current request.
- # :status - HTTP response status code
- # :request_headers - hash of HTTP Headers to be sent to the server
- # :response_headers - Hash of HTTP headers from the server
- # :parallel_manager - sent if the connection is in parallel mode
- # :request - Hash of options for configuring the request.
- # :timeout - open/read timeout Integer in seconds
- # :open_timeout - read timeout Integer in seconds
- # :proxy - Hash of proxy options
- # :uri - Proxy Server URI
- # :user - Proxy server username
- # :password - Proxy server password
- # :ssl - Hash of options for configuring SSL requests.
- def build_env(connection, request)
-, request.body,
- connection.build_exclusive_url(request.path, request.params),
- request.options, request.headers, connection.ssl,
- connection.parallel_manager)
- end
- private
- def raise_if_locked
- raise StackLocked, "can't modify middleware stack after making a request" if locked?
- end
- def use_symbol(mod, key, *args, &block)
- use(mod.lookup_middleware(key), *args, &block)
- end
- def assert_index(index)
- idx = index.is_a?(Integer) ? index : @handlers.index(index)
- raise "No such handler: #{index.inspect}" unless idx
- idx
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Used to setup urls, params, headers, and the request body in a sane manner.
- #
- # do |req|
- # req.url 'http://localhost', 'a' => '1' # 'http://localhost?a=1'
- # req.headers['b'] = '2' # Header
- # req.params['c'] = '3' # GET Param
- # req['b'] = '2' # also Header
- # req.body = 'abc'
- # end
- #
- class Request <, :path, :params, :headers, :body, :options)
- extend MiddlewareRegistry
- register_middleware File.expand_path('../request', __FILE__),
- :url_encoded => [:UrlEncoded, 'url_encoded'],
- :multipart => [:Multipart, 'multipart'],
- :retry => [:Retry, 'retry'],
- :authorization => [:Authorization, 'authorization'],
- :basic_auth => [:BasicAuthentication, 'basic_authentication'],
- :token_auth => [:TokenAuthentication, 'token_authentication'],
- :instrumentation => [:Instrumentation, 'instrumentation']
- def self.create(request_method)
- new(request_method).tap do |request|
- yield(request) if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Public: Replace params, preserving the existing hash type
- def params=(hash)
- if params
- params.replace hash
- else
- super
- end
- end
- # Public: Replace request headers, preserving the existing hash type
- def headers=(hash)
- if headers
- headers.replace hash
- else
- super
- end
- end
- def url(path, params = nil)
- if path.respond_to? :query
- if query = path.query
- path = path.dup
- path.query = nil
- end
- else
- path, query = path.split('?', 2)
- end
- self.path = path
- self.params.merge_query query, options.params_encoder
- self.params.update(params) if params
- end
- def [](key)
- headers[key]
- end
- def []=(key, value)
- headers[key] = value
- end
- # ENV Keys
- # :method - a symbolized request method (:get, :post)
- # :body - the request body that will eventually be converted to a string.
- # :url - URI instance for the current request.
- # :status - HTTP response status code
- # :request_headers - hash of HTTP Headers to be sent to the server
- # :response_headers - Hash of HTTP headers from the server
- # :parallel_manager - sent if the connection is in parallel mode
- # :request - Hash of options for configuring the request.
- # :timeout - open/read timeout Integer in seconds
- # :open_timeout - read timeout Integer in seconds
- # :proxy - Hash of proxy options
- # :uri - Proxy Server URI
- # :user - Proxy server username
- # :password - Proxy server password
- # :ssl - Hash of options for configuring SSL requests.
