# Config file for ldap scripts # ud-replicate client configuration: # host from which to rsync the information (the one running ud-generate) synchost = "db"; # hosts on which to use a local path to get the data (used as a shell glob later) localsyncon = "*draghi*"; # Basic LDAP configuration ldaphost = "db.debian.org"; usessl = True; basedn = "ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org"; basebasedn = "dc=debian,dc=org"; hostbasedn = "ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org"; adminuser = "admin"; #import re #ignoreusersforuidnumbergen = ['nobody', re.compile('\$$') ] # Printable email addresses are shown as: 'cn mn sn ' emailappend = "debian.org"; rtc_realm = "rtc.debian.org"; rtc_append = "@debian.org"; # Domain for hosts, defaults to emailappend if not present #hostdomain = "debian.org" # For the mail interface maildomain = "db.debian.org"; replyto = "admin@" + maildomain; pingfrom = "ping@" + maildomain; chpassfrom = "chpasswd@" + maildomain; changefrom = "change@" + maildomain; templatesdir = "/etc/userdir-ldap/templates/"; replaycachefile = "/var/cache/userdir-ldap/mail/replay"; #replaycachefile = "/tmp/replay"; fingerprintfile = "/etc/userdir-ldap/badfingerprints" # do we have a debian-private like list that we should ask about in ud-useradd haveprivatelist = True; # Echelon ech_errorlog = "/srv/db.debian.org/mail/Log/ech-errors.log" ech_mainlog = "/srv/db.debian.org/mail/Log/ech.log" # For the output generator generatedir = "/var/cache/userdir-ldap/hosts/"; passdir = "/etc/userdir-ldap/"; allowedgroupspreload = "adm"; homeprefix = "/home/"; # GPG Things gpg = "/usr/bin/gpg"; # The whole set of all keyrings keyrings = "/srv/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg:/srv/db.debian.org/keyring-guest/guest-keyring/debian-guest.gpg:/srv/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-maintainers.gpg" # Keyrings synced to other machines, if they need them sync_keyrings = "/srv/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg:/srv/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-maintainers.gpg" # Keyrings used to search in when new developers get added add_keyrings = "/srv/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg" add_keyrings_guest = "/srv/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-maintainers.gpg:/srv/db.debian.org/keyring-guest/guest-keyring/debian-guest.gpg" # For the WEB interface webloginhtml = "login.html"; websearchhtml = "searchform.html"; websearchresulthtml = "searchresults.html"; webupdatehtml = "update.html"; hosthtml = "hostinfo.html"; webuilocation = "https://db.debian.org"; webloginurl = "login.cgi"; websearchurl = "search.cgi"; webupdateurl = "update.cgi"; weblogfile = "/var/log/userldap-web.log"; # When should authentication tokens expire? authexpires = 600; # Where should totp tickets be stored while waiting for pickup? totpticketdirectory = "/var/cache/userdir-ldap/totp"; # How many bytes to use for the blowfish key (max = 56 (448 bits)) blowfishkeylen = 10; # Change this! authtokenpath = "/var/cache/userdir-ldap/web-cookies"; countrylist = "/var/www/userdir-ldap/domains.tab"; # Finger daemon settings # use_inetd = 1; # only create sshfp and A records for hostnames matching this: dns_hostmatch = "[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+\.debian\.org$" MX_remap = '{"0 INCOMING-MX": ["10 mailly.debian.org.", "10 merikanto.debian.org.", "10 muffat.debian.org."]}' # MQ notification use_mq = True;