1 require 'spec_helper_acceptance'
3 describe 'capitalize function', :if => Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(return_puppet_version, '6.0.0') < 0 do
6 $input = 'this is a string'
7 $output = capitalize($input)
10 it 'capitalizes the first letter of a string' do
11 apply_manifest(pp1, :catch_failures => true) do |r|
12 expect(r.stdout).to match(%r{Notice: This is a string})
17 $input = ['this', 'is', 'a', 'string']
18 $output = capitalize($input)
21 regex_array = [%r{Notice: This}, %r{Notice: Is}, %r{Notice: A}, %r{Notice: String}]
22 it 'capitalizes the first letter of an array of strings' do
23 apply_manifest(pp2, :catch_failures => true) do |r|
24 regex_array.each do |i|
25 expect(r.stdout).to match(i)