mailto( manpage(ud-xearth)(1)(17 Sep 1999)(userdir-ldap)() manpagename(ud-xearth)(Extracts the XEarth marker database) manpagesynopsis() ud-xearth [options] manpagedescription() ud-xearth simply extracts the lat/long information from the directory and formats it in a form suitable for use by XEarth or XPlanet. The program takes the lat/long coords stored in the directory and converts them to a decimal degrees format and then outputs a file containing the UID of the user and their coordinates as well as their full email address in a comment. The output is place in a file called ./markers.dat Since lat/long information is restricted to developers only a valid login is required to extract the information. manpageoptions() startdit() dit(bf(-u)) Set the authentication user. This is the user who's authority is used when accessing the LDAP directory. The default is to use the current system user name. enddit() manpagefiles() itemize( it() /etc/userdir-ldap/userdir-ldap.conf Configuration variables to select what server and what base DN to use. ) manpageauthor() userdir-ldap was written by Jason Gunthorpe .