To: "__REALNAME__" <__EMAIL__> From: __WHOAMI__ MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Subject: New Debian maintainer __REALNAME__ Cc:, Reply-To: Date: __DATE__ User-Agent: nm-create script run by __WHOAMI__ [ This is a long mail with important information, so please read it all carefully. ] Dear __REALNAME__! Your account '__LOGIN__' has just been created in the central LDAP database of the Debian project. Please note that it needs a bit of time until this information is synced with all developer-accessible machines. You should be able to login or upload packages after about 30-60 minutes. The password for this account can be found appended to this message, encrypted with your GPG key. Email sent to <> will be forwarded to <__EMAIL__>, to change this visit . You now have access to various project machines, for a list of them take a look at . Please remember that you accepted the Debian Machine Usage Policy in your NM process (available at ). If you need additional software installed on one of the machines (either in the host system or a chroot environment) please contact, but keep in mind that not all software is available on all architectures. The chroot environments can be entered with the 'dchroot' command; take a look at the list of machines to know which one has chroots available for you. You need to use ssh to log into the machines; telnet and rlogin are disabled for security reasons. The LDAP directory is able to share RSA ssh keys among machines, please see Please be aware of the security implications of using RSA authentication and ssh agents. To give you a quick overview here is a list of the most important machines from the project you can access. First there is, it is our main archive server and the place where you upload your packages. It is restricted, so you can only upload with anonymous FTP - a tool like dput or dupload can aid this process. The Projects CVS archive, the main shell server and various other stuff is located on This machine is also reachable as {cvs,people} If you want your own Debian related site to appear behind then put it at this machine in the directory ~/public_html/. The machine hosting most of our VCS repositories ({svn,bzr,git,arch,hg} is It's handled by a separate team ( as it allows login by non-Debian developers. You probably already have a *-guest account there. Please refer to to learn anything you need to know, including how to activate your account and how to request the removal of your old -guest account. There is one developer-only mailing list, debian-private. You have been subscribed to this list as <__PRIVATE__>, please respect the privacy of this list and don't forward mail from it elsewhere. This subscription, and a lot of other data like your private information, can be changed at the web interface available behind ; just login with the password information appended to this email. The information stored here is used to maintain your accounts on various Debian machines, and also to allow other developers and general users to find out more about you. Many of the fields are only visible to other registered Debian developers. This is also the only way to change your password. The passwd program does not yet work. Before we go on with other important information let's remember the most important documents from the NM process. That you now got your account doesn't mean to stop reading and checking them whenever you do packaging or other Debian related work. o The Debian Social Contract o The Debian Policy Manual o The Debian Developer's reference You can find much more information useful to developers at . Also, please subscribe to the mailing list debian-devel-announce, if you haven't done so already. All Debian developers are required to read this list, as important announcements are made there. We strongly suggest that you use your address for the maintainer field in your packages, because that one will be valid as long as you are a Debian developer, even if you change jobs, leave university or change Internet Service providers. If you do so, please add that address to your PGP/GPG key(s) (using `gpg --edit-key "YOUR USER ID"') and send it to the keyring server at with `gpg --keyserver --send-keys "YOUR USER ID"'. We suggest that you subscribe to This list is for new maintainers who seek help with initial packaging and other developer-related issues. Those who prefer one-on-one help can also post to the list, and an experienced developer may volunteer to help you. You can get online help on IRC, too, if you join the channel #debian-devel or #debian-mentors on Take a look at the support section on in order to find out more information. If you have some spare time and want to contribute it to Debian you may wish to take a look at the "Work-Needing and Prospective Packages", (WNPP) that can be found at . Welcome to the project! -- Debian System Administrators on behalf of The Debian New Maintainer Team __PASSWORD__