#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: search.cgi,v 1.14 2006/12/22 08:58:50 rmurray Exp $ # (c) 1999 Randolph Chung. Licensed under the GPL. # (c) 2004 Martin Schulze. Licensed under the GPL. # (c) 2006 Ryan Murray. Licensed under the GPL. use lib '.'; use strict vars; #use Apache::Registry; use CGI; use Util; use URI::Escape; use Net::LDAP qw(LDAP_SUCCESS LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); # Global settings... my %config = &Util::ReadConfigFile; my $query = new CGI; my $id = $query->param('id'); my $authtoken = $query->param('authtoken'); my $password = &Util::CheckAuthToken($authtoken); my $dosearch = $query->param('dosearch'); my $searchdn = $query->param('searchdn'); my $ldap = undef; my $proto = ($ENV{HTTPS} ? "https" : "http"); sub DieHandler { $ldap->unbind if (defined($ldap)); } #$SIG{__DIE__} = \&DieHandler; if (!$dosearch) { # No action yet, send back the search form... &Util::HTMLSendHeader; open (F, "<$config{websearchhtml}") || &Util::HTMLError($!); while () { s/~id~/$id/g; s/~authtoken~/$authtoken/g; print; } close F; } else { # Go ahead and construct the search terms my %searchdata = ( cn => { fuzzy => 'cnfuzzy', formname => 'cn' }, # First name mn => { fuzzy => 'mnfuzzy', formname => 'mn' }, # Middle name sn => { fuzzy => 'snfuzzy', formname => 'sn' }, # Last name email => { fuzzy => 'emailfuzzy', formname => 'email' }, # email uid => { fuzzy => 'uidfuzzy', formname => 'uid' }, # Login name ircnick => { fuzzy => 'ircfuzzy', formname => 'ircnick' }, # IRC nickname keyfingerprint => { fuzzy => 'fpfuzzy', formname => 'fingerprint' }, # PGP/GPG fingerprint c => { formname => 'country'}, # Country ); # Do a little preprocessing - strip the spaces out of the fingerprint my $temp = $query->param('fingerprint'); $temp =~ s/ //g; $query->param('fingerprint', $temp); # go through %searchdata and pull out all the search criteria the user # specified... my $filter = "(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)"; foreach (keys(%searchdata)) { if ($query->param($searchdata{$_}{formname})) { if ($query->param($searchdata{$_}{fuzzy})) { # fuzzy search $filter .= "($_~=".$query->param($searchdata{$_}{formname}).")"; } else { $filter .= "($_=".$query->param($searchdata{$_}{formname}).")"; } } } # Vacation is a special case, support it only when user is authenticated $filter .= "(onvacation=*)" if ($query->param('vacation') && $authtoken && $id); # AND all the search terms together $filter = "(&$filter)"; # Read in the result template... my ($lineref, $dataspecref) = ParseResult($config{websearchresulthtml}); # Now, we are ready to connect to the LDAP server. $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($config{ldaphost}) || &Util::HTMLError($!); &Util::UpgradeConnection($ldap) unless $config{usessl} eq 'False'; my $auth = 0; my $mesg; if ($id && $password) { $mesg = $ldap->bind("uid=$id,$config{basedn}", password => $password); $mesg->sync; $auth = ($mesg->code == LDAP_SUCCESS); } if (!$auth) { # Not authenticated - either the above failed, or no password supplied $ldap->bind; } # &Util::HTMLPrint("Searching in $config{basedn} for $filter...\n"); $mesg = $ldap->search(base => ($searchdn ? $searchdn : $config{basedn}), filter => ($searchdn ? "(uid=*)" : $filter)); $mesg->code && &Util::HTMLError($mesg->error); my %outsub; # this hash will contain all the substitution tokens in the output $outsub{count} = $mesg->count; # Count number of requests, also ensures we're done with the search $outsub{auth} = $authtoken; $outsub{authtoken} = $authtoken; # alias $outsub{id} = $id; $outsub{searchresults} = undef; my $entries = $mesg->as_struct; # entries contain a hashref to all the search results my ($dn, $attr, $data); # Format the output.... foreach $dn (sort {$entries->{$a}->{sn}->[0] <=> $entries->{$b}->{sn}->[0]} keys(%$entries)) { my $ok = 0; # These are local variables.. i have enough global vars as it is... my ($ufdn, $login, $name, $icquin, $jabberjid, $email, $fingerprint, $address, $latlong, $vacation, $created, $modified, $lastseen, $gender) = undef; # Last seen information (Echelon) $lastseen = &Util::FormatLastSeen($entries->{$dn}->{"activity-pgp"}->[0], $entries->{$dn}->{"activity-from"}->[0]); $data = $entries->{$dn}; for my $key (keys %{$data}) { @{$data->{$key}} = map { CGI::escapeHTML($_); } @{$data->{$key}}; } $ufdn = $dn; # Net::LDAP does not have a dn2ufn function, but this is close enough :) # Assemble name, attach web page link if present. $name = $data->{cn}->[0]." ".$data->{mn}->[0]." ".$data->{sn}->[0]; if (my $url = $data->{labeleduri}->[0]) { $name = "$name"; } # Add links to all email addresses foreach (@{$data->{emailforward}}) { $email .= "
