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[mirror/dsa-puppet.git] / 3rdparty / modules / cinder / manifests / volume / hp3par_iscsi.pp
1 # == Class: cinder::volume::hp3par
2 #
3 # Configures Cinder volume HP 3par driver.
4 # Parameters are particular to each volume driver.
5 #
6 # === Parameters
7 #
8 # [*volume_driver*]
9 #   (optional) Setup cinder-volume to use HP 3par volume driver.
10 #   Defaults to 'cinder.volume.drivers.san.hp.hp_3par_iscsi.HP3PARISCSIDriver'
11 #
12 # [*san_ip*]
13 #   (required) IP address of HP 3par service processor.
14 #
15 # [*san_login*]
16 #   (required) Username for HP 3par account.
17 #
18 # [*san_password*]
19 #   (required) Password for HP 3par account.
20 #
21 # [*hp3par_api_url*]
22 #   (required) url for api access to 3par - expample https://10.x.x.x:8080/api/v1
23 #
24 # [*hp3par_username*]
25 #   (required) Username for HP3par admin user
26 #
27 # [*hp3par_password*]
28 #   (required) Password for hp3par_username
29 #
30 # [*hp3par_iscsi_ips*]
31 #   (required) iscsi ip addresses for the HP 3par array
32 #
33 # [*hp3par_iscsi_chap_enabled*]
34 #   (required) setting to false by default
35 #
36 # [*hp3par_snap_cpg*]
37 #   (optional) set to hp3par_cfg by default in the cinder driver
38 #
39 # [*hp3par_snapshot_retention*]
40 #   (required) setting to 48 hours as default expiration - ensures snapshot cannot be deleted prior to expiration
41 #
42 # [*hp3par_snapshot_expiration*]
43 #   (required) setting to 72 hours as default (must be larger than retention)
45 class cinder::volume::hp3par_iscsi(
46   $hp3par_api_url,
47   $hp3par_username,
48   $hp3par_password,
49   $san_ip,
50   $san_login,
51   $san_password,
52   $volume_driver       = 'cinder.volume.drivers.san.hp.hp_3par_iscsi.HP3PARISCSIDriver',
53   $hp3par_iscsi_ips,
54   $hp3par_iscsi_chap_enabled = false,
55   $hp3par_snap_cpg = OpenstackCPG,
56   $hp3par_snapshot_retention = 48,
57   $hp3par_snapshot_expiration = 72,
58 ) {
60   cinder::backend::hp3par_iscsi { 'DEFAULT':
61     volume_driver              => $volume_driver,
62     hp3par_username            => $hp3par_username,
63     hp3par_password            => $hp3par_password,
64     san_ip                     => $san_ip,
65     san_login                  => $san_login,
66     san_password               => $san_password,
67     hp3par_iscsi_ips           => $hp3par_iscsi_ips,
68     hp3par_api_url             => $hp3par_api_url,
69     hp3par_snap_cpg            => $hp3par_snap_cpg,
70     hp3par_snapshot_retention  => $hp3par_snapshot_retention,
71     hp3par_snapshot_expiration => $hp3par_snapshot_expiration,
72   }
73 }