- def to_env(connection)
-, body, connection.build_exclusive_url(path, params),
- options, headers, connection.ssl, connection.parallel_manager)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Request::Authorization < Faraday::Middleware
- KEY = "Authorization".freeze unless defined? KEY
- # Public
- def self.header(type, token)
- case token
- when String, Symbol
- "#{type} #{token}"
- when Hash
- build_hash(type.to_s, token)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Can't build an Authorization #{type} header from #{token.inspect}"
- end
- end
- # Internal
- def self.build_hash(type, hash)
- offset = KEY.size + type.size + 3
- comma = ",\n#{' ' * offset}"
- values = []
- hash.each do |key, value|
- values << "#{key}=#{value.to_s.inspect}"
- end
- "#{type} #{values * comma}"
- end
- def initialize(app, type, token)
- @header_value = self.class.header(type, token)
- super(app)
- end
- # Public
- def call(env)
- unless env.request_headers[KEY]
- env.request_headers[KEY] = @header_value
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require 'base64'
-module Faraday
- class Request::BasicAuthentication < Request.load_middleware(:authorization)
- # Public
- def self.header(login, pass)
- value = Base64.encode64([login, pass].join(':'))
- value.gsub!("\n", '')
- super(:Basic, value)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Request::Instrumentation < Faraday::Middleware
- class Options <, :instrumenter)
- def name
- self[:name] ||= 'request.faraday'
- end
- def instrumenter
- self[:instrumenter] ||= ActiveSupport::Notifications
- end
- end
- # Public: Instruments requests using Active Support.
- #
- # Measures time spent only for synchronous requests.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('request.faraday') do |name, starts, ends, _, env|
- # url = env[:url]
- # http_method = env[:method].to_s.upcase
- # duration = ends - starts
- # $stderr.puts '[%s] %s %s (%.3f s)' % [, http_method, url.request_uri, duration]
- # end
- def initialize(app, options = nil)
- super(app)
- @name, @instrumenter = Options.from(options).values_at(:name, :instrumenter)
- end
- def call(env)
- @instrumenter.instrument(@name, env) do
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require File.expand_path("../url_encoded", __FILE__)
-module Faraday
- class Request::Multipart < Request::UrlEncoded
- self.mime_type = 'multipart/form-data'.freeze
- DEFAULT_BOUNDARY = "-----------RubyMultipartPost".freeze unless defined? DEFAULT_BOUNDARY
- def call(env)
- match_content_type(env) do |params|
- env.request.boundary ||= DEFAULT_BOUNDARY
- env.request_headers[CONTENT_TYPE] += "; boundary=#{env.request.boundary}"
- env.body = create_multipart(env, params)
- end
- env
- end
- def process_request?(env)
- type = request_type(env)
- env.body.respond_to?(:each_key) and !env.body.empty? and (
- (type.empty? and has_multipart?(env.body)) or
- type == self.class.mime_type
- )
- end
- def has_multipart?(obj)
- # string is an enum in 1.8, returning list of itself
- if obj.respond_to?(:each) && !obj.is_a?(String)
- (obj.respond_to?(:values) ? obj.values : obj).each do |val|
- return true if (val.respond_to?(:content_type) || has_multipart?(val))
- end
- end
- false
- end
- def create_multipart(env, params)
- boundary = env.request.boundary
- parts = process_params(params) do |key, value|
-, key, value)
- end
- parts <<
- body =
- env.request_headers[Faraday::Env::ContentLength] = body.length.to_s
- return body
- end
- def process_params(params, prefix = nil, pieces = nil, &block)
- params.inject(pieces || []) do |all, (key, value)|
- key = "#{prefix}[#{key}]" if prefix
- case value
- when Array
- values = value.inject([]) { |a,v| a << [nil, v] }
- process_params(values, key, all, &block)
- when Hash
- process_params(value, key, all, &block)
- else
- all <<, value)
- end
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- # Catches exceptions and retries each request a limited number of times.
- #
- # By default, it retries 2 times and handles only timeout exceptions. It can
- # be configured with an arbitrary number of retries, a list of exceptions to
- # handle, a retry interval, a percentage of randomness to add to the retry
- # interval, and a backoff factor.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # do |conn|
- # conn.request :retry, max: 2, interval: 0.05,
- # interval_randomness: 0.5, backoff_factor: 2
- # exceptions: [CustomException, 'Timeout::Error']
- # conn.adapter ...
