5 <% if scope.function_has_static_component(['deb.debian.org']) -%>
6 <Macro vstatic-vhost-extra-deb.debian.org>
7 ServerAlias httpredir.debian.org
8 ServerAlias cdn.debian.net
9 ServerAlias http.debian.net
11 Redirect /debian http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian
12 Redirect /debian-debug http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian-debug
13 Redirect /debian-ports http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian-ports
14 Redirect /debian-security http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian-security
17 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen_443 %> >
18 ServerName deb.debian.org
20 ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/deb.debian.org-error.log
21 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/deb.debian.org-access.log privacyssl
23 Use common-debian-service-ssl deb.debian.org
26 ServerAdmin debian-admin@lists.debian.org
27 <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
32 DocumentRoot /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/deb.debian.org/cur
33 <Directory /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/deb.debian.org/cur>
34 AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes Options=Multiviews
35 Options Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
39 Header set Surrogate-Key <%= @hostname %>
41 AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css
43 Redirect /debian https://cdn-aws.deb.debian.org/debian
44 Redirect /debian-debug https://cdn-aws.deb.debian.org/debian-debug
45 Redirect /debian-ports https://cdn-aws.deb.debian.org/debian-ports
46 Redirect /debian-security https://cdn-aws.deb.debian.org/debian-security
50 <Macro vstatic-vhost-extra-network-test.debian.org>
51 ServerAlias network-test-backend.debian.org
53 Header set Cache-Control "must-revalidate, max-age=0"
57 <Macro vstatic-vhost-extra-bits.debian.org>
58 <IfModule mod_geoip.c>
59 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/bits.debian.org-public-access.log privacy+geo
63 <Macro vstatic-vhost-extra-metadata.ftp-master.debian.org>
64 AddDefaultCharset utf-8
66 # Rewrite away double slashes
68 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)//(.*)$ [NC]
69 RewriteRule . %1/%2 [L,NE]
71 <LocationMatch "/changelogs/(main|contrib|non-free)">
76 <Macro vstatic-vhost-extra-release.debian.org>
78 RewriteRule ^/migration/$ /migration/testing.pl
79 RewriteRule ^/migration/search/(.+)/$ /migration/testing.pl?package=$1
80 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} package=((.)(.*))
81 RewriteRule ^/migration/testing.pl /migration/cache/%2/%1.html [PT,L]
82 RewriteRule ^/migration/testing.pl /migration/cache/_index.html
84 Alias /oldstable-proposed-updates/ /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/release.debian.org-pu/cur/
85 Alias /proposed-updates/ /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/release.debian.org-pu/cur/
86 <Directory /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/release.debian.org-pu/cur>
88 Options Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch MultiViews
91 FilterDeclare gzip CONTENT_SET
92 FilterProvider gzip inflate "%{req:Accept-Encoding} !~ /gzip/"
96 AddDefaultCharset utf-8
98 <Files *.debdiff.html.gz>
100 AddDefaultCharset utf-8
102 AddType text/plain .wml
106 <Macro vstatic-vhost-extra-www.ports.debian.org>
107 <Directory /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/www.ports.debian.org/cur>
108 AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes Options=Multiviews
109 Options Multiviews Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
113 AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .xhtml
117 <Macro vstatic-vhost-extra-lintian.debian.org>
118 AddDefaultCharset utf-8
120 <Directory /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/lintian.debian.org/cur>
123 # These three lines makes apache serve
124 # "lintian.log.gz" as a text/plain with encoding gzip
125 # making it easier to view the log in the browser.
