--- /dev/null
+- static-update-component is run by the user on the source host.
+ If not run under sudo as the staticuser already, it sudos to the staticuser,
+ re-execing itself. It them sshs to the static-master for that component to
+ run static-master-update-component.
+ none, but see static-master-update-component
+- static-master-update-component is run on the static-master.
+ It rsyncs the contents from the source host to the static master, and then
+ triggers static-master-run to push the content to the mirrors.
+ The sync happens to a new <component>-updating.incoming-XXXXXX directory. On
+ sync success, <component> is replaced with that new tree, and the
+ static-master-run trigger happens.
+ - exclusive locks are held on
+ - <component>.lock
+- static-master-run triggers all the mirrors for a component to initiate syncs.
+ When all mirrors have an up-to-date tree, they are instructed to update
+ the cur-> symlink to the new tree.
+ To begin with, static-master-run copies <component> to <component>-current-push.
+ This is the tree all the mirrors then sync from. If the push was successful,
+ <component>-current-push is renamed to <component>-current-live.
+ - exclusive locks are held on
+ - <component>.lock
+- static-mirror-run runs on a mirror and syncs components.
+ There is a symlink called 'cur' that points to either tree-a or tree-b for
+ each component. the cur tree is the one that is live, the other one usually
+ does not exist, except when a sync is ongoing (or a previous one failed and
+ we keep a partial tree).
+ During a sync, we sync to the tree-<X> that is not the live one. When instructed by
+ static-master-run, we update the symlink and remove the old tree.
+ static-mirror-run rsyncs either -current-push or -current-live for a component.
+ during all of static-mirror-run, we keep an exclusive lock on the <component>
+ dir, i.e., the directory that holds tree-[ab] and cur.
+- static-mirror-run-all
+ Run static-mirror-run for all components on this mirror, fetching the -live- tree.
+ none, but see static-mirror-run.
+- staticsync-ssh-wrap
+ wrapper for ssh job dispatching on source, master, and mirror.
+ - on master, when syncing -live- trees:
+ a shared lock is held on <component>.lock during
+ the rsync process.
os.chmod(tmpdir_new, 0755)
locks = []
- for p in (componentdir, live, tmpdir_new):
- if not os.path.exists(p): os.mkdir(p, 0755)
+ lockfiles = [ os.path.join(basemaster, component + ".lock") ]
+ for p in lockfiles:
fd = os.open(p, os.O_RDONLY)
log("Acquiring lock for %s(%d)."%(p,fd))
fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
log("All locks acquired.")
+ #for p in (componentdir, live, tmpdir_new):
+ # if not os.path.exists(p): os.mkdir(p, 0755)
+ # fd = os.open(p, os.O_RDONLY)
+ # log("Acquiring lock for %s(%d)."%(p,fd))
+ # fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+ # locks.append(fd)
+ #log("All locks acquired.")
serialfile = os.path.join(componentdir, serialname)
with open(serialfile) as f: serial = int(f.read())
echo >&2 "$0: Invalid component: $component (not found in $componentlist)";
exit 1
+if ! [ -e "$tgtlock" ]; then
+ touch "$tgtlock"
+echo "$0: Acquiring lock on $tgtlock..."
+lock 203 "$tgtlock" 1
if ! [ -d "$tgt" ]; then
echo "$0: Creating $tgt for $component";
-echo "$0: Acquiring locks..."
-lock 201 "$tgt" 1
+#echo "$0: Acquiring lock on $tgt..."
+#lock 201 "$tgt" 1
tmpdir_new="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir="$masterbase" "${component}-updating.incoming-XXXXXX")"
tmpdir_old="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir="$masterbase" "${component}-updating.removing-XXXXXX")"
trap "rm -rf '$tmpdir_new' '$tmpdir_old'" EXIT
chmod 0755 "$tmpdir_new"
-lock 202 "$tmpdir_new" 1
+#echo "$0: Acquiring lock on $tmpdir_new..."
+#lock 202 "$tmpdir_new" 1
echo "$0: Got them."
echo "$0: Updating master copy of $component..."
trap - EXIT
date '+%s' > "$tgt/.serial"
-unlock 201
-unlock 202
+#unlock 201
+#unlock 202
+unlock 203
echo "$0: Triggering mirror runs..."
exec static-master-run "$component"
elif [ "$*" = "$args $component/-live-/" ] || [ "$*" = "$args ./$component/-live-/" ] ; then
local path="$BASEDIR/master/$component-current-live"
info "host $remote_host wants $path, acquiring lock"
- exec 200< "$path"
+ tgtlock="$BASEDIR/master/$component.lock"
+ if ! [ -e "$tgtlock" ]; then
+ touch "$tgtlock"
+ fi
+ exec 200< "$tgtlock"
if ! flock -s -w 0 200; then
- echo >&2 "Cannot acquire shared lock on $path - this should mean an update is already underway anyway."
+ echo >&2 "Cannot acquire shared lock on $tgtlock covering $path - this should mean an update is already underway anyway."
exit 1
exec rsync $args "$path/."