" if ($email); $email .= "$_"; } # ICQ if ($data->{icquin}->[0]) { $icquin = sprintf("%s", $data->{icquin}->[0], $data->{icquin}->[0]); } # Format PGP/GPG key fingerprints my $fi; foreach (@{$data->{keyfingerprint}}) { $fingerprint .= "
" if ($fingerprint); $fingerprint .= sprintf("%d:- %s", ++$fi, $_, &Util::FormatFingerPrint($_)); } # Assemble addresses $address = $data->{postaladdress}->[0] || "- unlisted -"; $address =~ s/\$/
/g; $address .= "
".$data->{postalcode}->[0]; # Assemble latitude/longitude $latlong = $data->{latitude}->[0] || "none"; $latlong .= " / "; $latlong .= $data->{longitude}->[0] || "none"; # Gender if ($data->{gender}->[0]) { if ($data->{gender}->[0] == 1) { $gender = $dataspecref->{male}; } elsif ($data->{gender}->[0] == 2) { $gender = $dataspecref->{female}; } else { $gender = $dataspecref->{unspecified}; } } else { $gender = $dataspecref->{unspecified}; } # Modified/created time. TODO: maybe add is the name of the creator/modifier $modified = &Util::FormatTimestamp($data->{modifytimestamp}->[0]); $created = &Util::FormatTimestamp($data->{createtimestamp}->[0]); # Link in the debian login id $login = $data->{uid}->[0]; $login = "$login"; # See if the user has a vacation message, non-public $vacation = $data->{onvacation}->[0] if ($authtoken && $id); # OK, now generate output... (i.e. put the output into the buffer ) $outsub{searchresults} .= ''; $outsub{searchresults} .= '\n"; if ($vacation) { $outsub{searchresults} .= "\n"; } $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{uid}, $login); $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{gender}, $gender); if ($data->{ircnick}->[0]) { $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{ircnick}, $data->{ircnick}->[0]); } if ($data->{jabberjid}->[0]) { $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{jabberjid}, $data->{jabberjid}->[0]); } if ($icquin) { $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{icquin}, $icquin); } $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{loginshell}, $data->{loginshell}->[0]); $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{fingerprint}, $fingerprint); if ($data->{maildisablemessage}->[0]) { $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{maildisablemessage}, $data->{maildisablemessage}->[0]); } if ($auth) { # Some data should only be available to authorized users... if ($id eq $data->{uid}->[0]) { $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{email}, $email); } $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{birthdate}, $data->{birthdate}->[0]); $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{address}, $address); $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{latlong}, $latlong); $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{phone}, $data->{telephonenumber}->[0] || "- unlisted -"); $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{fax}, $data->{fascimiletelephonenumber}->[0] || "- unlisted -"); $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{VoIP}, $data->{voip}->[0] || "- unlisted -"); $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{lastseen}, $lastseen); # $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{created}, $created); # $outsub{searchresults} .= FormatEntry($dataspecref->{modified}, $modified); } $outsub{searchresults} .= "
'."$name "; $outsub{searchresults} .= "($ufdn)
"; # If this is ourselves, present a link to do mods if ($auth && ($id eq $data->{uid}->[0])) { #TODO: extract this string into a url for translation... $outsub{searchresults} .= "Edit my settings\n"; } $outsub{searchresults} .= "

\n"; } # Finally, we can write the output... yuck... &Util::HTMLSendHeader; foreach (@$lineref) { if (/<\?ifauth(.+?)\?>/) { $_ = ($auth ? $1 : ""); } elsif (/<\?ifnoauth(.+?)\?>/) { $_ = ($auth ? "" : $1); } s/~(.+?)~/$outsub{$1}/g; print; } $ldap->unbind; } sub ParseResult { # Reads the output html file and find out how the output should be named # -- this gives us a way to do translations more easily # Returns the contents of the template (w/o the searchresult portion) and # the output specification my $fn = shift; my $insec = 0; my @lines; my %hash; open (F, "<$fn") || &Util::HTMLError("$fn: $!"); while () { if (!$insec) { if (/<\?searchresults/i) { $insec = 1; push(@lines, "~searchresults~\n"); # Leave token so we know where to put the result } else { push(@lines, $_); } } else { if (/searchresults\?>/i) { $insec = 0; } else { if (!/^\s*#/) { s/^ *\(//; s/\) *$//; # remove leading/trailing () and spaces chomp; my ($desc, $attr) = split(/, /, $_, 2); $hash{$attr} = $desc; } } } } close F; return (\@lines, \%hash); } sub FormatEntry { my ($key, $val) = @_; return "$key: $val\n"; } exit 0;