mailto( manpage(ud-userimport)(1)(17 Sep 1999)(userdir-ldap)() manpagename(ud-userimport)(Perform initial import of date) manpagesynopsis() ud-userimport [options] manpagedescription() ud-userimport is the utility that is used to initially load data into the directory. It takes as input a set of normal unix password, group and shadow files and loads their contents. Also it provide enough functionality to allow simple additions at a later date. Before attempting to import the data the passwd file should be sanitized of any system entries and the GECOs fields should be cleaned of any strangeness users may have inserted. Next the passwd file alone should be added using the command verb(ud-userimport -a -p passwd) The passwd file will be loaded into the empty directory and new entries created for all the users. The shadow file does not have to be santized, importing it without the -a option will automatically skip any records that are not needed. The command to use is verb(ud-userimport -s shadow) Like the passwd file the group file needs to be cleaned of system groups and groups that are no longer needed. It is not necessary to remove non-existant users from the group lists, they will be automatically ignored. Like for the shadow file the command is verb(ud-userimport -a -g group) After the initial import is completed the ud-info tool can be used to manipulate the user records, however new groups can most easially be created by giving a file containing only a single group (and its initial membership) to ud-userimport. The importer is optimized to get good speed on updates through the use of the async ldap mechanism. If errors are found in the import of the passwd file or shadow file it is possible to re-run the import command (without the -a option) to freshen the data set. Aside from the evident transformations, the splitter also processes the unix gecos field into split first/last/middle names and it also sanitizes the gecos field to follow normal Debian convetions. manpageoptions() startdit() dit(bf(-u)) Set the authentication user. This is the user who's authority is used when accessing the LDAP directory. The default is to use the current system user name. dit(bf(-x)) Do not write new passwords into the directory. This is usefull if other information is being freshened but users have changed their passwords. dit(bf(-p)) Specify the passwd file to import. dit(bf(-g)) Specify the group file to import. dit(bf(-s)) Specify the shadow file to import. enddit() manpagefiles() itemize( it() /etc/userdir-ldap/userdir-ldap.conf Configuration variables to select what server and what base DN to use. ) manpageauthor() userdir-ldap was written by Jason Gunthorpe .