anarcat points out that maybe Optional[String] is better to use here
[mirror/dsa-puppet.git] / modules / ipsec / manifests / network.pp
1 # make this node a member of a common ipsec network
2 #
3 # the name of this resource a tag for an network where nodes in the
4 # same "network" will have ipsec set up between them.
5 #
6 # This is sufficient to setup a tunnel between a cluster of machines,
7 # but requires a reboot, see the parent ipsec class.
8 #
9 # WARNING: default ipsec configuration tunnels only the IP address
10 # given, which means that this default configuration only tunnels
11 # IPv4, not IPv6.
12 #
13 # Use $peer_networks = [ "${::ipaddress}/32", "${::ipaddress6}/128" ]
14 # to tunnel both addresses.
15 define ipsec::network (
16   Stdlib::IP::Address $peer_ipaddress       = $::ipaddress,
17   Array[Stdlib::IP::Address] $peer_networks = [],
18 ) {
19   include ipsec
21   $ipsec_conf_file = "/etc/ipsec.conf.d/10-puppet-${name}.conf"
22   $ipsec_secrets_file = "/etc/ipsec.secrets.d/10-puppet-${name}.secrets"
23   $stored_conftag = "ipsec::peer::${name}"
25   @@ipsec::peer{ "${name}-${::hostname}":
26     network_name       => $name,
27     peer_name          => $::hostname,
28     peer_ipaddress     => $peer_ipaddress,
29     peer_networks      => $peer_networks,
30     ipsec_conf_file    => $ipsec_conf_file,
31     ipsec_secrets_file => $ipsec_secrets_file,
32     tag                => $stored_conftag,
33     # those will be overriden on collection, below
34     local_name         => undef,
35     local_ipaddress    => undef,
36   }
38   concat { $ipsec_conf_file:
39     notify  => Service['ipsec'],
40   }
41   concat { $ipsec_secrets_file:
42     notify => Service['ipsec'],
43     mode   => '0400',
44   }
45   Ipsec::Peer <<| tag == $stored_conftag and peer_name != $::hostname|>> {
46     local_name      => $::hostname,
47     local_ipaddress => $peer_ipaddress,
48     local_networks  => $peer_networks,
49   }
50 }