- # end
- #
- # This example will result in a first interval that is random between 0.05 and 0.075 and a second
- # interval that is random between 0.1 and 0.15
- #
- class Request::Retry < Faraday::Middleware
- IDEMPOTENT_METHODS = [:delete, :get, :head, :options, :put]
- class Options <, :interval, :interval_randomness, :backoff_factor, :exceptions, :retry_if)
- DEFAULT_CHECK = lambda { |env,exception| false }
- def self.from(value)
- if Fixnum === value
- new(value)
- else
- super(value)
- end
- end
- def max
- (self[:max] ||= 2).to_i
- end
- def interval
- (self[:interval] ||= 0).to_f
- end
- def interval_randomness
- (self[:interval_randomness] ||= 0).to_i
- end
- def backoff_factor
- (self[:backoff_factor] ||= 1).to_f
- end
- def exceptions
- Array(self[:exceptions] ||= [Errno::ETIMEDOUT, 'Timeout::Error',
- Error::TimeoutError])
- end
- def retry_if
- self[:retry_if] ||= DEFAULT_CHECK
- end
- end
- # Public: Initialize middleware
- #
- # Options:
- # max - Maximum number of retries (default: 2)
- # interval - Pause in seconds between retries (default: 0)
- # interval_randomness - The maximum random interval amount expressed
- # as a float between 0 and 1 to use in addition to the
- # interval. (default: 0)
- # backoff_factor - The amount to multiple each successive retry's
- # interval amount by in order to provide backoff
- # (default: 1)
- # exceptions - The list of exceptions to handle. Exceptions can be
- # given as Class, Module, or String. (default:
- # [Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Timeout::Error,
- # Error::TimeoutError])
- # retry_if - block that will receive the env object and the exception raised
- # and should decide if the code should retry still the action or
- # not independent of the retry count. This would be useful
- # if the exception produced is non-recoverable or if the
- # the HTTP method called is not idempotent.
- # (defaults to return false)
- def initialize(app, options = nil)
- super(app)
- @options = Options.from(options)
- @errmatch = build_exception_matcher(@options.exceptions)
- end
- def sleep_amount(retries)
- retry_index = @options.max - retries
- current_interval = @options.interval * (@options.backoff_factor ** retry_index)
- random_interval = rand * @options.interval_randomness.to_f * @options.interval
- current_interval + random_interval
- end
- def call(env)
- retries = @options.max
- request_body = env[:body]
- begin
- env[:body] = request_body # after failure env[:body] is set to the response body
- rescue @errmatch => exception
- if retries > 0 && retry_request?(env, exception)
- retries -= 1
- sleep sleep_amount(retries + 1)
- retry
- end
- raise
- end
- end
- # Private: construct an exception matcher object.
- #
- # An exception matcher for the rescue clause can usually be any object that
- # responds to `===`, but for Ruby 1.8 it has to be a Class or Module.
- def build_exception_matcher(exceptions)
- matcher =
- (class << matcher; self; end).class_eval do
- define_method(:===) do |error|
- exceptions.any? do |ex|
- if ex.is_a? Module
- error.is_a? ex
- else
- error.class.to_s == ex.to_s
- end
- end
- end
- end
- matcher
- end
- private
- def retry_request?(env, exception)
- IDEMPOTENT_METHODS.include?(env[:method]) ||, exception)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Request::TokenAuthentication < Request.load_middleware(:authorization)
- # Public
- def self.header(token, options = nil)
- options ||= {}
- options[:token] = token
- super(:Token, options)
- end
- def initialize(app, token, options = nil)
- super(app, token, options)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Request::UrlEncoded < Faraday::Middleware
- CONTENT_TYPE = 'Content-Type'.freeze unless defined? CONTENT_TYPE
- class << self
- attr_accessor :mime_type
- end
- self.mime_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.freeze
- def call(env)
- match_content_type(env) do |data|
- params = Faraday::Utils::ParamsHash[data]
- env.body = params.to_query(env.params_encoder)
- end
- env
- end
- def match_content_type(env)
- if process_request?(env)
- env.request_headers[CONTENT_TYPE] ||= self.class.mime_type
- yield(env.body) unless env.body.respond_to?(:to_str)
- end
- end
- def process_request?(env)
- type = request_type(env)
- env.body and (type.empty? or type == self.class.mime_type)
- end
- def request_type(env)
- type = env.request_headers[CONTENT_TYPE].to_s
- type = type.split(';', 2).first if type.index(';')
- type
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require 'forwardable'
-module Faraday
- class Response
- # Used for simple response middleware.
