#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2010 Peter Palfrader # reads a list of active accounts from /var/lib/misc/thishost/all-accounts.json # and creates those accounts in AFS's protection database. # Furthermore it creates per-user scratch directories in # /afs/debian.org/scratch/eu/grnet (or whatever path is specified in a command # line option), owned by that user. import optparse import os import os.path import pwd import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json # this better be pthon 2.6's json.. class UserEntries: def __init__(self): self.entries = [] self.by_name = {} self.by_id = {} def append(self, name, idnumber, owner=None, creator=None): if name in self.by_name: raise Exception("Name '%s' is not unique."%(name)) if idnumber in self.by_id: raise Exception("ID '%d' is not unique."%(idnumber)) h = { 'name': name, 'id': idnumber, 'owner': owner, 'creator': creator } self.entries.append( h ) self.by_name[name] = h self.by_id[idnumber] = h def del_id(self, i): h = self.by_id[i] del self.by_id[i] del self.by_name[h['name']] self.entries.remove(h) def del_name(self, n): self.del_id(self.by_name[n]['id']) def load_expected(): accountsfile = '/var/lib/misc/thishost/all-accounts.json' if not os.path.isfile(accountsfile): print >> sys.stderr, "Accountsfile %s not found."%(accountsfile) accounts_json = open(accountsfile, 'r').read() accounts = json.loads(accounts_json) entries = UserEntries() for a in accounts: if a['active']: entries.append(a['uid'], a['uidNumber']) return entries def load_existing(): entries = UserEntries() l = subprocess.Popen(('pts', 'listentries', '-users'), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None) l.stdin.close() l.stdout.readline() # headers # Name ID Owner Creator for line in l.stdout: line = line.strip() m = re.match('([0-9a-z.-]+) +(\d+) +(-?\d+) +(-?\d+)$', line) if m is None: raise Exception("Cannot parse pts listentries line '%s'."%(line)) (name, afsid, owner, creator) = m.groups() entries.append(name, int(afsid), int(owner), int(creator)) l.wait() exitcode = l.returncode if not exitcode == 0: raise Exception("pts listentries -users exited with non-zero exit code %d."%(exitcode)) return entries class Krb: def __init__(self, keytab, principal): (fd_dummy, self.ccachefile) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='krb5cc') os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = self.ccachefile self.kinit(keytab, principal) def kinit(self, keytab, principal): subprocess.check_call( ('kinit', '-t', keytab, principal) ) def klist(self): subprocess.check_call( ('klist') ) def kdestroy(self): if os.path.exists(self.ccachefile): subprocess.check_call( ('kdestroy') ) if os.path.exists(self.ccachefile): os.unlink(self.ccachefile) def filter_common(a, b): ids = a.by_id.keys() for i in ids: if i in b.by_id: if a.by_id[i]['name'] == b.by_id[i]['name']: #print "Common: %s (%d)"%(a.by_id[i]['name'], i) a.del_id(i) b.del_id(i) else: print >> sys.stderr, Excetption("ID %d has different names in our two databases ('%s' vs. '%s')."%(i, a.by_id[i]['name'], b.by_id[i]['name'])) sys.exit(1) # just make sure there are not same names on both sides # but with differend uids: for n in a.by_name: if n in b.by_name: print >> sys.stderr, Excetption("Name %n has different IDs in our two databases ('%d' vs. '%d')."%(n, a.by_name[n]['id'], b.by_name[n]['id'])) sys.exit(1) def filter_have(a): # removing from the list means we keep the account and # do not delete it later on. names = a.by_name.keys() for n in names: if n == 'anonymous': # keep account, so remove from the have list a.del_name(n) continue m = re.match('[0-9a-z-]+$', n) if not m: # weird name, probably has dots like weasel.admin etc. a.del_name(n) continue def remove_extra(have, ifownedby): for name in have.by_name: if have.by_name[name]['creator'] == ifownedby: subprocess.check_call( ('pts', 'delete', name) ) print "Deleted user %s(%d)."%(name, have.by_name[name]['id']) else: print >> sys.stderr, "Did not delete %s because it was not created by me(%d) but by %d."%(name, ifownedby, have.by_name[name]['creator']) def add_new(want): #for name in want.by_name: # subprocess.check_call( ('pts', 'createuser', '-name', name, '-id', '%d'%(want.by_name[name]['id'])) ) # print "Added user %s(%d)."%(name, want.by_name[name]['id']) names = [] ids = [] for name in want.by_name: names.append(name) ids.append('%d'%(want.by_name[name]['id'])) if len(names) == 0: return args = ['pts', 'createuser'] for n in names: args.append('-name') args.append(n) for i in ids: args.append('-id') args.append(i) subprocess.check_call(args) def do_accounts(): want = load_expected() have = load_existing() if not options.user in have.by_name: print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot find our user, '%s', in pts listentries"%(options.user) sys.exit(1) me = have.by_name[options.user] filter_common(have, want) filter_have(have) # just for the sake of it, make sure 'want' does not have weird names either. # this gets rid of a few accounts with underscores in them, like buildd_$ARCH # but we might not care about them in AFS anyway filter_have(want) remove_extra(have, me['id']) add_new(want) created_some = len(want.by_id) > 0 return created_some def do_scratchdir(d): have = load_existing() filter_have(have) if not os.path.isdir(d): print >> sys.stderr, "Path '%s' is not a directory"%(d) for n in have.by_name: tree = ( n[0], n[0:2] ) p = d for t in tree: p = os.path.join(p, t) if not os.path.exists(p): os.mkdir(p) p = os.path.join(p, n) if os.path.exists(p): continue print "Making directory %s"%(p) os.mkdir(p) subprocess.check_call(('fs', 'sa', '-dir', p, '-acl', n, 'all')) parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-p", "--principal", dest="principal", metavar="name", help="Principal to auth as") parser.add_option("-k", "--keytab", dest="keytab", metavar="file", help="keytab file location") parser.add_option("-P", "--PAGed", action="store_true", help="already running in own PAG") parser.add_option("-s", "--self", dest="user", metavar="ownafsuser", help="This principal's AFS user") parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="scratchdir", action="append", help="scratchdir to create directories in.") parser.add_option("-D", "--dircheck-force", dest="dircheck", action="store_true", default=False, help="Check if all user scratch dirs exist even if no new users were created") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) > 0: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if not options.PAGed: #print >> sys.stderr, "running self in new PAG" os.execlp('pagsh', 'pagsh', '-c', ' '.join(sys.argv)+" -P") if options.principal is None: options.principal = "%s/admin"%( pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] ) if options.keytab is None: options.keytab = "/etc/userdir-ldap/keytab.%s"%(pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] ) if options.user is None: options.user = options.principal.replace('/', '.') if options.scratchdir is None: options.scratchdir = ['/afs/debian.org/scratch/eu/grnet'] k = None try: k = Krb(options.keytab, options.principal) subprocess.check_call( ('aklog') ) #k.klist() #subprocess.check_call( ('tokens') ) created_some = do_accounts() if created_some or options.dircheck: for d in options.scratchdir: do_scratchdir(d) finally: try: subprocess.check_call( ('unlog') ) except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, "During unlog: %s"%(e) pass if k is not None: k.kdestroy() # 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