move deprecated modulepath so it is only set on the master
[mirror/dsa-puppet.git] / 3rdparty / modules / keystone / examples / apache_with_paths.pp
1 # Example using apache to serve keystone
2 #
3 # To be sure everything is working, run:
4 #   $ export OS_USERNAME=admin
5 #   $ export OS_PASSWORD=ChangeMe
6 #   $ export OS_TENANT_NAME=openstack
7 #   $ export OS_AUTH_URL=http://keystone.local/keystone/main/v2.0
8 #   $ keystone catalog
9 #   Service: identity
10 #   +-------------+----------------------------------------------+
11 #   |   Property  |                    Value                     |
12 #   +-------------+----------------------------------------------+
13 #   |   adminURL  | http://keystone.local:80/keystone/admin/v2.0 |
14 #   |      id     |       4f0f55f6789d4c73a53c51f991559b72       |
15 #   | internalURL | http://keystone.local:80/keystone/main/v2.0  |
16 #   |  publicURL  | http://keystone.local:80/keystone/main/v2.0  |
17 #   |    region   |                  RegionOne                   |
18 #   +-------------+----------------------------------------------+
19 #
21 Exec { logoutput => 'on_failure' }
23 class { '::mysql::server': }
24 class { '::keystone::db::mysql':
25   password => 'keystone',
26 }
27 class { '::keystone':
28   verbose             => true,
29   debug               => true,
30   database_connection => 'mysql://keystone_admin:keystone@',
31   catalog_type        => 'sql',
32   admin_token         => 'admin_token',
33   enabled             => true,
34 }
35 class { '::keystone::cron::token_flush': }
36 class { '::keystone::roles::admin':
37   email    => '',
38   password => 'ChangeMe',
39 }
40 class { '::keystone::endpoint':
41   public_url => "https://${::fqdn}:443/main/",
42   admin_url  => "https://${::fqdn}:443/admin/",
43 }
45 keystone_config { 'ssl/enable': ensure  => absent }
47 include ::apache
48 class { '::keystone::wsgi::apache':
49   ssl         => true,
50   public_port => 443,
51   admin_port  => 443,
52   public_path => '/main/',
53   admin_path  => '/admin/'
54 }