mailto( manpage(ud-xearth)(1)(17 Sep 1999)(userdir-ldap)() manpagename(ud-xearth)(Extracts the XEarth marker database) manpagesynopsis() ud-xearth [options] manpagedescription() ud-xearth simply extracts the lat/long information from the directory and formats it in a form suitable for use by XEarth or XPlanet. The program takes the lat/long coords stored in the directory and converts them to a decimal degrees format and then outputs a file containing the UID of the user and their coordinates as well as their full email address in a comment. The output is place in a file called ./markers.dat Since lat/long information is restricted to developers only a valid login is required to extract the information. manpageoptions() startdit() dit(bf(-u)) Set the authentication user. This is the user who's authority is used when accessing the LDAP directory. The default is to use the current system user name. dit(bf(-a)) Anonomize the data. Coordinates are truncated and no names are printed. For best results the output should be sorted using 'sort -n'. Otherwise the output is sorted by name.. enddit() manpagefiles() itemize( it() /etc/userdir-ldap/userdir-ldap.conf Configuration variables to select what server and what base DN to use. ) manpageauthor() userdir-ldap was written by Jason Gunthorpe .