#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- mode: python -*- # Generates passwd, shadow and group files from the ldap directory. import string, re, time, ldap, getopt, sys, os, posix, pwd; from userdir_ldap import *; PasswdAttrs = None; GroupIDMap = {}; # See if this user is in the group list def IsInGroup(DnRecord,Allowed): # See if the primary group is in the list if Allowed.has_key(GetAttr(DnRecord,"gidnumber")) != 0: return 1; # See if there are supplementary groups if DnRecord[1].has_key("supplementarygid") == 0: return 0; # Check the supplementary groups for I in DnRecord[1]["supplementarygid"]: if Allowed.has_key(I): return 1; return 0; def Die(F,Fdb): if F != None: F.close(); if Fdb != None: Fdb.close(); try: os.remove(File + ".tmp"); except: pass; try: os.remove(File + ".tdb.tmp"); except: pass; def Done(File,F,Fdb): if F != None: F.close(); os.rename(File + ".tmp",File); if Fdb != None: Fdb.close(); os.rename(File + ".tdb.tmp",File+".tdb"); # Generate the password list def GenPasswd(l,File,HomePrefix,Allowed): F = None; Fdb = None; try: F = open(File + ".tmp","w"); Fdb = open(File + ".tdb.tmp","w"); # Fetch all the users global PasswdAttrs; if PasswdAttrs == None: raise "No Users"; I = 0; for x in PasswdAttrs: if x[1].has_key("uidnumber") == 0 or IsInGroup(x,Allowed) == 0: continue; Line = "%s:x:%s:%s:%s:%s%s:%s\n" % (GetAttr(x,"uid"),\ GetAttr(x,"uidnumber"),GetAttr(x,"gidnumber"),\ GetAttr(x,"gecos"),HomePrefix,GetAttr(x,"uid"),\ GetAttr(x,"loginshell")); F.write(Line); Fdb.write("0%u %s" % (I,Line)); Fdb.write(".%s %s" % (GetAttr(x,"uid"),Line)); Fdb.write("=%s %s" % (GetAttr(x,"uidnumber"),Line)); I = I + 1; # Oops, something unspeakable happened. except: Die(F,Fdb); raise; Done(File,F,Fdb); # Generate the shadow list def GenShadow(l,File,Allowed): F = None; Fdb = None; try: OldMask = os.umask(0077); F = open(File + ".tmp","w",0600); Fdb = open(File + ".tdb.tmp","w",0600); os.umask(OldMask); # Fetch all the users global PasswdAttrs; if PasswdAttrs == None: raise "No Users"; I = 0; for x in PasswdAttrs: if x[1].has_key("uidnumber") == 0 or IsInGroup(x,Allowed) == 0: continue; Pass = GetAttr(x,"userpassword"); if Pass[0:7] != "{crypt}": Pass = '*'; else: Pass = Pass[7:]; Line = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:\n" % (GetAttr(x,"uid"),\ Pass,GetAttr(x,"shadowlastchange"),\ GetAttr(x,"shadowmin"),GetAttr(x,"shadowmax"),\ GetAttr(x,"shadowwarning"),GetAttr(x,"shadowinactive"),\ GetAttr(x,"shadowexpire")); F.write(Line); Fdb.write("0%u %s" % (I,Line)); Fdb.write(".%s %s" % (GetAttr(x,"uid"),Line)); I = I + 1; # Oops, something unspeakable happened. except: Die(F,Fdb); raise; Done(File,F,Fdb); # Generate the group list def GenGroup(l,File,Allowed): F = None; Fdb = None; try: F = open(File + ".tmp","w"); Fdb = open(File + ".tdb.tmp","w"); # Generate the GroupMap GroupMap = {}; for x in GroupIDMap.keys(): GroupMap[x] = []; # Fetch all the users global PasswdAttrs; if PasswdAttrs == None: raise "No Users"; # Sort them into a list of groups having a set of users for x in PasswdAttrs: if x[1].has_key("uidnumber") == 0 or IsInGroup(x,Allowed) == 0: continue; if x[1].has_key("supplementarygid") == 0: continue; for I in x[1]["supplementarygid"]: if GroupMap.has_key(I): GroupMap[I].append(GetAttr(x,"uid")); else: GroupMap[I] = [GetAttr(x,"uid")]; # Output the group file. Counter = 0; for x in GroupMap.keys(): Line = "%s:x:%u:" % (x,GroupIDMap[x]); Comma = ''; for I in GroupMap[x]: Line = Line + ("%s%s" % (Comma,I)); Comma = ','; Line = Line + '\n'; F.write(Line); Fdb.write("0%u %s" % (Counter,Line)); Fdb.write(".%s %s" % (x,Line)); Fdb.write("=%u %s" % (GroupIDMap[x],Line)); Counter = Counter + 1; # Oops, something unspeakable happened. except: Die(F,Fdb); raise; Done(File,F,Fdb); # Generate the email forwarding list def GenForward(l,File,Allowed): F = None; Fdb = None; try: F = open(File + ".tmp","w"); Fdb = None; # Fetch all the users global PasswdAttrs; if PasswdAttrs == None: raise "No Users"; # Write out the email address for each user for x in PasswdAttrs: if x[1].has_key("emailforward") == 0 or IsInGroup(x,Allowed) == 0: continue; Line = "%s: %s\n" % (GetAttr(x,"uid"),GetAttr(x,"emailforward")); F.write(Line); # Oops, something unspeakable happened. except: Die(F,Fdb); raise; Done(File,F,Fdb); # Connect to the ldap server l = ldap.open(LDAPServer); F = open(PassDir+"/pass-"+pwd.getpwuid(posix.getuid())[0],"r"); Pass = string.split(string.strip(F.readline())," "); F.close(); l.simple_bind_s("uid="+Pass[0]+","+BaseDn,Pass[1]); # Fetch all the groups GroupIDMap = {}; Attrs = l.search_s(BaseDn,ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL,"gid=*",\ ["gid","gidnumber"]); # Generate the GroupMap and GroupIDMap for x in Attrs: if x[1].has_key("gidnumber") == 0: continue; GroupIDMap[x[1]["gid"][0]] = int(x[1]["gidnumber"][0]); # Fetch all the users PasswdAttrs = l.search_s(BaseDn,ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL,"uid=*",\ ["uid","uidnumber","gidnumber","supplementarygid",\ "gecos","loginshell","userpassword","shadowlastchange",\ "shadowmin","shadowmax","shadowwarning","shadowinactive", "shadowexpire","emailforward"]); # Open the control file if len(sys.argv) == 1: F = open(GenerateConf,"r"); else: F = open(sys.argv[1],"r") while(1): Line = F.readline(); if Line == "": break; Line = string.strip(Line); if Line == "": continue; if Line[0] == '#': continue; Split = string.split(Line," "); OutDir = GenerateDir + '/' + Split[0] + '/'; try: os.mkdir(OutDir); except: pass; # Get the group list and convert any named groups to numerics GroupList = {}; for I in Split[2:]: GroupList[I] = None; if GroupIDMap.has_key(I): GroupList[str(GroupIDMap[I])] = None; GenPasswd(l,OutDir+"passwd",Split[1],GroupList); GenGroup(l,OutDir+"group",GroupList); GenShadow(l,OutDir+"shadow",GroupList); GenForward(l,OutDir+"forward-alias",GroupList);