--- /dev/null
+@hourly root [ ! -d /var/cache/dsa ] || touch /var/cache/dsa/cron.alive
class debian-org {
package { "userdir-ldap": ensure => installed;
"zsh": ensure => installed;
+ "cron": ensure => installed;
"apt-utils": ensure => installed;
"tcsh": ensure => installed;
"pdksh": ensure => installed;
source => "puppet:///files/etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng",
+ "/etc/cron.d/dsa-puppet-stuff":
+ source => "puppet:///files/etc/cron.d/dsa-puppet-stuff",
+ require => Package["cron"]
+ ;
case $hostname {
handel: {
if timestamp > 90 minutes for 9 cycles then exec "/etc/init.d/puppet stop"
depends on puppetd
+check process cron with pidfile /var/run/crond.pid
+ start program = "/etc/init.d/cron start"
+ stop program = "/etc/init.d/cron stop"
+ if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout
+check file cronalive
+ with path /var/cache/dsa/cron.alive
+ if timestamp > 120 minutes for 5 cycles then exec "/etc/init.d/cron stop"
+ depends on crond
<%= extrafiles=""
case fqdn
when "spohr.debian.org": extrafiles="file=/etc/nagios3/puppetconf.d/auto-hostgroups.cfg