--- /dev/null
+define postgres::backup_cluster(
+ $pg_version,
+ $pg_cluster = 'main',
+ $pg_port = 5432,
+ $backup_servers = getfromhash($site::roles, 'postgres_backup_server'),
+ $db_backup_role = 'debian-backup',
+ $db_backup_role_password = hkdf('/etc/puppet/secret', "postgresql-${::hostname}-${$pg_cluster}-${pg_port}-backup_role}"),
+ $do_role = false,
+ $do_hba = false,
+) {
+ warning("foo ${backup_servers}")
+ $datadir = "/var/lib/postgresql/${pg_version}/${pg_cluster}"
+ file { "${datadir}/.nobackup":
+ content => ""
+ }
+ ## XXX - get these from the roles and ldap
+ # backuphost, storace
+ $backup_servers_addrs = ['', '', '2001:41c8:1000:21::21:12/128', '2a02:158:380:280::161/128']
+ $backup_servers_addrs_joined = join($backup_servers_addrs, ' ')
+ if $do_role {
+ postgresql::server::role { $db_backup_role:
+ password_hash => postgresql_password($db_backup_role, $db_backup_role_password),
+ replication => true,
+ }
+ }
+ if $do_hba {
+ $backup_servers_addrs.each |String $address| {
+ postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "debian_backup-${address}":
+ description => 'Open up PostgreSQL for backups',
+ type => 'hostssl',
+ database => 'replication',
+ user => $db_backup_role,
+ address => $address,
+ auth_method => 'md5',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @ferm::rule { "dsa-postgres-${pg_port}":
+ description => 'Allow postgress access from backup host',
+ domain => '(ip ip6)',
+ rule => "&SERVICE_RANGE(tcp, ${pg_port}, ( @ipfilter((${backup_servers_addrs_joined})) ))",
+ }
+ postgres::backup_server::register_backup_cluster { "backup-role-${::fqdn}}-${::pg_port}":
+ pg_port => $pg_port,
+ pg_role => $db_backup_role,
+ pg_password => $db_backup_role_password,
+ pg_cluster => $pg_cluster,
+ pg_version => $pg_version,
+ }
+class postgres::backup_server::globals {
+ $make_base_backups = '/usr/local/bin/postgres-make-base-backups'
+ $pgpassfile = '/home/debbackup/.pgpass'
+ $sshkeys_sources = '/etc/dsa/postgresql-backup/sshkeys-sources'
+ $tag_base_backup = "postgresql::server::backup-source-make-base-backup-entry"
+ $tag_source_sshkey = "postgresql::server::backup-source-sshkey"
+ $tag_source_pgpassline = "postgresql::server::backup-source-pgpassline"
class postgres::backup_server {
+ include postgres::backup_server::globals
package { 'postgresql-client-9.1':
ensure => installed
ensure => installed
- file { '/usr/local/bin/postgres-make-base-backups':
+ concat { $postgres::backup_server::globals::make_base_backups:
+ }
+ concat::fragment { 'make-base-backups-header':
+ target => $postgres::backup_server::globals::make_base_backups,
content => template('postgres/backup_server/postgres-make-base-backups.erb'),
- mode => '0555',
+ order => '00',
+ }
+ Concat::Fragment <<| tag == $postgres::backup_server::globals::tag_base_backup |>>
+ concat::fragment { 'make-base-backups-tail':
+ target => $postgres::backup_server::globals::make_base_backups,
+ content => @(EOTEMPLATE),
+ # EOF by make-base-backups-tail fragment
+ order => '99',
if $::hostname in [backuphost] {
file { '/etc/cron.d/puppet-postgres-make-base-backups':
- content => "20 1 * * 0 debbackup chronic /usr/local/bin/postgres-make-base-backups\n",
+ content => "20 1 * * 0 debbackup chronic ${$postgres::backup_server::globals::make_base_backups}\n",
} else {