127 AddEncoding x-gzip .gz
128 AddType text/plain .log
130 AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css image/svg+xml
133 <Directory /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/lintian.debian.org/cur/resources>
134 # Cache these for a year (3600 * 24 * 365.25)
135 # Files in here will change name if their content change
136 Header set Cache-Control "max-age=31557600, public"
140 RewriteMap source-map txt:/srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/lintian.debian.org/cur/lookup-tables/source-packages
142 # Re-direct from the "old" locations to the new ones
143 RewriteRule ^/reports/T(.*)\.html$ /tags/$1.html [L]
144 RewriteRule ^/reports/(.*)$ /$1 [L]
146 # Map source packages to reports (this mapping is re-written once per lintian run,
147 # serve it as a 302 rather than a permanent redirect)
148 # Version-less request
149 RewriteRule ^/source/([a-z0-9-]+)/?$ /${source-map:$1} [L,R,NE]
151 RewriteRule ^/source/([a-z0-9-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9.+:~-]+)$ /${source-map:$1/$2} [L,R,NE]
153 Header always set Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self'; media-src 'none'; object-src 'none';"
154 <FilesMatch "\.(svg)$">
155 Header always set Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'none'; frame-ancestors 'none'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';"
159 <Macro vstatic-vhost-extra-wiki.debconf.org>
169 RewriteRule ^/$ /wiki/Main_Page [L,P]
170 RewriteRule ^/wiki/$ /wiki/Main_Page [L]
172 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)modules=mediawiki.legacy.commonPrint,shared|skins.monobook(&|$)
173 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)only=styles(&|$)
174 RewriteRule ^/load.php$ /load-monobook-styles.css [L,QSD]
176 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)modules=site(&|$)
177 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)only=styles(&|$)
178 RewriteRule ^/load.php$ /load-site-styles.css [L,QSD]
180 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)modules=startup(&|$)
181 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)only=scripts(&|$)
182 RewriteRule ^/load.php$ /load-startup-scripts.js [L,QSD]
184 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)modules=site(&|$)
185 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)only=scripts(&|$)
186 RewriteRule ^/load.php$ /load-site-scripts.js [L,QSD]
188 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)modules=jquery%2Cmediawiki(&|$)
189 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)only=scripts(&|$)
190 RewriteRule ^/load.php$ /load-jquery-scripts.js [L,QSD]
192 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)modules=jquery.client%2Ccookie%2CmessageBox%2CmwExtension|mediawiki.legacy.ajax%2Cwikibits|mediawiki.page.startup|mediawiki.util(&|$)
193 RewriteRule ^/load.php$ /load-jquery.client.js [L,QSD]
195 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)modules=jquery.checkboxShiftClick%2CmakeCollapsible%2Cmw-jump%2Cplaceholder%7Cmediawiki.page.ready%7Cmediawiki.user(&|$)
196 RewriteRule ^/load.php$ /load-jquery.checkbox.js [L,QSD]
199 <Macro vstatic-vhost-extra-www.debconf.org>
200 ServerAlias www-test.debconf.org
202 <Directory /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/www.debconf.org/cur>
203 Options +IncludesNOEXEC
204 SSILegacyExprParser on
205 DirectoryIndex index.shtml
208 AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
211 # A few redirects for older debconf sites, so old links work
212 RewriteRule ^/gallery/(.*)$ https://gallery.debconf.org/v/$1 [L]
213 RewriteRule ^/.*years$ https://10years.debconf.org/ [L]
214 RewriteRule ^/debconf2$ https://debconf2.debconf.org/ [L]
215 RewriteRule ^/debconf3$ https://debconf3.debconf.org/ [L]
216 RewriteRule ^/debconf4$ https://debconf4.debconf.org/ [L]
217 RewriteRule ^/debconf5$ https://debconf5.debconf.org/ [L]
218 RewriteRule ^/10years/(.*)$ https://10years.debconf.org/$1 [L]
219 RewriteRule ^/debconf2/(.*)$ https://debconf2.debconf.org/$1 [L]
220 RewriteRule ^/debconf3/(.*)$ https://debconf3.debconf.org/$1 [L]
221 RewriteRule ^/debconf4/(.*)$ https://debconf4.debconf.org/$1 [L]
222 RewriteRule ^/debconf5/(.*)$ https://debconf5.debconf.org/$1 [L]
225 <Macro vstatic-vhost-extra-openpgpkey.debian.org>
226 # Legacy GPG versions (including 2.2.12 in buster/Debian 10) get redirections from
227 # the (not supposed to be default) direct method wrong.
228 # They ask for https://debian.org/.well-known/openpgpkey/hu/<hash>
229 # get a redirect to https://openpgpkey.debian.org/.well-known/openpgpkey/debian.org/hu/<hash>
230 # and then try to fetch https://openpgpkey.debian.org/.well-known/openpgpkey/hu/<hash>
232 # cf. https://dev.gnupg.org/T4603
233 Alias /.well-known/openpgpkey/hu/ /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/openpgpkey.debian.org/cur/debian.org/hu/
