Discussion in #d-a suggests that on jessie facter needs the virt-what
package installed for the virtual and is_virtual facts to work.
Install it on jessie (and purge on stretch and later), and revert to
using the facter's default facts about virtualization.
Also remove our own systemd based virt fact.
+++ /dev/null
-Facter.add("virt") do
- setcode do
- begin
- `systemd-detect-virt`.chomp()
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- nil
- end
- end
$servicefiles = 'absent'
+ # the virtual facter needs virt-what on jessie to work
+ if versioncmp($::lsbmajdistrelease, '9') < 0 {
+ package { 'virt-what': ensure => installed }
+ } else {
+ package { 'virt-what': ensure => purged }
+ }
$debianadmin = [
class grub {
- if ($::kernel == 'Linux' and $::virt == 'kvm') {
+ if ($::kernel == 'Linux' and $::is_virtual and $::virtual == 'kvm') {
file { '/etc/default/grub':
# restore to default
source => 'puppet:///modules/grub/etc-default-grub',
$localtimeservers = hiera('local-timeservers', [])
$physicalHost = $site::allnodeinfo[$fqdn]['physicalHost']
- # if ($::kernel == 'Linux' and $::is_virtual and $::virtual == 'kvm'
#if ($systemd and $physicalHost and size($localtimeservers) > 0) {
- if ($systemd and size($localtimeservers) > 0 and $::virt == 'kvm') {
+ if ($systemd and size($localtimeservers) > 0 and $::is_virtual and $::virtual == 'kvm') {
include ntp::purge
include systemdtimesyncd
} else {