-serve_dir() {
- local remote_host="$1"; shift
- local path="$1"; shift
- local sender='rsync --server --sender -vlogDtprze.iLsf . '
- if [ -e "$path" ]; then
- info "serving $remote_host with $path"
- $sender "$path/"
- else
- info "$remote_host wants non-existing $path"
- echo >&2 "$path does not exist."
- exit 1
- fi
do_rsync() {
local remote_host="$1"; shift
- if [ "$*" = "--server --sender -vltrze.iLsf --safe-links . -new-/" ] ; then
- serve_dir "$remote_host" "$BASEDIR/current-push"
- elif [ "$*" = "--server --sender -vltrze.iLsf --safe-links . -live-/" ] ; then
- local p="$BASEDIR/current-live"
- info "host $remote_host wants $p, acquiring lock"
- lock 200 "$p" 0
- serve_dir "$remote_host" "$p"
+ local args="--server --sender -vltrze.iLsf --safe-links ."
+ if [ "$*" = "$args -new-/" ] ; then
+ local path="$BASEDIR/current-push"
+ info "serving $remote_host with $path"
+ rsync $args "$path"
+ elif [ "$*" = "$args . -live-/" ] ; then
+ local path="$BASEDIR/current-live"
+ info "host $remote_host wants $path, acquiring lock"
+ lock 200 "$path" 0
+ rsync $args "$path"
info "NOT allowed for $remote_host: rsync $*"
echo >&2 "This rsync command ($@) not allowed."