#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- mode: python -*- # This script tries to match key fingerprints from a keyring with user # name in a directory. When an unassigned key is found a heuristic match # against the keys given cn/sn and the directory is performed to try to get # a matching. Generally this works about 90% of the time, matching is fairly # strict. In the event a non-match a fuzzy sounds-alike search is performed # and the results printed to aide the user. # # GPG is automatically invoked with the correct magic special options, # pass the names of all the valid key rings on the command line. # # The output report will list what actions were taken. Keys that are present # in the directory but not in the key ring will be removed from the # directory. import string, re, time, ldap, getopt, sys, pwd, posix; from userdir_gpg import *; Output = "extrakeys.gpg"; # Process options AdminUser = pwd.getpwuid(posix.getuid())[0]; (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "o:") for (switch, val) in options: if (switch == '-o'): Output = val elif (switch == '-m'): LoadOverride(val); elif (switch == '-a'): NoAct = 0; if len(arguments) == 0: print "Give some keyrings to probe"; os.exit(0); # Popen GPG with the correct magic special options Args = [GPGPath] + GPGBasicOptions; for x in arguments: Args.append("--keyring"); if string.find(x,"/") == -1: Args.append("./"+x); else: Args.append(x); Args.append("--list-sigs"); Args = Args + GPGSearchOptions + [" 2> /dev/null"] print string.join(Args," ") #Keys = os.popen(string.join(Args," "),"r"); Keys = os.popen("cat sigs","r"); # Loop over the GPG key file HaveKeys = {}; NeedKeys = {}; print "Reading keys+sigs from keyring"; while(1): Line = Keys.readline(); if Line == "": break; Split = string.split(Line,":"); if len(Split) >= 8 and Split[0] == "pub": HaveKeys[Split[4]] = ""; continue; if len(Split) >= 5 and Split[0] == "sig": NeedKeys[Split[4]] = ""; continue; Keys.close(); # Popen GPG with the correct magic special options Args = [GPGPath] + GPGBasicOptions; for x in [Output]: Args.append("--keyring"); if string.find(x,"/") == -1: Args.append("./"+x); else: Args.append(x); OldArgs = Args; Args = Args + GPGSearchOptions + [" 2> /dev/null"] Keys = os.popen(string.join(Args," "),"r"); print "Reading keys from output"; while(1): Line = Keys.readline(); if Line == "": break; Split = string.split(Line,":"); if len(Split) >= 8 and Split[0] == "pub": HaveKeys[Split[4]] = ""; continue; Keys.close(); KeysToFetch = []; for x in NeedKeys.keys(): if not HaveKeys.has_key(x): KeysToFetch.append("0x"+x); print "Have %u keys and %u sigs, need %u keys"%(len(HaveKeys),len(NeedKeys),len(KeysToFetch)); Args = OldArgs; Args.append("--keyserver"); Args.append("--recv-keys"); I = len(KeysToFetch); while (I > 0): OldI = I; I = I - 20; if I < 0: I = 0; print string.join(Args+KeysToFetch[I:OldI]," ")