--- /dev/null
+# This file is under puppet control
+# Only the CAs for debian.org are trusted, see /etc/ssl/ca-debian/README
file { '/etc/ca-certificates.conf':
- content => "# This file is under puppet control\n# Only debian.org service certs are trusted, see /etc/ssl/certs/README\n",
+ source => 'puppet:///modules/ssl/ca-certificates.conf',
notify => Exec['refresh_normal_hashes'],
file { '/etc/ca-certificates-debian.conf':
mode => '0444',
- content => "# This file is under puppet control\n# Only the CAs for debian.org are trusted, see /etc/ssl/ca-debian/README\nmozilla/AddTrust_External_Root.crt\nmozilla/UTN_USERFirst_Hardware_Root_CA.crt\nspi-inc.org/spi-cacert-2008.crt\n",
+ source => 'puppet:///modules/ssl/ca-certificates-debian.conf',
notify => Exec['refresh_ca_debian_hashes'],
file { '/etc/ca-certificates-global.conf':
- content => "# This file is under puppet control\n# All CAs are trusted, see /etc/ssl/ca-global/README\n",
+ source => 'puppet:///modules/ssl/ca-certificates-global.conf',
notify => Exec['refresh_ca_global_hashes'],