1 # the string "system-in-shutdown" is used by the remote side to tell
2 # if a system is running shutdown. We do not use check_nrpe's
3 # exit code as that does not reliably tell us if the check could
4 # not connect to the nrpe server or if the remote check returned not-null.
5 command[dsa2_shutdown]=if [ -e /run/systemd/shutdown/scheduled ]; then echo 'system-in-shutdown'; else echo 'no shutdown running' ; fi
6 command[restart-ekey]=sudo /usr/sbin/service ekeyd-egd-linux restart
7 command[restart-samhain]=sudo /usr/sbin/service samhain restart
8 command[restart-ekey]=sudo /usr/sbin/service ekeyd-egd-linux restart