- "facsimiletelephonenumber": ["Fax phone number, with area code and country code"],
- "telephonenumber": ["Voice phone number"],
- "postaladdress": ["Complete mailing address including postal codes and country designations\nSeperate lines using a $ character"],
- "postalcode": ["Postal Code or Zip Code"],
- "loginshell": ["Login shell with full path (no check is done for validity)"],
- "emailforward": ["EMail address to send all mail to or blank to disable"],
- "ircnick": ["IRC nickname if you use IRC"],
- "onvacation": ["A message if on vaction, indicating the time of departure and return"],
- "userpassword": ["The users Crypt'd password"],
+ "facsimileTelephoneNumber": ["Fax phone number, with area code and country code"],
+ "telephoneNumber": ["Voice phone number"],
+ "postalAddress": ["Complete mailing address including postal codes and country designations\nSeperate lines using a $ character"],
+ "postalCode": ["Postal Code or Zip Code"],
+ "loginShell": ["Login shell with full path (no check is done for validity)"],
+ "emailForward": ["EMail address to send all mail to or blank to disable"],
+ "ircNick": ["IRC nickname if you use IRC"],
+ "onVacation": ["A message if on vaction, indicating the time of departure and return"],
+ "userPassword": ["The users Crypt'd password"],