temporarily cut retention times
[mirror/dsa-puppet.git] / 3rdparty / modules / apache / manifests / mod / passenger.pp
1 class apache::mod::passenger (
2   $passenger_conf_file            = $::apache::params::passenger_conf_file,
3   $passenger_conf_package_file    = $::apache::params::passenger_conf_package_file,
4   $passenger_high_performance     = undef,
5   $passenger_pool_idle_time       = undef,
6   $passenger_max_requests         = undef,
7   $passenger_stat_throttle_rate   = undef,
8   $rack_autodetect                = undef,
9   $rails_autodetect               = undef,
10   $passenger_root                 = $::apache::params::passenger_root,
11   $passenger_ruby                 = $::apache::params::passenger_ruby,
12   $passenger_default_ruby         = $::apache::params::passenger_default_ruby,
13   $passenger_max_pool_size        = undef,
14   $passenger_min_instances        = undef,
15   $passenger_use_global_queue     = undef,
16   $passenger_app_env              = undef,
17   $mod_package                    = undef,
18   $mod_package_ensure             = undef,
19   $mod_lib                        = undef,
20   $mod_lib_path                   = undef,
21   $mod_id                         = undef,
22   $mod_path                       = undef,
23 ) {
24   # Managed by the package, but declare it to avoid purging
25   if $passenger_conf_package_file {
26     file { 'passenger_package.conf':
27       path => "${::apache::mod_dir}/${passenger_conf_package_file}",
28     }
29   }
31   $_package = $mod_package
32   $_package_ensure = $mod_package_ensure
33   $_lib = $mod_lib
34   if $::osfamily == 'FreeBSD' {
35     if $mod_lib_path {
36       $_lib_path = $mod_lib_path
37     } else {
38       $_lib_path = "${passenger_root}/buildout/apache2"
39     }
40   } else {
41     $_lib_path = $mod_lib_path
42   }
44   $_id = $mod_id
45   $_path = $mod_path
46   ::apache::mod { 'passenger':
47     package        => $_package,
48     package_ensure => $_package_ensure,
49     lib            => $_lib,
50     lib_path       => $_lib_path,
51     id             => $_id,
52     path           => $_path,
53     loadfile_name  => 'zpassenger.load',
54   }
56   # Template uses:
57   # - $passenger_root
58   # - $passenger_ruby
59   # - $passenger_default_ruby
60   # - $passenger_max_pool_size
61   # - $passenger_min_instances
62   # - $passenger_high_performance
63   # - $passenger_max_requests
64   # - $passenger_stat_throttle_rate
65   # - $passenger_use_global_queue
66   # - $passenger_app_env
67   # - $rack_autodetect
68   # - $rails_autodetect
69   file { 'passenger.conf':
70     ensure  => file,
71     path    => "${::apache::mod_dir}/${passenger_conf_file}",
72     content => template('apache/mod/passenger.conf.erb'),
73     require => Exec["mkdir ${::apache::mod_dir}"],
74     before  => File[$::apache::mod_dir],
75     notify  => Class['apache::service'],
76   }
77 }