mailto( manpage(ud-info)(1)(17 Sep 1999)(userdir-ldap)() manpagename(ud-info)(Command line LDAP user record manipulator) manpagesynopsis() ud-info [options] manpagedescription() ud-info is the command-line tool for end users to manipulate their own database information and to view other users information. It also provides root functions which when combined with sufficient LDAP privilages allow an administrator to completely manipulate a users record. The defined fields are: itemize( it() cn - Common (first) name. [root] it() mn - Middle name or initial. [root] it() sn - Surname (last name). [root] it() cn - ISO 3166 country code, see file(/usr/share/zoneinfo/ Should be upper case. it() ircnick - IRC nickname. it() l - City name, state/province. The part of a mailing address that is not the street address. e.g.: Dallas, Texas it() postalcode - Postal Code or ZIP Code it() postaladdress - Complete mailing address including postal codes and country designations. Newlines are seperated by a $ character. The address should be formed exactly as it would appear on a parcel. it() latitude/longitude - The physical latitude and longitude. This information is typically used to generate an xearth marker file. See the discussion below on position formats. it() facsimiletelephonenumber - FAX phone number, do not forget to specify a country code [North Armerica is +1]. it() telephonenumber - Voice phone number. it() loginshell - Full path to the prefered Unix login shell. e.g. file(/bin/bash) it() emailforward - Destination email address. it() userpassword - Encrypted version of the password. [root] it() sshrsaauthkey - SSH RSA public authentication key. it() supplementarygid - A list of group names that the user belongs. This field emulates the functionality of the traditional Unix group file. [root] it() dnszoneentry - A list of zone file fragments that are placed in the zone file for [root] it() allowedhosts - Permits access to hosts outside of the group list. [root] it() onvacation - A message indicating that the user is on vacation. The time of departure and expected return date should be included as well as any special instructions. it() comment - Administrative comment about the account. [root] it() labeledurl - User's web site. ) When prompted for a password it is possible to enter a blank password and access the database anonymously. This is useful to check PGP key fingerprints, for instance. manpagesection(SECURITY AND PRIVACY) Three levels of information security are provided by the database. The first is completely public information that anyone can see either by issuing an LDAP query or by visiting the web site. The next level is "maintainer-only" information that requires authentication to the directory before it can be accessed. The final level is admin-only or user-only information; this information can only be viewed by the user or an administrator. Maintainer-only information includes precise location information [postalcode, postal address, lat/long] telephone numbers, and the vacation message. Admin-only/user-only information includes email forwarding, ssh keys and the encrypted password. Note that email forwarding is necessarily publicly viewable from accounts on the actual machines. manpagesection(LAT/LONG POSITION) There are three possible formats for giving position information and several online sites that can give an accurate position fix based on mailing address. startdit() dit(Decimal Degrees) The format is +-DDD.DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. This is the format programs like bf(xearth) use and the format that many positioning web sites use. However typically the precision is limited to 4 or 5 decimals. dit(Degrees Minutes (DGM)) The format is +-DDDMM.MMMMMMMMMMMMM. It is not an arithmetic type, but a packed representation of two seperate units, degrees and minutes. This output is common from some types of hand held GPS units and from NMEA format GPS messages. dit(Degrees Minutes Seconds (DGMS)) The format is +-DDDMMSS.SSSSSSSSSSS. Like DGM, it is not an arithmetic type but a packed representation of three seperate units, degrees minutes and seconds. This output is typically derived from web sites that give 3 values for each position. For instance 34:50:12.24523 North might be the position given, in DGMS it would be +0345012.24523. enddit() For Latitude + is North, for Longitude + is East. It is important to specify enough leading zeros to dis-ambiguate the format that is being used if your position is less than 2 degrees from a zero point. So locations to find positioning information are: itemize( it() Good starting point - it() AirNav - GPS locations for airports around the world it() GeoCode - US index by ZIP Code it() Map Blast! Canadian, US and some European maps - it() Australian Database it() Canadian Database it() Atlas of the World, indexed by city it() Xerox PARC Map Viewer it() GNU Timezone database, organized partially by country /usr/share/zoneinfo/ ) Remember that we are after reasonable coordinates for drawing an xearth graph and looking for people to sign keys, not for coordinates accurate enough to land an ICBM on your doorstop! manpagesection(EDITING SUPPLEMENTAL GIDS) When the root function is activated then the supplemental GIDs can be manipulated as a list of items. It is possible to add and remove items from the list by name. Proper prompts are given. A similar editing function is made available for the host acl list. manpagesection(ENCRYPTION PUBLIC KEYS) The directory associates two types of public encryption keys with the user, a PGP key fingerprint and a SSH RSA authentication key. It is not possible for a user to change their associated key fingerprint, that can only be done by the keyring maintainers after performing reasonable verification of the new key. Who ever controls the PGP key can make any modification to the LDAP account by using the PGP mail gateways. SSH RSA authentication keys are used by the SSH protocol to authenticate a user based on a cryptographic challenge. These keys pairs are created by the ssh-keygen program. The public version that is stored in the directory is generally placed in a file called SSH RSA authentication keys are password equivelents, whoever has the private half of the key can use it to login to any machine, but not affect changes to the LDAP entry. SSH authentication keys are kept private. manpagesection(NOTES) To lock out an account take the password and prepend *LK* before the hash and after the {crypt} this is understood by ssh, shadow and the mailgateway to indicate a disabled account. No manipulations what so ever will be permitted. manpageoptions() startdit() dit(bf(-a)) Set the authentication user. This is the user whose authority is used when accessing the LDAP directory. The default is to use the current system user name. dit(bf(-u)) Select the user whose fields will be displayed/edited. The default is to use the current system user name. dit(bf(-c)) Set both the authentication user and the target user. This option is useful if the login name does not match the user who is operating the program. dit(bf(-r)) Enable root functions. This enables more options to allow changing any entry in the directory. This function only has meaning if the authentication user has the necessary permissions at the LDAP server. dit(bf(-n)) No actions. Anonymously bind and show the information for the user and then exit. enddit() manpagefiles() itemize( it() /etc/userdir-ldap/userdir-ldap.conf Configuration variables to select what server and what base DN to use. ) manpageauthor() userdir-ldap was written by Jason Gunthorpe .