if $ensure == 'present' {
@@bacula::director::client { $::fqdn:
port_fd => $port_fd,
- client => $::fqdn,
+ client => $::fqdn,
tag => "bacula::to-director::${director_server}",
# @param db_port port of the postgres server for the catalog DB
# @param db_name DB name for the catalog DB
# @param db_user username for the postgres server for the catalog DB
+# @param port_dir Port that the director should listen on
# @param db_sslca SSL CA store for DB access
class bacula::director(
String $db_address,
String $db_name = 'bacula',
String $db_user = 'bacula',
String $pool_name = 'bacula',
+ Integer $port_dir = 9101,
Optional[String] $db_sslca = undef,
) inherits bacula {
# @param port_fd port that this node's bacula-fd is listening on
# @param client The name of the client (relevant for device names, media type names, etc.)
define bacula::director::client (
- Integer $port_fd = 9102,
+ Integer $port_fd,
String $client = $name,
) {
include bacula::director
String $bacula_monitor_name = 'debian-mon',
String $bacula_director_address = 'dinis.debian.org',
- Integer $bacula_director_port = 9101,
String $bacula_storage_address = 'storace.debian.org',
String $bacula_director_secret = hkdf('/etc/puppet/secret', "bacula-dir-${::hostname}"),
Messages = Daemon
DirAddresses = {
# Always have localhost in, then the configured IP
- ip = { addr =; port = 9101 }
- ip = { addr = <%=@bacula_director_address%>; port = <%=@bacula_director_port%> }
+ ip = { addr =; port = <%= @port_dir %> }
+ ip = { addr = <%=@bacula_director_address%>; port = <%= @port_dir %> }
TLS Enable = yes