But we do want to create a ~buildd/stats
[mirror/dsa-puppet.git] / modules / multipath / templates / multipath-ubc-ganeti.conf.erb
1 ##
3 ## USE: git clone git+ssh://$USER@puppet.debian.org/srv/puppet.debian.org/git/dsa-puppet.git
4 ##
6 # conversion from MSA stype WWIDs to multipathd.conf:
7 #
8 #   sed -re 's#(.{6})(.{6})0000(.{2})(.*)#36\1000\2\3\4#'
10 defaults {
11         udev_dir                /dev
12         polling_interval        10
13         path_selector           "round-robin 0"
14         path_grouping_policy    multibus
15         getuid_callout          "/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/%n"
16         path_checker            readsector0
17         rr_min_io               100
18         rr_weight               priorities
19         failback                immediate
20         no_path_retry           fail
21         user_friendly_names     yes
22 }
23 blacklist {
24         devnode "^(ram|raw|loop|fd|md|dm-|sr|scd|st)[0-9]*"
25         devnode "^hd[a-z][[0-9]*]"
26         devnode "^vd[a-z]"
27         devnode "^cciss!c[0-9]d[0-9]*[p[0-9]*]"
28 <%- if %w{pasquini tristano boito bertali}.include?(hostname) then -%>
29         devnode "^sda[0-9]*$"
30 <%- end -%>
31         device {
32                 vendor DEC.*
33                 product MSA[15]00
34         }
35 }
36 multipaths {
37         # reger
38         multipath {
39                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd5dabd64c01000000
40                 alias reger-boot
41         }
42         multipath {
43                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd72ac375101000000
44                 alias r10-reger-root
45         }
46         multipath {
47                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd1dfe9d5101000000
48                 alias r10-reger
49         }
50         # geo2
51         multipath {
52                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd3ed7995101000000
53                 alias r10-geo2
54         }
55         # brahms
56         multipath {
57                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bdf4fa995101000000
58                 alias r10-brahms
59         }
60         multipath {
61                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bdfdfa995101000000
62                 alias r10-brahms-srv
63         }
64         # lotti
65         multipath {
66                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd9a2a9a5101000000
67                 alias r10-lotti
68         }
69         multipath {
70                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd1ab08c4c01000000
71                 alias r6-lotti-srv
72         }
73         # lilburn
74         multipath {
75                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd40329a5101000000
76                 alias r10-lilburn
77         }
78         multipath {
79                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd46329a5101000000
80                 alias r10-lilburn-srv
81         }
82         # elgar
83         multipath {
84                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd04849b5101000000
85                 alias r10-elgar
86         }
87         # jenkins
88         multipath {
89                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bdf38f9b5101000000
90                 alias r10-jenkins
91         }
92         # popov
93         multipath {
94                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bda9a19b5101000000
95                 alias r10-popov
96         }
97         multipath {
98                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bdaaa19b5101000000
99                 alias r10-popov-srv
100         }
101         # fano
102         multipath {
103                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd71c19c5101000000
104                 alias r10-fano
105         }
106         multipath {
107                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd87c49c5101000000
108                 alias r10-fano-srv
109         }
110         # finzi
111         multipath {
112                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd68ec9c5101000000
113                 alias r10-finzi
114         }
115         multipath {
116                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bddd0bee4f01000000
117                 alias r10-finzi-srv
118         }
119         # tchaikovsky
120         multipath {
121                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd06f29c5101000000
122                 alias r10-tchaikovsky
123         }
124         # gombert
125         multipath {
126                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd318a9e5101000000
127                 alias r10-gombert
128         }
129         # blavet
130         multipath {
131                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd736aa05101000000
132                 alias r10-blavet
133         }
134         # tye
135         multipath {
136                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bdb08aa05101000000
137                 alias r10-tye
138         }
139         multipath {
140                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bdb28aa05101000000
141                 alias r10-tye-srv
142         }
143         # glinka
144         multipath {
145                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bdf0eaa45101000000
146                 alias r10-glinka
147         }
148         multipath {
149                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bdf1eaa45101000000
150                 alias r10-glinka-srv
151         }
152         multipath {
153                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd866d4c5101000000
154                 alias r6-glinka-mirrors
155         }
156         # diabelli
157         multipath {
158                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bdfa42aa5101000000
159                 alias r10-diabelli
160         }
161         # nono
162         multipath {
163                 wwid 3600c0ff000d5f6bd0944b85101000000
164                 alias r10-nono
165         }
166 }