234 Alias /.well-known/openpgpkey/policy /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/openpgpkey.debian.org/cur/debian.org/policy
236 # The draft specified well-known place using the "advanced method"
237 Alias /.well-known/openpgpkey/ /srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/openpgpkey.debian.org/cur/
243 RewriteRule ^/$ https://keyring.debian.org/ [L]
248 def vhost(lines, sn, kwargs={})
249 if scope.function_has_static_component([sn])
250 if not kwargs[:extra]
251 lines << "<Macro vstatic-vhost-extra-#{sn}>"
252 lines << " # mod macro does not like empty macros, so here's some content:"
253 lines << " <Directory /non-existant>"
254 lines << " </Directory>"
258 lines << "Use prepare-static-vhost #{sn}"
260 if kwargs[:ssl] and kwargs[:ssl_optional]
261 lines << "Use static-vhost-plain-#{sn}"
262 lines << "Use static-vhost-ssl-#{sn}"
264 lines << "Use common-dsa-vhost-https-redirect #{sn}"
265 lines << "Use static-vhost-ssl-#{sn}"
267 lines << "Use static-vhost-plain-#{sn}"
270 onion = scope.function_onion_global_service_hostname([sn])
271 lines << "Use static-vhost-onion-#{sn} #{onion}" if onion
278 vhost(lines, "mozilla.debian.net" , :ssl => true, :ssl_optional => true)
279 vhost(lines, "backports.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
280 vhost(lines, "incoming.debian.org" , :ssl => true, :ssl_optional => true)
281 vhost(lines, "incoming.ports.debian.org" , :ssl => true, :ssl_optional => true)
282 vhost(lines, "debdeltas.debian.net" , :ssl => true, :ssl_optional => true)
283 vhost(lines, "news.debian.net" , :ssl => true)
284 vhost(lines, "bootstrap.debian.net" , :ssl => true)
285 vhost(lines, "debaday.debian.net" , :ssl => true)
286 vhost(lines, "timeline.debian.net" , :ssl => true)
287 vhost(lines, "network-test.debian.org" , :extra => true)
288 vhost(lines, "blends.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
289 vhost(lines, "wnpp-by-tags.debian.net" , :ssl => true)
290 vhost(lines, "security-team.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
291 vhost(lines, "d-i.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
292 vhost(lines, "appstream.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
293 vhost(lines, "dpl.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
294 vhost(lines, "dsa.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
295 vhost(lines, "rtc.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
296 vhost(lines, "mirror-master.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
297 vhost(lines, "onion.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
298 vhost(lines, "openpgpkey.debian.org" , :ssl => true, :extra => true)
299 vhost(lines, "manpages.debian.org" , :ssl => true, :extra => true)
300 vhost(lines, "cdbuilder-logs.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
302 vhost(lines, "bits.debian.org" , :ssl => true, :extra => true)
303 vhost(lines, "micronews.debian.org" , :ssl => true)
304 vhost(lines, "metadata.ftp-master.debian.org", :extra => true)
306 vhost(lines, "10years.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
307 vhost(lines, "debconf0.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
308 vhost(lines, "debconf1.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
309 vhost(lines, "debconf2.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
310 vhost(lines, "debconf3.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
311 vhost(lines, "debconf4.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
312 vhost(lines, "debconf5.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
313 vhost(lines, "debconf6.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
314 vhost(lines, "debconf7.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
315 vhost(lines, "debconf16.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
316 vhost(lines, "debconf17.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
317 vhost(lines, "debconf18.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
318 vhost(lines, "debconf19.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
319 vhost(lines, "es.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
320 vhost(lines, "fr.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
321 vhost(lines, "miniconf10.debconf.org" , :ssl => true)
322 vhost(lines, "wiki.debconf.org" , :ssl => true, :extra => true)
323 vhost(lines, "www.debconf.org" , :ssl => true, :extra => true)
325 vhost(lines, "deb.debian.org" , :extra => true)
326 vhost(lines, "release.debian.org" , :ssl => true, :extra => true)
327 vhost(lines, "www.ports.debian.org" , :ssl => true, :extra => true)
328 vhost(lines, "lintian.debian.org" , :ssl => true, :extra => true)
335 # www.backports.org is the historical place for the backports
336 # website and archive. It is now a CNAME to backports.debian.org:
337 # redirect http requests.
