mailto( manpage(ud-generate)(1)(17 Sep 1999)(userdir-ldap)() manpagename(ud-generate)(Produce machine specific formatted version of the directory) manpagesynopsis() ud-generate manpagedescription() ud-generate produces machine specific versions of the directory in the following formats: itemize( it() passwd file [in normal and DB form] it() shadow file [in normal and DB form] it() group file [in normal and DB form] it() Exim forwarding file [cdb] it() XEarth markers file it() SSH authorized key file [cdb and flat] it() DNS zone ) Generation of the files is controlled by the configuration file bf(/etc/userdir-ldap/ud-generate.conf). The output is placed in bf(/var/cache/userdir-ldap/hosts//). Each host listed in the configuration file has its own home dir path and its own list of groups that are allowed to login to the machine. The format of the configuration file is a one line per host with these fields: verb(host homedirpath group1 group2 ...) Only users who are a member of the named groups or has a specific host acl are emitted to the output files. The special groups bf([DNS]) and bf([PRIVATE]) control replication of the zone and the debian-private subscription list. Authorization to read protected entries from the directory is achieved by reading a username and password from the pass- file in the userdir-ldap directory. manpagefiles() itemize( it() /etc/userdir-ldap/userdir-ldap.conf Configuration variables to select what server and what base DN to use. it() /etc/userdir-ldap/ud-generate.conf Configuration variables to determine how hosts are generated. it() /etc/userdir-ldap/pass- Directory authentication credentials ) manpageauthor() userdir-ldap was written by Jason Gunthorpe .