package { "clamav-daemon": ensure => installed;
"clamav-freshclam": ensure => installed;
- file {
- "/etc/clamav/clamd.conf":
- source => "puppet:///clamav/clamd.conf",
- require => Package["clamav-daemon"],
- notify => Exec["clamav-daemon restart"]
- ;
- }
- file {
- "/etc/clamav/freshclam.conf":
- source => "puppet:///clamav/freshclam.conf",
- require => Package["clamav-freshclam"],
- notify => Exec["clamav-freshclam restart"]
- ;
- }
- exec { "clamav-daemon restart":
- path => "/etc/init.d:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin",
- refreshonly => true,
- }
- exec { "clamav-freshclam restart":
- path => "/etc/init.d:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin",
- refreshonly => true,
- }
class exim::mx inherits exim {
+ include clamav
+ include postgrey
file {
require => Package["exim4-daemon-heavy"],
--- /dev/null
+# postgrey startup options, created for Debian
+# (c)2004 Adrian von Bidder <>
+# Distribute and/or modify at will.
+# you may want to set
+# --delay=N how long to greylist, seconds (default: 300)
+# --max-age=N delete old entries after N days (default: 30)
+# see also the postgrey(8) manpage
+# the --greylist-text commandline argument can not be easily passed through
+# POSTGREY_OPTS when it contains spaces. So, insert your text here:
+#POSTGREY_TEXT="Your customized rejection message here"
+POSTGREY_OPTS="--unix=/var/run/postgrey/socket --retry-window=4 --auto-whitelist-clients=10 --exim"
+[ -d /var/run/postgrey ] || (mkdir /var/run/postgrey && chown postgrey:Debian-exim /var/run/postgrey && chmod 750 /var/run/postgrey)
file {
- source => "puppet:///exim/common/postgrey-default",
+ source => "puppet:///postgrey/default",
require => Package["postgrey"],
notify => Exec["postgrey restart"]