- class Middleware < Faraday::Middleware
- def call(env)
- do |environment|
- on_complete(environment)
- end
- end
- # Override this to modify the environment after the response has finished.
- # Calls the `parse` method if defined
- def on_complete(env)
- env.body = parse(env.body) if respond_to?(:parse) && env.parse_body?
- end
- end
- extend Forwardable
- extend MiddlewareRegistry
- register_middleware File.expand_path('../response', __FILE__),
- :raise_error => [:RaiseError, 'raise_error'],
- :logger => [:Logger, 'logger']
- def initialize(env = nil)
- @env = Env.from(env) if env
- @on_complete_callbacks = []
- end
- attr_reader :env
- def_delegators :env, :to_hash
- def status
- finished? ? env.status : nil
- end
- def headers
- finished? ? env.response_headers : {}
- end
- def_delegator :headers, :[]
- def body
- finished? ? env.body : nil
- end
- def finished?
- !!env
- end
- def on_complete
- if not finished?
- @on_complete_callbacks <<
- else
- yield(env)
- end
- return self
- end
- def finish(env)
- raise "response already finished" if finished?
- @on_complete_callbacks.each { |callback| }
- @env = Env.from(env)
- return self
- end
- def success?
- finished? && env.success?
- end
- # because @on_complete_callbacks cannot be marshalled
- def marshal_dump
- !finished? ? nil : {
- :status => @env.status, :body => @env.body,
- :response_headers => @env.response_headers
- }
- end
- def marshal_load(env)
- @env = Env.from(env)
- end
- # Expand the env with more properties, without overriding existing ones.
- # Useful for applying request params after restoring a marshalled Response.
- def apply_request(request_env)
- raise "response didn't finish yet" unless finished?
- @env = Env.from(request_env).update(@env)
- return self
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require 'forwardable'
-module Faraday
- class Response::Logger < Response::Middleware
- extend Forwardable
- def initialize(app, logger = nil)
- super(app)
- @logger = logger || begin
- require 'logger'
- end
- end
- def_delegators :@logger, :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal
- def call(env)
- info "#{env.method} #{env.url.to_s}"
- debug('request') { dump_headers env.request_headers }
- super
- end
- def on_complete(env)
- info('Status') { env.status.to_s }
- debug('response') { dump_headers env.response_headers }
- end
- private
- def dump_headers(headers)
- { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v.inspect}" }.join("\n")
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-module Faraday
- class Response::RaiseError < Response::Middleware
- ClientErrorStatuses = 400...600
- def on_complete(env)
- case env[:status]
- when 404
- raise Faraday::Error::ResourceNotFound, response_values(env)
- when 407
- # mimic the behavior that we get with proxy requests with HTTPS
- raise Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, %{407 "Proxy Authentication Required "}
- when ClientErrorStatuses
- raise Faraday::Error::ClientError, response_values(env)
- end
- end
- def response_values(env)
- {:status => env.status, :headers => env.response_headers, :body => env.body}
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
- require 'composite_io'
- require 'parts'
- require 'stringio'
-rescue LoadError
- $stderr.puts "Install the multipart-post gem."
- raise
-module Faraday
- # Similar but not compatible with ::CompositeReadIO provided by multipart-post.
- class CompositeReadIO
- def initialize(*parts)
- @parts = parts.flatten
- @ios = { |part| part.to_io }
- @index = 0
- end
- def length
- @parts.inject(0) { |sum, part| sum + part.length }
- end
- def rewind
- @ios.each { |io| io.rewind }
- @index = 0
- end
- # Read from IOs in order until `length` bytes have been received.
