--- /dev/null
+class debian_org::mail_incoming_port {
+ case getfromhash($site::nodeinfo, 'mail_port') {
+ Numeric: { $mail_port = sprintf("%d", getfromhash($site::nodeinfo, 'mail_port')) }
+ /^(\d+)$/: { $mail_port = $1 }
+ default: { $mail_port = '25' }
+ }
+ @ferm::rule { 'dsa-mail':
+ description => 'Allow SMTP',
+ rule => "&SERVICE_RANGE(tcp, $mail_port, \$SMTP_SOURCES)"
+ }
+ @ferm::rule { 'dsa-mail-v6':
+ description => 'Allow SMTP',
+ domain => 'ip6',
+ rule => "&SERVICE_RANGE(tcp, $mail_port, \$SMTP_V6_SOURCES)"
+ }
+ dnsextras::tlsa_record{ 'tlsa-mailport':
+ zone => 'debian.org',
+ certfile => "/etc/puppet/modules/exim/files/certs/${::fqdn}.crt",
+ port => $mail_port,
+ hostname => $::fqdn,
+ }
$is_packagesqamaster = has_role('packagesqamaster')
include exim::vdomain::setup
+ include debian_org::mail_incoming_port
munin::check { 'ps_exim4': script => 'ps_' }
munin::check { 'exim_mailqueue': }
group => maillog,
- case getfromhash($site::nodeinfo, 'mail_port') {
- Numeric: { $mail_port = sprintf("%d", getfromhash($site::nodeinfo, 'mail_port')) }
- /^(\d+)$/: { $mail_port = $1 }
- default: { $mail_port = '25' }
- }
- @ferm::rule { 'dsa-exim':
- description => 'Allow SMTP',
- rule => "&SERVICE_RANGE(tcp, $mail_port, \$SMTP_SOURCES)"
- }
- @ferm::rule { 'dsa-exim-v6':
- description => 'Allow SMTP',
- domain => 'ip6',
- rule => "&SERVICE_RANGE(tcp, $mail_port, \$SMTP_V6_SOURCES)"
- }
- dnsextras::tlsa_record{ 'tlsa-mailport':
- zone => 'debian.org',
- certfile => "/etc/puppet/modules/exim/files/certs/${::fqdn}.crt",
- port => $mail_port,
- hostname => $::fqdn,
- }
# Do we actually want this? I'm only doing it because it's harmless
# and makes the logs quiet. There are better ways of making logs quiet,
# though.