338 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
339 ServerName www.backports.org
340 ServerAlias lists.backports.org
341 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
342 RedirectPermanent / https://backports.debian.org/
345 ######################
346 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
347 ServerName www.debian-ports.org
348 ServerAlias debian-ports.org
349 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
350 RedirectPermanent / https://www.ports.debian.org/
353 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
354 ServerName ports.debian.org
355 ServerAlias ports.debian.net
356 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
357 RedirectPermanent / https://www.ports.debian.org/
360 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
361 ServerName incoming.debian-ports.org
362 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
363 RedirectPermanent / http://incoming.ports.debian.org/
366 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
367 ServerName ftp.debian-ports.org
368 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
369 RedirectPermanent /archive https://www.ports.debian.org
370 RedirectPermanent /debian http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports
371 RedirectPermanent /debian-cd https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports/
372 RedirectPermanent / http://ftp.ports.debian.org/
375 <Macro vstatic-vhost-video.debian.net>
376 ServerName video.debian.net
377 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
378 Redirect / https://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/
381 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
382 Use vstatic-vhost-video.debian.net
385 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen_443 %> >
386 Use vstatic-vhost-video.debian.net
387 Use common-debian-service-ssl video.debian.net
391 Use common-dsa-vhost-https-redirect lists.alioth.debian.org
392 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen_443 %> >
393 ServerName lists.alioth.debian.org
394 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
395 Use common-debian-service-ssl lists.alioth.debian.org
397 Redirect / https://alioth-lists.debian.net/
400 Use common-dsa-vhost-https-redirect pkg-ruby-extras.alioth.debian.org
401 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen_443 %> >
402 ServerName pkg-ruby-extras.alioth.debian.org
403 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
404 Use common-debian-service-ssl pkg-ruby-extras.alioth.debian.org
406 Redirect / https://gemwatch.debian.net/
409 Use common-dsa-vhost-https-redirect video.debconf.org
410 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen_443 %> >
411 ServerName video.debconf.org
412 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
413 Use common-debian-service-ssl video.debconf.org
415 Redirect / https://debconf-video-team.pages.debian.net/docs/
418 <% if scope.function_has_static_component(['metadata.ftp-master.debian.org']) -%>
419 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen_443 %> >
420 ServerName metadata.ftp-master.debian.org
421 ServerAlias metadata-backend.ftp-master.debian.org
422 # all self-referential URLs should use the public host name
424 Use common-debian-service-ssl metadata-backend.ftp-master.debian.org
425 ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/metadata-backend.ftp-master.debian.org-error.log
426 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/metadata-backend.ftp-master.debian.org-access.log privacy
428 Use static-vhost-base-metadata.ftp-master.debian.org
432 Use common-dsa-vhost-https-redirect debconf.org
433 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen_443 %> >
434 ServerName debconf.org
435 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
436 Use common-debian-service-ssl debconf.org
438 Redirect / https://www.debconf.org/
443 # now only redirects remain
444 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
445 ServerName women.debian.org
446 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
448 RedirectPermanent / https://www.debian.org/women/
450 RedirectPermanent /about/ https://www.debian.org/women/about
451 RedirectPermanent /contact/ https://www.debian.org/women/contact
452 RedirectPermanent /faqs/ https://www.debian.org/women/faq
453 RedirectPermanent /home/ https://www.debian.org/women/
454 RedirectPermanent /images/dw.png https://www.debian.org/women/dw.png
455 RedirectPermanent /involvement/ https://www.debian.org/women/participate
456 RedirectPermanent /mentoring/ https://www.debian.org/women/mentoring
457 RedirectPermanent /press/ https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Press
458 RedirectPermanent /profiles/ https://www.debian.org/women/profiles/
461 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
462 ServerName volatile.debian.org
463 ServerAlias volatile-master.debian.org
464 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
465 RedirectPermanent / https://www.debian.org/volatile/
468 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
469 ServerName ftp-master.metadata.debian.org
470 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
471 RedirectPermanent / http://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/
474 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
475 ServerName backports-master.debian.org
476 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
477 RedirectPermanent / https://backports.debian.org/
480 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
481 ServerName manpages.debian.net
482 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
483 Redirect / https://manpages.debian.org/
486 Use common-dsa-vhost-https-redirect sources.debian.net
487 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen_443 %> >
488 ServerName sources.debian.net
489 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
490 Use common-debian-service-ssl sources.debian.net
492 Redirect permanent / https://sources.debian.org/
498 Use common-dsa-vhost-https-redirect archive.debian.net
499 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen_443 %> >
500 ServerName archive.debian.net
501 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
502 ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/archive.debian.net-error.log
503 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/archive.debian.net-access.log privacyssl
504 Use common-debian-service-ssl archive.debian.net
506 Use common-disabled-service
509 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen %> >
510 ServerName cdimage.debian.org
511 ServerAlias cloud.debian.org
512 ServerAlias get.debian.org
513 ServerAlias bttracker.debian.org
514 ServerAlias meetings-archive.debian.net
515 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
516 ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/cdimage.debian.org-error.log
517 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/cdimage.debian.org-access.log privacyssl
519 <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
522 DocumentRoot /srv/static.debian.org/puppet/cdimage.debian.org
523 <Directory /srv/static.debian.org/puppet/cdimage.debian.org>
527 RewriteRule !^/503.html / [R=503]
528 ErrorDocument 503 /503.html
531 <VirtualHost <%= @vhost_listen_443 %> >
532 ServerName cdimage.debian.org
533 ServerAlias cloud.debian.org
534 ServerAlias get.debian.org
535 ServerAlias bttracker.debian.org
536 ServerAlias meetings-archive.debian.net
537 ServerAdmin debian-admin@debian.org
538 ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/cdimage.debian.org-error.log
539 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/cdimage.debian.org-access.log privacyssl
540 Use common-debian-service-ssl cdimage.debian.org
542 <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
545 DocumentRoot /srv/static.debian.org/puppet/cdimage.debian.org
546 <Directory /srv/static.debian.org/puppet/cdimage.debian.org>
550 RewriteRule !^/503.html / [R=503]
551 ErrorDocument 503 /503.html