Allow static-mirror-ssh-wrap to be used on sources/providers
[mirror/dsa-puppet.git] / modules / roles / manifests / static_mirror.pp
1 class roles::static_mirror inherits roles::static_base {
2     file {
3         '/etc/ssh/userkeys/staticsync':
4             content => template('roles/static-mirror-authorized_keys.erb'),
5             ;
6         '/usr/local/bin/static-mirror-run':
7             source  => "puppet:///modules/roles/static-mirroring/static-mirror-run",
8             mode => 555,
9             ;
10         '/usr/local/bin/static-mirror-ssh-wrap':
11             source  => "puppet:///modules/roles/static-mirroring/static-mirror-ssh-wrap",
12             mode => 555,
13             ;
14     }
16     file {
17         "/srv/":
18             ensure  => directory,
19             owner   => staticsync,
20             group   => staticsync,
21             mode    => '02755'
22             ;
23         "/etc/cron.d/puppet-static-mirror":
24             content => "PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin\n@reboot staticsync sleep 60; static-mirror-run --one-stage /srv/ > /dev/null\n",
25             ;
27         #"/etc/apache2/sites-available/":
28         #    source  => "puppet:///modules/roles/static-mirroring/vhost/",
29         #    require => Package["apache2"],
30         #    notify  => Exec["reload-apache2"],
31         #    ;
32         #"/etc/apache2/sites-available/":
33         #    source  => "puppet:///modules/roles/static-mirroring/vhost/",
34         #    require => Package["apache2"],
35         #    notify  => Exec["reload-apache2"],
36         #    ;
37     }
39     #apache2::activate_apache_site {
40     #    "":
41     #        site => "",
42     #        require => File['/etc/ssl/certs/'];
43     #    "":
44     #        site => "",
45     #        require => File['/etc/ssl/certs/'];
46     #}
47 }
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