- def read(length = nil, outbuf = nil)
- got_result = false
- outbuf = outbuf ? outbuf.replace("") : ""
- while io = current_io
- if result =
- got_result ||= !result.nil?
- result.force_encoding("BINARY") if result.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
- outbuf << result
- length -= result.length if length
- break if length == 0
- end
- advance_io
- end
- (!got_result && length) ? nil : outbuf
- end
- def close
- @ios.each { |io| io.close }
- end
- def ensure_open_and_readable
- # Rubinius compatibility
- end
- private
- def current_io
- @ios[@index]
- end
- def advance_io
- @index += 1
- end
- end
- UploadIO = ::UploadIO
- Parts = ::Parts
+++ /dev/null
-require 'thread'
-Faraday.require_libs 'parameters'
-module Faraday
- module Utils
- extend self
- # Adapted from Rack::Utils::HeaderHash
- class Headers < ::Hash
- def self.from(value)
- new(value)
- end
- def initialize(hash = nil)
- super()
- @names = {}
- self.update(hash || {})
- end
- # need to synchronize concurrent writes to the shared KeyMap
- keymap_mutex =
- # symbol -> string mapper + cache
- KeyMap = do |map, key|
- value = if key.respond_to?(:to_str)
- key
- else
- key.to_s.split('_'). # :user_agent => %w(user agent)
- each { |w| w.capitalize! }. # => %w(User Agent)
- join('-') # => "User-Agent"
- end
- keymap_mutex.synchronize { map[key] = value }
- end
- KeyMap[:etag] = "ETag"
- def [](k)
- k = KeyMap[k]
- super(k) || super(@names[k.downcase])
- end
- def []=(k, v)
- k = KeyMap[k]
- k = (@names[k.downcase] ||= k)
- # join multiple values with a comma
- v = v.to_ary.join(', ') if v.respond_to? :to_ary
- super(k, v)
- end
- def fetch(k, *args, &block)
- k = KeyMap[k]
- key = @names.fetch(k.downcase, k)
- super(key, *args, &block)
- end
- def delete(k)
- k = KeyMap[k]
- if k = @names[k.downcase]
- @names.delete k.downcase
- super(k)
- end
- end
- def include?(k)
- @names.include? k.downcase
- end
- alias_method :has_key?, :include?
- alias_method :member?, :include?
- alias_method :key?, :include?
- def merge!(other)
- other.each { |k, v| self[k] = v }
- self
- end
- alias_method :update, :merge!
- def merge(other)
- hash = dup
- hash.merge! other
- end
- def replace(other)
- clear
- self.update other
- self
- end
- def to_hash() end
- def parse(header_string)
- return unless header_string && !header_string.empty?
- header_string.split(/\r\n/).
- tap { |a| a.shift if a.first.index('HTTP/') == 0 }. # drop the HTTP status line
- map { |h| h.split(/:\s+/, 2) }.reject { |p| p[0].nil? }. # split key and value, ignore blank lines
- each { |key, value|
- # join multiple values with a comma
- if self[key]
- self[key] << ', ' << value
- else
- self[key] = value
- end
- }
- end
- end
- # hash with stringified keys
- class ParamsHash < Hash
- def [](key)
- super(convert_key(key))
- end
- def []=(key, value)
- super(convert_key(key), value)
- end
- def delete(key)
- super(convert_key(key))
- end
- def include?(key)
- super(convert_key(key))
- end
- alias_method :has_key?, :include?
- alias_method :member?, :include?
- alias_method :key?, :include?
- def update(params)
- params.each do |key, value|
- self[key] = value
- end
- self
- end
- alias_method :merge!, :update
- def merge(params)
- dup.update(params)
- end
- def replace(other)
- clear
- update(other)
- end
- def merge_query(query, encoder = nil)
- if query && !query.empty?
