Let people know why their mail is being rejected with the new check
[mirror/dsa-puppet.git] / modules / exim / files / common / surbl_whitelist.txt
1 example.com
2 example.net
3 example.org
4 126.com
5 163.com
6 2o7.net
7 4at1.com
8 5iantlavalamp.com
9 about.com
10 adelphia.net
11 adobe.com
12 advertising.com
13 agora-inc.com
14 agoramedia.com
15 akamai.net
16 akamaitech.net
17 amazon.com
18 ancestry.com
19 aol.com
20 apache.org
21 apple.com
22 arcamax.com
23 astrology.com
24 atdmt.com
25 att.net
26 aweber.com
27 bbc.co.uk
28 bcentral.com
29 beliefnet.com
30 bellsouth.net
31 bfi0.com
32 blogspot.com
33 bridgetrack.com
34 cafe24.com
35 charter.net
36 chtah.com
37 citibank.com
38 citizensbank.com
39 cjb.net
40 classmates.com
41 click-url.com
42 clickbank.net
43 cnet.com
44 cnn.com
45 com.com
46 com.ne.kr
47 comcast.net
48 constantcontact.com
49 corporate-ir.net
50 cox.net
51 cs.com
52 custhelp.com
53 daum.net
54 dd.se
55 debian.org
56 dell.com
57 directtrack.com
58 domain.com
59 doubleclick.net
60 dsbl.org
61 earthlink.net
62 ebay.co.uk
63 ebay.com
64 ebayimg.com
65 ebaystatic.com
66 ed10.net
67 ed4.net
68 edgesuite.net
69 ediets.com
70 egroups.com
71 emode.com
72 exacttarget.com
73 excite.com
74 exct.net
75 f-secure.com
76 flowgo.com
77 free.fr
78 freebsd.org
79 freelotto.com
80 gentoo.org
81 geocities.com
82 gmail.com
83 gmx.net
84 go.com
85 google.com
86 googleadservices.com
87 grisoft.com
88 hallmark.com
89 hinet.net
90 hotbar.com
91 hotmail.com
92 hotpop.com
93 hp.com
94 ibm.com
95 ientrymail.com
96 incredimail.com
97 investorplace.com
98 ivillage.com
99 joingevalia.com
100 juno.com
101 kernel.org
102 livejournal.com
103 lycos.com
104 m0.net
105 m7z.net
106 mac.com
107 macromedia.com
108 mail.com
109 mail.ru
110 mailscanner.info
111 marketwatch.com
112 mcafee.com
113 mchsi.com
114 mediaplex.com
115 messagelabs.com
116 microsoft.com
117 military.com
118 mindspring.com
119 mit.edu
120 monster.com
121 msn.com
122 nate.com
123 netatlantic.com
124 netflix.com
125 netscape.com
126 netscape.net
127 netzero.net
128 norman.com
129 nytimes.com
130 optonline.net
131 osdn.com
132 overstock.com
133 p0.com
134 pacbell.net
135 pandasoftware.com
136 partner2profit.com
137 paypal.com
138 peoplepc.com
139 plaxo.com
140 pm0.net
141 postdirect.com
142 prodigy.net
143 radaruol.com.br
144 real.com
145 redhat.com
146 regions.com
147 regionsnet.com
148 rm04.net
149 rogers.com
150 rr.com
151 rs6.net
152 rsvp0.net
153 sbcglobal.net
154 sec.gov
155 sf.net
156 shaw.ca
157 shockwave.com
158 smileycentral.com
159 smithbarney.com
160 sourceforge.net
161 spamcop.net
162 speedera.net
163 sportsline.com
164 sun.com
165 suntrust.com
166 sympatico.ca
167 t-online.de
168 tails.nl
169 telus.net
170 terra.com.br
171 ticketmaster.com
172 tickle.com
173 tinyurl.com
174 tiscali.co.uk
175 tom.com
176 tone.co.nz
177 topica.com
178 tux.org
179 uol.com.br
180 ups.com
181 verizon.net
182 vistaprint.com
183 w3.org
184 wamu.com
185 wanadoo.fr
186 washingtonpost.com
187 weatherbug.com
188 web.de
189 webshots.com
190 webtv.net
191 wsj.com
192 xmr3.com
193 yahoo.ca
194 yahoo.co.kr
195 yahoo.co.uk
196 yahoo.com
197 yahoo.com.br
198 yahoogroups.com
199 yimg.com
200 yopi.de
201 yourfreedvds.com
202 yoursite.com
203 zdnet.com