domirror " ${SUITE_BASE}/updates COMPONENT" ${APT_LIST}
domirror " buildd-${SUITE_BASE}/updates COMPONENT" ${APT_LIST}
+ # Temporarily add stretch-proposed-updates for stretch-security chroots as requested
+ # by the security team to handle Thunderbird and Firefox ESR 60.x releases. This should
+ # be removed with the release of the 9.5 point release.
+ if [ ${SUITE_BASE} = "stretch" ] ; then
+ SUITES="${SUITE_BASE}-proposed-updates"
+ [ -n "${debian_mirror}" ] && domirror "${debian_mirror} SUITE COMPONENT" ${APT_LIST}
+ fi
elif [ "${SUITE_VARIANT%%-sloppy}" = 'backports' ]; then
# Hack: for kfreebsd-* the base suite for jessie-backports and jessie-backports-sloppy is jessie-kfreebsd (and not jessie)
if echo "${CHROOT_ALIAS}" | grep -q 'kfreebsd-\w\+-sbuild$' ; then