move deprecated modulepath so it is only set on the master
[mirror/dsa-puppet.git] / 3rdparty / modules / keystone / manifests / params.pp
1 #
2 # This class contains the platform differences for keystone
3 #
4 class keystone::params {
5   $client_package_name = 'python-keystone'
7   case $::osfamily {
8     'Debian': {
9       $package_name                 = 'keystone'
10       $service_name                 = 'keystone'
11       $keystone_wsgi_script_path    = '/usr/lib/cgi-bin/keystone'
12       $python_memcache_package_name = 'python-memcache'
13       $paste_config                 = undef
14       case $::operatingsystem {
15         'Debian': {
16           $service_provider            = undef
17           $keystone_wsgi_script_source = '/usr/share/keystone/'
18         }
19         default: {
20           # NOTE: Ubuntu does not currently provide the keystone wsgi script in the
21           # keystone packages.  When Ubuntu does provide the script, change this
22           # to use the correct path (which I'm assuming will be the same as Debian).
23           $service_provider            = 'upstart'
24           $keystone_wsgi_script_source = 'puppet:///modules/keystone/httpd/'
25         }
26       }
27     }
28     'RedHat': {
29       $package_name                 = 'openstack-keystone'
30       $service_name                 = 'openstack-keystone'
31       $keystone_wsgi_script_path    = '/var/www/cgi-bin/keystone'
32       $python_memcache_package_name = 'python-memcached'
33       $service_provider             = undef
34       $keystone_wsgi_script_source  = '/usr/share/keystone/keystone.wsgi'
35       $paste_config                 = '/usr/share/keystone/keystone-dist-paste.ini'
36     }
37   }
38 }