- update((encoder || Utils.default_params_encoder).decode(query))
- end
- self
- end
- def to_query(encoder = nil)
- (encoder || Utils.default_params_encoder).encode(self)
- end
- private
- def convert_key(key)
- key.to_s
- end
- end
- def build_query(params)
- FlatParamsEncoder.encode(params)
- end
- def build_nested_query(params)
- NestedParamsEncoder.encode(params)
- end
- ESCAPE_RE = /[^a-zA-Z0-9 .~_-]/
- def escape(s)
- s.to_s.gsub(ESCAPE_RE) {|match|
- '%' + match.unpack('H2' * match.bytesize).join('%').upcase
- }.tr(' ', '+')
- end
- def unescape(s) CGI.unescape s.to_s end
- DEFAULT_SEP = /[&;] */n
- # Adapted from Rack
- def parse_query(query)
- FlatParamsEncoder.decode(query)
- end
- def parse_nested_query(query)
- NestedParamsEncoder.decode(query)
- end
- def default_params_encoder
- @default_params_encoder ||= NestedParamsEncoder
- end
- class << self
- attr_writer :default_params_encoder
- end
- # Stolen from Rack
- def normalize_params(params, name, v = nil)
- name =~ %r(\A[\[\]]*([^\[\]]+)\]*)
- k = $1 || ''
- after = $' || ''
- return if k.empty?
- if after == ""
- if params[k]
- params[k] = Array[params[k]] unless params[k].kind_of?(Array)
- params[k] << v
- else
- params[k] = v
- end
- elsif after == "[]"
- params[k] ||= []
- raise TypeError, "expected Array (got #{params[k]}) for param `#{k}'" unless params[k].is_a?(Array)
- params[k] << v
- elsif after =~ %r(^\[\]\[([^\[\]]+)\]$) || after =~ %r(^\[\](.+)$)
- child_key = $1
- params[k] ||= []
- raise TypeError, "expected Array (got #{params[k]}) for param `#{k}'" unless params[k].is_a?(Array)
- if params[k].last.is_a?(Hash) && !params[k].last.key?(child_key)
- normalize_params(params[k].last, child_key, v)
- else
- params[k] << normalize_params({}, child_key, v)
- end
- else
- params[k] ||= {}
- raise TypeError, "expected Hash (got #{params[k]}) for param `#{k}'" unless params[k].is_a?(Hash)
- params[k] = normalize_params(params[k], after, v)
- end
- return params
- end
- # Normalize URI() behavior across Ruby versions
- #
- # url - A String or URI.
- #
- # Returns a parsed URI.
- def URI(url)
- if url.respond_to?(:host)
- url
- elsif url.respond_to?(:to_str)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "bad argument (expected URI object or URI string)"
- end
- end
- def default_uri_parser
- @default_uri_parser ||= begin
- require 'uri'
- Kernel.method(:URI)
- end
- end
- def default_uri_parser=(parser)
- @default_uri_parser = if parser.respond_to?(:call) || parser.nil?
- parser
- else
- parser.method(:parse)
- end
- end
- # Receives a String or URI and returns just the path with the query string sorted.
- def normalize_path(url)
- url = URI(url)
- (url.path.start_with?('/') ? url.path : '/' + url.path) +
- (url.query ? "?#{sort_query_params(url.query)}" : "")
- end
- # Recursive hash update
- def deep_merge!(target, hash)
- hash.each do |key, value|
- if Hash === value and Hash === target[key]
- target[key] = deep_merge(target[key], value)
- else
- target[key] = value
- end
- end
- target
- end
- # Recursive hash merge
- def deep_merge(source, hash)
- deep_merge!(source.dup, hash)
- end
- protected
- def sort_query_params(query)
- query.split('&').sort.join('&')
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Nick Sieger.
-# See the file README.txt included with the distribution for
-# software license details.
-module MultipartPost
- VERSION = "2.0.0"
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Nick Sieger.
-# See the file README.txt included with the distribution for
-# software license details.
