content => template('schroot/schroot-dsa/fstab.erb'),
require => Package['schroot'],
+ file { '/etc/schroot/buildd/fstab':
+ content => template('schroot/schroot-buildd/fstab.erb'),
+ require => Package['schroot'],
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# fstab: static file system information for chroots.
+# Note that the mount point will be prefixed by the chroot path
+# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
+<% if scope.lookupvar('site::nodeinfo')['ldap'].has_key?('architecture') and scope.lookupvar('site::nodeinfo')['ldap']['architecture'][0].start_with?('kfreebsd') -%>
+# kFreeBSD version
+proc /proc linprocfs defaults 0 0
+dev /dev devfs rw,bind 0 0
+dev /dev/fd fdescfs rw,bind 0 0
+<% else -%>
+# Linux version
+/proc /proc none rw,bind 0 0
+/sys /sys none rw,bind 0 0
+/dev/pts /dev/pts none rw,bind 0 0
+tmpfs-shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,size=64m 0 0
+<% end %>
+/srv/build-trees /build none rw,bind 0 0