file { '/etc/cron.d/puppet-postgres-make-base-backups':
- content => "20 0 * * 6 debbackup chronic /usr/local/bin/postgres-make-base-backups\n",
+ content => "20 0 * * 6 debbackup chronic ${$postgres::backup_server::globals::make_base_backups}\n",
+ # Maintain authorized_keys file on backup servers for WAL shipping
+ #
+ # do not let other hosts directly build our authorized_keys file,
+ # instead go via a script that somewhat validates intput
file { '/etc/dsa/postgresql-backup':
ensure => 'directory',
content => template('postgres/backup_server/sshkeys-manual.erb'),
notify => Exec['postgres-make-backup-sshauthkeys'],
- concat { '/etc/dsa/postgresql-backup/sshkeys-sources':
+ concat { $postgres::backup_server::globals::sshkeys_sources:
notify => Exec['postgres-make-backup-sshauthkeys'],
concat::fragment { 'postgresql-backup/source-sshkeys-header':
- target => '/etc/dsa/postgresql-backup/sshkeys-sources',
+ target => $postgres::backup_server::globals::sshkeys_sources ,
content => @(EOF),
# <name> <ip addresses> <key>
order => '00',
- Concat::Fragment <<| tag == "postgresql::server::backup-source-sshkey" |>>
+ Concat::Fragment <<| tag == $postgres::backup_server::globals::tag_source_sshkey |>>
exec { "postgres-make-backup-sshauthkeys":
command => "/usr/local/bin/postgres-make-backup-sshauthkeys",
refreshonly => true,
+ # Maintain .pgpass file on backup servers
+ concat { $postgres::backup_server::globals::pgpassfile:
+ owner => 'debbackup',
+ group => 'debbackup',
+ mode => '0400'
+ }
+ concat::fragment{ 'pgpass-local':
+ target => $postgres::backup_server::globals::pgpassfile,
+ source => '/home/debbackup/.pgpass-local',
+ order => '00'
+ }
+ Concat::Fragment <<| tag == $postgres::backup_server::globals::tag_source_pgpassline |>>
+define postgres::backup_server::register_backup_clienthost (
+ $sshpubkey = $::postgresql_key,
+ $ipaddrlist = join(getfromhash($site::nodeinfo, 'ldap', 'ipHostNumber'), ","),
+ $hostname = $::hostname,
+) {
+ include postgres::backup_server::globals
+ if $sshpubkey {
+ $addr = assert_type(String[1], $ipaddrlist)
+ @@concat::fragment { "postgresql::server::backup-source-clienthost::$name::$fqdn":
+ target => $postgres::backup_server::globals::sshkeys_sources ,
+ content => @("EOF"),
+ ${hostname} ${addr} ${sshpubkey}
+ | EOF
+ tag => $postgres::backup_server::globals::tag_source_sshkey,
+ }
+ }
+define postgres::backup_server::register_backup_cluster (
+ $hostname = $::fqdn,
+ $pg_port,
+ $pg_role,
+ $pg_password,
+ $pg_cluster,
+ $pg_version,
+) {
+ include postgres::backup_server::globals
+ # foobar.debian.org:5432:*:debian-backup:swordfish
+ @@concat::fragment { "postgresql::server::backup-source-pgpassline::$hostname::$pg_port::$pg_role":
+ target => $postgres::backup_server::globals::pgpassfile,
+ content => @("EOF"),
+ ${hostname}:${pg_port}:*:${pg_role}:${pg_password}
+ | EOF
+ tag => $postgres::backup_server::globals::tag_source_pgpassline,
+ }
+ #
+ # vittoria.debian.org 5432 debian-backup main 9.6
+ @@concat::fragment { "postgresql::server::backup-source-make-base-backup-entry::$hostname::$pg_port::$pg_role":
+ target => $postgres::backup_server::globals::make_base_backups,
+ content => @("EOF"),
+ ${hostname} ${pg_port} ${pg_role} ${pg_cluster} ${pg_version}
+ | EOF
+ tag => $postgres::backup_server::globals::tag_base_backup,
+ }