-require 'parts'
- module Multipartable
- DEFAULT_BOUNDARY = "-----------RubyMultipartPost"
- def initialize(path, params, headers={}, boundary = DEFAULT_BOUNDARY)
- headers = headers.clone # don't want to modify the original variable
- parts_headers = headers.delete(:parts) || {}
- super(path, headers)
- parts = do |k,v|
- case v
- when Array
- {|item|, k, item, parts_headers[k]) }
- else
-, k, v, parts_headers[k])
- end
- end.flatten
- parts <<
- ios = {|p| p.to_io }
- self.set_content_type(headers["Content-Type"] || "multipart/form-data",
- { "boundary" => boundary })
- self.content_length = parts.inject(0) {|sum,i| sum + i.length }
- self.body_stream =*ios)
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Nick Sieger.
-# See the file README.txt included with the distribution for
-# software license details.
-require 'net/http'
-require 'stringio'
-require 'cgi'
-require 'composite_io'
-require 'multipartable'
-require 'parts'
-module Net #:nodoc:
- class HTTP #:nodoc:
- class Put
- class Multipart < Put
- include Multipartable
- end
- end
- class Post #:nodoc:
- class Multipart < Post
- include Multipartable
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Nick Sieger.
-# See the file README.txt included with the distribution for
-# software license details.
-module Parts
- module Part #:nodoc:
- def, name, value, headers = {})
- headers ||= {} # avoid nil values
- if file?(value)
-, name, value, headers)
- else
-, name, value, headers)
- end
- end
- def self.file?(value)
- value.respond_to?(:content_type) && value.respond_to?(:original_filename)
- end
- def length
- @part.length
- end
- def to_io
- @io
- end
- end
- class ParamPart
- include Part
- def initialize(boundary, name, value, headers = {})
- @part = build_part(boundary, name, value, headers)
- @io =
- end
- def length
- @part.bytesize
- end
- def build_part(boundary, name, value, headers = {})
- part = ''
- part << "--#{boundary}\r\n"
- part << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{name.to_s}\"\r\n"
- part << "Content-Type: #{headers["Content-Type"]}\r\n" if headers["Content-Type"]
- part << "\r\n"
- part << "#{value}\r\n"
- end
- end
- # Represents a part to be filled from file IO.
- class FilePart
- include Part
- attr_reader :length
- def initialize(boundary, name, io, headers = {})
- file_length = io.respond_to?(:length) ? io.length : File.size(io.local_path)
- @head = build_head(boundary, name, io.original_filename, io.content_type, file_length,
- io.respond_to?(:opts) ? io.opts.merge(headers) : headers)
- @foot = "\r\n"
- @length = @head.bytesize + file_length + @foot.length
- @io =, io,
- end
- def build_head(boundary, name, filename, type, content_len, opts = {}, headers = {})
- trans_encoding = opts["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] || "binary"
- content_disposition = opts["Content-Disposition"] || "form-data"
- part = ''
- part << "--#{boundary}\r\n"
- part << "Content-Disposition: #{content_disposition}; name=\"#{name.to_s}\"; filename=\"#{filename}\"\r\n"
- part << "Content-Length: #{content_len}\r\n"
- if content_id = opts["Content-ID"]
- part << "Content-ID: #{content_id}\r\n"
- end
- if headers["Content-Type"] != nil
- part << "Content-Type: " + headers["Content-Type"] + "\r\n"
- else
- part << "Content-Type: #{type}\r\n"
- end
- part << "Content-Transfer-Encoding: #{trans_encoding}\r\n"
- part << "\r\n"
- end
- end
- # Represents the epilogue or closing boundary.
- class EpiloguePart
- include Part
- def initialize(boundary)
- @part = "--#{boundary}--\r\n\r\n"
- @io =
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
- "name": "aimonb-aviator",
- "version": "0.5.1",
- "author": "aimonb",
- "summary": "Puppet feature wrapper for the Aviator OpenStack API library for Ruby",
- "license": "MIT License",
- "source": "",
- "project_page": "",
- "issues_url": "",
- "description": "UNKNOWN",
- "dependencies": [
- ]